Chapter 145 - Eliminating Five Demons, Encountering the Bottleneck Again

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As the bloody saber appeared, bloodily smashing one of the demons away, the five demons' countenances distorted in shock!

"Impossible!" Gao Liusheng, who was on a distant peak, also had a change in his expression.

How could Gu Hai contend with five demons with his strength alone? They might be demons, but they have still reached the Nascent Soul stage. Even if they have just reached the Nascent Soul stage, it's still the Nascent Soul Stage!

"That saber!" Suddenly, a bright gleam flashed past Gao Liusheng's eyes.

Indeed, it's impossible for Gu Hai's strength and speed to increase by that much. There is only one possibility; it's that saber, that bloody saber!

With the bloody saber in his hand, Gu Hai's entire body was red as blood.

"Be careful of that saber!" the Leopard demon that had its chest slashed open cried out in shock and horror.

The team of demon kings growled as they glared at Gu Hai coldly.

"Who sent you?" Gu Hai asked in a chilling tone, holding the bloody saber.

"Are you Gu Hai? I heard that you have a Hundred Years Longevity Peach, is that correct? We came here for your Saturn Peach!" one of the Wolf demons answered cold-heartedly.

"Ha, even if you didn't talk, I already know; it's Divine Battalion's Li Haoran, right?" Gu Hai mocked them with a sneer on his lips.

"Hmm?" Upon hearing this, the demons' face sunk immediately.

Similarly, the distant Gao Liusheng's face also turned ashen.

"Shangguan Hen, take your men and help the citizens all around! Chen Tianshan, cooperate with him!" Gu Hai ordered in a loud voice.

"Yes, my Lord!" Shangguan Hen and Chen Tianshan complied promptly.

"Hahaha, help? Even now, you still want to help the others!? Oooowhoo!"

The two Wolf demons howled in unison as they pounced at Gu Hai!.

In the blink of an eye, they were right before him.

Gu Hai swung the bloody saber in response immediately.

One of the Wolf demons swiped at him fiercely, its claw clashing right against the saber aura. While Gu Hai's bloody saber was swinging down, the other Wolf demon also pounced at him. As long as Gu Hai could not take any measures against it, he would be ripped apart by it.

"Sky sabers!" Gu Hai shouted aloud suddenly.

A violent shockwave spread in all directions with a thunderclap. A billowing energy surged out from the bloody saber, powering up Gu Hai before he deployed the Sky Sabers Life and Death Array.

Sky sabers descended with the swing of the bloody saber, rushing towards the Wolf demon attacking from the other side.

When all was said and done, his strength had its limit; the sky sabers weren't that powerful. All they could do was cause some pain to the Wolf demon, leave some shallow wounds behind.

In a flash, Gu Hai, like a ball surrounded by qi blades, crashed into the two wolves.

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"Come and help, hurry!" one of the Wolf demons screamed in horror.

The rest of demon kings roared as they attacked Gu Hai together.

A Leopard demon opened its mouth, spewing a ball of flames at Gu Hai.

All of a sudden, Gu Hai became the target of everyone's attacks, trapped at the center of the demons.

He was already waving around the bloody saber at the fastest speed he could. Nonetheless, one vs five was extremely difficult.


Right then, a wolf forepaw suddenly broke through the sky sabers domain, clawing at Gu Hai.

Suddenly, Gu Hai's clothes at his chest were ripped away by the claw, drawing a red bruise over his chest. Had Gu Hai's flesh and skin not been fortified by the strength gushing from the bloody saber, his chest would have been torn open already.

Gu Hai's face distorted in shock and anger. He promptly slashed his saber at the Bear demon, sparing no effort. Owing to that, his back was wide open.


Suddenly, a Wolf demon's forepaw, after breaking through the sky saber’s domain once more, struck at Gu Hai's back.


Under the bloody saber strike, the Bear demon was straight off sent crashing into the array surrounding the Gu Mansion.

"Ah, not good!" the Bear demon immediately screamed, alarmed and horrified.

However, facing Gu Hai's entire strength, he had already crashed inside the grand array!

"With such big strength, I can remove a mountain; With the lofty quality, I am matchless in the world!" reverberated the thunderous roar within the grand array.

Soon after, a thunderous crash and the Bear demon’s miserable screams followed.

From the subsequent rumbles reverberating from the array, it was rather apparent that the Bear demon was struggling to escape, but all to no avail.

