Chapter 74 – Icy Voice

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In the streets of New York City in the morning, a black limousine was driving silently through the city. Their destination was the store and office of “Noble Déesse,” a brand owned by Kyosuke’s mother, who has been serving as its president.


Silence pervaded the car, with everyone keeping their mouths shut. Not a word was spoken, nor was there anything to say to Kyosuke. They could only have faith that Kyosuke would successfully convey his feelings to his mother.

Roughly thirty minutes after departing the fast-food outlet, the golden letters denoting the brand’s name came into view across the street, where there were scarcely crowds in the morning.

Eventually, a limousine slowly came to a stop.

There, more than ten meters away from the store, was a parking lot adjacent to an after-hours eatery. To avoid being spotted by Kyosuke’s mother, Kouki’s father instructed the driver to drive the limousine to the restaurant.

“Now, do you want me and Kouki to wait for further contact from you, Natsume?”

“Ah, indeed. Thanks for your help.”

“Got it.”

“Okay… Kyosuke, Yuu, let’s go.”

“… Yes.”

When Natsume called out to Kyosuke, the latter swallowed a gulp before replying, and Yuu gave a nod.

“Tomoya and I would wait near the store once you inform us that you have reached there.”

“I understand.”

With his apprehension palpable, Kyosuke walked side by side with Yuu while Natsume and Tomoya followed behind them. Despite seemingly being a distance of ten meters, they were swiftly inching closer and closer to the store.

A glass-walled store.

An automatic door entrance in the center.

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On both sides, there were three mannequins standing at the display window, each dressed in fashionable costume.

When Natsume took a peek at the entrance of the store, which was not open for business yet, three female employees were engaged in preparing for the opening of the store. The employees’ attention was too absorbed in their work to take notice of them.

I guess there’s no helping it…

Releasing a soft sigh, Natsume lightly knocked on the glass automatic door. At the sound, all three employees became aware and directed their attention to Natsume.

After a slight bow, a woman with black hair that was styled in a bobbed haircut, who had the features of a Japanese woman, approached, unlocked the door, and opened it with her hand. Since it was still before opening, the automatic sensor was unresponsive.

Turning to the woman who opened the glass door somewhat wearily, Natsume called out to her.

“Do you understand Japanese?”

“Yes, I do.”

Despite the rough appearance and questionable tone of his voice that drew a suspicious response, Natsume slightly upturned the corners of his mouth at the reply, and pulled Kyosuke’s shoulder towards him, forcing him to stand between himself and the other party.

“Your president’s son has come to meet her, and didn’t you hear a word about it? His name is Ichinose Kyosuke, do you recognize this face?”

“Eh, the president’s son!! I-I understand!”

At a glimpse of Kyosuke’s face while listening to Natsume’s words, the female employee hurriedly invited all four of them in, looking flustered before swiftly moving away to the back of the store.

The four of them stood together near the entrance, avoiding glancing around the store as much as possible.

Although silent for a few moments, Natsume whispered a final confirmation before the female employee returned.

“From her reaction, it seems that your mother is here. After Kyosuke and Yuu are ushered in, Tomoya and I will step outside. Understood?”

At the question, the three of them nodded in unison. Before long, the employee from earlier returned, and she motioned to them as if to say, ‘This way please”. As Kyosuke shot an unsettling glance at Natsume once, he nodded with the corner of his mouth lifted.

“I’ll be waiting.”

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With a substantial confident nod, Kyosuke followed the female employee, holding hands firmly with Yuu.

The back of the store was off-limits to all unrelated parties. On the side of the hallway, a staircase leading upwards lay discreetly. As they followed the female employee up the stairs, their heels echoing, they silently followed her and reached the third floor.

At the very end of the corridor, Ichinose Airi was there.

The staff kept moving ahead without stopping. With each step, the door to the president’s office edged even nearer. The palm of the hand that was connected to Yuu’s was sweating. Sensing the tension keenly, Yuu exerted a tinge of pressure on Kyosuke’s hand, as if to say, “It’s okay.”

