Ever Ever After

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Stunning, Right?

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Ailea tilted her head. Clint’s abrupt question surprised her. Not what she expected.

“You don’t know me well, Ailea. You got dumped from your engagement with the Crown Prince and His Majesty forced a marriage unto you with me, someone you don’t know well…” Clint’s voice croaked. “So, why? Why were you so happy when I proposed to you?”

“Hmm…” Ailea smiled lightly. “Because I could finally write a letter to my family that I’m happily married. I won’t have to lie to them…”

Clint’s expression hardened.

You don’t know the kind of person I am. What if I’m not the type of person you imagined me to be? Would you be disappointed? How do you know the type of treatment you’ll get in the future isn’t some grand ideal happiness? Why would you be happy because of that simple reason?

Clint held back the questions devouring his mind and asked, “Anything else? Is there anything you want out of this marriage?”

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“There is one.”

“What is it?” He thought she had none, but there was. “What is it?” he repeated, heart anxious.

“I hope you’ll be able to live happily, not unhappy because you’re married to me.” She took out her share of the apple pie from the picnic basket and continued, “I want you to be happy.”

But what do you want, Ailea?

It seemed like she had no other desire for life but to provide relief for her family and to make sure he was happy. Did she have no dreams for herself? No aspirations? Somehow, he felt undeserving of her. He ate his share of the apple pie and did not look at her any further. He was afraid of frightening her. His heart was a calamitous storm; he was angry but he could not point out why.


A few days later, Clint headed to the emperor’s office. The emperor decided to legitimize Clint and Ailea’s marriage. A certification of marriage from the emperor was rare, even amongst the royal family. Clint was one of those rare cases.

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The emperor handed Clint a piece of paper verifying Ailea Elgar Euliana and Clint Risher’s marriage as legitimate and a true married couple.

“Have you met Ailea yet?” asked the emperor.

Clint bowed. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

The emperor nodded. “She’s a good person. She’s more than what you deserve.”

Clint smiled reluctantly. He wondered if the emperor even remembers her face. He behaved like a well-mannered gentleman in front of royalty, but it drove him wild. He was not able to act his usual self. He wanted to get away as soon as possible.

Lawrence was nearby, too. He kept a keen watch on Clint’s countenance. He was sure Clint had seen Ailea’s face, yet he did not show any particular response. Rather, he seemed determined to accept the emperor’s words. Lawrence was aware that Clint was a man pretending to be a womanizer to avoid the royal family’s eyes. He would never have the courage to protest against the emperor.

Clint’s calm face coincided with Ailea’s calm acceptance of her broken engagement with Lawrence. He suddenly remembered the Ailea from two years ago. She was like that then. He thought she would cry and beg not to be sent to the Outer Castle, but instead, she was eager to leave.

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It was strange.

Lawrence’s face froze for a moment. Had they known each other for the past two years? Was it the reason why the two of them were so calm? While concerned, he burst out in laughter. Preposterous. There was no way Ailea would remove her veil and show herself to others, nor would a womanizer like Clint Risher show interest in a hideous beast. There’s no one in this world who would ever show interestq towards an ugly beast like her.

Lawrence, sitting silently next to Clint, asked, “Are you living in the Outer Castle with her?”

“Yes, I am.”

“She’s stunning, right?” Lawrence prodded, asking with a sarcastic expression.

“Is it alright for you to give the woman you care about so much to me?”

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“Of course,” Lawrence shrugged, “It’s a shame,  but if it’s for you…”

“Hmm?” Clint tilted his head.

“Take good care of the border, Clint.”

“I like the capital city far too much. Should I go? Ailea isn’t acclimated to such an environment.”

“How is your wife’s health?” Lawrence asked.

“It’s not too bad for you to worry about, Your Highness,” Clint said gravely.

Lawrence felt varying emotions from Clint’s words warning him to draw a line and keep away from Ailea.

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