49, Episode Six – Accumulated Things (6)

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Once that sentence entered his ear, all the hair on Xia Zhi’s body stood on end. This is not simply a description, but a characteristic; just as if you were being electrocuted, or the kind as if you were struck by lightning. He felt that his temper had gotten a lot better recently; based on the him in his past, he would have already flown into a rage. Right now, he had simply just swallowed a mouthful of spit down, working hard to remain calm as he said, “What did you say?”

“I’m saying that I want to request Ye Qia to be my Master……”

“I don’t give a damn about what you say!” Xia Zhi couldn’t bear to listen to it any longer, he couldn’t care less about what Jia Jia had said in the beginning, he just knew that someone had stretched out his hand over the boundary, fishing into his territory, “If you say even just another word I’m going to fuck over your eighteen generations of ancestors, you believe me?”

The other end of the line was silent for a while, seemingly shocked into silence by Xia Zhi’s fierce yelling. An instant later, Jia Jia shouted over even more angrily, “What do you fucking mean? Come at me ah, if you dare come then I would also dare receive your punches! You actually fucking dare say it’s on me? We have been brothers for so many years and you actually dare to talk to me like this?”

“We have been brothers for so many years and you actually fucking dare to pry into my corner!?” Xia Zhi madly yelled, knocking on the bottom of the table when his leg jolted upwards, “Are you worthy of facing me? Ah, what did you say about how I treat you?”

“These are two separate matters!!” Jia Jia was simply angered to the heavens above, from the phone’s speaker came some “ping ping pang pang” sounds, and there was the sound of something being thrown and breaking, “What is wrong with the request that I raised? Do you even use him in such a manner?”

Xia Zhi was on the verge of being angered into laughing, “You actually still feel that you are in the right?”

“Have I slept with Ye Qia before?”

“…… No.”

“What have I done other than introduce some business to him? What is it that I have done wrong?”

“You can’t talk like that!”

“Then how should it be said? I have this addiction, oh, I’m really sorry, I should be unable to raise my head, is it that whenever I see you I should kneel and cry out at you sorrowfully?”

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Xia Zhi’s occupation was exactly to convince other people; right now, he could not even utter a single word in response, his mouth was open and his tongue was tied for half a while. Losing his momentum, he blubbered as he spoke, “That’s not what I mean.”

“Then what do you mean?”

“You, have you never thought about what kind of person Ye Qia is to me?” Xia Zhi grabbed onto the main point, coming to the realization of the truth abruptly, raising his voice once more, “Aren’t there so many others for you to pick from—why do you have to look for him specifically?”

“So Ye Qia can earn other people’s business, but he can’t earn mine? He happens to suit my tastes, why can’t I look for him!? I’m not even going to date him, why is it not possible?”

These words rendered Xia Zhi speechless, his eyes widened into a blank stare, open-mouthed, yet he could not utter even a single syllable; in the end, he cut the line wrathfully. He huffed out a breath, then raised his head again—only then was he aware that the whole lot of people in the office were looking at him. The redness bloomed on his face, slowly shrinking back into his seating place, he lowered his head, attempting to reduce his presence.

“Xiao Xia ah.” The director with the Mediterranean styled haircut came close, patted Xia Zhi’s shoulder, speaking in an affable manner, “Having a big temper when it comes to work related matters is a good thing, however, it’s still better to be more warm and gentle when it comes to dealing with a girlfriend, otherwise, the one suffering from losses in the end is still going to be you woh. When we are at work, we need to be as ferocious as the lion is, when we are at home, we need to be as gentle and graceful as the lake is ma.”

“…… Director, the words you say are quite disgusting.”

“Isn’t it artful and literate?”

“Very much so.”

The director said cheerily, “Make it a practice ba.”


Crestfallen, Xia Zhi walked through the house door, because he had spent the whole day thinking about the question that Jia Jia had brought up, adding to that, he still could not find the answer to it.

As things indeed stand now, Ye Qia was able to attend to his clients, then why was it that he could not attend to Jia Jia? What sort of discrimination does this evoke? If you were to talk about seeing the naked body, aren’t doctors also the same?

