Chapter 133 - Against the World

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In a mountain valley of the Ding Long Clan...

"Alright, Patriarch Ding, wait here a bit!" said Gu Hai.

"Alright, alright!" Ding Tong looked at the black-robed Gu Hai with a weird expression.

Ding Tong walked to one side, while Gu Hai made his way to the back of a rock where he slowly lifted his black-robes.

Suddenly, a pair of feet stretched out from the robes and landed on the ground. Then, a woman wearing tights fell out from the black robes. This woman was none other than Long Wanqing.

"Gu Hai, you!" Long Wanqing glared at Gu Hai bashfully.

" were sticking too close to me, it was just an instinctive reaction, it's not something I can control. Hall Lord, quickly put these black robes on, I will give you some privacy!" Gu Hai took out another set of black robes and gave them Long Wanqing before walking away from the rock right away.

"Hmph!" Long Wanqing let out a cold snort, gazing at Gu Hai's back.

Suppressing the brimming shame and anger in her heart, Long Wanqing quickly put on the robes and walked out from behind the rock.

Having walked out of rock cover, Long Wanqing was still giving Gu Hai a hard look.

The nearby Ding Tong pretended that he didn't see anything. Gu Hai could only smile wryly.

Right then, a thunderous crash and bang reverberated across the sky. Then, countless pieces of rocks rose up into the sky, circling around the Ding Long Clan, creating a meteorite-like storm barrier around the entire Ding Long Clan.

At the sight of this, the entire Entertainment Valley was in a state of chaos.

Gu Hai and Long Wanqing's eyebrows also twitched as they looked up at the sky.

"Fuck, Ding Rui has found out, she has activated the Mountains Sealing Grand Array! We can't leave!" Dnig Tong's countenance changed at once.

"Ding Rui has activated the array? Don't you, the patriarch of Ding Long Clan, have any way to leave?" Gu Hai asked in a heavy voice.

"The source of Mountains Sealing Grand Array is in Ding Rui's hands. Only the source can control the array, I am unable to do anything whatsoever!" Ding Tong stated anxiously.

"Ding Rui?" Long Wanqing's face turned ugly.

After all, the current Long Wanqing had her entire cultivation sealed. She was no different than a mortal. She simply couldn't do anything.

"Mister Gu, what should we do now? Or should we inform Hall Lord's Grandfather? Hall Lord's Grandfather should already be aware of it," Ding Tong asked, perplexed.

"Let's go to the Entertainment Valley, that place is open!" Gu Hai said, narrowing his eyes.

"Open?" A confused look showed up on Long Wanqing's face.

Ding Tong didn't pay attention to the details in Gu Hai's voice.

"Okay, okay, I will listen to you!" Ding Tong nodded in acknowledgment.

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"The Ding Long Clan has five thousand disciples. There are also over a thousand subordinates of Ding Rui. How are we going to do this? Are we going to put a disguise?" Long Wanqing looked to Gu Hai, worried.

"No need! Hall Lord, since we have found you, we don't need to worry about anything. Today, we will leave the Ding Long Clan in an open and aboveboard manner, let's see how that motley crew of Ding Rui is going to stop me?" Gu Hai said as he broke into laughter.

"Oh?" Long Wanqing's eyes went wide as a look of horror took over her face.

Leaving in an open and aboveboard manner? Is that even possible?

Ding Tong, on the other hand, felt that it was a matter of course. With Hall Lord's Grandfather here, Ding Rui's group was indeed a motley crew. Fortunately, I have taken advantage of the opportunity!


Ding Rui was standing atop the highest peak, overlooking all sides with a piercing cold gaze.

"Has everyone been notified? All the Ding Long Clan disciples have to find them for me, they cannot escape!" Ding Rui stated coldly.

"Patriarch, don't worry, everyone is looking for them, not even a corner will be missed!" a subordinate reported respectfully.

"Hmph!" Ding Rui let out a cold snort.

"Found them, I found them!" suddenly, a loud shout came from far away.

At this time, a Ding Long Clansman came running up to Ding Rui at breakneck speed. "Throne Master, we have found patriarch and Gu Hai, they also have a woman with them!"

"Oh?" Ding Rui's eyebrows twitched as she mumbled, "So quickly?"

"Yes, they are flamboyantly walking towards the Entertainment Valley, so, we found them very quickly!" that Ding Long Clan disciples answered in a serious manner.

"Flamboyantly? They haven't put any disguise? They aren't hiding?" Ding Rui blurted out in surprise.

"They aren't, they are walking in an open and aboveboard manner. And that woman is walking slowly, patriarch and Gu Hai are matching their speed with hers, so they are also walking slowly!" that man reported.

"Impossible!" A look of disbelief took over Ding Rui's face.

"It's true, they are about to arrive at Entertainment Valley!"

