Ever Ever After

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Not a Beast

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The drenched couple—Ailea half wet and Clint swimming in wetness—had to dry themselves before meeting the doctor. A servant had rushed in and handed Ailea a set of towels. She dried herself first, then tiptoed and dried Clint’s.

He bowed down. “When will you get taller?” he joked.

“I’m already grown up. Stop joking around.”

“Captain Ron was a giant. I’m sure you’ve got a lot of potential to grow. How about your siblings?”

“…I don’t know. I haven’t seen them since coming to the capital. My older brother was fourteen the last time I saw him. I’m sure he’s having a hard time taking care of the estate by himself.”

He nodded slowly and grabbed the towel. “Did you know that there’s a lot of praises towards Lord Cyril?”


“Mhm. Let’s invite your family when we arrive at Excalibur. I don’t know if Lord Cyril will be able to, but you should definitely invite your younger siblings.” At his words, Ailea’s face brightened. She turned to Clint and parted her lips. He was close to her. She could see his thick eyelashes and the curls of his hair. It made her blush. She turned away, but he cupped her chin and said softly, “I would have liked to hear a ‘thank you’ at least.”

“…Thank you?”

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He shrugged, chuckling. What an odd woman. “I’m kidding. You don’t need to thank me for it. It’s only right for a husband to do something like this for his wife.” He smiled, stroking her ears with his thumb, and moving down towards her nape.

“Mnnh…” A strange voice escaped her lips as a dizzying sensation overcame her.

He stuck to that motion till his hand swept down her hair, caressing it gently. He was feeling many emotions. After he had returned from the battlefield, the only woman he had ever been with was Ailea. There were moments where he could hardly control himself. His wife was standing before him for god’s sake, but he needed to control himself.

“Your hair’s still wet,” Clint said.

“Ah, sorry…”

“It’s not something you need to apologize for.”


“I won’t touch you until you want me to.”


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“I’m not a beast, Ailea,” he had said, though there’d been times where he found it difficult to hold himself back. He wanted her, desired her. He hugged her tight. “I’m not an animal, right?”


Clint’s warm hands wrapped around her back, and Ailea gradually blushed in his embrace. Surprisingly, she didn’t hate his rough breathing touching her skin.


Ailea wet herself with warm water and changed into a cozy dress. She missed the maid’s uniform she had worn in the Outer Castle, though. It had its own place in her heart.

When the rain had stopped and sunset rose from the ground up, Ailea had finished hanging the dried flowers near the window. Kaiton, who had just returned from Excalibur, knocked in the door and said, “The captain’s ready, so please come down, my lady.”

“Ah, did you have a difficult trip?”

“Yes,” he said, exasperated, “I had a difficult time.”

A pleasant fragrance spread from her room. Blue was sleeping on Ailea’s bed, and flowers hung about.

“Why are you hanging the flowers upside down?” Kaiton asked.

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“I want to put them as decorations. They dry so well.”

“Is that so?”

“I think they’ll make for a nice bouquet. They’ll probably dry up well by the time we leave for Excalibur.” Ailea gathered some of the roses in her hands. “It’ll look like this. Pretty, right?”

Kaiton thought he’d become familiar with her personality, but it looks like he had much to learn. She was smiling more freely these days. Looks like she learned a few things from Clint. He looked at her, hesitating, but after drawing courage, he asked, “We’re your eyes always emerald?”

Ailea took a step back and shook her head, confused. “I don’t think so. Maybe it’s because of the sunset.”


“No. Maybe it’s because of the sunset.”


He didn’t quite understand why Clint—a guy not meant for serious relationships—quickly accepted the marriage. He understood that it was because she was Captain Ron’s daughter and Clint had the urge to protect her, but what other reasons were there? Though it’s not something he should pry. He was glad to see Ailea at peace studying the Sutton region while tending to her dried flowers.

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Nation lead Ailea into a room where Clint and the doctor stood waiting.

When Kaiton closed the door behind came a group of boisterous knights, with Shantee leading, and said, “You know the Captain? I was worried for him at first. Had to forcefully marry someone under the emperor’s orders, but I don’t think he felt forced. Seems like he was willing. He even called a doctor.”

“Right! I thought so, too.”

When Louison sympathized with Shantee’s words, Tarren spoke beside him. “Those two are dating if you look at them closely.”

Kaiton, who heard those words, grumbled. “What are you all doing? It just looks like the Captain is doing his best.”

“He doesn’t drink much these days. He doesn’t meet other women, as well.”

“He must be physically tired.”

“…That Captain?”

“A-anyway, that’s not it! What do you mean dating? It’s just Ailea… n-no, it’s because he’s nice to his wife; that’s why.”

Tarren tilted his head as Kaiton grumbled and went away. “…Why’s he like that?”

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