Chapter 17  Nobody loves you more than I do

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When Ruan Si Nan wandered past again, even Qin Zhi whose patience was astoundingly strong was irritated. The entire afternoon, this guy seemed like a fly. He buzzed and circled restlessly nearby.

“What do you want?” Qin Zhi closed the document and leaned back into his chair.

Ruan Si Nan continued to circle very seriously. When Qin Zhi was already  full of impatience, he finally said, “Say, why would a woman who clearly likes you reject you?”

“You bothered me this entire afternoon for this?” Qin Zhi had a headache and pressed his temples, “ Don’t you always brag that you understand women the most? Why would you ask me?”

“This. Can’t you see that I’m very worried. You’re my best brother1, unexpectedly, you’re so indifferent to your best friend. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”

Qin Zhi wasn’t even a bit ashamed. He just expressionlessly looked at Ruan Si Nan.

Ruan Si Nan reluctantly spread out his hands, “Forget it, I also didn’t expect you this blockhead, to come up with anything constructive. Come on, accompany your frustrated brother in drinking.”

Qin Zhi lifted his hand to check his watch. When he looked at his left wrist and the string with blue stones on it, he suddenly remembered that he didn’t have a wrist watch. This bracelet was exquisite and attractive, but on a man’s wrist it was unavoidably a little odd. But because it was Lou Yao Yao who helped him wear it, even if he faced everyone’s astonishment and mocking gazes, he still wouldn’t take it down.

Drawing his shirt cuff up to obstruct the bracelet from view, Qin Zhi looked up to see the clock on the wall. Then he said, “I can’t today. Later, I have to go pick up Lou Yao Yao.”

“Pick up Lou Yao Yao…….” Ruan Si Nan stroked his chin and looked at Qin Zhi oddly, “Say, recently when you leave the company early, it wouldn’t be to pick her up?”

Qin Zhi was disinclined to care about him. He continued to read documents.

“That’s not right. It isn’t the weekend. Why would you pick up Lou Yao Yao? It could be that……you guys are living together?” Ruan Si Nan’s expression was a little shocked. He looked at Qin Zhi like he couldn’t believe this, “It couldn’t be that something happened between you two that I don’t know about?”

Seeing that Qin Zhi wasn’t paying any attention, Ruan Si Nan stroked his chin and pretended to be a detective. Although in the last meetup, Lou Yao Yao was drunk and their crowd of friends had created a disturbance to bet whether Qin Zhi would be a beast; actually, they were just messing around. They all knew in their hearts that Qin Zhi absolutely wouldn’t do anything. Because with, Lou Yao Yao’s personality, if something occured when she didn’t want to do anything, then she would definitely hate Qin Zhi, hate him forever. How could Qin Zhi do anything that would make Lou Yao Yao hate him?

But, the event that could let the feelings between the two accelerate, the greatest possibility was……normally living together. In any case, they already lived together during the weekends. There was nothing strange about them living together when it wasn’t the weekend.

Actually those two were really laughable. They had already “lived together” these many years; however their relationship was unexpectedly chaste. If it was said out loud, who would believe it?

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If Lou Yao Yao was unable to see clearly, then Qin Zhi was pitiful. That was because everyone knew that the only reason that Qin Zhi lived there was so that it would be more convenient for Lou Yao Yao. When Qin Zhi first moved in there, they called that place “Qin Zhi and Lou Yao Yao’s sweet nest.”

Wasn’t it Lou Yao Yao who initially said that as it only had one bedroom, friends wouldn’t be able to disturb them?

Those two were a perfect match. One obviously had someone she like, but she refused to let go of him. One was suffering to the point of death, but refused to voluntarily let go of her. That Lou Yao Yao’s personality changed to be like this had a lot to do with Qin Zhi’s indulgence.

“Heavens!” Ruan Si Nan face-palmed. Why did couldn’t he help gossiping when he saw other people’ matters, but didn’t want to understand his own matter.

Seeing Ruan Si Nan leaving the office with a face full of bitterness, QIn Zhi finally relaxed. Why did he have such a friend?

However, this woman who clearly didn’t like you, but insisted on associating with you, why was that?2

I think this is typo. In the beginning it said like, but now it says doesn’t like. I’m not sure which is correct.

