32, Episode Four Ye World and Xia World (End)

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“So that’s how you actually thought of me in your heart?” Ye Qia asked in a non-salty, non-calm manner; one simply couldn’t tell if he was angry or not.

Xia Zhi’s whole body turned stiff, and he pouted, squeezing out a sentence with much difficulty, “You’re not happy?”

Ye Qia’s expressionless face made some goosebumps rise on his body in a cold sweat, “You think I should be happy?” 

“I, I thought that this meant our relationship has progressed a step, uh, developed.” Stammering on this sentence, he twisted his waist between them, his current condition was like meat on a chopping block[1], he tried to carry some pleasing tone as he said, “Actually, I am quite happy when you are like this.”

The colour of Ye Qia’s face changed, some surprise slipped out on his face, “You like it?”

Xia Zhi resolutely said, “Right, I like it!”

“How much do you ‘like’ it?”

“Extremely like it!”

“How much is ‘extremely’?”

“Extreme until I’d willingly bring you to meet my parents!”

Ye Qia: “…… You haven’t come out of the closet right?”

Xia Zhi: “Uh, ah, this, this one, what I mean is that it is to this extent, not literally bringing you to meet my parents, you understand, right?”

Ye Qia did not answer, and simply just gave the Xia Zhi who could not move a deep kiss, from his lips and right deep into his oral cavity, his tongue was like a seductive finger. When all his breath was almost sucked away, only then could he speak between the gaps of the kisses, “My…… wu…… meaning is…… wu nn…… I just like…… wu nn…… really…… wu!”

Xia Zhi opened up his mouth, kissing Ye Qia wildly, almost as if he was using his soul to kiss, until even his saliva overflowed and dripped down from the corners of his mouth, his lips were red and swollen. This feeling of his soul melting was really just too wonderful, so comfortable to the point that he didn’t want to separate. The instant Ye Qia started to raise his head, he would reach out his hand and press on his neck, reaching out with his tongue and begging for more.

“Are we doing it?” Ye Qia asked.

“Of course!” Xia Zhi felt that the current atmosphere was very good.

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“Is your hip going to be fine?”

“Can…… oooiiiuu!”

Hearing this sort of cry, Ye Qia helplessly released Xia Zhi’s leg. After considering for a bit, he flipped him onto his side and arranged his leg in front of him, embracing his waist he lay on his side. Xia Zhi heard some searching sounds from behind him, then, an ice-cold hand reached into his underwear, and nimbly squeezed in between his butt applying lube. At this time he was appreciatively lying there on the bed wearing only his underwear, while every muscle in his whole body was screaming. Suddenly, he thought of a matter, pressing on the hand that was gradually exploring the depths of his body, and said, “I want to ask you something.”


“This time no matter what, you will still do it until the end ba?”

“…… Unless there’s an earthquake and fire.”

“Then will you let me enjoy?”

“With my techniques there shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Are you in a good mood this time?”

“…… It’s not bad.”

“Fine, let’s begin fucking ba!”


Ye Qia’s expression was extremely complicated. On the other hand, Xia Zhi’s face was full of excitement; other than his waist being inconvenient, he felt quite wonderful indeed. Until Ye Qia’s hand pressed down on his prostate, an inexplicable early warning rang within his heart.

“Oh!” Xia Zhi’s lower abdominal muscles tightened. “Pain, be more gentle.”

“How painful?”

“Like a needle’s been poking…… oh!” He dodged, “Be more gentle.”

Ye Qia’s movements stopped, his finger retreated, not a while later, in front of Xia Zhi’s eyes appeared Ye Qia’s face, not waiting for the other person to open his mouth, he just flew over and grasped Ye Qia’s mouth, roaring, “Not allowed to speak! I don’t want to hear it! Fuck me, do me, make me burn with desire!!”

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He saw Ye Qia’s eyes curved, the rise of the phoenix eyes smile was a bit like a lively fish’s tail, it was extremely cute. He dodged like he was shocked by an electric current, and then, his face reddened.