"Let's go, let's go to the Entertainment Valley!" Ding Rui made her way to the Entertainment Valley with an incomprehensible expression.


With the Mountains Sealing Grand Array activated, the entire Entertainment Valley was in a state of chaos.

"What are you doing? What is your Ding Long Clan planning to do? Why have you activated the Mountains Sealing Grand Array?"

"We can't leave, the exit has also have been sealed, we can't leave!"

"Do they want to rob us? They have paid out too many rewards, so, they want to rob it back?"

"We don't need any reward, we don't need it, why have you activated the Mountains Sealing Grand Array?"...

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The entire valley was in pandemonium. After they had discovered that the Ding Long Clan had activated the Mountains Sealing Grand Array,  the more than a thousand cultivators who came in with Gu Hai were shouting angrily.

However, the Ding Long Clan disciples were also not lacking in quantity. Very soon a large number had gathered there, preventing any kind of conflict.

The Butcher King, embracing his black-robed woman, slowly walked out of his residence, closely followed by a crowd of disciples, who were looking at the conflicts in all direction, horrified.

"Master, what does the Ding Long Clan want to do?" a disciple asked anxiously.

The Butcher King raised his arm, stopping the disciples to speak anymore. The crowd of his disciples could only wait patiently.

From every direction, more and more Ding Long Clan disciples were converging on the valley. Apart from the Ding Long Clan disciples, there were Ascendant Hall Fire Throne disciples as well. Each and every one of them was rushing into the Entertainment Valley at breakneck speed.

The crowd that was raising hues and cries all the while also looked amazed.

"Ascendant Hall disciples?"

"Why are the Ding Long Clan disciples coming in this direction?"...

All the cultivators were watching this scene in shock and horror. But all they saw was the crowd of Ding Long Clan disciples searching in all directions. But suddenly, everyone looked northward together. This was true even for the Ascendant Hall disciples.

But all they saw was Gu Hai, Ding Tong, and a woman slowly walking over not too far away. The three were soon surrounded by many Ascendant Hall disciples. Each and every one of them was staring at the three with a cold look in their eyes.

The woman was naturally Long Wanqing. However, as she had taken the position not too long, and she rarely appeared elsewhere, not many people knew her identity.

"What's the matter?" Many cultivators had confused looks plastered all over their face.

The Butcher King lowered his head, and subconsciously hugged the woman in his arms tighter. The pain forced the girl to let out a sharp groan.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Fuck off!" Ding Tong suddenly shouted angrily.

Immediately, the Ding Long Clan disciples had a quirky look on their faces as they looked at each other.

Suddenly, a fierce wind blew over as a silhouette landed at the center of the square in the Entertainment Valley.

It was an old woman who was coldly gazing at them, leaning on a cane.

"Throne Master!" the crowd of Ascendant Hall disciples greeted Ding Rui with extreme respect.

"Ascendant Hall Fire Throne Master, Ding Rui?" Some cultivators had recognized Ding Rui.

"Why is Throne Master Ding here?"

"What is she planning to do?"...

Many cultivators curiously looked at this incomprehensible scene.

But all they saw Ding Rui coldly glaring forwards, leaning on her cane. Her eyes were burning with anger as she stared at the three of them before her.

As Ding Tong looked at Ding Rui, he was suddenly panic-stricken. After all, he had been afraid of her for a long time. Changing his mentality was easier said than done.

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Long Wanqing had a gloomy look on her face.

Gu Hai, on the other hand, was slightly smiling as he walked to the forefront.

"Ding Tong, you sure have big guts!" Ding Rui rebuked in a cold voice.

"I...I...I...!" Ding Tong was a bit afraid.

"Ding Rui, you sure are domineering!" Long Wanqing retorted, sneering.

Ding Rui, coldly looking at Long Wanqing, harrumphed and mocked, "You think you can escape? You are no different than a mortal now, what can you do? Hmph! You think that with making Ding Tong rebel, everything will work fine? Or do you believe you can escape with Gu Hai's help?"

Gu Hai, on the other hand, smiled slightly. "Ascendant Hall Water Throne Master, Gu Hai greets Throne Master Ding!"

"Hahaha, Water Throne Master? Gu Hai, who says you are Water Throne Master? You are really putting feathers on your own cap!" Ding Rui spoke in a cold and emotionless voice.

"I gave him that position, what about it?" Long Wanqing rebuked coldly.

"To grant the title of Throne Master, you need the other Throne Masters to agree. Furthermore, has he registered his name at the headquarters yet? He still hasn't, he doesn't have any qualifications to call himself Throne Master!" Ding Rui sneered.

Gu Hai, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes and said, "Throne Master Ding, I never imagined you still consider yourself as an Ascendant Hall disciple! She is the Ascendant Hall Lord, and you say Hall Lord doesn't have the qualifications to appoint anyone, but a Throne Master such as you has the qualifications? Furthermore, you have imprisoned Hall Lord, you have committed a great crime that is punishable by death!"

