Ever Ever After

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Pretty

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Two days later, Ailea tried the dress, leaving her in a daze. She had never worn a fancy dress. She wore a round petticoat and a dazzling mixture of a white and sky-blue dress on top of it. It was a dress that emphasized her thin arms and waist.

Clint looked at Ailea for a moment. Her platinum blonde was woven with red flowers like a headband. She looked beautiful, ethereal.

“It’s my first time dressing up like this. Isn’t it fancy?”

The knight’s heart ached for his wife. To be so worked up over wearing a simple dress? Life has been difficult for her. He kept his opinions to himself. He liked how happy she looked and he had no intention of breaking that.

In his eyes, Ailea was a beautiful woman. The black marks had not ruined her elegant beauty but accentuated it. She was beautiful. The flower decorations on her hands and neck suited her well.

“It’s not too tight on the waist?” Clint muttered, looking down.

Ailea followed his gaze and shook her head. “It’s okay.”

“You’re very… beautiful. You look good in that dress. Please believe me, alright?”

Clint was shocked. He had difficulty complimenting her. The words that used to come out with ease now embarrassed him? Was he changing?

Ailea smiled lightly. “Alright. I believe you.”


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Standing in front of the banquet hall, Ailea took a deep breath.

‘I’ll be alright. It’ll be okay.’

She pledged to herself that she could handle this. After preparing her mind, she walked into the banquet hall with Clint escorting her.

Gasps and inhales resounded in the hall. Ailea had worked up the courage to dress up. She was the most beautiful today and she gained courage from that. Clint was by her side, too. However, when she heard the strangers gasping and choking for a breath of air, her heart began to ache. She looked up at Clint. He did not react. He was calm. This gave her enough confidence to enjoy herself.

No one openly talked about her appearance which she was thankful for.

The banquet hall was filled with myriads of colorful dresses. The interior decor was bright due to the Imperial Castle’s wizardry. Several windows emitted fresh air and the scent of flowers.

It was nice.

A maid walked up to Clint and bowed. “My Lord, His Highness the Crown Prince requests your prince. He wishes to introduce you to some people.”

Clint’s eyebrows furrowed. “Now?”

“Yes, My Lord.”

Clint faced Ailea. “Do you want to come with me? You’ll probably only need to shake hands with a few foreign aristocrats.”

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“I… my hand is a bit… shaky…”

“I understand. It’s okay. Just look around for a moment. I’ll be back soon,” he said soothingly.


Countless desserts of all kinds laid resting at the long table. In Teniac culture, desserts were essential to measure the capability of the host. The more the desserts, the higher the prestige. After Clint left, Ailea walked to the long table, curious to taste the food she hadn’t tried before. She grabbed a small plate of cake with strawberries on top and took a bite.

Meanwhile, Rita Brea walked up to her.

“Mrs. Excalibur.”

Ailea nodded with surprised eyes. She had food in her mouth so she could barely muster a reply. Immediately covering her mouth with her hands, she said, “Yes.”

“Flowers are ornaments that can only be used for a day. Wouldn’t it be better to use as little as possible?” Rita asked as if admonishing her.

Ailea swallowed the cake and looked at her dress. Flower decorations surrounded her dress while Rita wore an elegant dress with simple diamond earrings and necklace as opposed to flowers covering her all over.

“I see… that’s a good idea…” Ailea replied, embarrassed.

“I hear that your father was once a man of integrity. Forgive me for being presumptuous, but I’m sure the hero of Teniac would be a bit disappointed.”

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20 Chapters | Confession ★★★★★☆

Ch. 79 Giving Her Pleasure (19) Ch. 78 Their First Night (19) Ch. 77 Ailea’s Initiative Ch. 76 In Love Ch. 75 Countess Flora Ch. 74 You’re Too Much Ch. 73 Strange Feeling

13 Chapters | Attraction ★★★★☆

Ch. 72 Is It Okay to Fall In Love? Ch. 71 Setting Out to Excalibur Ch. 70 Visiting a Doctor Ch. 69 Not a Beast

9 Chapters | Friendship ★★★

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Ch. 68 Memories Shared Ch. 67 House of Risher History Ch. 66 Taking Responsibility

6 Chapters | Encounter ★★☆

Ch. 65 What They Had Lost Ch. 64 Painful Memories Ch. 63 Fleeting Joke

3 Chapters | Solo ★☆☆

Ch. 62 Clint’s Sincerity Ch. 61 His Protectiveness Ch. 60 Marriage With Rita

To Be Released

Ch. 59 Come Here, Wife Ch. 58 Her Rudeness

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