Perhaps it wasn’t wanting to understand, but wanting to know an answer.

After packing up everything, Qin Zhi took his car key and left the office. His company was located in the 27th floor of this commercial building. The time riding in the elevator wasn’t short. It was good that it wasn’t the peak time, moreover, he used the high-level special-purpose elevator. At this time, the possibility of bumping into someone was low.

However on the 15th floor, he unexpectedly encountered someone. Qin Zhi distractedly waited for the 15th floor person to board the elevator. He saw the opposite party and was surprised.

Chen Hao quickly curbed the surprise on his face. He hung a warm smile on his face and said, “Qin Zhi ge.”

“En.” Qin Zhi nodded his head. His expression was as cold as before.

In a single elevator, were the two men that to a certain extent understood each other the most. Their encounter seemed to be very ordinary with no great waves, but their confrontation had never stopped. Only they were clear in their heart specifically how they dueled.

Suddenly a ring broke the silence, singing the cover song, “This man was once mine”. Chen Hao eyes’ flashed. He was very familiar with this sound; it was clearly Lou Yao Yao’s.

Qin Zhi took out his phone. When he looked at the familiar name, his constantly ice-cold face finally had a happy expression, “Hi, Yao Yao.”

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“Qin Zhi, are you still at the company? I am at home now. Why don’t you pick me up after dinner?”


“That’s settled then. See you this evening.”

“See you in the evening.”

After the phone call, the elevator fell into silence again. After going down a floor, Chen Hao went out of the elevator first. Then he discovered that Qin Zhi hadn’t gone out of the elevator. The elevator doors closed with a ding.

The other party’s cold indifference unconsciously made Chen Hao clench his fist. It was always like this. That crowd of guys who considered themselves infallible always regarded him as a clumsy mischief-doer. A foreign businessman. A rich upstart. Those two labels were like two immovable mountains, exerting a killing pressure on him. Taking a deep breath, Chen Hao revealed a neurotic smile. Even if they were even more arrogant, what use would it be. Ultimately they would all be defeated at his hands. Continue to pretend, one day, you must kneel on the ground and beg me.

Actually, overthinking was a sickness.

Chapter 17 — No one loves you more than I do

Taking out his phone, Chen Hao dialed that phone number. However, it was the system message, “Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unable to meet your call. Please dial later. Chen Hao clenched his fist with a cold face and his phone produced a “kaka” sound.

On the other side, Lou Yao Yao  hung up and opened her blacklist. When she saw the series of identical phone number, she couldn’t help revealing an expression of loathing. It was really hilarious. In the past, he had called her on his own initiative just a handful of times,but these few days the number of times he had called her was equal to the number of all the previous times. She put down her phone and continued to sort out her clothes.

After determining her relationship with Qin Zhi, she usually lived with Qin Zhi. Finally, she discovered that she didn’t have enough clothes to wear in the closet, so she chose a day to go back home and pick up some clothes. After filling two suitcases, she unwillingly called a stop. It wasn’t that she wasn’t willing to take more, but Qin Zhi’s house didn’t have enough space. However, she didn’t want to move. After all, they had lived there so many years.

Also, although a big house was good,  it wasn’t as warm as a small house.

When Fang Xilei and Lou Yuanzhi entered the house, they saw two suitcases next to the shoe rack. Lou Yuanzhi had no reaction, but Fang Xilei frowned.

Lou Yao Yao was accompanying the two aunties by watching television. She saw her parents come back and beamingly greet them.

After dinner, Fang Xilei called Lou Yao Yao upstairs.

“What’s with the two suitcases downstairs?” The mother and daughter pair sat on Lou Yao Yao’s bed. Lou Yao Yao leaned her head on her mother’s shoulder, “Mom, I want to move out.”

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“Move out?”

“En. Mom, I want to live with Qin Zhi.” When she said this, Lou Yao Yao was somewhat nervous.

Fang Xi Lei wasn’t actually surprised. She pulled Lou Yao Yao upright, looked at her daughter and said, “Yao Yao, are you dating Qin Zhi?”

“En.” Thick-skinned Lou Yao Yao blushed under her mother’s gaze. Even if a woman skin was thick, when discussing emotional matter with her mother, she would always be shy.

Fang Xilei sighed and brushed Lou Yao Yao’s bangs off to the side. “Yao Yao, have you truly decided?”