Hearing this, all the cultivators broke into a chaos. This woman is the Ascendant Hall Lord! The new Hall Lord!

Many Ding Long Clan disciples also had horrified looks on their faces. Obviously, many were still not aware of Long Wanqing's identity.

"Ding Rui, you still refuse to admit your own errors? Why are you still not begging Hall Lord, otherwise, you won't have a good end!" Ding Tong suddenly started scolding.

All the cultivators broke into an uproar once again. Ding Tong had admitted it. This woman was indeed the Ascendant Hall Lord!

"Hmph!" Ding Rui slammed her cane on the ground, giving rise to a fierce gale instantly.

Ding Tong's countenance changed immediately.

"Ding Tong, did I allow you to speak yet? Tell me, why have you rebelled? Are you looking to die?" Ding Rui shouted in a cold voice.

"I...I...I...!" Ding Tong's eyes were filled with panic. As he looked at Gu Hai's calm demeanor, he mustered up his courage once more.

"Hmph, Ding Rui, I have forsaken darkness and embraced brightness, you can't escape! The Ding Long Clan is already surrounded. Hmph, under Hall Lord's grandfather's command, you can forget ever escaping, no one can escape!" Ding Tong shouted as a savage look took over his face.

"Hall Lord's grandfather?" Almost everyone was struck with terror.

The faces of Ding Rui's subordinates changed as well. Even Ding Rui jumped back in fright. However, she instantly recovered her calm demeanor.

"So, so you rebelled because of this?" Ding Rui glared coldly at Ding Tong as he spoke.

"Why? You still don't believe it?" Ding Tong asked back, staring.

"I don't believe it! Hmph, has water gone to your head? Long Wanqing is one of his many granddaughters. Why would he come here to save her granddaughter personally? Ambush? If he was here, why would he need to ambush? Since he has laid an ambush, then come, come on, come and kill me!" Ding Rui shouted aloud.

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Ding Tong's face grew stiff upon hearing this.

"You are helping Gu Hai and Long Wanqing to escape? Are you really as gullible as a pig? Since Long Wanqing's grandfather is here, why would they need to escape? If they needed to escape, why would they come for your help?" Ding Rui rebuked Ding Tong coldly.

Hearing this, Ding Tong's countenance changed. Yes, if Long Wanqing's grandfather is here, why would they need my help to escape? Also, it was secret, why would Gu Hai intentionally mention it to me?

Ding Rui's severe warning had woken Ding Tong instantly.

"Gu Hai, you lied to me?" Ding Tong shouted angrily at Gu Hai.

"I didn't lie to you, you made the presumptions yourself. You were looking for death on your own!" Gu Hai still spoke in a calm and poised manner.

Ding Tong's face grew stiff upon hearing this.

"You stupid idiot, are you still not coming over?" Ding Rui shouted at Ding Tong coldly.

Ding Tong was muddle-headed for a while before he ran over to Ding Rui.

"Aunt, I was deceived by him, it's true, I didn't expect this!" Ding Tong begged for mercy immediately.

"I will take you up for the task later, hmph!" Ding Rui let out a cold snort.

Ding Tong's face froze. Why am I so unlucky?

Turning his head, Ding Tong looked at Gu Hai, wanting to vent all the grievances at Gu Hai.

"Gu Hai, you dared to lie to me. Today, you can forget ever escaping from the Ding Long Clan, hmph!" Ding Long scowled at Gu Hai and shouted angrily.

"Ding Tong ran over to their side!" Long Wanqing said as a bitter smile appeared on her lips.

"This is called the wall on top of the grass sways on either side with the wind! Such a person won’t have a good end. Even if your grandfather wasn’t here, Ding Rui still wouldn't have believed him. Would you?" Gu Hai stated as a smile flashed past his lips.

The nearby Ding Tong's countenance changed. He turned his head to look at Ding Rui. However, Ding Rui didn't give him so much a glance. She kept on staring at Gu Hai coldly.

Ding Tong was rendered speechless.

"Now what are we going to do?" Long Wanqing looked to Gu Hai.

With the Ding Long Clan's Mountains Sealing Grand Array activated, no one could escape. Now, they had no ally, there was just two of them. And they were facing a couple of thousand people, who also had Nascent Soul Stage cultivators!

They were alone against the world! Everywhere she looked, there were enemies in sight. At the sight of this, Long Wanqing could only give out a wry smile.

"Hall Lord, did you forget? I said I will take you out of here, open and aboveboard! You don't believe me?" Gu Hai simply paid no attention to the cold gazes of the few thousand experts. Turning his head around, he looked at Long Wanqing and smiled.

"Huh?" Long Wanqing looked to Gu Hai with a complex expression on her face.

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