Evening Snow

Chapter 2

ES c2: Their Eyes Met

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July 15th, 2023

Rong Lian glanced over absent-mindedly, knitted his eyebrows together, unleashed his boundless Divine Sense that rushed down from above the clouds, accurately pinpointing the black clothed youth’s gaze before he could retract it.

Their eyes met.

Zong Ci’s heart leapt. He quickly looked away, pretending to have accidentally looked over, furrowing his brows as he looked ahead of him.

Even if his cultivation base was lost, Zong Ci’s perception still alerted him that that person had yet to look away from him. Instead, the gaze got all the more intense, becoming something tangible prickling the crown of his head, numbing his scalp.

Those seated on the Cloud Platform are generally in the Astral Projection Stage. The moment Rong Lian unleashed his Divine Sense, the others turned towards him.

“Your highness Rong Lian, is something the matter?”

Tai Yan Sect’s Sect Leader Qing Yun1 asked.

“No, not at all.”

The Yao Emperor reclined on his seat, supporting his head with one hand, his ink black hair cascading down and splaying across the surface of the chair like a waterfall. He did not retract his gaze.

Rong Lian’s flamboyant and wanton demeanour was something the officials of the Yao Race were long used to. On the other side, the elders have instructed the inner sect disciples before so they dared not even risk a single glance over, afraid that they would lose themselves and birth internal demons they should not have.

It was only after  a while, did he open his mouth, “That black clothed disciple standing at the forefront, which distinguished pupil of Tai Yan Sect is he?”

“He is not.” One of the peak masters answered. “Merely a dime-a-dozen outer sect disciple.”

An outer sect disciple?

Rong Lian grew more interested.

He did not know why, but this outer sect disciple felt familiar to Rong Lian. As for what sort of familiarity, he could not put a finger on it in that instance either.

There are very few cultivators in the Qi Refining stage that dared to lay their eyes on an Almighty2 cultivator in the Astral Projection stage.

The Yao Emperor’s slender fingers were covered by the wide sleeves of his red, silken robes, drumming erratically atop the side of his seat. The corner of his lips quirked up as he pondered.

Since the other’s gaze lingered on him for so long, without doing anything to conceal it, he thought that the other was definitely trying to attract his attention, or at least hinted at such an intention.

Rong Lian had seen such a method plenty of times. 

Rong Lian’s original body was that of a Nine Tailed Fox Yao, specialising in the art of charm. His looks is naturally one in a million, able to claim first place even in the world of cultivation where the standard of outward appearance were above average. After he reached the Exiting Orifices stage, his charm increased and he could even manipulate it at will, suffusing his entire being down to his blood and bones. He had tens of thousands of admirers that were attracted to his status and looks. Many low level cultivators were dazzled and stunned by the brilliant halo that surrounded him, revealing their unsightly side.

The black clothed youth’s appearance and demeanour were to his liking. Even the Yao Emperor found a person with such outstanding looks and disposition refreshingly rare.

Rong Lian thought of all these casually, soon retracting his Divine Sense.

Forget it. A cultivator at the third level of the Qi Refining stage could be found anywhere and wasn’t worth even a half bit of his attention. He definitely wasn’t an indiscriminately ravenous individual that made moves on someone from the younger generation.

The others seated on the Cloud Platform, upon hearing the Yao Emperor mention the outer sect disciple suddenly, couldn’t help but feel puzzled at that moment. 

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Just now, before the Yao Race arrived, that disciple that took the lead had also captured the attention of the Tai Yan Sect’s executives then. Other than his appearance and disposition, he was a commoner, nothing spectacular.

They did not believe in coincidences and secretly released their Divine Sense to probe once more. They were baffled to find nothing at all, only becoming more perplexed than before.

What was there to pay attention to about a disciple in the third level of the Qi Refining stage?

The alliance between the Yao Race and Tai Yan sect was no accident. If one recounted the events, it was more of a coincidence. 

Half a year ago, the Wintry Moon Secret Realm that only appeared once every thousand years, appeared.

Because the Wintry Moon Secret Realm was a realm left behind by the ancient beast race taotie3, the entire world of cultivation and especially the Yao Race attached a lot of importance to it.

Everyone who practised Yao Cultivation carried the hopes of getting lucky enough to inherit the teachings of the ancients that were within the secret realm. Hundreds answered to a single call to conquer, all of them eagerly went to participate.

What no one knew was that after the disciples of the Yao Race had all left for the secret realm, the enigmatic Lord of the Ghost Field attacked. Taking advantage of the Yao Race’s lowered defence, the Lord, along with his seven City Lords, struck like a thunderbolt right at the heart of the Yao Race’s territory.

