43, Episode Five – Being Pressured and Being Hit (End)

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When Xia Zhi arrived at the airport, the sunlight was shining so brilliantly that he couldn’t take it. He wore some sunglasses, deliberately wearing a leather coat, rocking a strongly masculine look, trying to leave an impression of a strong and tough guy on White. Once he reached the place and looked around, he saw White wearing a casual suit, with some ridiculously special sneakers on his feet. His shirt collar was unbuttoned, exuding an extremely youthful air——and then, surrounding him by his side were three big and burly guys, with large and powerful muscles, black bodyguards with emotionless faces.

Xia Zhi felt his soul suffer some damage, but since he’s already here, it’s not like he can just avoid completing his task. He tried his best to lift his head and puff up his chest, forcibly calming himself and went over to greet him, “Hi.”

“Mr. Xia, hello there!” White flashed a bright smile, flying over with opened arms, accompanied with his appearance of golden hair and azure eyes, much like a living little sunshine, “I’m very delighted that you could make it to send me off.”

This friendly and respectful attitude made Xia Zhi a little uncertain and suspicious. He walked over vigilantly, opening his arms and also giving White a hug. When the two of them embraced, he then felt his butt being squeezed and kneaded by a big hand, a wave of goosebumps immediately washing over his whole body. Reflexively raising his knee, he accurately landed a blow on White’s underarm!

White fell down without a word, and the three bear-like black bodyguards then rushed over, circling Xia Zhi. He had little fear, when he was small, he had countlessly thought about how he should exert the least amount of strength in order to teach his domestic-violence-addicted father a lesson; this is in his expertise.

A minute later, Xia Zhi fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

“I…… Fuck.” He moaned as he squirmed his body. His anger was exploding, his whole body trembled, wanting to throttle this White into miscellaneous pieces, “This, you……” he was unable to say the following bad language; he was pulled up by White covering his mouth, and he was met with White’s smiling face.

“The last commemoration gift.” was what White said.

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Xia Zhi had not even had the chance to react, and just like that, his mouth was invaded by a stirring tongue carrying the scent of mouthwash, much like a snake sweeping away intensely. He madly and wildly twisted his head, trying to get rid of White. Unfortunately, the two large hands of the bodyguard pressed down on the back of his head, rendering him unable to move.

“You guys…… These…… black ghosts……”

Using various discriminatory vocabulary that will offend nationalities and angrily cursing these bodyguards intermittently, Xia Zhi only felt White’s tongue and mouth sweeping his mouth nicely and cleanly. After being released, his eyes were teary and his vision was blurry due to the lack of oxygen; if it were not because his lungs were empty, he couldn’t wait to break open his mouth and start swearing at everyone.

“Oh, beloved, your willingness to shed tears for me makes me so very touched!” White had a mouthful of shiny white teeth, so beautiful that it seemed fake, “I will forever remember this moment.”

“This, this moment?”

Xia Zhi’s lower jaw was pinched by White and turned in another direction. He saw through hazy tears, Ye Qia standing there, quietly gazing over at them.

Fuck me ah!

White left, full of satisfaction as he walked away, super cheerful; his purpose had obviously been fulfilled. Xia Zhi foolishly stood in his original position. He had only reacted after a long while, agitatedly rushing over in front of Ye Qia and yelling, “Listen to my explanation!”

“En.” Ye Qia simply replied with a grunt.

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“I…… En? You’re willing to listen?”

“Actually, I don’t really mind not listening too.” Ye Qia shrugged his shoulders, “I’m not silly like you, what White’s intention was, this I am still able to figure out.”


Ye Qia looked at Xia Zhi’s dazed and sluggish appearance, couldn’t help but find it funny, drawing back the corners of his mouth and said, “Who do you take me for? White definitely knows of our relationship, it’s just to stir up a little trouble this time.”

“I, I just…… Forget it, as long as you understand then it’s good.”

“He knows that I am very petty, hating other people touching what’s mine.” Ye Qia laughed more and more amiably, “It’s also good that you got a punishment this time.”

Xia Zhi felt that something was not right, asking, “What punishment?”

Ye Qia did not answer but threw back another question, “Why did you come send him off?”

“I…… Ah!” Xia Zhi suddenly let out a shout, “Damn, he didn’t give me a thousand dollars!”

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Ye Qia’s smile stiffened up on his face. He let out a sigh, mumbling, “I had actually wanted to let you off……” Suddenly, he raised his voice and yelled, “You must be sick ba? I’m still not acquainted you, just looking at you and you’ve already stuck closely to me!? Roll further away, you damned gay!”

Xia Zhi was stunned silly by this sudden surprise attack, he said with his tongue tied, “I, I didn’t……”

“You still haven’t?” Ye Qia’s voice was strong as he shouted, “Leave!” After saying that, he then left without turning back.

Xia Zhi stood at his original position with his head shrouded in fog. After quite a long while, when he finally noticed the strange stares of many people looking at him, only then did he understand what the words that Ye Qia had spoken meant.

Ye Qia, I’m still not finished with you!!

The Xia Zhi who finally figured out everything went home with a guilty conscience. Just like that, the storm that was related to White blew to an end. In his opinion, this can be counted as a small adventure in one’s life. However, his and Ye Qia’s relationship seemed to have progressed into an “awkward” stage, it’s exactly that type of “I know that you love me, but I just won’t say it” as well as “I’ll wait for you to say it, if you won’t say it, I also won’t say it” kind of state.

Life still went on, just that between meeting each other’s eyes, and during their occasional limb to limb contact, both of them would produce some “awkwardness”. It was extremely subtle, but at the same time it also made people unable to hold back from recollecting their memories. Of course, wild and passionate nights were still very much needed; they were induced by Xia Zhi most of the time, and Ye Qia responded, but the total times that Ye Qia had incited it were zero.

Though, Xia Zhi would never again suspect Ye Qia’s sexual indifference. His strong bed skills made him intoxicated; let sexual indifference be sexual indifference ba, if sexual indifference could still have this kind of technique, he is very willing to be wedded to this sexual indifference.

A week later, Taotie came to visit them on the weekend, bringing along his slave companion, that serious man with an imposing air around him. Xia Zhi cooked up a whole tableful of dishes, using every means that he could. Of course, there were still some unsatisfactory places, but Ye Qia had said “There’s no need to spend too much money in order to entertain them, they’ve eaten all sorts of good things that you can’t even dream about.” Hence, he casually placed the burnt until black piece of sweet and sour fish on the table under the fixated gazes of three pairs of eyes.

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In this regard, Taotie used a piece of gossip to retaliate, “His Majesty, currently, the circle is all talking about how you’ve educated a new student, an extremely wild one, giving people a refreshingly new feeling. Quite a lot of people came to inquire with me ne~, you should also have received quite a number of news ba?”

Xia Zhi was surprised, “Really?”

Ye Qia’s face was full of calm, “There are such things.”

Xia Zhi immediately vibrated with vitality, “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

“What were you preparing to do after I told you?”

“Of course it’s to……” Xia Zhi suddenly glanced at Taotie’s rejoicing-in-another’s-calamity kind of gaze, then immediately thwarted the direction of what he was going to say, decisively saying, “Be proud of myself ma, I’ve also become someone with charm already.”

Taotie held back his laughter, his whole body trembling as he asked, “Then if there were to be a business opportunity right now, would you still be willing to accept it or not?”

Xia Zhi looked at Ye Qia’s drooping eyes, thought about it, then smiled as he said, “Nah, some things are more important than earning money.”

Ye Qia silently let out a smile, and ate up that piece of blackened fish tail.

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