Chapter 109 - The Reappearance of Bodhisattva Lian Sheng

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At the border of Chen Kingdom, pillars of smokes could be seen rising into the sky one after another.

One turned into four, four into sixteen, sixteen into sixty-four... In a flash, the sky was studded with nothing but smoke. The smoke was rising everywhere within sight.


The Chen Royal Palace…

Congregations of civil and military ministers were scurrying towards the palace, reaching the entrance of the royal court finally, whereat they saw King Chen Lianyi.

"Your Royal Majesty, smoke signals are rising everywhere, something must have happened at the border!" The group of ministers looked to Chen Lianyi anxiously.

Chen Lianyi took a long, deep breath and said, shaking his head, "You don't need to worry, this king is aware of it!"

"Your Royal Majesty is aware!? But, with smoke signals rising everywhere, how can Your Royal Majesty not worry?!"

"Your Royal Majesty, the smoke signals are rising just about everywhere, something must have happened at the border, we need to be ready to deal with it!"...

All the civil and military officials had anxiety written on their faces.

"This King has said, this King knows about it! You don't need to tell me!" Chen Lianyi repeated coldly.

"Yes, Your Royal Majesty!" the group of ministers answered, confused nevertheless.

Of course, Chen Lianyi was extremely perturbed right now. Not too long ago, he had received news of the destruction of Clear River Sect! The Clear River Sect, the very sect which supports us was annihilated, then Chen Kingdom's destruction is not too far off...

Now, Grandfather is hurrying about with Gu Hai. He even asked for a hundred blank decrees. Let alone a hundred, Chen Lianyi was even willing to give a thousand. At this moment, he was filled with anticipation for Gu Hai to perform a miracle once more.


As the pillars of smoke rose into the sky one after another, the signal very quickly reached Tiger Cage Pass.

Inside the Tiger Cage Pass, Gu Qin, Gu Han also spotted the smoke signal from far away.

"Great Brother, before Godfather left he said that if we noticed the smoke signal or beacon-fire, then it means that things have surpassed Godfather's calculations. We may be facing danger!" Gu Hai said, a frown on his face.

Gu Qin narrowed his eyes, nodded and said, "Let's go, we should escape first!"

"Very well!" Gu Han nodded his agreement.

The duo left quietly.


Half a day later…


Suddenly, a fierce gale came blowing in from the distance. It was none other than Fu Xue, who arrived flying at the Tiger Cage Pass with a Song Jia Sect disciple.

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"Where?" Fu Xue asked coldly.

"Ancestor, there, over there, that small town!" the Song Jia Sect disciple cried out at once.

In the small town, there were clouds roaming around as if it was covered in an array.

In the blink of an eye, Fu Xue, bringing that man, flew his way to just outside of the array.


Throwing the Song Jia Sect disciple in his grasp on the ground, Fu Xue flew into the air, coldly gazing at the small town before him.

Above that small town, there were many cultivators who still had not left. Noticing the sudden appearance of a man flying in the air, everyone’s faces changed.

"Even a Nascent Soul cultivator has come to rob the Hundred Years Longevity Peach!?" Many cultivators looked surprised.

"Who is he? Why have I not seen him before?"

"Is he a Nascent Soul Stage from Thousand Islands Seas?"...

Numerous cultivators pointed at Fu Xue, as they made remarks.

Fu Xue, nonetheless, kept on looking at the array covered in clouds before him.

"Ancestor, Ancestor, why are you here?" another Song Jia Sect disciple in the vicinity exclaimed.

Fu Xue turned his head to look as he stretched his hand out, and suddenly, that man was pulled before Fu Xue.

"Ancestor, Chief asked me to monitor the Gu Mansion!" that man reported respectfully.

"Oh? Is Gu Hai's family still here?" asked Fu Xue, his voice calm and poised.

"Yes, Gu Hai is also inside, as well as his three thousand men!" reported the man right away.

Gu Hai is still here? Listening to this, Fu Xue's face sank. "Wastrels!"

"Yes, Ancestor!" that man didn't dare to contradict.

"Let me ask you again, is Gu Hai's family still inside?" Fu Xue asked, his voice sounded as cold as it could be.