The Ghost Cultivators not only stole an artefact that was consecrated within the Palace of Ten Thousand Gods, they also razed the Yao Race’s territory to the ground and gravely injured Yao Emperor Rong Lian.

It is only after the attack that shocked the entire world of cultivation passed did everyone find out that the Lord of the Ghost Field had long since ascended past the Exiting Orifices stage to the Great Vehicle stage. The Lord had been keeping it a secret for the sole purpose of catching the Yao Race off guard, hiding it deeply.

This move of the Ghost Field was tantamount to a slap on the face for the Yao Race, and much more to the normally flamboyant Rong Lian.

Therefore, as Rong Lian was recuperating, the officials of the Yao Race rushed tirelessly to contact Tai Yan Sect, the head of the Righteous Dao, extending an olive branch with the intention of uniting together to eradicate the Ghost Field.

There had not been any major wars in the world of cultivation for the last ten thousand years. The different factions all tacitly agreed to a set of long standing territorial rules.

No matter how one looked at the situation, it was a matter between the Yao Race and Ghost Cultivators. The Righteous Dao had no intention of meddling. Just when they were about to reject the Yao Race’s request, the grandmaster of Tai Yan Sect that had been in closed door cultivation for hundreds of years sent out a message. It consisted of four words — Agree to the alliance.

The executives of Tai Yan Sect looked at each other in blank dismay.

Grandmaster Qing Xu was one of two Almighty cultivators in the world of cultivation that had reached the Adversity Overcoming stage. Tai Yan Sect followed his lead. Even the Sect Leader Qing Yun was a junior that could only nod his head and bow4 (servile) in his presence. When the venerable old person opened his mouth, the executives dared not defy him, hence the matter was decided.

Even though it was decided, the executives of Tai Yan Sect still have some reluctance in their hearts.

The Yao Race usually assumed an air of superiority, looking down on human cultivators the most. Although both races had not engaged in major wars, the number of minor and major conflicts between them were not few.

After the event, however, the tempestuous undercurrent lurking in the atmosphere on the Cloud Platform had vanished. In fact, there were conversations and smiles. It was much more harmonious compared to when they had to maintain a superficial front.

Far below, Zong Ci had been waiting for a long time. He waited until he couldn’t feel the probing of any more Divine Senses. His heart that was suspended high up finally plummeted  back down to where it was supposed to be.

Deviation into the demonic path was a taboo in the world of cultivation. Once a cultivator appeared, there would definitely be people that would gather to encircle and annihilate.

When a common cultivator goes through Qi Deviation, they are converted into a demonic cultivator halfway through the process. Once a common cultivator deviates, their personality and temperament change drastically, becoming extremely cruel. Their cultivation paths crumbled, only able to cultivate by killing, an extremely distorted and evil path.

However, the prowess of demonic cultivators is twice that of a common cultivator. It is fortunate that they have unique external characteristics and they make a ruckus when they transform. As such, everyone takes advantage of the moment of weakness the demonic cultivator has when they are in the midst of deviating, killing them decisively for the greater good.

In Zong Ci’s previous lifetime, he sacrificed his body and deviated for the greater good.

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Opposed by all and deserted by his friends, his heart died, his hopes reduced to ash. Right before the demon’s will devoured his mind and soul, he chose to end his life.

The Immortal Flames of Samadhi5 burned his body until there was nothing left. 

Zong Ci did not leave himself a way out when he ended his life. He should have reincarnated but his soul had yet to enter the Samsara Cycle and miraculously came back to life a thousand years later. He had no idea what went wrong in the process. 

After his rebirth, Zong Ci deliberately created a body that was vastly different from his previous appearance, just so no one would know that he came back to life.

If news that the Sky Soaring Sword Saint6 (Zong Ci’s title) had not died were to spread, he was afraid his ending would be that of his previous lifetime, where no one believed him, their swords turned against him. Although Zong Ci said that he would let go of his hate, he doesn’t want nor have it in him to go through such an experience again.

In this life, he no longer wants to be head and shoulder above the others7 (to stand out) or desire high positions and great wealth8. He only wants to live for himself.

Zong Ci relaxed his heart and mind, not wanting his emotions to waver too much, since it usually causes his vital energy9 to attack his heart and results in him coughing up blood.

Scarlet blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, dripping onto the plain and white ground to form a bewitching, bloody bloom.

“Zong-xiong, are you alright?”

The outer sect disciple standing beside him seemed to have been frightened, suddenly turning his head over, eyes filled with concern.

Seeing the outer sect disciple’s face, in the next second, Zong Ci’s heart shuddered slightly.

