Every Night, I Come to His Bedroom Chapter 8

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Dyuk escorted her to one of the priciest dressing rooms in the place. One dress cost a year worth of salary.

“Sir… why don’t we go somewhere else?”

Ellie talked with caution to Dyuk.

“It was the Duke’s direct order to purchase a dress from this store. Don’t worry since the cost will be paid for by the Duke.”

Duke remarked with a kind grin. The fact that Duke Rufus paid for the outfit made Ellie feel much more uncomfortable.

“It’s really fine.”

“Consider it a prize for your diligent effort.”

Madame Dwellin, the proprietor of the dressing room, approached her as she was conversing with Dyuk.

“It has been some time, butler.”

Since she was familiar with Dyuk, she welcomed them with a smile.

“Good luck today, Madame Dwellin.”

“Is it this woman? I’ve never seen this before.”

“She’s Young Lady Miller, Duke Rufus’s partner for the ball.”

Madame Dwellin’s eyes widened at hearing the phrase partner of Duke Rufus.

“I’ll have to pay special attention then.”

She stared at Ellie while smiling. The changing room staff eventually presented Ellie with various outfits.

At first sight, wearing a dress that seemed rich and gorgeous increased her load.

“Do you have any further basic dresses?”

Madame Dwellin became concerned for a time in response to Ellie’s query, then went away. She eventually returned with a silver outfit that lacked any unique embellishments.

The silver outfit that sparkled in the sunshine was simple, yet it exudes opulence. It was an outfit that felt like the nightly transformation of a fairy’s silver hair.

“I adore it.”

Madame Dwellin smiled broadly at hearing Ellie’s response.

“Would you want to give it a try?”

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Ellie nodded slowly in response to the inquiry. Two employees who followed her inside the changing room assisted her with the outfit change.

Possibly due to the expensive outfit, her image in the mirror was more refined than normal. Ellie adored her gown.

Madame Dwellin nodded in approval upon seeing Ellie emerge from the dressing room.

“This outfit flatters you much more than a drab navy blue suit.”

“Please display the shoes and accessories that coordinate with this outfit.”

Ellie’s eyes startled at Dyuk’s unexpected comments.


“If you feel uneasy, you may return the item later. It will be practical if you consider it an extension of your job.”

Ellie was compelled to nod her head in response to Dyuk’s smiling comments. Given the appearance of Duke Rufus, it seemed that she had to dress properly.

She could not return to the duke’s home until she had purchased pearl earrings and necklaces, silver shoes and purses. After work, the maids paid her a visit at the office of the assistant.

With the dexterous assistance of the ladies, Ellie applied cosmetics, styled her hair, and donned a dress, so that when she glanced in the mirror, she did not recognize herself.

Ellie was astonished to see that she seemed lovely and graceful in the mirror.

“You are gorgeous.”

As she flushed nervously at the maid’s praise, she heard a tap at the door.

“Let’s go if you feel ready.”

Ellie immediately grabbed the clutch upon hearing the voice of Duke Rufus outside the door.

As he opened the door and waited outside while wearing a tuxedo, Duke Rufus squinted his eyes and observed her.

“It fits you well.”

Even at his modest compliments, her heart puffed up. It was her first time standing in front of him in this manner, so she became more tense.

“Thank you very much.”

Ellie attempted to ignore the strain and shaking as she responded with a steady voice.

“Then, should we proceed?”

Ellie, at his urging, gently followed him. His silver automobile was parked in front of the entrance.

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It was an Auston automobile, one of the enterprises in which Duke Rufus had invested. The car’s exterior, which gleamed silver, was constructed from costly hematite, and only approximately eight were created annually. Therefore, only the imperial family and aristocracy of the highest rank could still acquire automobiles.

The majority of aristocracy still preferred carriages. It was her very first time in a vehicle. Arthur usually accompanied Duke Rufus on business trips, therefore he never entered the vehicle.

Ellie was really fascinated about the automobile that was propelled by the Magic Stone without the assistance of a horse. The automobile arrived at the Imperial Palace while its occupants remained silent so as not to disturb Duke Rufus, while gazing out the window.

“Wait a minute.”

Duke Rufus spoke calmly to Ellie, who was ready to open the door and exit the carriage, as she prepared to do so. Duke Rufus exited the vehicle first, then turned around, opened the door on the side where she was seated, and extended his hand.

“Thank you very much.”

Ellie gripped his hand, attempting to conceal her anxiety. I’m glad I wore gloves. Or maybe he’ll catch her moist hands due to anxiety.

Ellie’s attention was drawn to the spectacular inside of the palace once she stepped onto the crimson carpet between the well-kept grounds and entered it.

