Ever Ever After

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: How Her Life Would Be

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Right after the knighting ceremony, the festivity continued well into the night. Ailea told Clint that she’d head back to the mansion thereafter, but secretly, she wanted to remain. But she couldn’t.

Clint’s appearance during the knighting ceremony overwhelmed Ailea, more than the fire that caused her death. And she wasn’t the only one. Everyone present stared blankly at Clint. The presence of the skirt-chasing knight they once perceived was gone. He was no longer the carefree and mischievous knight they once knew.

Ailea, who planned to return to the mansion, looked at the women in colorful dresses in the distance and the men who whispered sweet words in their ears. She hugged Blue tightly. The cute, little cat insisted on following her.

“I think this is a good experience…” Ailea muttered, her heart trembling. “As the host, I’ll have to hold a party at Excalibur Castle. I’m worried, though.”

The noble ladies’ virtue was their class. They wore trendsetting dresses and could throw classy parties at anytime, but Ailea had none of that trait. She sighed, petting Blue. She’ll need to do a little bit of research. She patted her veil and left for the mansion. When she sensed someone approaching her from afar, she grew frightened and hid behind the tree. Her eyes widened seeing the figures grow bigger.

It was Clint and several aristocrats gathered around him. Clint looked happy. He fit in with them so well. Ailea lowered her eyes. The men desired his authority and the beautiful noblewomen wished to steal his heart. Clint smiled and made light jokes. It instantly sent the noblewomen in a swoon.

Then, Rita approached Clint. She wrapped her dainty hand against his muscular and firm arms.

“Are you having fun?” she asked coyly.

Rita was of pure beauty. Her blonde hair curled up with hot heat exuded somewhat of an innocent yet sultry vibe.

Clint smiled charmingly. “Yes. I’m just relieved that it’s over.”

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“Where is your wife?”

“She’s not feeling well. She should be heading home.”

Rita nudged Clint’s arm. “It’s too bad that she couldn’t come to this party.”


“…I’ll check on His Highness and see how he’s faring. Goodbye, Clint Risher.”

She waved her hand and left. The eyes of many turned toward her, some daring to follow the beautiful Rita Brea. They knew she was the Crown Prince’s woman, but still, their desire was far greater than their fear.

Rita Brea, she was a goddess.

Ailea turned around and left. This was how her life would be. Clint would always live in the limelight and she in the shadows.

She had almost forgotten this.


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Ailea returned to the mansion feebly. Shantee and Kaiton returned much earlier than her. Perhaps they didn’t find the food to their liking.

Kaiton approached Ailea. “Where have you been?”

“Ah, I was just walking around, Lord Loranstein.”

When Ailea deliberately addressed his title, Kaiton scratched his head. His cheeks were painted with a pink blush. “Ah, no… please just call me by my name. It’s a bit awkward.

“Our Lady Ailea can’t do that. What if our Grand Duke gets jealous?” Shantee chimed in.

“Wh-what? Why would he be jealous? He’s been calling all the women… ah… sorry…” Kaiton, who spoke too soon without realizing, slapped himself in the mouth. “Anyways, since we’re not at the royal after-party, what do you think of us holding our own small celebration?”

Ailea tilted her head. “Yes?”

“Please choose the prettiest dress to wear, Lady Ailea. I’m sure you’ll look beautiful,” Shantee said with a clapping motion.

“Then let’s ask the maids to prepare us lots of food!” Kaiton beamed.

“N-no… there’s no—”

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“I’ll drag our Grand Duke along with us!”

Kaiton and Shantee meant to console Ailea because she was unable to attend the after-party ceremony. While Ailea was left at a loss, the two knights ran away separately.

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20 Chapters | Legendary ★★★★★★☆ 

Ch. 70 Visiting a Doctor Ch. 69 Not a Beast Ch. 68 Memories Shared Ch. 67 House of Risher History Ch. 66 Taking Responsibility Ch. 65 What They Had Lost Ch. 64 Painful Memories

13 Chapters | Master ★★★★☆

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Ch. 63 Fleeting Joke Ch. 62 Clint’s Sincerity Ch. 61 His Protectiveness Ch. 60 Marriage With Rita

9 Chapters | Expert ★★★☆

Ch. 59 Come Here, Wife Ch. 58 Her Rudeness Ch. 57 Pretty

6 Chapters | Adept ★★★☆

Ch. 56 Confused Ch. 55 Shall We Kiss? Ch. 54 Buy a Dress

3 Chapters | Apprentice ★★☆

Ch. 53 What She Sees Ch. 52 Heavy Thoughts Ch. 51 Thank You, Husband

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