He was the extremely enthusiastic disciple that brought news of the alliance back to the Cold Dormitory and directed the flow of conversation to incite Zong Ci to come and see what was happening.

He had no idea why. This person had a common, easily forgettable, unremarkable face, yet Zong Ci still felt something remotely off about him.

“No matter.” He balled his hands into a fist and replied lightly.

“But you vomited blood…”

The expression on the outer sect disciple’s face was one of extreme concern. He lowered his head and rummaged  through his storage bag, fishing out a handkerchief and gave it to Zong Ci in a friendly manner: “This is a handkerchief I have never used before. If Zong-xiong doesn’t mind, quickly use it to wipe the blood off.”

“Usually you’re the one taking care of us, so please don’t feel bad. Oh right, Zong-xiong doesn’t know my name yet. I am Liu Yuan, a fellow outer sect disciple that lives in the neighbouring dormitory.”

“Thank you Liu-xiong (Liu Yuan) for your concern, there is no need.”

Zong Ci discreetly scanned over the handkerchief that he could tell was of exquisite quality at a glance. Turning his head, he took out a rough cloth from his own sleeve.

Seeing the black clothed youth using his own handkerchief to wipe off the traces of blood staining the corner of his mouth, Liu Yuan’s eyes darkened, but very briefly. However, his expression didn’t show anything. As if everything was fine as usual, he kept the handkerchief back into his storage bag, retracting both hands into his wide sleeves.

Because they were standing at the very front, the outer sect disciples behind them, immersed in the martial arts competition on the stage, didn’t notice this minor incident.

At this point in time, the battle had reached its climax.

On one side was Qing Ze, the rising star of the young generation of cultivators, someone who could lead them, someone perfectly capable, someone who formed a golden core in less than 300 years.

On the other side was a direct disciple of Tai Yan Sect’s Sabre Peak, the First Senior Martial Brother10, Dao Zhongxue. Allegedly, he is the second most talented Tai Yan Sect disciple, right after the Sword Immortal Xuan Ji. However, he formed his golden core slightly later than the Three Clawed Green Jiao11 (Qing Ze’s true Yao body and title).

Both Qing Ze and Dao Zhongxue were exceptional amongst the young generation of cultivators. Although it was said that this was a friendly match, the outcome of the battle still greatly affected the reputation of both factions. Neither side wanted to lose, and so the battle only got more and more intense as they used up their trump cards for the sake of victory. 

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However, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Dao Zhongxue was currently in a disadvantageous position.

In a fight between experts, under the condition that it wasn’t a battle to the death, once one side is in a disadvantageous position, their defeat is set in stone. But it just so happens that Dao Zhongxue had exceptional agility, his movements as swift as shadow, as traceless as an apparition12. It was difficult for his Yao opponent to track him down. 

Although the battle between them was very exciting, according to the current rate of development, they could drag it on for three days and nights.

They exchanged blows in a flash yet again, before Dao Zhongxue suddenly assumed an attack stance, positioning his sabre before him. He pulled free the wine flask secured around his waist and took a large swig from it.

The translucent drops of wine flowed down his chest then his blade, igniting sparks that became a billowing blaze on the glinting surface of his sabre.

Feeling such a sharp sabre intent13, Qing Ze retracted his prior impulsiveness immediately

His eyes suddenly transformed to vertical, slit shaped pupils that belonged to a cold blooded animal. His arms were covered with green jiao scales, his sharpened nails glinting coldly. 

“It would seem this rascal wants to decide the outcome of the battle with a single blow.”

This move not only gathered the attention of both faction’s disciples, but also the elders seated on the Cloud Platform, who raised their brows at the sight.

When the sabre was drenched in liquor, fueling the flames to now completely engulf it, Dao Zhongxue took in a huge breath, channelling an ample amount of spiritual power. His breathing slowed as he focused, then he pushed the gathered power forward lightly.


Although his movements were not big, in actuality, this move had exhausted all of Dao Zhongxue’s strength.

This is the materialisation of sabre qi?!

The Almighty cultivators seated on the Cloud Platform gave each other a sidelong glance.

The materialisation of qi was the dividing line between a high level cultivator and a top level cultivator. Even if a cultivator had extraordinary talent, they could only materialise qi at the Nascent Soul stage.

But Dao Zhongxue was only at the Golden Core stage!

The light from the blaze accompanied that ray of sabre qi, which was spreading at the same rate as the crimson flames. It separated from its physical counterpart, its form suspended in mid-air

This ray of sabre qi was sharp and brilliant, yet its tail end was dark and dull, imperfect.

“No, that is not counted as materialisation of sabre qi. He has only achieved half of it at most.”