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However, no matter how he thought about it, he still does not feel comfortable with it. After all, when all is said and done with, this job does have a relation with sexuality; he does not wish to let his own boyfriend deal with his best friend’s sexual needs, moreover, he doesn’t want to let Ye Qia see the butt of other guys—even though his heart understands that Ye Qia has already seen countless numbers of butts, however, he simply just does not want to let Ye Qia see Jia Jia’s butt!

“Jia Jia’s butt is not good looking in the slightest bit!”

The moment that Ye Qia stepped through the door, Xia Zhi greeted him in such a way, belching out such a sentence. He paused for a second in a daze, removing his coat that was in no way cheap, taking his time to speak, “What are you talking about?”

“Uh……” Xia Zhi realized his reckless impertinence, turning it over in his mind left and right, “Do you have anything that you need to tell me?”

You even used such a means to toy with me?

Ye Qia’s mind threw up all such complaints, yet his face remained unmoved, “Nope, is there something that happened?”

“No, haha, none whatsoever.” Xia Zhi dared to let out a laugh, deciding to play it off just like that.

Seeing Ye Qia’s nonchalant expression as he wandered into the kitchen looking for a snack, his inner heart felt stifled and choked, let alone bring up how uncomfortable he felt. To him, expressing feelings is a matter that should come naturally; he doesn’t like Ye Qia’s reserved and highly pressurizing attitude, the key was to speak if you have something on your mind.

Their dinner was spent in a dull silence, Xia Zhi spoke a sentence, Ye Qia replied with one, Ye Qia said something, Xia Zhi did not reply.

His whole person was distracted, his soul had already flown to who knows where. Wanting to seize the meat but grabbing some vegetables instead, he stuffed it into his mouth and munched a couple of times, before silently spitting it out once more. He despised eating leafy green vegetables, the only reason why he included it on the dinner table was because Ye Qia wanted to keep up with his weight-loss regime; he himself however would have never even touched it.

“It’s so difficult to eat I could die.”

Ye Qia watched Xia Zhi munch and spit until the corners of his mouth were filled with green foam, saying, “Don’t you like to eat pork shoulders the most?”

“These are pork shoulders?”

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“What you are eating now is spinach, you spat out the pork just now.”


Xia Zhi felt that things could no longer go on like this anymore, he put down his chopsticks, softly saying, “You…… uh, how’s your work lately?”

“Fairly well.”

Ye Qia’s expression that seemed like he knew nothing, Xia Zhi felt the anger well up just by looking at it. He endured his agitated feelings, saying, “Then how about any outstanding thing that occurred?”


“How about any interesting stuff?”

“It’s too disgusting, you wouldn’t want to hear it.”

“…… Then do you have, for example, that, do you think of me when you go to work?”

Ye Qia set his bowl down, raising his head, his face carrying a profound meaningfulness as he said, “What kind of answer do you want?”

“The normal kind ah, just say it as what you did.”

“I didn’t think.”

Once Xia Zhi heard it, he snapped his chopsticks together. Once he was done snapping, he looked at the inexplicable expression on Ye Qia’s face, once more stiffly shoving his words back down his throat, calmly saying, “You…… uh, when you work, think about me more?”

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Ye Qia’s expression at this moment was thoroughly unable to be described.

Xia Zhi pinched the bridge of his nose, then spent half a day constructing the inner thoughts of his heart. Finally, as it was, he couldn’t keep it down any longer, yelling out, “Jia Jia said he wanted you to be his Master!”

“Oh, the reason behind your bizarre antics this evening was because of that case?” Ye Qia raised an eyebrow, “Why didn’t you say it straight?”

“It was you who told me to be more tactful!”

“What is there to be tactful about with this sort of matter?”

“…… Well, in any case, do you know of it?”

“Know.” Ye Qia began to sweep up the remaining spinach on the table once again, “He gave me a call already.”

“Fuck, he actually dared to call you directly!” Xia Zhi smacked the table, then suppressed his voice again, “How did you reply?”

“I agreed.”

All the blood froze in Xia Zhi’s body, “You, what did you say?”

“But he refused.”

Xia Zhi raised up his stiff fist, asking, “How?”

Ye Qia lifted his head, and said smilingly, “I offered him a price that he could never afford.”

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