Ever Ever After

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Lustful Debauchery

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“…P-pardon me, Miss?”

Cassie, who was cast out with Ailea to the Outher Castle, wept sadly like she was given the death penalty. Of course… she would. She’d been forced to stay in an old, run-down dilapidated castle with her ill mistress.

Still, Cassie was the very last servant girl who left the Outer Castle in solemnity. She was loyal to Ailea.

Ailea was about to take off the necklace she wore but decided against it, thinking that Cassie would not be happy to receive her necklace.

“Because I truly wish to be alone. Hasn’t it been tiring for you to serve me alone. All the other servants had ran away.” 

Cassie always stuck close to Ailea’s side as her servant to the very last minute and Ailea felt bad for her whenever she saw Cassie tearing up.

Cassie was a meticulous and faithful servant and made sure Ailea felt comfortable. She felt guilt towards Cassie and did not wish for her to spend the next two years of her life trapped in misery in the Outer Castle.

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“Open that for me, would you?” Ailea called the girl to her room and pointed to the first drawer.

Cassie was at a loss, but nonetheless, she did as Ailea requested and opened the drawer. Inside were various poor-quality jewels that none would dare to think the girl engaged to the crown prince would possess. 

The only things that were of monetary values were the necklace Ailea was currently wearing. It was given to her as a formality to solidify her engagement to the crown prince, and the brooch she received during the emperor’s 50th birthday.

Ailea contemplated her options before pointing to a bracelet with a small emerald embedded into it.

“Take this. You’ll be able to pawn off some money for it at a small shop,” Ailea said softly. 

“Miss Ailea… this is too much…”

“I’m dismissing you from your duties. You need not trouble yourself with me any longer and you’re free to be angry at me however you so wish.”

The servants of the Teniac Imperial Castle were generally from poor families. If they were dismissed from their jobs with a decent amount of salary, there shouldn’t be a reason for their families not to welcome them back home.

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With those last words, Ailea crumpled the skirts of her dress in both hands before heading outside.

Cassie stared at the retreating girl’s backside with a dumbfounded look.


Having come out of the castle, Ailea took a long walk, basking in the sunlight she so dearly missed. She couldn’t remember ever taking a walk in broad daylight since contracted the disease. However, as she knew that she’d die in two years, she no longer felt the urge to hole herself up in her room out of fear and shameful humiliation.

Seeing the sunlight after a long time brought a serene and peaceful smile upon her face.

“This feels great…”

Ailea, who enjoyed the spring weather to her heart’s content with steps as light as a butterfly, suddenly stopped.

She heard the guttural groan of a woman.

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Thinking that someone was hurt, Ailea hurried towards the sound, but what she saw hiding behind a tree startled her.

“Clint… mm… just a little more… hm?”

“I’ve to go. It’s way past the time we agreed on.” 

“Just kiss me one more time, please…”

Ailea was astonished.

A noble lady… was outside!

She bared her mountainous peaks in naked view while leaning against a tree as the man readjusted his belt buckle in front of her. 

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Ailea could only make out the backside of the man who had short black hair and broad shoulders.

He was… Clint Risher… a notorious man known to be a casanova.

Maybe… no… it couldn’t be…

But… maybe…

Though she hadn’t seen the act, Ailea covered her eyes as if she had borne witness to the debauchery from beginning to end.

No… actually… she’d never dare to watch the act.

Still, the thought of it shocked Ailea dearly. No matter how notorious he was for being a lady’s man, to commit such acts of debauchery in front of another’s castle…

In shock, Alien ran away, her heart palpitating.

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