A short novella, I’m only taking this as a side project. After the third chapter, another translator will take this project…

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Happy reading!

"Because I love you."

The moment she heard this sentence, the puppet like Lou Yaoyao completely collapsed, her tears fell like a broken string of pearls, unable to stop.

Qin Zhi, who was separated by the window, felt hurt as he looked at her. He placed his hand on the window's glass, seemingly wanted to wipe her tears, yet it was all but futile. In the end, he had to persuade with an aching heart: "Yaoyao, don't cry."

How could she not cry, Lou Yaoyao cried until she almost fainted, the he who was separated in the other side of the window kept consoling her in soft voice, his voice was gentle and soft just as in the past, just like every time in the past, so long as she cry and make a scene, he would put everything down regardless what kind of matter was it, to accompany and coax her.

She had been extremely foolish, to have believed that they had only had siblings affection, she had been extremely foolish, to have caused him to have taken the blame for her!

"Qin Zhi, why didn't you say it earlier?" Lou Yaoyao asked tearfully.

Qin Zhi merely smiled, he didn't give her any answer.

Actually he didn't need to answer, as Lou Yaoyao had asked this question, she had already thought the answer. Because even if he had said it, it would have been useless. At that time she had been obsessed with Chen Hao, in her eyes, except for Chen Hao, there had been no one else.

Having understood this, Lou Yaoyao cried more sadly.

The prison guard at the side urged that the prisoner visiting hour was over.

Qin Zhi called Lou Yaoyao.

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Lou Yaoyao held the receiver and leaned towards the window ledge while crying and gasping for breath, yet she also braced herself to hear what he said.

"Yaoyao, afterwards I cannot guard you by your side anymore, you must take a good care of yourself, don't be willful anymore, do you know?"

"Yes, yes." Lou Yaoyao merely knew to nod absentmindedly.


"Yes, yes."

"Don't marry Chen Hao, do you know? Find a man who truly love you and be good with him, do you know?"

"Yes, yes."

Qin Zhi spoke a lot endlessly, this was the first time in Lou Yaoyao's entire life she didn't think that was annoying. She earnestly responded although she didn't even hear what he was saying.

The prison guard had urged several times, to not keep dragging on. Qin Zhi finally gave Lou Yaoyao a profound glance, put down the receiver, and got up to leave.

Lou Yaoyao suddenly stood up, she was hitting the window hard, despite of the prison guard's warning, she pointed at the receiver.

Qin Zhi sounded an apology to the prison guard and once again picked up the receiver.

Lou Yaoyao looked at him through the window glass, this one handsome man had always loved to pay attention to cleanliness, but in the short period of several months, he already had a beard which seemed to be hastily shaved, the face still had some that wasn't neatly shaved. His face had become yellowish and unusually haggard. All except of his pair of eyes which was still brilliant as they were before. It seemed that the hardships of life had not affected him. Lou Yaoyao looked and felt a burst of sadness, until Qin Zhi opened his mouth to hurried her up, then Lou Yaoyao said in unswerving arrogance: "Qin Zhi, you know that I am willful and also selfish, therefore indulge me once again for the last time, wait for me okay? I'm not asking you, I'm ordering you, you wait for me, or else don't even think that you will have a good life later, you know that I can make one life a living hell!"

Look, she was such a vicious woman, always forced other people to do the things they did not want to, and never knew how to repent, also was proud of it.

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At the beginning, Qin Zhi had not understood what she was speaking about. When he had figured it out, Lou Yaoyao had smiled, put down the receiver, and gone out.

Staring blankly for quite a while, Qin Zhi finally laughed, she let him wait, then he would wait, he resigned himself, this lifetime of his had fell into this woman's hand.

Lou Yaoyao cried for a long time, both of her eyes were swollen like peaches, the outside sunlight made her have a temporary blackout in vision.


Chen Hao, who was waiting outside, caught sight of her, he threw away the cigarette butt and smiled as he walk toward her.

He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of white tailored trousers, the handsome and delicate face carried a faint smile. Walking beneath the sunlight, it was as if there was a layer of golden ray behind his body, dazzling.

Lou Yaoyao opened her eyes wide to face this man squarely, she had looked at him so many times, but this was the first time she very seriously looked at him, very thoroughly looked.

Chen Hao reached for her hand, Lou Yaoyao shook it of with disgust and walked straightly to the side of the car.

Chen Hao's face stiffened then quickly resumed his smiling expression again, he walked to the side of the car and considerately assisted her in opening the car door.

Once Lou Yaoyao sat in, Chen Hao then circled to the driver's seat and started the car.

Lou Yaoyao looked out of the window in a daze, during which Chen Hao was using the side mirror to look at her expression.

Lou Yaoyao looked impatient, she turned her head around, sneered and said: "Chen Hao, you must really hate me right?"

"Yaoyao, what kind of nonsense are you talking about?" Chen Hao was apparently very surprised of what Lou Yaoyao had said, his face was filled with astonishment. Leaning his head to look at her eyes yet with a gentle helplessness, that eyes was exactly like the eyes of a man who was helpless against the willfulness of his girlfriend.

