Chapter 165 - Collecting the Dragon Vein

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Inside the Weiqi of Death...

Long Wanqing had already told Gu Hai how to activate the Dragon Drawing Jade. It wasn't that difficult. Having studied it for a while, Gu Hai held the Dragon Drawing Jade in his left hand as he looked coldly at the earth dragon vein below.

In his right hand were two golden pieces. As for his sabers, they had already been put away. Staring at the earth dragon vein, said Gu Hai, "Weiqi of Death, huh? It sure is pretty coarse!"

Gu Hai suddenly crushed the two golden pieces. The moment he crushed them, the onlooking cultivators outside had a look of horror plastered all over their faces.

"Why did Mister Gu crush the two pieces?"

"Look, cracks are appearing on the Weiqi of Death!'

"The Weiqi of Death is about to collapse!"

"After destroying the two golden pieces, the weiqi game broke apart? Then, what in the hell were Meng Tai and Li Haoran fighting for in the beginning?"...

The cultivators outside watched the slowly trembling giant peony in astonishment.

"Grandmaster just had to break the two golden pieces!? So simple!?" one of his subordinates exclaimed, flabbergasted.

"No, the Weiqi of Death has only one winner!. That is, there is only one remaining weiqi piece. Now that the two golden pieces are broken, isn't there only one weiqi piece remaining?" Grandmaster Liunian explained.

"You mean, Gu Hai's weiqi clone, that golden piece?" Long Wanqing said, looking into the distance.

"That's right, there is only one person left, he is the final winner! That's why the weiqi game is solved!" Grandmaster Liunian explained.


Inside the weiqi world, the mountains and rivers had collapsed, and the entire world was breaking up.

Gu Hai, holding the Dragon Drawing Jade in his left hand, and drawing the blood saber in his other once more, coldly watched the ground as more and more cracks started to appear.

The ground was soon riddled with dense web-like crevasses

The earth dragon vein let out a deafening roar as if the seal was loosening up, allowing it some leeway.

Rumblings and crashes rang out endlessly.

As the ground seemed it was about to collapse, Elder Guanqi's inheritance, that eight-colored peony, also started shaking. Slowly, it squeezed its way through the cracked seal, rushing straight at Gu Hai.

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Gu Hai's gaze turned colder as he tightened his grip on the bloody saber, before fiercely slashing it down. Immediately after, a bloody river-like saber aura shot straight towards the eight-colored peony.

"What!? Mister Gu wants to destroy Elder Guanqi's inheritance!?"

"Are you kidding me? That's Elder Guanqi's inheritance, ahh!"

"No, Mister Gu, why are you destroying it? Why don't you give it to me?"

"No, Mister Gu, don't!"...

Countless cultivators started shouted out madly, looking at Gu Hai in disbelief.

In contrast, a cut-throat look appeared on Gu Hai's face as his eyes flashed with determination.

Long Wanqing and Grandmaster Liunian were also tongue-tied. Even they hadn't expected Gu Hai to be so ruthless.

Not too far away, Gu Qin's face also changed. Gritting his teeth, he picked up a black piece from the Weiqi of Life. Then, he looked at the huge weiqi board and recalled where Gu Hai was planning to place the piece earlier.

Tok! Gu Qin placed a piece on the weiqi board

A wicked and strange smile showed up on the face of the Elder Guanqi's puppet that was sitting across from him.


Elder Guanqi's puppet turned into a cloud of mist that dispersed soon after.


In the distance, Gu Hai slashed down with his saber, chopping the seal into pieces. Just as his saber was about to cut through the eight-colored peony...

That eight-colored peony suddenly took a strange turn, dodging the bloody saber and flying towards Gu Qin in the blink of an eye.

"What?" Gu Hai's expression changed as he turned his head around to look.

With a thrum, the eight-colored peony pasted itself right between Gu Qin's eyebrows before drilling its way inside in the blink of an eye.

Countless clouds swarmed over from every direction out of nowhere, rushing straight towards Gu Qin. Gu Qin's body rose, ascending into the sky.

"Young Master!" Gu Hai's subordinates immediately cried out, somewhat worried.

"Fool!" Gu Hai, on the other hand, shouted out angrily, glaring at his adopted son with eyes wide.

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The earth dragon vein below let out another earth-shaking roar, finally free from the seal.

The ground everywhere suddenly started quaking as the entire giant peony shattered pieces.

Gu Hai's subordinates quickly jumped away, taking a coffin with them into the distance.

"Ahh~, another earthquake, quickly retreat, hurry up!"

"The dragon vein is about to come out, quickly escape!"

"Not good, the seal is released, the dragon vein is enraged!"...

All the cultivators retreated as fast as possible, shocked and horrified.

Immediately after, many peaks collapsed to the ground, while others rose from the ground.

A thunderous dragon’s roar reverberated throughout the sky, giving rise to a tyrannical storm.

Gu Hai had no time to berate Gu Qin. Promptly putting away the bloody saber again, Gu Hai vigorously stimulated the Dragon Drawing Jade as he rushed towards the earth dragon vein.

A powerful suction force shot out from the Dragon Drawing Jade, rushing towards the earth dragon vein.

This suction appeared to be a fatal threat to the earth dragon vein. The eyes of the earth dragon vein immediately constricted.

It roared in shock and anger, thrashing and squirming as if it wanted to escape.

In the blink of an eye, the Dragon Drawing Jade came in contact with the earth dragon vein's head.

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared; that huge dragon head, which spanned tens of thousands of zhang, was sucked into the Dragon Drawing Jade. It was like an ant eating an elephant!

Gu Hai's eyes immediately lit up. The dragon head is in! I should intensify the stimulation of Dragon Drawing Jade!