Outside the array, Gu Hai, after having sent the Bear demon flying with his saber, subsequently suffered the strike of the Wolf demon at his back. A crisp metallic ring resounded as the Wolf demon's forepaw struck Gu Hai.

Gu Hai was immediately sent flying with a deafening bang. The clothes on his back were also torn away. Nonetheless, there was not a single sign of any kind of laceration on his back.

"How is this possible? How could there be armor on your back? Are my eyes playing tricks?" the Wolf demon swore in shock and horror.

Just now, Gu Hai had employed the Life Severing Saber, growing a new set of bones on his back, creating an armor to protect himself. It was the only reason he could barely block the claw strike of the Wolf demon.

Nevertheless, the claw strike had caused Gu Hai’s blood to stir.

"Come on!" Gu Hai pressed forward yet again.

The two Wolves and two Leopards immediately pounced at Gu Hai, roaring.

After going through the battle just now, the lack of the Bear demon had alleviated much of the pressure on Gu Hai at this moment. Surrounded by the Sky Saber Life and Death Array and the bloody saber in his hand, Gu Hai clashed with the four demons again and again desperately.

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Their battle was chaotic and free-moving. After fighting for a while, Gu Hai was suddenly in a perfect position once more.

"Come on, break!" Gu Hai shouted aloud.

Leaving his back open once more, Gu Hai slashed the bloody saber in his hand at one of the Wolf demons with his entire strength.

The other three demons roared in unison as they launched a concentrated attack on Gu Hai with all their strength. Regardless of the ever-increasing cuts and bruises left by the Sky Sabers Life and Death Array, the three demons pressed towards Gu Hai straight away.

BOOM! A Wolf demon was sent crashing into the Gu Mansion array.

"No!" That Wolf demon's miserable wail immediately followed as he clashed with Xiang Yu's Fang Tian Hua halberd in the grand array.

Gu Hai, on the other hand, was also sent flying under the simultaneous attack of three demons. His upper clothes had been completely destroyed already. A layer of bone armor reappeared on his body before vanishing in the blink of an eye. Once again, Gu Hai was devoid of any cuts or bruises whatsoever.

Puff! Nonetheless, the powerful impacts had caused Gu Hai some internal injuries as he spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Only a mouthful of blood!?

The three great demons gawked at Gu Hai in alarm.

"My eyes aren't playing any tricks, there really was an armor! It was there a second ago, now it's not there!" the Wolf demon cried in shock.

"Come again!" Gu Hai smiled fiercely, brandishing his saber, and charging at the three great demons.

"No, no!" The three great demons quickly retreated.

Even now, the three great demons hadn't found out that Gu Hai could not really fly. Only, everything that had happened was too strange for them to process.

Come again!? Just now, two great demons had already been hurled into the 28x28 Heaven and Earth Grand Array. If we go again, we will be put into an even more disadvantageous position!

"You want to leave!?"

Gu Hai instantly charged at the Leopard demon that was seriously injured at the beginning. Owing to his serious injuries, that Leopard demon was the slowest.

The Leopard demon roared at Gu Hai. Nonetheless, he was powerless to do anything.

Gu Hai's bloody saber immediately slashed across the Leopard demon's back, splattering blood everywhere.

As the Leopard demon screamed, Gu Hai, a cut-throat look on his face, crashed into it.

BOOM! The Leopard demon was sent into the Gu Mansion array.


"With such big strength, I can remove a mountain; With the lofty quality, I am matchless in the world!" ...

Horrified cries once again echoed inside the grand array.

The faces of the remaining Wolf and Leopard warped in shock and horror. They turned around, wanting to flee from this place.

"Now you want to leave? Too late!" The corner of Gu Hai's lips rose into a sneer.

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"Array, activate!" another shout came from a distance.

It was Shangguan Hen's voice.


Suddenly, billowing clouds of mist rose from the ground, enveloping the two remaining great demons inside.

"What!?" the countenance of two great demons changed for worse.

But it was too late for them. A Green Dragon Crescent Blade came crashing down on them!

With a flicker, Gu Hai disappeared into the mist.


Another Fang Tian Hua halberd dropped down on them!


Immediately after, the two great demons crashed into the ground as their hind legs were cut off, looking on at the cloud congealed Xiang Yu before them, petrified with fear.

Gu Hai, on the other hand, was standing on top of cloud general's head, coldly staring at the two great demons.

"With your stupid brains, you still came to assassinate me!? When I just sent Shangguan Hen to protect the citizens, I actually sent him to organize a team and arrange an array. When you were fighting with me, why didn't you pay attention to the others? Hmph!" Gu Hai rebuked them heartlessly.