One of the Yao race’s court officials looked closer, traces of admiration in his eyes: “Even so, to have a Golden Core stage cultivator that is able to replicate the materialisation of sabre qi, your esteemed sect is brimming with talents!”

The Sabre Peak’s peak master smiled, smoothing over his own beard and accepted this courteous compliment. “Not at all. Thank you for the praise.”

As everyone was happily chatting, an unforeseen event happened.

As the pseudo-sabre qi was about to fully form, Dao Zhongxue, who had a calm expression, knitted his eyebrows tightly together all of a sudden. Large beads of sweat dripped off his forehead as his hands that held the sabre started shaking uncontrollably.

Between the flashes of lightning and flamelight, the sabre wielder suddenly let go of his weapon, staggering backwards and coincidentally out of the stage’s protective boundary. He half knelt on the ground as the sabre fell with a loud “Kuangdang14—“

That ray of freshly formed pseudo-sabre qi was now an imposing wildfire. Without any form of protection or suppression, it had seemingly come to life as a violent dragon, baring its sharp fangs and charging towards the side of the stage.

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Coincidentally, at the very side where the sabre fell towards, at the very front of the group of disciples that would bear the brunt of the attack, was Zong Ci.


(1) Qing Yun-[zi] (青云子): Zi is a suffix to indicate the name that was given when they enter the sect. Not their birth name.

Also, when people of the same generation/hierarchy call the person informally, there is the Zi suffix. Kinda like Mr/ Miss/ Mdm/ Dr. but for cultivators.

I omitted it for the sake of smooth reading, but that’s just a cool little cultural tidbit.

(2) Almighty (大能): It is a title/ general term for extremely powerful cultivators. Maybe you have seen it left in pinyin as da neng.

(3) Taotie (饕餮): A race of ferocious mythical beast. They are known for their greed and gluttony. They are also known as one of the ‘four evil creatures’ in the world. They’re also ‘commonly emblazoned on bronze and other artifacts during the 1st millennium BC’ (wikipedia).

More info here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taotie 

(4) Nod his head and bow (点头哈腰) [idiom]: Obsequious; obedient and attentive to an excessive or servile degree

(5) The Immortal Flames of Samadhi (三昧仙火): Most likely a parody of the ‘True Fire of Samadhi’ that appeared in the Journey to the West. It is an inextinguishable flame used by one of the antagonist named the Red Boy.

More info here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Boy 

(6) Sky Soaring Sword Saint (凌云剑尊): Zong Ci’s title literally translated. Yes, I deliberately had it be SSSS for the lols.

On a more nuanced note, it’s a reference to the various Ninth Heaven references in the first chapter. Zong Ci had been at the pinnacle, seeing beyond the Ninth Heavens. The character for ‘heavens’ could also be translated to sky, and 凌云 literally translates to soaring to the skies. I thought it was fitting. 

Alternatively and metaphorically, 凌云 could also be translated as lofty ambitions, which could also work since Zong Ci was someone with noble, important, and admirable ideals, with the height of his ‘career’ also being conveyed. But Sword Saint of Lofty Ambitions just…doesn’t have that same ring, y’know?

(7) To be head and shoulder above the others (出人头地): to stand out, to excel

(8) High positions and great wealth (荣华富贵): literally translates to glory, splendour, wealth and rank

(9) Vital energy (气血): Literally translates to qi and blood.

(10) First Senior Martial Brother (大师兄): Commonly translated at First Senior Martial Brother. Isn’t necessarily the first disciple or the oldest, just first in seniority due to ability.

(11) Three Clawed Green Jiao (三爪青蛟): It’s referring to Qing Ze, who is a yao. I’m guessing that’s his real body. A jiao is a legendary dragon with the ability to control rain and floods.

(12) Movements as swift as shadow, as traceless as an apparition (鬼影迷踪): Literally translates to ghost shadow lost track.

‘Lost track fist’ (迷踪罗汉拳) is also a form of Chinese martial art. It’s a tiny tidbit.

(13) Sabre intent (刀意): A dangerous aura emitted from a sword or master swordsman [sabre in this case] which causes others to feel as if they’re about to be cut by a sword. In some novels, experts can even create physical manifestations (consisting of energy and their knowledge of sword-arts) with their Sword Intent [Sabre intent in this case], and this can be used to attack their foes.

Credit of explanation goes to: https://immortalmountain.wordpress.com/glossary/wuxia-xianxia-xuanhuan-terms/#cultivation 

(14) Kuangdang (哐当): The sound of metal clattering on the floor. I directly translated to the hanyu pinyin of the words- Kuāngdāng.

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