"Yes, they are surely inside, inside the Gu Mansion. However, this array, on the other hand, is troublesome!" that man said, agonized.

"Troublesome, so what? In any case, Gu Hai is not here. By the way, what array is this?" a cold smile appeared on Fu Xue's lips as he asked.

While speaking, Fu Xue appeared to be planning to rush into the array.

"This is '28x28 Heaven and Earth Grand Array'!" that man reported respectfully.

Hearing this, the smile on his face froze at once. The step that Fu Xue had taken halted right then and there.

28x28 Heaven and Earth Grand Array?

He had personally experienced it at the Song Jia Sect. It never crossed his mind that there would be one here as well!

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"Ancestor, are you planning to rush into the array? Ancestor surely will be able to break it!" the man had recklessly made a comment.

"Fuck off!" Fu Xue sent the man flying with a kick.

My wounds have yet to heal and you want me to rush into this array again?

"Ah!!!..." that Song Jia Sect disciple screamed as he was sent flying.

A depressed Fu Xue looked before him. Had it been earlier, he would have given it a try for sure. But having come to know of the formidability of the 28x28 Heaven and Earth Grand Array, Fu Xue could not help but act cautiously.

Fu Xue's eyes turned red as he looked about. All around the town, many citizens and cultivators had gathered.

Fu Xue, looking cold, said, "Good, good, good, 28x28 Heaven and Earth Grand Array, huh? Don't you humans care about your friends and relatives? Let's see if you will come out of hiding or not!"

Having said that, Fu Xue waved his hand.

Whereupon, billowing cloud of red poisonous mist surged out from Fu Xue's sleeves with a loud bang. Just as the poisonous mist appeared, it blotted up the sky, covering the small town from above in the wink of an eye.

The red poisonous mist slowly started to sink, approaching the small town.

There were some birds flying in the sky. Just as these birds came in contact with the red mist, all of them, without exception, plummeted towards the ground. They were poisoned to death instantly.

"It's bad, this mist is poisonous!" suddenly, some of the cultivators cried in shock.


"Run, it's poisonous mist!"...

Countless cultivators fled outside the range of the poisonous mist, panic-stricken.

"Want to run? Hmph!" Fu Xue let out a cold snort as he waved his hand once again.

In the blink of an eye, billowing poisonous mists proliferated in all direction. The entire town was shrouded in a veil of poisonous mist, blocking everyone's escape.

"Ah, we have nowhere to run!"

"What to do?"

"Hold your breath and run!"...

Many cultivators held their breath and dashed through the poisonous mist.

Suddenly, a series of soft thumps, followed by miserable screams reverberated from the mist. Apparently, all the cultivators who had entered the mist had fallen to the ground, dead on the spot!

"It's useless, even if you hold your breath, the poison can still enter through your skin, hahaha!" Fu Xue proclaimed as he burst into laughter.

"What should we do?"

"Senior, we have no relation with Gu Hai!"

"Senior, please let us go!"...

A series of shouts rose everywhere.

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Fu Xue's gaze merely turned frigid cold.

It seemed as if the entire town was about to be submerged in this poisonous mist.


Halfway up a mountain some distance away from the small town...

Gu Qin's and Gu Han's face distorted upon seeing the distant town covered in poisonous mist.

"Great Brother, what should we do? What should we do about this?"

"We should have informed everybody, dammit!"

"How can that man be so timid that he didn't dare to rush into the array?"...

The brothers were distressed, but they were powerless to do anything.

The town was drowned in countless horrified screams, as well as the sound of Fu Xue's cold and grim laughter.

"Just for a personal vendetta, you threw the lives of all the citizens of a town. Evil beast, you have gone too far!" a stentorian voice suddenly rang out.


Soon after, a golden wind began to rise from the ground. The gale, like forming a large net, blew the poisonous mist surrounding the town towards its center at an astonishing speed.

The billowing poisonous mist was soon congealed into a huge poisonous bead before the golden wind started to batter it.

In the blink of an eye, the poisonous mist was dealt with as if it was purified away. Such a big crisis disappeared in a flash.

"Huh? Who is it?" Fu Xue's countenance changed for the worse.

