Chapter 137 - Bone Wings, Part Two

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Gu Hai pushed forward as he clashed head-on with Meng Tai by firing another one of those saber auras.

On his other side, Long Wanqing, clutching the Dragon Drawing Jade, released a golden halo facing the dragon vein.

"Earth Dragon Vein, come into my dragon jade!" Long Wanqing shouted aloud.

Suddenly, a powerful suction force erupted from the Dragon Drawing Jade, trying to draw the earth dragon vein into it. However, the earth dragon vein was simply too enormous, and the Dragon Drawing Jade was simply unable to move it, making Long Wanqing extremely anxious.

Meng Tai shouted loudly, pushing Gu Hai back.

However, the bloody saber was only diverted a little.

Gu Hai swung the saber at Meng Tai once again, dyeing the entire sky red as raging bloody storms headed towards Meng Tai.

In response, Meng Tai grasped Feng Ling and leaped upwards, soaring high up into the sky immediately. The bloody saber aura simply couldn't touch him now!

"That bloody saber is really terrifying, it actually allowed your cultivation to reach Nascent Soul Stage! However, you are just a Xiantian Stage cultivator in the end, and a Xiantian cultivator can't fly. You are never going to be my opponent!" Meng Tai said indifferently.

Gu Hai slammed his foot on the ground as his face grew colder.

Like a bullet, Gu Hai jumped high up in the sky as the terrifying strength erupted from under his feet with a deafening bang, shooting straight towards Meng Tai.

Once more, a saber aura broke out from the bloody saber, pressing towards Meng Tai.

In contrast, Meng Tai's eye lit up with a bright gleam, the corner of his lips rose as a sliver of a ruthless smile appeared on them.

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All of a sudden, Meng Tai's figure sank down. Immediately, he arrived a bit under Gu Hai, from where he swung his sword skywards, heading towards the saber.

The sword and the saber collided with each other with a thunderclap. Under the terrifying recoil, Meng Tai was sent flying towards the vast sea. Gu Hai, on the other hand, was sent high up into the sky.

Having been pushed skywards, Gu Hai's countenance immediately changed.

"Hahaha, now, you have no ground to apply any leverage against. Even if you have the bloody saber, so what!? You can't do anything to me!" A savage look showed up on Meng Tai's face, rushing towards the sky.

Meng Tai swung his sword towards the sky. The strike appeared as if it would split the falling Gu Hai asunder.

Gu Hai, still clutching the bloody saber, was falling through the sky. Because he had nowhere to apply any strength, he could only watch the sword strike coming at him helplessly. Even if he swung the saber, it would have little to no power behind it.

The nearby Long Wanqing, being unable to receive the dragon vein, also grew anxious. She raised her head to look, and immediately saw the scene of Gu Hai in crisis.

In Long Wanqing's opinion, Gu Hai was finished. He had nothing to exert leverage on. All he could do was let Meng Tai cut him in two!

"Unless you can fly, you are so dead!" The strength of the longsword in Meng Tai's hand erupted to a new apex.

"Not good!" Long Wanqing cried out in shock.

A savage look was clearly apparent on Gu Hai’s face. He was about to be cut into two in midair!

But right then, the clothes on his back ripped away in the blink of an eye. Two slits suddenly appeared on his back as a pair of ten zhang-wide white wings popped out from within his body. A pair of bone wings!

With a flap of the wings, Gu Hai's figure came to an abrupt halt!

Meng Tai's sword qi swished through empty air!

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"What?" Meng Tai's face distorted in shock.

Long Wanqing was also stupefied by the pair of enormous bone wings on Gu Hai's back. How can he have wings?

The enormous wings stabilized Gu Hai's figure in the mid-air. With another powerful flap of his wings, Gu Hai was pushed downwards as he chopped the bloody saber down on Meng Tai with a thunderclap.

Having missed Gu Hai and striking empty air, Meng Tai was momentarily unable to counter with all his strength. All he could do was block the bloody saber hastily.


The sword and saber clashed with each other with a deafening thunderclap. In the aftermath, Meng Tai's long sword was smashed to pieces before his figure was drowned in qi blades erupting from the bloody saber.

