Chapter 125 - A Notorious Prestige

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The Ding Long Sect...

Inside a great hall, Long Wanqing, dressed in simple clothes, was seated before a weiqi board, playing all alone.

Standing next to her was an old woman. She was none other than the Fire Throne Master of Ascendant Hall, Ding Rui.

Ding Rui furrowed her brow, staring at Long Wanqing.

"Hall Lord, even now, are you still not going to speak up? Where is the Dragon Drawing Jade?" Ding Rui pressed in a cold manner.

Long Wanqing halted the hand holding a weiqi piece as she cocked her head, looking back at Ding Rui. There was a sliver of a sneer on her lips as she said, "Ding Rui, you are guilty of rebelling against your superior, I wonder how you will end later!"

"I have already found the dragon vein! As long as the 29x29 Heaven and Earth Weiqi Array outside it is solved, I can take it! However, I need your Dragon Drawing Jade. Hall Lord, pardon my offense! After I have taken the dragon vein, I will apologize to you!" Ding Rui said in a heavy voice.

"And why did you think that the Dragon Drawing Jade is with me?" Long Wanqing asked, staring at Ding Rui.

"When your mother died, the Dragon Drawing Jade was not on her. She must have given it to you or your sister! Your sister was too young at that time, the chances of it to being on you are higher. Song Shengping and the others are idiots, they don't know anything. This Old Lady, on the other hand, has a clear head!" Ding Rui stated coldly.

"When my mother died?" Long Wanqing suddenly narrowed her eyes.

Deathly staring at Ding Rui, Long Wanqing said in a deep voice, "Do you know how my mother died? Perhaps, you killed my mother!?"

Ding Rui's eyebrows twitched. "Hall Lord, I didn't kill your mother. However, I indeed know a bit about it. Hand me the Dragon Drawing Jade, or otherwise, don't blame me!"

"You know a bit? Why have you not said anything? For the Dragon Drawing Jade?" Long Wanqing replied emotionlessly.

Ding Rui sank into silence.

"If you tell me how my mother died, I will give you the Dragon Drawing Jade!" Long Wanqing proposed solemnly.

Hearing this, Ding Rui narrowed her eyes as she suddenly asked, "Hall Lord, did you let me capture you intentionally?"


"You intentionally let me capture you! You wanted to the risk to find the cause of your mother's death!" Ding Rui's expression changed as she realized this.

A sliver of a sneer appeared on Long Wanqing's face as she said, "Ding Rui, you sure are an old fox like everyone said, you are indeed quite vigilant. So what? At least I found my Ascendant Hall's traitor, didn't I?"

"Traitor? Hall Lord, don't speak with such certainty! I am not a traitor, it's just that you aren't worthy to be the Hall Lord, that's all! Long Wanqing, clever people may become victims of their own cleverness! You put yourself in danger just to find the cause of your mother's death, but your cultivation has been sealed by the flood dragon, Fu Xue! Now, you are no different than a mortal! How are you going to investigate further? The Dragon Drawing Jade is on you, isn't it? Are you going to take it out yourself, or do I have to take it myself?" Ding Rui rebuked emotionlessly.

Hearing Ding Rui's refutation, a cold smile showed up on Long Wanqing's face as she said, "You think you will tell me to give you, and I will give it to you?"

"Stubborn fool!" Ding Rui mocked coldly as she reached out to grab Long Wanqing.

But right then, a red light aura suddenly appeared around Long Wanqing with a hum.


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Ding Rui's left palm crashed into the shield, which pushed her back fiercely.

"This...this is the Dragon Drawing Jade?" Ding Rui asked as her face twisted.

Long Wanqing slowly turned her head and said, her voice getting colder, "Since I decided to come here, of course I would have something to protect myself! Even if my cultivation is sealed, I still have the Dragon Drawing Jade! Ding Rui, the Dragon Drawing Jade is not indispensable to me. I only want to know why my mother died! If you tell me, I will give you the Dragon Drawing Jade!"

Ding Rui stared at Long Wanqing with an ever-changing expression on her face.

"Hmph, Long Wanqing, you are protected by the Dragon Drawing Jade, so what? Your cultivation is completely sealed, you can't escape, you can only stay here!" Ding Rui finally stated coldly.

"Ding Rui, don't make any more mistakes. Today, it's just me. In the future, if my grandfather comes to know, you think he will spend so much time to chat with you?" Long Wanqing asked coldly.

Hearing her mention her grandfather, Ding Rui's eyelids began to twitch. A panic-stricken look immediately appeared in her eyes. But in the next moment, it seemed that she had recalled something and slowly calmed down.