An enormous crystal chandelier was surrounded by a plethora of lesser chandeliers that glistened with brilliant light.

As soon as Duke Rufus made his appearance, all eyes were on him. He was always and everywhere an attention-getter.

They looked directly at her as she stood next to Duke Rufus.

The stern looks of the aristocrats who knew nothing about her caused her to instinctively recede.

For this reason, Ellie did not enjoy the prom. It was really unpleasant, similar to wearing loose-fitting clothing.

“There is no need to be anxious. Because I am here.”

Possibly seeing her discomfort, he said in a whisper.

Ellie grinned broadly and nodded vigorously.

Numerous aristocratic families gathered to greet Duke Rufus.

Ellie concealed her anxiety and stood by his side in silence. Because it was her responsibility to do so today.

* * *

While Duke Rufus greeted the hostess of the celebration, the Empress, she walked out onto the balcony. She felt somewhat more out of breath after breathing in the fresh air.

Additionally, the ball was unpleasant. Ellie wanted to get home fast and relax on the bed. It was a new pair of shoes, therefore her feet felt really uneasy.

While seated on the chair, she grabbed her footwear. In the meanwhile, the shoes were difficult to remove since her feet were swollen.

When she tugged the heels with vigor, the shoe recoiled and flew away. Ellie then saw a hand taking up her shoe.

Ellie cautiously lifted her head and observed the handsome face. Her dark eyes twitched rapidly upon seeing the visage of Duke Rufus.

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“I don’t enjoy parties, either.”

Duke Rufus took up her shoes and approached her with caution. As he bent his knee and placed her shoes on her, Ellie’s face became hot with humiliation.

“I can do it.”

Despite her encouragement, Duke Rufus did not stand up. Ellie regarded him with an uneasy expression as he stood up just after putting on her shoes.

Even with the air, the heat on her face did not seem to go quickly. Ellie’s need to conceal her hot cheeks prevented her from raising her bent head.

“Thank you very much.”

“If you feel really uncomfortable, you may return first. I’ll call you a carriage.”

In response to his comments, Ellie shook her head.

“No. It has only just begun. I shall remain till the Duke has departed.”

“This is why I like you. You’re diligent and honest.”

Her cheeks, which had managed to calm off, flushed scarlet in response to his sly praise.

‘I was affected by his acknowledgement of me, not as a woman, but as a praise to a dedicated employee.’

“Thank you very much.”

“Then will we proceed? Just one further hour to go.”


Ellie followed him down the balcony in silence. Then, she saw individuals dancing to the music underneath the dazzling lights.

“Shall we also go and dance?”

Duke Rufus extended his hand to her. At that time. One of the little chandeliers suspended over their heads crashed to the floor.

“Be careful!”

Duke Rufus quickly placed his arms around her and yelled. The chandelier fell to the ground and broke as Duke Rufus was caressing his hand.

People at the party were shocked by the loudness and quickly gathered around the two individuals.

“Are you okay?”

Ellie nodded nervously in response to the Duke’s inquiry. Duke Rufus’s hand was bleeding in front of her eyes.

“Did you hurt your hand?”

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He gazed down at the injured hand with an expression indicating that he didn’t mind when she asked in a surprised tone.

“It is just a little scrape.”

A little scrape resulted in considerable blood loss. Ellie quickly unzipped the purse and extracted a handkerchief. Ellie opened her lips and bandaged his wounds with a cloth as her hands shook.

“It’s bleeding… should we contact your doctor… or even a hospital—”

“Ellie Miller.”

He called her in a tranquil tone.


“It’s alright. Don’t worry excessively. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen you that enthusiastic.”

Ellie was unable to laugh at his jokes that included laughter. I felt uneasy because I believed he was suffering because of me.

“Duke Rufus. Are you okay?”

The Empress, the party’s host, approached Duke Rufus with a look of astonishment.

“Yes, Imperial Empress. I am okay. Nonetheless, it might be prudent to inspect the lights once again.”

The banquet hall’s ceiling was equipped with many lights. Due to Duke Rufus’s injury, it was inevitable that someone would get hurt.

“You must cure your wounds, thus, I believe that you must return home today.”

Duke Rufus’s face lit up with a grin, as if he had a good reason.

* * *

Ellie carefully packed her dress, shoes, and accessories before returning home. The dress was cleaned and returned, while the other goods were returned the next day. They were just too costly to obtain.

After cleaning and bathing, she lay down on her bed immediately. I was anxious about his injury. It seemed imperative that I visit him immediately.

She slipped into a deep slumber shortly after lighting the incense candle.





Don’t forget to click the heart for advanced chapters!(For My Husband’s New Wife)  

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