Chapter 21 Growing Up

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“Do you think I went too far?” Seeing Lou Qing Qing leave looking as though she had lost her soul, Lou Yao Yao leaned on Qin Zhi’s bosom and said quietly.

Qin Zhi asked her, “Do you think you went to far?”

“Of course not!” Lou Yao Yao passionately denied. Considering everything Lou Qing Qing had done to her, how could this repayment be counted as too excessive? In the beginning, if she knew that Lou Qing Qing and Chen Hao were together, then she wouldn’t have involved herself again. It was laughable. She was stupid to the point that she actually believed that Chen Hao felt guilty about Lin Fei’s death and remained single for many years because of this reason. If those two hadn’t joined together to deceive her, then she wouldn’t have remained ignorant for so many years.

However, all of this had already passed. Although she hated and regretted, she was fortunate to have this man in front of her.

“In that case, there’s no need to ask me.” Qin Zhi smiled and said.

This was excessive tolerance of Lou Yao Yao; even though, he clearly knew what the other party was doing was wrong.

Lou Yao Yao looked up at him. Her heart felt sour and sweet. He was probably the real fool. She help but recalling when she was a child, whenever she did something wrong, Qin Zhi always took the blame. Although he wouldn’t expose her, afterwards, he would grasp her and spank her until she screamed in pain. Every time, he went out with his friends, he disliked her for being troublesome and thought of various ways to ditch her. Thinking of this, Lou Yao Yao asked in curiosity, “Qin Zhi, you disliked me when we were young, right?”

Qin Zhi was stunned by her question, then honestly answered, “I disliked you.”

Lou Yao Yao choked at his honesty. Although she had asked this question, she still pinched him and asked angrily, “Then why do you like me now?”

Lou Yao Yao didn’t really understand this either. Although she wasn’t willing to admit it, if she was in the same situation and grew up with a troublemaker, she would avoid him at the earliest opportunity when she became an adult. How could you continue to masochistically continue to remain at the troublemaker’s side? And he even fell in love with her.

Besides, she wasn’t an unrivaled beauty. Nor did she have outstanding talent. Thirdly, her personality could even be called bad. Okay……Thinking about like that, she didn’t seem to have a single strength. Thinking about it made one disheartened………..

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Seeing Lou Yao Yao hanging her head in depression, Qin Zhi felt a little funny and a little heartache. He lowered his head and kissed her forehead. He smiled and said, “It’s probably because I spoiled you. I’m afraid, other than me, no one else will want you. So I have to take responsibility.”

Hearing this, Lou Yao Yao opened her eyes wide. What did he mean nobody dared want! She had been confessed to a short time ago!

Then what about you? Why did you go out with me?” Qin Zhi didn’t give her the opportunity to get angry and tossed out his own question. He believed that Lou Yao Yao genuinely didn’t like Chen Hao. She was never a woman who was good at camouflage. She never had reason to go back on her words.

Qin Zhi waited for her reply. He couldn’t understand why. He knew if he asked, then Lou Yao Yao would tell him the truth. She wouldn’t deceive him. But, he was still unwilling to ask and hear an answer that he didn’t want. However, after dating, he could feel Lou Yao Yao’s sincere devotion. Perhaps, it wasn’t just his own wishful thinking.

After asking, it felt like a boulder that had been pressing down on him had suddenly been removed. His heart immediately felt lighter.

Lou Yao Yao rolled her eyes, “I thought you would never ask.”

“It is probably because in this world, there is no one that would treat me better than you do. Besides, you already spoiled me. If I don’t make you take responsibility, then who else would be responsible for me?” Lou Yao Yao returned the words that Qin Zhi had just said.

If Lou Yao Yao said she was dating him because she loved him, Qin Zhi might not completely believe it. But if she said that it was because he treated her well, Qin Zhi didn’t have any reason to disbelieve it. Where could you find a man that treated Lou Yao Yao better than he did? From this point of view, Qin Zhi was a narcissist.

He didn’t think that this was bad or regretful at all. Maybe some people thought that a heart-throbbing love was real love. However, dating because one felt moved wasn’t real love. Rather than the sudden heart-throbbing love, he thought that this kind of love was longer-lasting. Moreover, it wasn’t like Lou Yao Yao didn’t know what he paid. In the future, he would be even better to her, so that she wouldn’t leave.

This woman will belong to him. From the moment he accepted his fate, he never thought of giving up. The person who was actually unwilling to give up was actually him.

It wasn’t so much love was between them as an inextricable, inescapable fetter.

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Lou Yao Yao was somewhat embarrassed by Qin Zhi’s fiery gaze. Did she say something wrong?

Being stared at, she was distracted and twisted  her ankle when she carelessly stepped back. When she was stepping on Chen Hao’s feet, it was very enjoyable, but her feet were tired. Although her foot wasn’t hurt, she couldn’t place too much weight on it. Qin Zhi didn’t miss her carelessly twisting her foot. Without waiting for her to speak, Qin Zhi already said, “Go rest.”

“En.” Lou Yao Yao naturally didn’t have any objection; she didn’t want to stay here any longer. Although now she didn’t care what people thought of her, she didn’t want be surrounded by people glancing strangely at her. “I’m tired. Let’s go back.”


Qin Zhi left the dance floor with Lou Yao Yao in his arms and greeted Dong Dong and the other people. The two people left the dance, and went outside.  Seeing that there were no people on the path, Qin Zhi squatted down in front of Lou Yao Yao and stretched out his hand to gently massage her ankle. He was squatting too close. Lou Yao Yao could even feel his breath on her calf. Immediately, her face flushed. Out of embarrassment, she grew angry and pushed him, “What are you doing? My foot is fine.” After saying this, she left by herself.