"Hmph!" After harrumphing, Ding Rui turned around and left the hall.

With a wave of her sleeve, the giant gates of the hall slammed shut.

"Keep an eye on her, no one is allowed to go in or out!" Ding Rui shouted at the team of guards at the entrance.

"Yes!" the team of guards immediately responded loudly.


Not too far away from the palace, there was a white-haired old man waiting. Spotting Ding Rui coming out of the palace, a complex look appeared in his eyes as he quickly rushed up to Ding Rui.

"Aunt!" the white-haired old man respectfully greeted Ding Rui.

"Ding Tong!" Ding Rui greeted him as she frowned.

"Aunt, you brought the Ascendant Hall Lord here, it's… it's not good for our Ding Long Clan, if...!" Ding Tong began, an ugly look on his face.

Ding Tong didn't want to provoke Long Wanqing! Although he was the Patriarch of the Ding Long Clan, his status of Patriarch was simply nothing before Long Wanqing!

Even before today, he didn't have the qualifications to greet someone like Long Wanqing, but this VIP was now imprisoned within his clan! Thinking of this, another chill ran down Ding Tong's spine.

Ding Rui glanced at Ding Tong and said, "Don't worry, if anything happens, I will take care of it!"

"But… but Long Wanqing, she...!" Ding Tong was still very worried.

"You are afraid of her, but not afraid of me?" Ding Rui questioned, her voice getting colder.

Ding Tong's countenance turned ugly. Finally, all he could do was give a bitter smile as he said, "Alright!"

"Don't worry, I won't drag you down. Furthermore, have you forgotten about our big event?" Ding Rui asked calmly.

Ding Tong became silent for a while before finally nodding again. "Alright!" he sighed, unable to get out of this thorny situation.

"Restrict this area, don't let even your Ding Long Clan's disciples approach this place!"

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"I have already given the order!"

"Also, how is it going outside?" Ding Rui inquired.

"A hundred games have been broken! However, these endgames are too difficult, they are not that easy to solve. With a high-grade spirit stone being offered as long as anyone solves an endgame, more and more people are coming to participate!" Ding Tong informed Ding Rui.

"It's far from enough, increase the reward tenfold!"

"Ah? Ten high-grade spirit stones per endgame solved? So much! Wouldn't the cultivators go crazy? My Ding Long Clan disciples will surely rush to solve the endgames!" Ding Tong asked in surprise.

"Only a hundred games are solved out of three thousand endgames, there are still 2,900 endgames left! How long do you want me to wait? Let them break, we have to speed things up! Spirit stones are nothing! I have plenty of them!" Ding Rui said emotionlessly.

"Alright, alright!" Ding Tong nodded his agreement helplessly.


Gu Hai traveled south, heading for the Ding Long Clan. As he drew closer to the Ding Long Clan, he encountered more and more cultivators. At the same time, more and more cultivators recognized Gu Hai.

"Gu Hai! He is Gu Hai!" suddenly someone shouted.

"He killed twenty thousand cultivators at the Golden Tong!"

"He has the Hundred Years Longevity Peach!"...

The crowd of cultivators was looked at Gu Hai with weird gazes. They wanted to step up, but they were too afraid of Gu Hai's notoriety. After all, the battle of Golden Tong was simply too brutal.

Where are his three thousand men?

Many cultivators followed after Gu Hai. When they arrived at a small valley, those cultivators could not stand it any longer. They gradually surrounded Gu Hai.

In contrast, Gu Hai, who was standing at the center of the valley, coldly gazed about at the fifty cultivators encircling him.

The fifty cultivators had taken their respective swords and sabers out, and were staring at Gu Hai.

"Gu Hai, where is the Hundred Years Longevity Peach?" the leading man, dressed in red robes, asked emotionlessly.

"Hundred Years Longevity Peach?" A cold smile showed up Gu Hai's face.

"That's right, you haven't eaten it, right? If you give it to us, we will let you go, otherwise...!" the leading red-robed man threatened in an impassive voice.

"Hand over the Peach!" the gathered cultivators shouted together.

Gu Hai slightly narrowed his eyes and said, "You are right, the Hundred Years Longevity Peach is still with me!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up. "Hand it over!"

Gu Hai replied as a sneer appeared on his lips, "You don't have what it takes to have it!"

"Then don't blame us for being impolite!" the red-robed man said coldly.

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A savage look immediately showed up on the faces of the cultivators as they raised their swords and sabers, and stepped forwards.

Gu Hai's face slowly turned colder as a murderous aura rose from his body.

"Stop!" Right at this moment, a loud shot suddenly came from the distance.

The cultivators in the valley came to an abrupt stop as they turned around to look, only to see a green-robed man jumping over from the distance.