My…… It was like cupid under Buddha and Guanyin[2]!

Xia Zhi could hear his heart beating in his chest, his mind blanked for an instant, after that he avoided a few times, all the way until Ye Qia moved over, and there was no place he could dodge to, only then did he stabilise his heart’s feelings, and he stammered, “Uh, I, I what, you’re not bad. Actually you are very good, I quite like you, my meaning is, I like you, uh, I’m saying that I feel you are very good!”

Ye Qia smiled even more happily than before, as if he had acquired benefits as large as the sky he moved over, and spoke in a small voice, “Perhaps your prostate has swelled up.”


Xia Zhi was depressed and frustrated for the whole day. Ye Qia was not particularly unclear, repeatedly trying to enlighten him, “This sort of illness is not very serious, recently you have been heaty ba? You see, I can handle it, just eat some anti-inflammatory medicine for a few days and you’ll be fine. But if you are still worried about it, let’s just go to the doctor, are you going? I’ll accompany you.”

“Like hell I’m going!” Xia Zhi pressed the pillow on his face and roared, “Leave!”

Ye Qia really didn’t understand Xia Zhi’s inexplicable mood, and tried his best to appease him a few times more. After not seeing results for a few times later, in the end he just let him be. He was still thinking about how in broad daylight Xia Zhi said that sentence of “like”; there have been countless numbers of men who have confessed to him before in the past, “love” or “like”, even “surrender”, “I am your slave”, he had heard these sort of words until even his ears have grown calloused.

But, there has never been anyone who told him “I like you” like in today’s manner, and his face even turned red after. Although Xia Zhi was trying his hardest to conceal this matter, but with just one look, he could tell.

This…… is very interesting.

Ye Qia’s life had cruised over countless numbers of sex and wonderful feelings. To be more precise, after his teenage years, he had grown weary of this thing called feelings. That sort of love until one turns into ashes, once there is a sudden absence of love it really is too terrible, no matter how good and beautiful the journey of love once was, the end result is still more despondent than even grief.

At one point of time, he thought that he would spend his whole lifetime in loneliness, he even put a lot of effort into making detailed plans for this. However, this variable named Xia Zhi suddenly appeared and at the same time made him interested, but also overwhelmed and at a loss for what to do.

What Ye Qia did not know was, right at this point in time, Xia Zhi was feeling a bit regretful; he felt that things have developed too fast already. En, that’s right, what he wanted to find was a stable partner, both of them able to support each other, living together, perhaps in the future they could even set up a sharing card account, then it would be complete.

Love? Isn’t it a little too much?

Ye Qia really isn’t bad, although he has this sort and that sort of shortcomings here and there, but looking at the whole person, he has still added quite a bit of bright colours in his life. What’s more, he feels that, if one day, because of debt collecting his spine was broken by someone, and he was paralyzed on the bed, Ye Qia had a fifty percent chance of taking care of his lower half, thirty percent chance of hiring a care worker, and a twenty percent chance of throwing a stack of money at his face, and then shooing him away.

This sort of prediction was the best out of all the men that he knew, if even just one of them was changed, there’s a hundred percent chance that they will grab his wallet and search it until it was empty then throw it outside the room!

Ye Qia is very admirable, but, he wasn’t too sure if he should advance this relationship of theirs by another step.

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This thing about feelings from Xia Zhi’s point of view, his only impression was that it is troublesome. You love me, I love you, I don’t love you, you don’t love me, we have a mutual loathing for each other, in the end we will have a big fight, break up, for a beloved table lamp risking the wild danger going to an ex-boyfriend’s house looking for money, maybe also need to become a thief, breaking open the door or flipping the window and climbing in.

So troublesome ah!

Xia Zhi heaved a sigh, a few seconds later, he sighed again. The sighs of his whole lifetime has never amounted to the number of times he had sighed today. Sometimes after people have grown up they will feel that there are more things to be upset about, because even a small issue can become incomparably complicated. But if it was from a blooming youth’s perspective, ah, how good it is, love!

