Ever Ever After

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: In Love

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Ailea was led to a round-like table surrounded by translucent curtains. It was the spot Flora always preoccupied whenever managing the salon. There was a sofa in the middle, and Flora urged Ailea to sit. She opened the curtain slightly and said, “His Grace is quite beloved.”

Ailea plastered a smile. “I’m aware.”

It did not matter the time or place, Clint always basked in the sunlight. With or without her, women would always flock to his side.

Clint, used to it, smiled. He made silly jokes to entertain them.

Flora saw Ailea bite her lip. “Until recently I too had a lover,” she said.


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“Pretty men, rich men, young men, you name it.”

“C-countess…?” The countess’ sudden remark stunned her.

Flora spoke calmly. “But the most interesting man I had is able to communicate with me well.”


“Do you see that man over there? That crippled man.”

Ailea turned her head toward the corner. A young, shaggy-looking man stood against the wall with a cane. He looked like he was scribbling something on a piece of paper.

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“His name is Miller, a painter. He’s crippled and poor, and has nothing to offer. He has no status. He’s a nobody, but I always find myself laughing whenever I’m with him. I could be myself without judgment. I haven’t been with another man since. There was no need to.

Many men of reputable status had been Flora’s lovers. They were beautiful, rich, heir apparent, talented, and many things. Despite this, nothing came close to Miller. Flora continued musing over the painter as she noticed Ailea had grown uncomfortable.

“Talking to an artist is fun. Time passes by so quickly with him. I’m experiencing emotions I haven’t felt in so long whenever I’m around him.”

Flora’s eyes would dart toward Miller. She was in love and Ailea could sense the countess’ sincerity through her eyes.

“If there’s a man who makes you happy, you’ll be the first to know. Your heart will tell you,” she said, smiling.

Flora left Ailea alone to muse over her words.

Ailea noticed a book hanging out from the closet. It was a written biography about Rick Pitty, a mercenary who relocated from Teniac to Dipolia. She stretched her hand out. As she reached for the book, another hand touched hers. Surprised, she turned around.

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It was Clint.

“Why are you here alone?” he asked, grimacing.

Ailea smiled softly. “Just that… I like this book.”

“Rick Pitty?”

She nodded. “Yeah! I liked him a lot to the point of inspiring me to become a knight if ever I was born a man.”

“What part do you like about him?”

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“Ah, I know. The part where he faced an enemy in Carlton Mountain. His men were met with hypothermia. They struggled to the bitter end. I felt their thoughts at the time, making me afraid.”

“They say that red blood freezes right over the snow piling up in the mountains.”

She gasped. “Do you also like that book, Clint?”

Clint nodded. “I do. I was a young blood when I read the book. I recall telling my mother that I wanted to be a mercenary when I grew older. She was so surprised that she smacked me silly and tried to throw the book away.”

Ailea burst out into laughter.

Clint’s heartbeat quickened. It was the first time he heard her laugh genuinely in public.

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