"Great Senior Brother?" everyone blurted out, surprised.

Gu Hai coldly glared at this green-robed man. Noticing Gu Hai's gaze, the green-robed man started to sweat profusely, but he still chose to risk his life and approach.

The green-robed man landed before everyone with a loud crunch of impact.

"Great Senior Brother, we found Gu Hai! We have checked the vicinity, his three thousand men aren't here!"

"Yes, Great Senior Brother. He is all alone, he can't escape!"

"The Hundred Years Longevity Peach is ours. Master's birthday is coming, we can use the Hundred Years Longevity Peach as the gift, it couldn't be any better!"

"Senior Brother, let's take down Gu Hai together!"...

The fifty cultivators were all screaming excitedly.

"Shut up!" the green-robed senior brother shouted out.

"Huh?" A confused look was plastered over everyone's face.

"Mister Gu, you are magnanimous, my junior brothers aren't sensible, please forgive them! My Humble Self will apologize on behalf of my junior brothers!" The green-robed great senior brother bowed deeply to Gu Hai right away.

"Huh? Great Senior Brother, what are you doing?"

"Great Senior Brother, how can you...!"...

"Shut up, you bastards!" the great senior brother suddenly shouted at them.

Confused looks immediately showed on his junior brothers' faces. Great Senior Brother, what is he doing?

Gu Hai, with a frigid cold look in his eyes, stared at this Great Senior Brother. In contrast, drops of sweat continuously trickled down the face of the Great Senior Brother. He was incomparably anxious!

"Alright!" Gu Hai nodded to the green-robed man slowly.

"Thank you very much, Mister Gu!" the great senior brother happily replied right away, greatly relieved.

"Is the Ding Long Clan is up ahead?" Gu Hai asked calmly.

"Yes, the Ding Long Clan is about twenty li, just past this mountain!" the green-robed man respectfully replied.

Gu Hai nodded his acknowledgment and walked off into the distance.

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"Great Senior Brother...!" the congregation of his junior brothers anxiously started speaking.

"Shut up!" the green-robed man silenced them at once.

Having been scolded relentlessly, his junior brothers felt depressed. But fortunately, the green-robed man had a high prestige. Everyone suppressed the annoyance in their heart. When Gu Hai had traveled a fair way into the distance, they finally could not hold it in any longer.

"Great Senior Brother, why did you let him go?"

"Didn't we came to the Nine-Five Island to snatch the Hundred Years Longevity Peach? Gu Hai was alone, it was a perfect opportunity! There were fifty of us, he was alone, why did you let him go?"

"He wasn't our match!"...

Everyone anxiously looked at their great senior brother, feeling wronged.

The green-robed man continued to follow Gu Hai with his gaze until Gu Hai was out of sight. Only then did he take a deep breath and turned his eyes around to look at his junior brothers.

"Fifty? He is alone?" the great senior brother said in a disdainful tone.

"Yes, there were fifty of us, he was alone, he couldn't defeat us!" one of his junior brothers spoke up, unconvinced.

"Just half a month ago, Gu Hai alone completely massacred five thousand Song Jia Sect disciples, alone! Didn't you know this?!" the great senior brother said grimly.

"Ah? Impossible!" Everyone's faces suddenly changed as they blurted out their disbelief.

"Your Great Senior Brother, I, was there at that time, why would I lie to you?" the great senior brother said, his voice getting even colder.

Everyone naturally understood that their Great Senior Brother won't lie to them. However...

"Alone, he killed all five thousand Song Jia Sect disciples?" Everyone’s scalps started to tingle.

Glancing in the direction Gu Hai had left, everyone's heart started palpitating.

"Think properly! Why was Gu Hai proceeding so easily? Did you think he was so skillful along the way that no one found him? Or did you think that you just met him by chance? Or did you think that no one picked a quarrel with him?" the great senior brother asked savagely.

"Right! Why?"

"If I am right, anyone who doesn't know of the Song Jia Sect matter like me, or anyone stupid like you who chose to attack him, they are...!" the great senior brother trailed off, furrowing his brow.

Everyone was rendered mute. "...!"

Right at this moment, some other cultivators quietly passed them nearby.

"Did you see Gu Hai?" the leader asked one of the others with him.

"These stupid guys actually stopped picking a quarrel with Gu Hai at the end. They have a devil's luck! Let's go, let's see what Gu Hai is planning to do at the Ding Long Clan!" another cultivator spoke up.

The new group of cultivators quickly rushed off toward the Ding Long Clan.

The junior brothers who were still feeling skeptical just now looked at their great senior brother in heartfelt gratitude.

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