The earth dragon vein roared and struggled, its entire body squirming and thrashing.

The ground exploded as countless rocks and trees flew into the sky. Countless more explosions immediately followed. In the blink of an eye, heaven and earth were dyed in gray.

A large number of rocks even struck Gu Hai, to the point that he could not bear it and spewed out a mouthful of blood. Nevertheless, Gu Hai's eyes flickered with an even more crazed look.

"Come!" Gu Hai exerted all his strength to mobilize the Dragon Drawing Jade.

In the next moment, a large part of the dragon’s body was sucked into the Dragon Drawing Jade.

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The earth dragon vein struggled even more intensely.

Gu Hai, on the other hand, tightly hugged the Dragon Drawing Jade, despite its continuous and intense vibrations.

"Help, ahh~!"

"No, so many rocks are falling from the sky, I am gonna be buried! Ahhh~!"

"Run, save me!"...

The cultivators ran for their lives, shouting and crying haplessly.

It was a complete mess; rocks were flying everywhere amid the clouds of dust and smoke. One could simply not tell where they were, or where they were going. All the cultivators were struggling in this chaos, shocked and horrified.

Suddenly, a thunderous crash reverberated across as all the rocks covering the sky finally crashed to the ground.

And then, everything went strangely calm.

Nonetheless, the dust filling the sky was still as terrifying as it could be. Everyone stood quietly, waiting.

Gu Hai, standing on a boulder, inspected the Dragon Drawing Jade.

A dragon roar echoed out from within the Dragon Drawing Jade. One could clearly see a small golden dragon struggling inside the Dragon Drawing Jade. Only, the seal was pretty strong. The small dragon simply could not escape; all it could do was twist and turn, emitting a faint golden glow.

Gu Hai flipped his hand, trying to receive the Dragon Drawing Jade into his storage space. But the Dragon Drawing Jade remained in his hand.

"Only inanimate objects can be stored inside the storage space!? It cannot store the living! The earth dragon vein is alive, so, it can't go in!?" Gu Hai looked a bit confused.

Taking out a small box, Gu Hai carefully placed the Dragon Drawing Jade inside before carrying it on his back.

With everything finished, the clouds of dust slowly scattered.

Many cultivators were injured. Now that everything had calmed down, they slowly picked themselves up painfully from the rubble.

Just like the Ding Long Clan, everything had pretty much turned to ruins. However, the area affected wasn't as big as the Ding Long Clan.

Everything within a range of a hundred li was wrecked, reduced to rubble. Nonetheless, it still was incomparably shocking.

"My Lord!"

Eight of his men, carrying a coffin, arrived before Gu Hai.

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Gu Hai nodded his acknowledgment before raising his head to look at a cloud high up in the sky, his eyes flickering with worry. The cloud was in the form of a peony. It was the eight-colored peony, with Gu Qin right in the middle of it.

Long Wanqing, Grandmaster Liunian, and the others also came over.

After two hours, the eight-colored cloud slowly converged, gradually withdrawing into Gu Qin's body.

Afterwards, Gu Qin opened his eyes, his eyes shimmering with brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Qin fell from the sky, landing before Gu Hai with a bang.

Gu Hai was looking coldly at Gu Qin. Long Wanqing, Grandmaster Liunian, and the others, who were standing behind him, also did not interfere. They just watched everything quietly.

Gu Qin promptly knelt down before Gu Hai. "Father, your son is unfilial, I ask father to punish me!"

"Do you still know filial piety?" Gu Hai rebuked, his voice turning colder.

Gu Qin, gritting his teeth, justified himself, "Father, I listened to what you said attentively, I know it was risky and dangerous. But when you entered the weiqi world, I gave it careful consideration and finally decided to take the risk!"

"Hmm?" Gu Hai prodded in a deep voice.

"I remember, when second brother left, Father said that you cannot put all the eggs in one basket. I myself believed it was right and proper. Yes, Elder Guanqi's inheritance is dangerous, but it is also an opportunity, isn't it? Mother's hatred cannot go unavenged. I have seen Father risking his life, doing everything to follow it through. But I, on the other hand, am pulling you back. I am unwilling, I also want to help you, I also want to take revenge!" Gu Qin's eyes turned red as he spoke.

Gu Hai stared at Gu Qin. His anger had dissipated a lot.

"Father, you and mother found me on a snowy night, abandoned, and brought me back. At that time, maybe I would not have been able to survive that night, maybe I would have frozen to death. I have lived for so many years, I have already learned, have I not? Father, you have taught us that a man who is content is happy, I am already very content.

"Among us four brothers, my temper is calmer and stabler, why? Because I am stupid, I am not as quick-witted as my brothers! I don't want to bring humiliation to father, so I would rather not do anything. I also didn't want to do anything wrong. Therefore, I seemed calm and stable. I am stupid, I can't learn as quickly as my three brothers, but Mother never abandoned me. When I was young, Mother would bring me new toys, and give me delicious food. She was the first one who played with me, who gave me food. When we brothers quarreled, Mother would always protect me.

"Mother died so miserably. But I couldn't do anything! Nothing! I am unwilling! I am so unwilling! Yes, I want to follow in Father’s footsteps, but I truly hope that I can be useful to you, at least once!

"I don't want to be Father's shadow, I want to help Father!

"I have always been calm and stable, listened to everything from Father. But this time, I beg Father to be let me be willful once, just this once!

"Father, I want to avenge Mother! I want to be a part of it!" Tears slowly poured down his face.

Gu Hai, looking at Gu Qin, remained silent for a while, before heaving a slight sigh. "Forget it! Rise! We should return now!"

The red-eyed Gu Qin raised his head. "Thank you, Father, for your forgiveness!"

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