Ever Ever After

Chapter 79

Chapter 79: Giving Her Pleasure (19)

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She did as was told with a reddened face. His fingers became wet while he massaged out the knots in her muscles. Ailea let out a satisfying groan.

Clint adjusted himself. He raised his hand to caress her head, kissing it. His lips moved down to hers. His hand circled the globes of her firm br**st.

Ailea grabbed his shoulder tightly and did not let go. She moaned, deepening the kiss.


It was the first s*xual pleasure she felt. All her nerves were chaotically concentrated in parts that brought out pleasure.

She had been so distracted by his kiss that she did not notice his hand rubbing her legs, inching further up the inside of her thighs until he felt those soft, velvet curls.

“C-Clint!” she stuttered.

He comforted her. “It’s okay. It will feel good.”

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He let go of her lips and lowered himself on the bed, praising and memorizing every inch of her body.

Lowering his head, he breathed out hot air as he traced his tongue over the pink of her slit before pressing his tongue further in, finding her sensitized spot. He licked at it, slowly at first so he could memorize the texture and savor the taste. His thumb, meanwhile, twirled at her cl*t. She let out a moan, but it was more a sigh than anything else. Soon, she was encouraging him with whimpers and sighs. He could tell that she was biting her lower lip.

Clint smiled against the lips of her p**sy, then dragged his tongue firmly against her cl*t. Up and down. Back and forth. He swallowed juices that had escaped.

Ailea could not stand the rising pleasure. She covered her face with the pillow and grabbed tightly at his hair, causing him to push himself deeper into her.

“Nngh! Clint…!” Her words were garbled with gasps and whimpers.

When she almost climaxed did he finally let go.  He looked at her pleased face and smiled, kissing her shoulder.

He interlocked his hand with hers and kissed the inside of her wrist, causing a moan to escape from Ailea’s lips.

His crotch ground against hers as his lips planted sweet, loving kisses on her br**st. His thumb casually and unknowingly grazed at her nipple. His lips felt the ridge of her other br**st and explored every small dip and curve.

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Ailea muttered something inaudible.

He left her other br**st and went on the next one, which he treated to the same sweet torture, tasting and devouring them with his tongue.

What was this? Ailea wondered. She had just gone through pleasure, and now she was experiencing another.

When Clint finally let go, she had grunted heavy breaths and slapped him on the shoulder. Clint smiled and caressed her hair with a loving gaze despite the feral look of his manhood below.

Ailea, beet red, bit her lip. She raised her head and took the initiative to kiss him. Her mind drowned in white pleasure and it was all she could think about.

Clint grabbed her hand and guided it to hissh*ft.

“Hold it,” he told her.

Ailea nodded, clumsily holding onto his manhood. Clint grunted at the soft feeling of her touch.

“Now rub it.”

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She did as was told. She gently squeezed hissh*ft up and down. He could feel himself spasm.

“Ailea,” he groaned.

In return his hand moved down to her lower wet lips again and rubbed at her cl*t.



Sighs escaped her lips, and he wondered whether she would be able to accept his entire length. She was quite small. The thought of it suddenly caused him to be at a loss.

“It might hurt a little,” he said.

“Are you hurting me…” she moaned. “because I pushed you away?” she asked in a heated voice.

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Clint chuckled at her naivety, continuing to touch the lips of her p**sy and kissing her mouth. “No, it’s because this is your first time.”

“Haaa… first time?”

“Next time though I’ll be rough,” he joked, still concentrating on the slippery juice that coated his finger.

She felt her body tremble. “I… nngh… don’t like it—!”

His words had startled her.

He soothed. “I’m only joking. I’ll always cherish you.”

His finger hungrily moved to please her for release. He knew that she had yet to come and he desperately wanted to give that to her. Clint found the spongy spot she seemed to like. He played with it, twirled his finger, and flicked at it. The insides of her muscles were strong and he found himself longing to experience those same muscles wrapped  around hissh*ft.

His finger invaded her s*x again and again.

She then let out a moan and bucked against him, eventually letting out the pleasure of release. When finished, she sighed undulatingly.

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