Ever Ever After

Chapter 60

Chapter 60: Marriage With Rita

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The surroundings were eerily silent. No one dared utter another word.

Clint walked back to Ailea and sat down. “I didn’t end up hitting them, right? My hands got fidgety all of a sudden hearing these brats yapping on and on about infectious disease, curses, and these and that.”

He stood up and apologized to the knight who’d almost gotten hit by the bottle.

“Right, sorry. I’ve been drinking so I missed the target.”

The nobility was shocked.

It was no apology, rude b*stard!

Startled, Ailea bowed slightly to the knight who’d almost gotten hit and apologized on Clint’s behalf.

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Clint frowned. “Why are you apologizing? That brat should be begging on his knees for forgiveness.”

“Really… why are you like this…?”

“Stop letting the world take advantage of you. Don’t just take it in. Be angry. You have the right to be angry.”


“Those ugly words they speak aren’t normal. You shouldn’t allow them to speak to you like that. Itp*sses me off.”

Ailea blinked slowly. She had never thought that their insults were abnormal. Was it unnatural? Clint’s words seemed to strike a nerve and she nodded lightly.

Clint’s behavior was changing. Every day she’s learning new things about him such as his frequent cursing as of late and that no one dared say a word to him unless the emperor was here.

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And the nobles learned one thing from his crude act. The Grand Duke hadn’t abandoned his wife. He seemed to hold a certain degree of affection towards him.

After a while of silence, the mood lightened up as the nobles grew confident striking a conversation with one another. Meanwhile, Ailea noticed Norton walking towards them.

“Ah… right. Lady Norton had asked that she wanted to dance with you earlier.”

“Next time.”

“We’ll be going to Excalibur soon. What other time will you have? Please go. I’m feeling dizzy, so I’ll be going out to the garden for some fresh air,” Ailea smiled as she made her way towards the garden.

Clint pondered for a moment before asking the approaching Norton, “Are you having a good time?”

“Yes, My Lord.”

“That’s good. Then… how should I put this…” Clint rubbed the back of his neck. He was placed in a dilemma but ultimately decided to express his thoughts as Norton looked at him with hazy eyes. “It’s not polite to ask a married man for a dance, Lady Norton.”

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“Although the emperor forced the relationship on me, I am still a married man.”

He wasn’t making sense. Had he lost his mind? What was he talking about? He must have. If it was the old him, he’d have made sure Lady Norton had a good time, but right now, he only wanted to be by Ailea’s side.

“Excuse me, but I have to go.”

Leaving Lady Norton in a state of shock, Clint headed straight to the garden.


Lovestruck couples holding hands walked into the garden. Many men and women were in the garden but significantly less than in the banquet hall. Though they seemed to have lost the energy to blather. Clint’s behavior earlier had shut their mouth tight.

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Ailea walked around taking in the wondrous sight with a smile donning her face.


“Ah, Your Highness.”

It was Lawrence. Ailea stepped back in confusion, bowing and greeting him as she held tight onto the dress thereafter.

“It’s a beautiful night.”

“…I see.”

A moment of silence filled the core. It would be difficult for Ailea to walk away unless the Crown Prince allowed her to do so. But he said nothing. He simply looked at her like he did at the dress shop a few days ago.

Ailea smiled lightly and said, “Your Highness, when will your marriage with Lady Rita be held?”

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