People from the Wizard’s Association came to the Duke’s mansion and installed a device that prevented the use of other magic tools other than registered ones.

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Ellie’s brown eyes trembled violently at Arthur’s explanation that the installation of the device cost an exorbitantly large sum of money enough to buy a mansion.

“Isn’t she a really great woman?”

Ellie looked up at Arthur with a bewildered expression.


“She must be a woman who has a crush on the Duke. Even so, the thought of using magic tools to break into the Duke’s mansion is bold.”

At Arthur’s words that pierced her conscience, Ellie only smiled awkwardly. She couldn’t reveal that it was her.

She thought it was simply a dream, but it wasn’t. She herself couldn’t believe that she actually turned into what she looked like when she entered Duke Rufus’ bedroom. She was still stunned.

It was probably because of the potion her father gave her. Do fairy potions really exist?

She thought it was her father’s bluff again this time, but she was so confused that it wasn’t.

When she fell asleep, it was as if she was taken to Duke Rufus’ bedroom in the appearance of a fairy. And when she wakes up in surprise, she will return to her original appearance.

This was all she could guess at the moment.

“It would be tiring to live as a popular man. Even such a strange woman clings to him.”

“I know, right.”

She suddenly became a strange woman. She didn’t even know that the potion had that kind of power.

What if she came to Duke Rufus’ room every night she slept?

She wouldn’t be able to sleep comfortably if that was the case.

When she returned home, these worries continued. Even after she drank three cups of coffee, she fell asleep. It was because she hardly slept last night.

She tried hard not to fall asleep but to no avail. As she sat on the sofa and read a book, her eyes suddenly closed.

“I’m here again.”

At the familiar bedroom scene unfolding in front of her, Ellie sighed in despair. As soon as she fell asleep, she came back to the Duke of Rufus’ bedroom.

Fortunately, Duke Rufus was nowhere to be seen in his bedroom. Sweeping through her soft long silver hair, Ellie tried to wake up.

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But it seems she can’t wake up as she pleases.

What should I do to wake my sleeping body up?

Ellie walked through the spacious Duke of Rufus’ bedroom with an anxious face. She wanted to wake up before he showed up.

But at that moment, the bedroom door opened. Duke Rufus, who was walking into the room, found her and furrowed his well-groomed brow.

“You are here again.”

“I am sorry. This is not my will.”

Ellie hurriedly apologized to Duke Rufus. Lucky for her, her current appearance was not what she really was.

If she showed up in his bedroom in her original appearance, she would have to stop working. It was a relief during the misfortune.

“Damn Wizards Association bastards.”

He spent a lot of money to install a magic tool control, and it seems he’s really upset that it doesn’t work.

Duke Rufus hates wasting money the most in the world. He was the richest man in the Empire, but he never squandered a single silver.

So he only invested where it was worth investing in. It was never easy to pass his strict standards.

“I am sorry about that too. You hate wasting money the most.”

Somehow it seemed like it was my fault, so I apologized carefully.

“You know me well.”

He approached her, narrowed his eyes, and looked at her intently. Ellie unknowingly stepped back, but was blocked by a wall and could no longer step back.

He came closer and stretched out his hand towards her face. Then, as if something came to mind, he stopped his hand near her face.

“Will you disappear again if I touch you?”

Ellie could not easily answer his sudden question. She didn’t know either. How to leave this place?

“I don’t know.”

Despite her honest answer, his blue eyes filled with dissatisfaction, perhaps he thought she was hiding something.

“I’m telling you. I know how to get here, but I don’t know how to get back.”

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Taking a step back, he looked at her with an interrogating look and asked, “Then tell me how you got here. What kind of magic tool do you use so that even that damn expensive device doesn’t work?”

“I’m not using magic tools.”

She smiled awkwardly and said carefully, “Actually, I’m asleep right now.”

His brow furrowed even more as if he didn’t understand what she was saying.

“I know it’s an unbelievable story. I don’t know why, but when I fall asleep, I wake up in the Duke’s bedroom. In short, I’m in a state of dreaming.”

Looking up at his beautiful blue eyes, she said in a calm voice.

If it were the real me, I wouldn’t have even made eye contact with him. However, when I stood in front of him in a different appearance, a sense of relief and strange courage soared.

“I’m even still awake, so stop talking nonsense.”

“It’s a reality for the Duke, but it’s really a dream for me.”