Not long after, they arrived at the door of the president’s office, a noble-looking one. The female employee knocked politely.

“President, I have brought them here.”

After calling out through the door, the female employee bowed to Kyosuke, strode back down the hallway she came from and descended the stairs.


An unprecedented level of strain washed over Kyosuke.

Although he remained motionless for a while, neither was there a call from the other side of the door nor was there any sign of the door opening. He could tell that he was not welcome or that she didn’t like it.

“… Hah.”

After sighing to compose himself, Kyosuke grabbed the doorknob and opened it slowly.


The first thing that struck him was the navy blue, high-end-looking carpet. Kyosuke stepped in quietly and boldly opened the door.

“Can’t you even say ‘excuse me’?”

Kyosuke’s eardrums shuddered uncomfortably at the icy woman’s voice.

“… Excuse me.”

His breathing was shaky, and he lifted his gaze, as the other person uttered the words.

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A mother’s face that resembled his own. Her legs were crossed in front of the president’s desk, where she stood in a leaning posture. The other person, whose demeanor was so imposing that she folded his hands, was glaring at Kyosuke with an intensely icy gaze.

“You’re truly a bad kid. The only thing we are alike is the face.”


The words, which were not unlike those of a mother reunited with her child after a long time, relentlessly hurt Kyosuke’s heart. Unable to bear staring at such a person, he slowly dropped his gaze to his feet.

“I’m sorry…”

When Kyosuke muttered an apology, it was Yuu who widened his eyes.

Kyosuke, you did nothing wrong.

Her chilly voice penetrated through the red gaze and Yuu’s thoughts as she directed them at Kyosuke.

“This is strange. I believe I only sent a single boarding pass?”

With this question, Kyosuke perceived that his mother’s target had been shifted away from him. Her frosty glance and words were now aimed at Yuu.

“If I recall correctly, you are one of the Sonohara’s children, aren’t you? Are you still hanging out with my kid? This boy is on his way to marry a rich young lady and live here from now on. I’m sorry you had to travel all the way here, but you have to leave.”


Next to Kyosuke, who could not articulate anything, Yuu mustered up all his valor in a small voice to signify his refusal.


The replying question was acute and painful.


Yuu stammered, his voice faltering as he arched an eyebrow with a hint of disgust. The other’s frigid remarks did not abate.

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“I’m not paying heed to your opinion. Get the hell out of here.”


While Yuu desperately made an appeal and refused to back down, Airi gnashed her rear teeth.

“Get out of here!!”

The screeching reverberated across the room, and ultimately drove Yuu to shrink back and retreat behind Kyosuke.

He didn’t want his beloved to be wounded.

Kyosuke opened his mouth willfully.

“… Mother… wait.”

“You just have to shut up and listen to whatever I tell you. Don’t give me any trouble.”

Her voice carried an icy tone mixed with a sigh, yet her tone was abruptly calm and collected. For some reason, that sent a chill down his spine.

“… I-I am not going to live with you. Even the arbitrary marriage proposals, I refuse to accept it… I’m going to be with Yuu…”

The words he was assembling with all his force gradually wavered, eventually trailing off. Airi’s heels thumped on the carpet. As the other slowly inched closer, Kyosuke froze as if he was a frog being glared at by a serpent.

Finally, his mother advanced up to meet his eyes and regarded him coldly.

“… Mother…”

Right after Kyosuke muttered in a trembling voice came a snap! With a resounding noise, Airi’s slap landed on Kyosuke’s left cheek. It was so harsh and aggressive that Kyosuke staggered to the right, then collapsed and sank to the ground with his hands behind his back.


Yuu hastily moved to his knees and put his hands on both of Kyosuke’s shoulders before shooting a hostile glare at Airi.

The other party did not bat an eye at Yuu but instead glared at Kyosuke manifesting her wrath.

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