"No!" Meng Tai's face grimaced in shock and horror as he released an aura shield that enveloped Feng Ling completely. Meng Tai protected her with everything he had.


The bloody saber slashed through Meng Tai's body, drawing a huge gaping wound along his back. The wound was so horrifying that Meng Tai's bones were clearly visible.

Gu Hai, on the other hand, landed next to Long Wanqing. The pair of bone wings on his back suddenly disappeared into nothing.

"What happened?" Long Wanqing looked at Gu Hai's empty back, confused. Where are the wings? Were my eyes playing tricks?

"What a terrifying bloody saber!" Gu Hai marveled in awe.

On the other side, Meng Tai's entire body was covered in blood. Hugging Feng Ling, he looked at Gu Hai, a horrible look on his face.

"Gu Hai, I still underestimated you! You can also fly!?" Meng Tai lashed out, his voice growing colder.

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Suddenly, the space began to shake as the earth dragon vein struggled more intensely. It appeared that it would break through this small world any time now!

"Hall Lord, what happened?" Gu Hai asked, worried.

"I also have no idea! I am simply unable to receive the dragon vein, the dragon vein is just too strong. The power from the Dragon Drawing Jade is not strong enough!" Long Wanqing replied, distressed and hugging the Dragon Drawing Jade to her.

"The force from the Dragon Drawing Jade is insufficient! Fuck, it's because this isn’t the place the dragon's head is located at!" Meng Tai's countenance changed immediately.

"Dragon's head?" Long Wanqing looked confused.

Meng Tai's eye flickered with a sliver of greed as he looked at the Dragon Drawing Jade in Long Wanqing's hands. However, seeing the nearby Gu Hai clutching the bloody saber, his face sank. He was still bleeding from his back. He knew that maintaining the deadlock anymore would be useless.

"Feng Ling, let's go!" Meng Tai flew up into the sky, embracing Feng Ling.

"Catch them, don't let them escape!" Long Wanqing yelled at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai gave Long Wanqing a wry smile as he replied, "Hall Lord, you are really treating me like I am a Nascent Soul cultivator!"

Gu Hai didn't give chase. Wounding Meng Tai was just a lucky fluke which was only possible after a series of surprises. More importantly, he was using the bone wings for the first time, how could he maneuver as flexibly as a Nascent Soul cultivator? If they continued their stalemate, Heavens knows who would have won and who would have lost.

"But… don't let him escape!" Long Wanqing cried out anxiously.

Gu Hai shook his head. Ding Rui was still waiting for them outside! Gu Hai couldn't obey Long Wanqing's wishful commands.


The dragon vein let out a deafening roar as it thrashed and twisted with ever more madness. In a flash, the island where Gu Hai and Long Wanqing was at started to break apart at an ever-increasing intensity.

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"Not good, this weiqi world is about to collapse!" Gu Hai's face twisted in horror. He immediately grabbed Long Wanqing by her waist and jumped into the distance.


All around the Ding Long Clan, the earthquakes grew incomparably intensive. The mountains and rivers in the vicinity started to collapse, and were left in shambles. Meanwhile, the cultivators fled helter-skelter in all directions.

Ding Rui, who was standing on the floating island, looked ever more anxious.

"It's about to break! The weiqi world is about to break! Long Wanqing, why haven't you received the dragon vein yet? Once the weiqi world's seal is gone, this dragon vein will escape, it will escape! Don't you have the Dragon Drawing Jade? Hurry up!" Ding Rui was endlessly anxious.

However, all she could do was stand outside the floating island. She was completely powerless to do anything.


Suddenly, a tempest came storming in from the distance as a colossal object came to a stop next to the floating island. It was the Divine Battalion's flying ship!

Li Haoran, who was standing on the flying ship, was fuming with anger as he scowled at Ding Rui in front of him.

"Ding Rui, you old slut, you tricked me!" Li Haoran lashed out in anger.

Ding Rui's expression changed as she turned her head…


Editor’s Note: Yes, those are VERY big bone wings. Ten Zhang = one hundred feet, quite a wingspan. For contrast, each spread wing is more than twice as long as a city bus.

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