He smirked as if it was ridiculous.

“I’m a crazy guy who tried to solve it by talking to a crazy woman.”

It was understandable that he didn’t believe it. Ellie herself also felt that the things that were happening now were unrealistic.

“I can’t help it if you don’t believe it. That’s all I know right now. I don’t know anything yet except that I’ll come here when I fall asleep.”

He rang the bell calling the guards as if he didn’t want to deal with her anymore. She could hear the guards who were waiting outside the door running over.


Ellie awoke, gasping for air. Her heart was pounding wildly.

Will I wake up if I am so shocked to the point that I can’t handle it?

Caressing her still pounding heart, Ellie got up from the bed. She was afraid to go back to sleep because the guards seemed to be guarding in the Duke’s bedroom.


Raymond frowned as he looked at where the silver-haired woman had stood before.

“She’s disappeared again.”


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The guards who rushed in asked in confusion.

“Nevermind. Get out.”

He ruffled his hair. He barely slept last night because of that woman who suddenly appeared in his bedroom.

He even installed an annoyingly expensive device, but she still magically appeared in front of him.

If she’s not using a magic tool…… who the hell is she? Does she really appear here when she sleeps and disappears when she wakes up?

“I’m totally fooled by that crazy woman’s words.”

Recalling what the woman had said, Raymond laughed bitterly. He didn’t want to play with such bullshit.

Perhaps there was an error in the device made by the Wizards Association. Raymond gritted his teeth, remembering the faces of those who shouted that no unregistered magic tools could be used in the mansion.

He would make them return all the money they had taken from him. To install such a device, it cost a lot of money to buy a mansion.

As expected, the Wizards Association guys were scammers who only wanted money. They say magic is science. Science is ridiculous. Absurd things were happening in his mansion where common sense and science did not work at all.

“Let’s wait and see. Maybe you will come again when you fall asleep.”

Raymond sat back on the sofa with a tired face. He also had trouble sleeping last night because of that woman. Thinking of the woman who made him tired two days in a row made him annoyed.

He noticed that the woman knew quite well about him. But he didn’t know anything about her.

She has a face that can’t be easily forgotten. No matter how much he didn’t care about women, it was strange that he didn’t recognize a woman with such a face.

Silver hair is not common. Moreover, soft light emanating from her hair. Unless she hid her hair, if he had ever met her at a social gathering, he would have definitely remembered her.

Raymond was thinking about making a sketch of her. She has such a beautiful appearance that anyone who sees her will never forget her, so he will be able to find her in no time.

Arthur will be busier.

No, Arthur’s talented secretary will be busier.

A soft smile spread over his face as he recalled Arthur’s secretary, Ellie.

She was one of the few people in his life he liked. What he liked most about her was that she never said unnecessary things. Her work was also done neatly. Also, she showed no useless interest in him.

It was said that she went to the same academy as him, but he couldn’t remember.

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Ellie was not a person with a strong impression when he first met her. However, as time passed, she was a person whose impression became stronger and stronger.

It doesn’t matter if Arthur, his aide, quit his job, but it will be quite difficult if she does.

Okay, I’ll leave this to Ellie Miller tomorrow.

Recalling her extraordinary ability to collect and organize information, Raymond nodded his head with a satisfied look on his face.


I was tired like I was going to die.

It was really hard to go to work without sleeping for two days. Wearing a navy suit as dull as her face, Ellie struggled to go to work.

“Are you not feeling well? You look worse than yesterday.”

Arthur asked, examining her complexion with a worried face.

“I am fine. It’s because I haven’t been sleeping well lately.”

“Do you have insomnia? Then don’t drink coffee, drink warm tea. Coffee is worse for insomnia.”

Ellie smiled at the advice of her friendly boss.


But contrary to her answer, her hand was holding a cup of coffee. She couldn’t stand it.

“Sometimes you don’t really listen to me.”

Arthur smirked at her. At that time, a knock on the door to the aide’s office was heard. When Ellie turned her head, the butler of the Duke of Rufus was already standing there.

“Secretary Miller.”

“Yes, Mr. Butler.”

“Duke Rufus is looking for you.”

When Ellie heard that Duke Rufus was looking for her, she was instantly taken aback.

Why is he suddenly looking for me?

Did he ever notice that the woman who came into his bedroom the last two nights was me?

Ellie shook her head. It’s impossible. She couldn’t help but feel anxious even though she thought so.

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