On the other hand, Gu Qin and Gu Han's eyes turned bright at the sight of this.

"Who is it?" wondered Gu Qin, puzzled.

However, they soon spotted an old man surrounded by golden aura standing outside an inn inside the town. The old man was dressed in kasaya and had a khakkhara in his hand. His face was filled with mercy. However, when looking at Fu Xue, there was not a hint of friendliness in his eyes.

"Thank you, master, thank you very much!" all the cultivators in the town shouted at once in gratitude.

"Bald donkey, who are you? You dare to stop me!?" asked Fu Xue, glaring coldly at the old man.

"This poor monk is called 'Lian Sheng'. The people you are looking for aren't here. Go back where you came from!" the old monk stated calmly.

"Bodhisattva Lian Sheng!" the distant Gu Qin's eyes shone brighter immediately.

Because they had heard Gu Hai mention once that he had met a merciful monk in the Xiantian Endgame World who had helped Gu Hai greatly.

"Hmph, old crook, are you looking to die?" Fu Xue roared in anger, glowering.

Stretching out his hand, he slammed a palm towards Bodhisattva Lian Sheng.

Although Fu Xue didn't recognize Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, the two Song Jia Set disciples had heard of him. After all, they had clearly investigated the matters of Xiantian Endgame World not too long ago.

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"Ancestor, careful, he is Bodhisattva Lian Sheng!" one of the Song Jia Sect disciples screamed in shock.

"Bodhisattva?" Fu Xue's face changed at once upon hearing this.

However, he had already launched his palm strike.

In response, Bodhisattva Lian Sheng countered with a palm strike of his own.


With a loud thunderclap, a terrifying shockwave traveled through the air, distorting the space.

Fu Xue's palm strike burst apart immediately. However, the momentum of Bodhisattva Lian Sheng's palm remained unaffected. In the blink of an eye, the palm was already in front of Fu Xue.


Fu Xue focused all his attention on defense. However, Bodhisattva Lian Sheng was simply too powerful, so powerful that Fu Xue wasn't able to withstand it.

Fu Xue let out a roar as he transformed into his flood dragon true form, taking the attack with his beastly body.

Dark clouds covered the sky as countless bolts of lightning rumbled in the sky, illuminating the enormous flood dragon.

"Flood dragon? He is a flood dragon?"

"Sea beast, a flood dragon?"...

Numerous cultivators' eyes widened in panic as they cried out.

Gu Qin, on the other hand, kept on staring at Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, because the strength of that palm had actually pushed the flood dragon away. How strong was the monk in the end?

A panic-stricken look was also present on Fu Xue's face. Having taken that palm of Bodhisattva Lian Sheng’s just now, his internal organs had completely shifted.

Even in Gu Hai's 28x28 Heaven and Earth Grand Array, he had not faced such danger.

Fu Xue's eyes narrowed dangerously. However, he didn't dare to act unscrupulously in front of Bodhisattva Lian Sheng.

"Bodhisattva Lian Sheng, this lowly one has learned his mistake!" Fu Xue said right away.

Bodhisattva Lian Sheng nodded. Nonetheless, there was no change in his face at all.

"Thank you, Bodhisattva Lian Sheng for showing mercy, this lowly one will take his leave now!" Fu Xue said obsequiously.

Having said this, Fu Xue turned around and left at an astonishing speed.

"Ancestor!" the two Song Jia Sect disciples cried out anxiously.

However, Fu Xue simply didn't pay any heed to their calls.

While the two were in a daze, they were surrounded by a bevy of cultivators.

"Thank you very much, Bodhisattva Lian Sheng!" all the cultivators in the surroundings gave a bow to Bodhisattva Lian Sheng in gratitude.

Bodhisattva Lian Sheng nodded his acknowledgment before turning his head, looking to the waist of a distant mountain. That was the place where the two brothers Gu Qin and Gu Han were standing.

"Bodhisattva Lian Sheng found us!?" Gu Qin exclaimed in alarm.

Gu Han, on the other hand, knit his brow, gazing back at the distant Bodhisattva Lian Sheng. There was a complex look on his face. "Why do I find… that Bodhisattva Lian Sheng is giving me a familiar feeling, so strange!"

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