Ever Ever After

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Rita Brea

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Don’t worry too much?

What a strange woman. Clint found it difficult to look at her face. A strange woman indeed. But it warmed his heart for reasons unknown and almost… pitiable.

No… why on earth should he feel sorry for a woman who’d soon become empress? Even with his shallow knowledge of magic, the curse could be shared easily to the servants. She’ll get better soon.

Getting late, Clint decided to leave.

Ailea pulled the window up and said to Clint walking through the garden, “I’ll pray for you.”

This was one of the bravest acts she would ever do for she felt much gratitude towards a man that was akin to a stranger. And so, she would pray for him. It was the only thing she could do.

Clint looked up at Ailea. His mouth, which always smiled like a loose screw, shut tight.

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He didn’t believe in prayers. 

But if she were to pray, Clint hoped that she’d pray for herself and not for his own sake.


A few days later, Lawrence’s servant visited Ailea and informed her that the Crown Prince was commanding her to come to his office.

Ailea remembered this very moment in her life and vividly so.

With only a few days left before the wedding, she ran to him with all the few decorations she had. While Clint Risher was tasked to recapture the castle of Geneva, Ailea was informed to take a longer rest.

That day, Ailea’s mind foretold that she would never be able to return to the Imperial Castle, so she knelt down on the spot and begged Lawrence not to kick her out.

Ailea smiled.

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Fortunately, this time, she won’t be begging on her knees. There would be none of that for she knew begging was futile.


Ailea walked across the Imperial City after a long while. She covered her face with a hat surrounded by a black veil so none would see the black marks on her face.

There were many noblewomen and their friends and maids following behind them, all enjoying themselves as they basked under the sun of the Imperial City.

Ailea moved as fast as she could. The more she lingered, the more she envied the free pleasures those women could partake in. At the same time, she felt ashamed from the way they looked at her.

At the center of the group was Rita Brea. For the sake of her happiness, Lawrence killed Ailea. Her hair was darker than Ailea’s platinum blonde. And compared to her light blue eyes, Rita’s was like that of a clear jewel. Rita was a woman who stood out wherever she went.

Rita’s gaze moved upwards. Ailea, too, followed. On the second floor was the Crown Prince’s office. 

Lawrence looked down at Rita, meeting her gaze.

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The two openly shared their love like fools. 

Lamenting, Ailea headed for Lawrence’s office. Walking inside and unveiling herself, she greeted Teniac Empire’s Crown Prince.

“Ailea, long time no see.” 

Lawrence managed to muster a gentle greeting.

“You too, Your Highness.”

Lawrence was born in the Imperial City and grew up without discomfort all his life. The biggest pain he had ever suffered was Ailea. He never liked that woman from the very beginning. The mere fact that he’d have to marry a woman he didn’t love irritated him.

A girl at the age of thirteen and a shy personality to add, nothing caught his eyes. What could the young girl ever possibly hope to give him? There was none, only annoyance that she was born and engaged to him.

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However, at around sixteen, he began to notice her and her beauty that made him stumble and dizzy for a moment. At that point, he was willing to accept her as his partner. But not long after, a curse possessed her. The skin, which was white like pearls, began to show black spots. Then, her whole body became spotted like a cow.

Lawrence kept his distance from her since then, only maintaining a cordial and friendly face for the sake of maintaining appearances.

“I heard your skin’s getting worse each day.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Hot spring water is good for skin diseases.”

“I understand.”

Before she died, her heart throbbed seeing him take interest in her sickness. It was the first time he showed concern since she was afflicted with the diseases, and she had thought he was asking her to take a proper rest before marriage.

But then, the next thing he said saddened her.

“Why don’t we postpone our marriage a little and heal your skin outside? Clint’s leaving Imperial City soon, too.”

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