Even though it was night, his bedroom was brightly lit.

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Do you hate darkness?

She had a crush on him for five years, but there were still many things she didn’t know about him. After all, she didn’t even talk to him until she worked for the Duke, so it’s understandable.

Holding her breath, Ellie looked at him quietly. She didn’t want to wake him up.

I wonder what kind of dream he was dreaming of. I hope he has a good dream.

However, contrary to her wishes, he was having trouble breathing.

“……ah. No. Please…… let me…… go.”

Ellie hurriedly reached out to Duke Rufus, who uttered those words in a voice full of pain.

“Duke, Duke!”

She shook his shoulders, but he was still breathing heavily.

Seeing him in pain, as if he was about to run out of breath, made her heart uneasy.

“I’ll call the doctor.”

In the Duke’s mansion, the doctor on duty is the resident doctor. Forgetting that her current appearance wasn’t her real appearance, Ellie hastily got up from the bed.

At that moment, Duke Rufus reached out and grabbed her arm.

“It’s you again.”

He mumbled in a very low voice.

“Are you okay?”

Ellie asked him in a worried voice.

“I was just having a common nightmare.”

His figure seemed too in pain to be having a common nightmare. What kind of dream is that?

As she looked at him with worried eyes, his big hands pulled her onto the bed. Eventually, she lay in the bed in his arms.

“Stop disappearing at will.”

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Hearing his low voice, Ellie had a confused expression on her face.

I told you it wasn’t my will.

“Would you mind letting me go for a moment?”

His beautiful face, close enough that his breath touched her face, made her heart pound dizzy.

“Promise me you won’t disappear.”

“I will try. It’s not something I can control at my will.”

He slowly let go of the arm he was grabbing as he looked at her warily.

“Continue what you were talking about during the day.”

At his sudden words, she blinked slowly. Is he talking about her confession?

“Before that, I have something to tell you.”

Sitting up, she said in a calm voice. He looked at her quietly as if wanting her to keep talking.

“I found out why I came here when I fell asleep.”

How far will he believe this absurd story?

“Well…… it was because of the fairy potion.”

He stared at her with sharp eyes as she spoke of a fairy potion.

“I understand that you don’t believe it. Because I really can’t believe it either. Still, please listen to the end.”

Ellie continued her explanation in a calm voice. As she finished the detailed explanation of the fairy potion, Duke Rufus laughed in a low voice.

“So, the reason you keep appearing in my bedroom is that you have a crush on me?”


“Besides, you’re appearing in the appearance of a fairy, not your real appearance?”

Ellie nodded slowly at him, confirming his words.


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“Then, who are you?”

Her eyes widened at the unexpected question.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t say that. No matter how curious you are—”

“I’m not curious.”

Perhaps his pride was hurt, he cut her off with a cold voice.

“I know, right. You are not someone who is curious about such things. Not one or two women have a crush on you. You think that women confessing to you are annoying.”

So Ellie didn’t even think to confess her feelings.

It wasn’t a confession she made in her true appearance, but after confessing the feelings she had been holding for a long time, her heart became more at ease.

“You know me too well. Did you even do a background check on me?”

He asked, showing signs of displeasure.

“It’s not like that, so don’t worry.”

He looked at her with his still alert eyes.

“I know you feel very uncomfortable. I will sort my feelings out quickly. Once I sorted out my feelings toward you, I will no longer come here.”

“Sort your feelings out?”

He asked, raising one eyebrow slightly.

“Yes, I will do my best so I can get rid of my feelings for you. I am so sorry for the inconvenience.”

“Then, what if you don’t come here anymore?”

“Perhaps my longtime crush is over.”

He frowned at her blunt answer.

“I hope you can sort your feelings out quickly.”

At his blunt words, Ellie hurriedly nodded her head. She didn’t want her feelings to make him uncomfortable either.

“I will do that.”

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As if tired, he raised his hand and rubbed his red eyes.

“No matter how much I think about it, it’s ridiculous that I have to believe your nonsense.”

“There are times when mysterious magical things happen in the world.”

“I think it’s a curse rather than a magic.”

At his straightforward words, Ellie quietly bit her lip. It may be magical for her, but it was natural for him to feel like a curse.

“I’m so sorry. If you’re so uncomfortable, I’ll just go outside. Because I don’t want to burden you either.”

Ellie carefully looked into his eyes and came down to the bed.

“Just stay here. It’s more burdensome if rumors of a witch roaming around the Duke Rufus’ mansion every night spread out.”

He’s right. If anyone saw her coming out of the Duke’s bedroom at this hour, there would be strange rumors such as the Duke hiding a woman.

She’s already been burdening him, and should not cause any more burden.

“Then I’ll be on the sofa over there. Have a good night’s sleep. Don’t worry about me.”

Duke Rufus sighed quietly.

Having nothing more to say, Ellie hurriedly closed her mouth. She only regrets having become a burden to him.

Seeing her sitting on the sofa as if she were dead, the Duke sighed quietly and lay down on the bed.

Ellie looked at the book on the table, trying not to look towards the bed as much as possible so as not to make him uncomfortable.

A new novel by J. Orlia that came out recently was lying on the table. She was well aware that he liked the books of J. Orlia.

She also liked novels by J. Orlia. Following him, she started reading the author’s novels, and she liked her characteristic plain and warm style of writing.

Neither absolute evil nor absolute good appeared in the author’s novels. The stories of ordinary, warm people even warmed the hearts of those reading the book.

Contrary to his cold appearance, she thought that Duke Rufus was a quite warm-hearted person.

“If you want to read it, just read it.”

Duke Rufus said as she stared at the book by J. Orlia. She turned her head in surprise and saw him lying on the bed, looking at her.

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She thought he was asleep because it was quiet, but he was not.

“If you can’t sleep because it’s too bright……”

The lights were always on in his bedroom, but just in case, she opened her mouth carefully.

“It’s not like that. Never turn off the lights.”

As expected, he seems to hate the dark. He often has nightmares that are said to be common nightmares. His night didn’t seem as comfortable as she thought.

“……shall I read you a book?”

With his blue eyes staring at her, she asked hesitantly.

“I think you can’t sleep well. I was just wondering if it would help you a little bit.”

He held back a smirk when he saw her utter an excuse hesitantly with her blushing red face.

“……then read it.”

Contrary to his outspoken tone, he spoke unexpected words of permission. With a sigh of relief inwardly, Ellie picked up the book by the author J. Orlia lying on the table.

She got up from the sofa and sat down on the chair next to the bed. Leaning on the pillow, the Duke looked at her without saying a word.

Carefully, she began to read the book in a calm voice. She just wanted his night to be a little more comfortable.

How much time has passed? Fortunately, the eyes of the Duke of Rufus, who was looking at her, gradually closed. After confirming his regular and comfortable breathing, Ellie quietly stopped reading. Perhaps he was very tired, he fell asleep faster than she thought. Fortunately, his sleeping face looked relaxed.

“Your eyelashes are really long.”

It was her first time looking into his beautiful face like this. Suppressing the urge to take a closer look at his face, she turned her gaze to the book she had stopped reading.

I have to be careful not to let him wake up because of me. I hope he sleeps peacefully all night without any dreams.

Ellie was even careful while breathing, quietly concentrating on the book. She had to stay here until her body woke up.

Fortunately, it is not boring at all, perhaps because the book is interesting. However, her body remained here until she finished reading the thick book.

Ellie looked out the window where the sun had risen before she knew it and had an anxious expression on her face. It was time to wake up, but her body didn’t even want to wake up.

At this rate, I’ll be late for work.

As she was biting her lip with anxiety, she heard a knock on the door.

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