"Gu Hai, what do you want?" "Gu Hai, you don't need to kill me, let me be your servant, I will follow your every command!" the two panic-stricken demons cried out.

Gu Hai said, shaking his head, "No need! You are in Nascent Soul Stage, I don't want to waste any time or effort to keep you from revolting!"

Having said that, the two demons were enveloped inside the churning mist.

"What do you want?!"  the two perplexed demons cried out.

Shrouded by the dense mist, even Shangguan Hen and his subordinates could not clearly see what Gu Hai wanted to do.

Immediately afterwards, Xiang Yu stepped on the Wolf demon with a deafening bang. Meanwhile, Gu Hai promptly retrieved the Life Severing Saber from his body before plunging into the Wolf demon.

"Ah~, Ah~, Ah~, no, don't eat me, Ahhhh~!" the Wolf demon started screaming in mortal terror.

As the Wolf demon started screaming, the panic-stricken cries of the Leopard demon soon followed.

"Skeleton? Don't eat me! Help! Gao Liusheng, save me, Gao Liusheng, ahhhh~!"

When the yells of the Leopard and the Wolf demons fell into Shangguan Hen and the others' ears, chills ran down their spines. However, Gu Hai was manning the grand array. He had used the white mist to hide the two demons, leaving everyone with no clue as to what was going on.

What in the bloody hells has our Lord done to the two demons?

It was not just the grand array arranged by Shangguan Hen. Very soon, miserable cries of the Leopard demon, the Wolf demon, and the Bear demon also rang out from inside the Gu Mansion grand array manned by Gu Qin.


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Listening to those eerie screams of the five great demons, goosebumps exploded all over everyone's bodies.

In sharp contrast, the common folk broke into cheers of joy, one after another. "They are dead, Lord Gu has killed them!"

"My father died in an extremely tragic manner, Lord Gu, please kill them, avenge my father!"

"(Sobbing) My son, why did you have to be eaten by those demons, Lord Gu has avenged you!"...

While miserable screams echoed out in the small town, even Gao Liusheng, who was looking on from a distant peak, also had chills running down his spine when he heard the blood-curdling screams of five great demons coming from the arrays. What the hells is going on?

Only after a good long while did the spine-chilling screams fall silent.

Under Gau Hai's order, Shangguan Hen and his team gradually dispelled the grand array.

All around the small town, the common citizens, Gu Mansion subordinates, the hidden Divine Battalion disciples, as well as some remaining cultivators, were on their tiptoes as they focused their gazes on the distant grand array that was about to be dispelled, hoping to have a glimpse.

As the mist scattered away, the huge corpses of the great demons was slowly revealed to everyone.

No, there were no corpses. There were only piles of bones.

"This? Did their body get eaten by ghosts?" Gao Liusheng's face twisted in fear at the sight of this.

It's the same thing that happened at the Song Jia Sect! Five Nascent Soul cultivators, ah! Those are Nascent Soul cultivators! All that remains of them is just piles of bones!?

"Very good, they deserved it!"

"Thank you very much, Lord Gu!"

"Thank you very much for avenging my mother, Lord Gu!"...

The grief-stricken citizens broke into cheers. In contrast, the nearby onlooking cultivators felt their hearts gripped by an icy hand. Those were Nascent Soul cultivators! How terrifying is Gu Hai in the end?

Chen Tianshan, as well as the rest of Gu Hai's subordinates, gulped nervously. They were also terrified.

"Bury these bones!" Gu Hai's voice rose from the Gu Mansion grand array.

"Yes, my Lord!" Shangguan Hen responded promptly.


Gu Hai had already returned to the Soaring Heaven Pagoda.

Gu Hai, putting away the bloody saber, pushing the Life Severing Saber back into his ribs, changed his clothes. At this moment, there was an uncomfortable look on his face.

After the Life Severing Saber had devoured the five Nascent Soul cultivators, a powerful mass of energy was fed back into Gu Hai, pushing his cultivation to the limit, and driving him to break through. However, he was stuck. He could not breakthrough, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

"Fate! I need Fate as soon as possible!" Gu Hai grimaced in pain.

"Father, you were too good!" In contrast, the nearby Gu Qin was brimming with joy.

"Ask Shangguan Hen to conduct a thorough search around the Gu Mansion, search for those Divine Battalion disciples, find their traces! Send our entire force to cooperate with him!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Oh? Yes!" Gu Qin replied quickly.

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