Lou Yao Yao bit her lip and said, “Mom, are you going to stop me?”

“If you are determined to do this, then mom won’t stop you. But I still don’t want you to do this.”

“Mom, I know you worry for me, but…….” Lou Yao Yao lay in Fang Xilei’s arms and said softly, “I believe that in this world, there won’t be another man who loves me like Qin Zhi”

Fang Xilei had known Qin Zhi as long as Lou Yao Yao. You could say that she had watched the two children grow up. She was very clear how Qin Zhi treated Lou Yao Yao. Yet in matters of love, no one could rashly surmise the ending. Perhaps, their relationship was good now, but it didn’t represent that  their relationship would be good in the future. Moreover, her daughter was just 20 years old. There still many days awaiting them, how could she give up her daughter to a man. Even if the other party was even better, she still wouldn’t be willing.

However, her daughter had grown up. She already had her own determination. It was impossible to continue to prevent her daughter from loving.

Furthermore, Qin Zhi was someone that truly let one be reassured. Fang Xilei couldn’t help but remembering another person. If it was Chen Hao, she definitely wouldn’t agree.

The mother and daughter pair spoke of  intimate matters in their little nest. Lou Yao Yao originally wanted to ask about her mother’s feelings toward her father, but, after all, Lou Yuanzhi was her father. Other than his personality having a problem, he hadn’t done anything too excessive. On what basis could she criticize her parent’s sentiment. Ultimately, Lou Yao Yao swallowed a lot of words down.

Her mother wasn’t a small child. She knew what to do. According to her mother’s personality,  if Lou Yuanzhi ever did anything unfair to her mother after their marriage, then wouldn’t they have already divorced? Furthermore, if her parents broke up because her father was indifferent to her, wasn’t that too presumptuous of her?

In the final analysis, Lou Yuanzhi was very good to Fang Xilei. He probably wasn’t satisfied that Fang Xilei gave birth to a girl.

In the end, Lou Yao Yao told Fang Xilei about her desire for an internship. Fang Xilei listened to her reasoning and didn’t hesitate. She agreed to let her enter the design department.

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When Qin Zhi came it was already close to eight o’clock. Qin Zhi helped carry the suitcase to the car trunk. Lou Yao Yao sat in the passenger’s seat and waited for Qin Zhi. In the reflector, Lou Yao Yao saw Fang Xilei and Qin Zhi standing by the car trunk and saying something. Their voices were too low, she wasn’t able to hear anything.

She waited for Qin Zhi to board the car and smilingly asked him, “What did you talk about with my mom?”

“Why don’t you guess?” Perhaps because his mood was too good, Qin Zhi unusually cracked a joke.

Seeing Qin Zhi’s smiling face, Lou Yao Yao moved over and kissed his face, “Humph, now you’re finished. If you dare have illicit relations but abandon me later, then I’ll stay at your family’s house and refuse to leave. Later, you won’t be able to do anything.”

“Then I need to hurry and inform my mother not to let you in the next time she sees you.”

“Haha, your mother won’t refuse to let me in.” Lou Yao Yao was like the second child in Qin Zhi’s family. She was treasured. If the two of them quarreled, it was uncertain who would be refused to be let in. Qin Zhi’s mother longed for her to marry into their family.

Thinking of this, Lou Yao Yao was dazed. In fact, probably everyone was aware of their feelings, only she didn’t completely understand.

Seeing that Lou Yao Yao suddenly fell in a daze and stopped speaking, Qin Zhi also didn’t speak again.

He always thought it was a little unrealistic. Lou Yao Yao truly wanted to live together with him.

She wasn’t jesting or cracking a joke?

He couldn’t help but remember the words that Fang Xilei had just said.

——I originally didn’t approve of Lou Yao Yao moving out. However, Lou Yao Yao that in this world there won’t another man who loves her more than you do. Do you think you can live up to those words?

Of course. How could there be someone who loved Lou Yao Yao more than he did in this world? Qin Zhi was very self-confident regarding this point.

Lou Yao Yao, there isn’t anyone who loves you more than I do.

Qin Zhi couldn’t help smiling. Regardless what had brought on Lou Yao Yao’s change, he had to treasure this opportunity. He would hold on to it. He wouldn’t drop it.

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