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Lou Yaoyao however wasn't deceived by him, rather she mind her own business and said: "How can you not hate me, I killed your beloved woman, killed your child, how can you not hate me?"

Chen Hao knitted his brows and snarled: "Lou Yaoyao, what kind of nonsense are you talking about!"

"I talked nonsense? Don't you know very clearly? At that time, we all three were on the scene, how did Lou Qingqing die, don't you know? The one who killed Lou Qingqing is me, not Qin Zhi." After Lou Yaoyao said everything in her mind, she dropped another bomb: "I'm going to turn myself in."

She had been muddleheaded, however after crying in the prison, her mind unexpectedly became very clear, she must not let Qin Zhi take the blame for her. Qin Zhi was now 32 years old, this was the prime of man's lifetime, however to serve 10 years in prison, in this rapidly progressed era, ten years was equal another world, at that time then, everything would be too late.

Although she was very selfish, she must not let Qin Zhi —because of her— ruined his whole life. He deserved to have a much better life.

Chen Hao was apparently frightened by what Lou Yaoyao had said, stared at her in surprise, he was also dumbstruck for quite a while. He seriously looked at her and found that her expression was dead serious, without pretense. His eyes flashed with a hint of fury, but he soon put himself under control. Using a gentle voice from the beginning to the end, he said: "Yaoyao, we are going to get married next month. At this time, don't speak this kind of nonsense. You and I are going to get married, Lou Qingqing and I are of no importance."

"There will not be a wedding." Regarding Chen Hao's excuses, Lou Yaoyao didn't bother to pay any attention, she mockingly said: "Very happy? You will finally get rid of me!"

Chen Hao was apparently enraged by her speech, with a look of affectionate and wounded, he said: "Lou Yaoyao, in the end how can I convince you of my sincerity?"

Lou Yaoyao just felt disgusted to the point of wanting to throw up, just not so long ago, she had —because of an argument with Lou Qingqing— accidentally killed Lou Qingqing as well as Lou Qingqing's unborn child with her own hand, one corpse with two lives. However now, this man was actually talk about sincerity to the killer of his own child?

Lou Yaoyao suddenly felt sad for Lou Qingqing, they —this pair of sisters of same father but different mothers— were actually for such a disgusting man, had fought for more than 10 years?

Lou Qingqing, oh Lou Qingqing, if you were to look at the appearance of this man now, would you crawl out of your grave?

Perhaps… Chen Hao had never loved Lou Qingqing?

The more she thought, the more disgusted she was. At this moment, Lou Yaoyao really didn't want to look at this man's face: "Stop the car!"

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How could Chen Hao stop the car, still with a face of great sadness like before, he looked at her: "Yaoyao, I know that you and Qin Zhe always have a very good relationship, so good that it even make me jealous. But you can not because of this, take the blame of Qin Zhe's crime. I love you so much. Where do you place me? Have you thought about my feeling?"

F***! Lou Yaoyao was dumbstruck, she should have found long ago that this man simply had a problem within his brain!

"Stop talking, you make me feel disgusted! My brain must have been flooded with water, to be fond of a man like you!" Lou Yaoyao was almost burst with rage, she looked at Chen Hao with hatred: "I will say it one more time, stop the car!"

Chen Hao, of course, would not stop the car. That fair and handsome face was twisted with pain and on the verge of tears: "Yaoyao…"

Looking at this face of Chen Hao, Lou Yaoyao completely broke down: "Please stop talking, whenever you open your mouth to talk, I just want to throw up!"

Chen Hao seemed to be repulsed by her blunt remark of her disgust, so much that he forgot his pretence, he looked at her with eyes wide opened and stiff face. He had heard about Lou Yaoyao's vicious mind and malicious speech, however previously because Lou Yaoyao had been fond of him, naturally would have not spoken those foul language in front of him. Until now, he had just found that this woman really had a foul mouth.

Lou Yaoyao was the kind of person that when she likes you, she will hold you up to the sky, when she hates you, this woman will lose her mind!

If she had been smart enough, she would not have an acrimonious falling-out at this time, if she had been smart enough, enough to endure patiently, she would not…

The two of them were at deadlock, Lou Yaoyao was not in the mood to look at him at all. Chen Hao took a few deep breaths and with great difficulty managed to calm himself down. He turned his head, just wanted to show affection, yet the sound of horn and sudden brake was heard.

At the corner of the mountain road ahead, a heavy loaded truck came head on.

The moment when the steel reinforcing bar clashed against the forehead, time seemed to have stopped, Lou Yaoyao's short 27 years of life from birth until now flashed before her eyes, an indescribable thought appeared in her mind: This is a very sad fairy tale, it's ending is extremely weird, the Cinderella heroine was stabbed to death by the vicious woman, and then the fickle and heartless prince male lead was about to live a happy and harmonious, beautiful life with the vicious woman, but unexpectedly killed by a car accident, moreover died without intact corpse! This is indeed a melodramatic (dog-blood) fairy tale!

Before she closed her eyes, Lou Yaoyao thought of her unwillingness and regret: "Poor Qin Zhi, it seems that you have to wait for me until the next life!

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