Ever Ever After

Chapter 82

Chapter 82: Older Brother

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Ailea awoke in the first morning light in Clint’s embrace. Maybe it was the afterglow of their first night but she was glowing in happiness.

“…It’s there…” she murmured, feeling the stinging pain in her lower body.

Last night was confusing. It hurt, but she felt pleasure. She wondered how one could feel opposite things at once. Still, her body ached and it would continue to ache for the following days.

Clint awoke to her movements and asked, “What are you doing?”

“You’re…” She blushed. “…a beast.”

Clint frowned. “I’m having a difficult time, too. We only did it once.”

“It’s not… not just once?”

Clint looked at her innocently. “Couples go at it more than once. We’re obviously having a second and third round the next time.”


Then he realized her naivety.

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“Oh…” he said, chuckling. “Don’t worry about it.”

He rubbed her cheek and planted a kiss on her lips while enduring his desire to devour her once more.

“What’s this? You have a fever?”


Until now he had pouted from their short intimate moments , but that desire quickly left when he felt her head become feverishly hot.

He called the maids over and ordered them to bring lukewarm water.

Ailea took a sip, face turning red when she came to her senses.

Sunlight shone on them in full and the memories of her forwardness and shameful moans replayed over and over.

“I… I want to be alone,” she mumbled.

“It’s not normal for a husband to leave his wife alone after their first time, you know?”

“I-I don’t know…!” She turned beet red.

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They had really done it. She had called his name over and over; she had begged him to thrust harder, faster; she had moaned… she had done all that.

Oh, how embarrassing…

She meant to drive him away, but then the voice of his men ech*ed outside.

Clint walked out and greeted his subordinate.

“I’ve come back from Euliana Castle.”

“And what of the necklace?” Clint asked.

“That’s…” He flashed a flustered look. “The lord of the castle said he couldn’t give something so important to someone of my status.”


“He said that… he would bring the necklace to Sutton.”


“After announcing that Lady Sophie would take care of Euliana Castle in his absence, Lord Cyril immediately left. He will arrive this afternoon, Your Grace!”

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Ailea’s brother is visiting?

Clint stared wide-eyed. He heard from Ailea that her brother Cyril was twenty-five and five years younger than him, but somehow the thought of his sudden visit made him nervous.

It would be the first time meeting a family member of hers.

Clint returned to the aching Ailea who could not get out of bed.

Ailea tilted her head, puzzled. “Clint?”

“Lord Cyril is coming to—”

“Wh-what? My older brother?” Ailea asked, gasping. “Why?”

“Because he’s worried about you,” he replied. “Ailea, what’s he like? Your brother.”

“He’s cute and playful.”


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“Yes!” she nodded. “He’s older than me, but a lot of people always think he’s the younger one in the family.”

Clint was relieved to know that her brother treated her well.

Ailea had been lost in happiness that she forgot her embarrassing deeds.

When she stood up, Clint helped her up.

She looked up at him with blushed face. “Clint, what about Euliana Castle? Whose taking care of it?”

“Your sister, I believe. Lady Sophie is of age to properly care for the castle.”

“I see.”

Ailea immediately made a fuss to prepare for her brother’s arrival. Clint followed her around, making sure that she did not overexert herself.

When she became tired, he brought her back to the bed.

Why today of all days, Clint thought. I could’ve had her for myself.

Cyril better be worth it.

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