After being given a hard push, Qin Zhi fell to the ground. Although his good intentions were being regarded as evil intentions, he didn’t care. He was unbothered as he rose from the ground and slowly and leisurely followed Lou Yao Yao from behind.

Chapter 21 Growing Up

Afterwards, the two people walked on without speaking. When they took the elevator, Lou Yao Yao even turned her head aside. Qin Zhi looked at her facial expression with great interest.

He had seen her angry. He had seen her curse at people. But, he had seldom seen her shy.

Lou Yao Yao thought she was only flustered by the heat. This was probably all the wine’s fault. She had low alcohol tolerance. She only had to drink a little to become drunk, so she normally didn’t drink.

When they arrived at the underground parking lot and the elevator doors closed, Qin Zhi suddenly grabbed Lou Yao Yao’s hand, pressed her against the wall, and lowered his head to kiss her lips.

Lou Yao Yao opened her eyes wide. As she was staring, Qin Zhi raised his hand to cover her eyes. At the same time, his tongue slipped into her mouth.

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Having been blindfolded, Lou Yao Yao felt that her other senses become more sensitive. She moved her teeth and bit the chaotically moving tongue in her mouth. In the end, she couldn’t bear to bite harder. After a gentle bite, she let go. That tiny bite roused the Qin Zhi’s wild side。 Men seemed to have more talent at being predators than women. In this plundering kiss, Lou Yao Yao was the passive party.

Simple kisses didn’t really bring much pleasure, but that numbness that came from the bottom of her heart and spread out in her body made her befuddled. Lou Yao Yao wrapped her hands around Qin Zhi’s neck. She placed her whole weight on his body. She really felt like she was drunk.

Qin Zhi had to stop kissing Lou Yao Yao who was confused by passion. He really regretted kissing Lou Yao Yao in this situation. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have stopped at kissing. He left Lou Yao Yao and helped her tidy up her not very messy clothes. Although he was very aroused, he didn’t forget where he was. Other than that fiery kiss, he didn’t do anything else.

Not only did was Qin Zhi not satisfied with this kiss, Lou Yao Yao also wasn’t satisfied. She wrinkled her small nose and her watery big eyes looked at Qin Zhi. Her small round face looked pleadingly at him and her lips were even more beautiful.

“Let’s go.” After determining there was nothing inappropriate, Qin Zhi pushed down his discomposure and reached out his hand to lead Lou Yao Yao.

But Lou Yao Yao rejected his hand.

Qin Zhi, who knew he was in the wrong, thought that she was shy. He couldn’t help laughing and followed behind her.

When they returned home, it was already late. Lou Yao Yao took a bath and lay on the sofa and read notes. In a few days, she would have a test. She still had a lot of things to memorize, but now she totally wasn’t in the mood to study. The door of the bathroom was closed and she listened the sound of water running. She couldn’t help but thinking of those dirty matters. How could she read, let along sleep?

Lou Yao Yao felt that time was passing very slowly. She felt that Qin Zhi was taking a very long bath. When she heard the door open, Lou Yao Yao who had been lying of the sofa, continuously staring at the door, immediately closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

Qin Zhi dried his hair as he went out of the bathroom. He saw Lou Yao Yao had already closed her eyes and gone to sleep. He was helpless. She was so mindless. How could she just go to sleep? He put down the towel and bent down to pick her up. In the end, he discovered that she was stiff in his arms. How could he not guess that she was faking sleep?

However, Qin Zhi could only pretend not to know. Like usual, he brought Lou Yao Yao to the bedroom. After he put her down and had just turned around, the corner of his clothes was grasped by Lou Yao Yao.

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Qin Zhi turned his head to look at her. She flinched and avoided his eyes, but the hand that was grasping his clothes didn’t loosen at all. There was no intention of retreating.

“Yao Yao.”

She lowered her head and didn’t look at him. Heaven knew how much courage she had to muster up to hold him. Even though she was said that there wasn’t anything wrong; in the end, she only had theoretical knowledge. She was still young without any practical experience. At the last moment, she was scared.

Perhaps because she had waited too long, Lou Yao Yao’s hand began to loosen her strength. Once you summoned courage once, it was difficult to do so again. Using this reason, Qin Zhi persuaded himself. If he dared refused this time, it would probably become a thorn in her heart. In the future even when their affections were stronger, it would become difficult for her to take the initiative.

If he missed this opportunity, then he really didn’t know what he was waiting for.

Moreover, Qin Zhi had waited too long for this moment. Before, if he hadn’t been afraid that Lou Yao Yao wasn’t willing, how could he have continuously endured it?

In everything where water flows, a canal is formed[when conditions are right, success will follow naturally/]. The two rookies slowly fumbled about. All of Lou Yao Yao’s courage seemed to have been used up just now. She continuously dodged and hid, not looking at Qin Zhi. However, because of Qin Zhi’s provocations, she quickly focused on it.

When all of the obstacles were removed and his hand touched her thigh, the innocent Lou Yao Yao shrank in fear. But when Qin Zhi indicated he would stop, her bashful sentence, “I want to be your woman.” drove him insane.

The two people’s first time, because of their coordination became very smooth. Other than Lou Yao Yao crying noisily in the beginning, later, the two, man and woman who first tasted love, were completely immersed in another world.

He waited 8 years until finally his girl grew up.

In the future, he would be her man.

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