His sight suddenly darkened, with just one glance, and he could distinguish that it was Ye Qia’s mouthwatering, curved at an angle, a hip more beautiful and accented compared to a fake butt pad. He silently raised his head, just as he was about to say something, his mouth was stuffed with a thing, and a terrible bitterness flooded his mouth from his tongue. His face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum, as he stuck out his tongue, another thing was stuffed into his mouth. He licked it, sweet, it was sweet……

Xia Zhi collapsed back on the bed, with a bitter face he sucked on that peanut candy, like a water leech he twisted and turned his body.

“That’s enough, it’s just some anti-inflammatory medicine, don’t frown,” Ye Qia’s hand was rubbing gently on Xia Zhi’s eyebrow, “Wait until after you’ve recovered then we can do it.”

“It stands to reason, your dick has already been stuffed into my butt, we can count the deed as having been done already, right?” Xia Zhi said bitterly, “But why is it that I keep feeling unsatisfied? What could be the reason for this feeling?”

“I’ll make it up to you next time.”

“How will you make it up?”

“I guarantee that you’ll feel so good you’ll won’t be able to articulate words properly.”

According to experiences in the past, at this point Xia Zhi should be so happy that he’d be jumping around. But this time, he had simply heaved a sigh, bit the candy into pieces and swallowed it down. The taste of bitterness and sweetness tangled with each other, it was even weirder. As he tasted the aftertaste in his mouth, he thought of a matter, “Where did you get this anti-inflammatory drug?”

“I have medicine on standby.”

Xia Zhi was startled, “You bought it?”

“Yeah.” Those perfect hips left his line of sight, Ye Qia’s voice went to the living room, “Your habit of not preparing medicine at home is really not good, you should change it in the future.”


Wa! Ye Qia actually spent money because of me?

This matter is not the same as with the renovation fees, that one had a cause for it, but this time’s issue with an inflamed prostate has not even the least bit of relation with Ye Qia. Under this sort of circumstances, he was actually willing to spend money because of me!? Although it’s only a bit of money, it is still money ah!

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Xia Zhi stared stupidly for a while, silently made the blanket into a cave, and shrunk back into it, as if he was a child who received a fright.

Ye Qia, actually spent money for me!

Because of this matter he was really stunned, he entered and just like that, made countless guesses. It was like that all the way until New Years Eve came, there was no way to slow it down. When he saw Ye Qia with one hand holding vegetables and another hand holding his phone looking at recipes, the fogginess in his heart disappeared in an instant.

Isn’t it a mutual like for each other? Isn’t it that we are partners who live together? Why did I want to think so far? Think so much? There isn’t any problem with this right? The time right now is good so it’s fine already!

“Let me do it.” Xia Zhi leaned on his waist, limping and turning he went into the kitchen. After looking around four corners, after confirming that everything was in order, he kissed Ye Qia’s cheek, “Not bad, after all, everything has been bought already.”

Ye Qia used one eye to stare at Xia Zhi, with a complex gaze in his eyes he walked out the kitchen. He sat at the table staring in a daze, his heart was absent. When the dishes arrived on the table, Xia Zhi was like a pregnant wife supporting his back as he put down the plates on the table. After, he stood by the side of the table, what was hovering in his mind was just one sentence: Let’s open a family bank account ba.

“How do you find it?” Xia Zhi asked smiling sweetly.

Ye Qia took a piece using chopsticks, chewed on it for a bit, and said, “Quite good, next year also you do ba.”

Xia Zhi seemed to have been startled for a bit, then his lifted up his head again, and the look in his eyes cleared up, grinning as he replied, “Sure.”

When the firecrackers of the New Years Eve rang out, Ye Qia crossed the table and kissed Xia Zhi, saying, “Happy New Year.”

“Happy New Year,” Xia Zhi replied, “Uh, boyfriend?”

“En, boyfriend.” Ye Qia said with a smile.




[1] (人爲刀俎,我爲魚肉), to be at someone’s mercy

[2] (我的……如來佛祖觀音大士月下老人!) he’s speaking gibberish here, sth like omg pls help me!!!

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