52, Episode Six – Accumulated Things (END)

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With an enraptured look on his face, Sheng Le nodded toward Ye Qia, saying, “Not bad, I’ve decided on him.”

Even though he knew it was because of BDSM related matters, Xia Zhi couldn’t help but frown at his “purchasing items attitude”. Multiply that with how happy Sheng Le and Ye Qia looked, talking to each other, he quietly crept into the patient room. He moved to the front of the bed, and noticed that Jia Jia had already fallen asleep, his face carrying a fully satisfied peaceful expression.

That’s right, the only true saviour for a masochist would be a sadist.

Xia Zhi was feeling a little irritated; when he came out of the room, he realised that Sheng Le had already left, unconsciously letting out a sigh, saying to Ye Qia, “He left?”

“Yeah.” Ye Qia said, “How’s Jia Jia doing?”

Xia Zhi spoke in a soft voice, “Quite…… satisfied? I’m not sure either, he fell asleep.”

Ye Qia did not give an immediate reply—he studied Xia Zhi’s face carefully for half a while, quietly saying, “That’s good then.”

The awkward silence continued for a few seconds more, then Ye Qia asked, “Let’s go home?”

“En.” Xia Zhi hung his head low, auto piloted his way to Ye Qia’s side, walking out of the hospital shoulder to shoulder.

The inside of a hospital isn’t the greatest place to be, when it was quiet, there seemed to be lingering ghosts all over the place; when it was noisy, then it seemed to be full of the painful wails of suffering. Xia Zhi figured that was also because his current mood wasn’t all that great—he felt annoyed at everything he saw. However, he would always want to quickly step out and leave this shitty place no matter what.

After getting into the car, Xia Zhi was a bit listless, silently huddling in the front passenger seat, both eyes sluggishly staring out the window. The sun was shining brightly, a clear sunny weather, yet his heart felt like a continuous pelting rain.

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“Xia Zhi.”


“Xiao Zhi?”


The car stopped, Xia Zhi sat in a daze for a while before he turned his head around, noticing that they’ve stopped by the side of the road. After taking a look outside—there were no supermarkets or any familiar places, he was a little confused as he asked Ye Qia, “Why’d you stop the car?”

“I was calling you just now.”

Xia Zhi was even more confused, “Ah?”

“I called you Xiao Zhi.”

He was startled, goosebumps immediately forming on his neck, “Have you fallen ill? That sort of nickname sounds so gross.”

“Then should I call you Xiao Xia?”

He made a puking expression, “That’s how that bald director always calls me, don’t you ever dare!”

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“Then you decide, other than me calling you Xia Zhi, what else is there to call you by?”

This question stirred up a reaction from Xia Zhi immediately, his mouth gaping open, then shut again, grumbling without saying anything coherent. After a short while, he also felt that it was too childish for him to be acting like this, and helplessly said, “I’m not fussing over this sort of small matter……”

“You aren’t the most handsome compared to all my boyfriends in the past, not the richest either, the best thing that you’re good at is probably your temper. You aren’t very upstanding or tender and warm, and you also aren’t the best at earning money, and you’re not very good at doing housework, though you are very good at sex, it’s a pity that it doesn’t really fit my tastes.” The more that Ye Qia said, the deeper the frown on Xia Zhi’s face, the corner of his eyes were twitching, but after listening to the last bit, he forced his temper down again, “But, you are the one that I chose. If I had wanted a good-looking one, a rich one, and someone good in bed, there would have been so many that I could have chosen from before.”

Xia Zhi was unconvinced and inquired, “So why did you choose me?”

“Then why did you choose me?”

“Because…… You looked fierce.” Xia Zhi left his mouth open and his tongue sticking out for half a while, then raised his voice, “But then I came to realise that you weren’t like that—when first picking a partner, everyone has their own sorts of reasons, but then they’ll slowly notice the goodness in the other person after getting to know each other ah!”

Ye Qia nodded his head, “That’s right.”

“But, if I wasn’t special in any way, then why did you continue to put up with me?” Xia Zhi discontentedly said, “When you say it like that, how could you have let me believe that I could stand a chance to be with you together and walk on in life?”

Ye Qia turned his head, staring at Xia Zhi for a long time, then letting out a soft sigh, “I’m sorry.” When he said this, Xia Zhi’s heart softened once again, and he thought about saying some happy stuff, then he heard a continuation, “I never thought that you were so fragile.”

“Fuck you!” The fire within Xia Zhi was immediately lit, “Why the ever-loving fuck do I need to be the grass?! Can’t I be a jade instead? Which part of me isn’t like a piece of jade? Go on, tell me which part of me doesn’t resemble a piece of jade!? I wasn’t born to be fucked by you! Did you assume that I am the type to keep on fighting despite the setbacks?”

Ye Qia snuck in a smile as he was being flung about and getting trashed; when Xia Zhi saw this, the angrier he got, and his hand balled up into a fist. The strange thing was, after his punch connected, Ye Qia let out a muffled “oof”, cradling his eye as he turned his face away.

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His mind went blank. After blanking out for a few seconds, he worriedly moved over, anxiously asking, “Are you alright?”

Ye Qia breathed in a few cold breaths, then slowly turned his head around, a bruise was already starting to show on his eye, his eye was bloodshot, and he looked really miserable. Xia Zhi immediately felt a lot of guilt, carefully choking out, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

“Correct, you’ve always said that you didn’t mean to.”

Xia Zhi wore a frown, a look of helplessness plastered on his face. Watching Ye Qia dig out a handkerchief to wipe his tears, he hurriedly searched his own body, but he only managed to fish out a crumpled 5 bucks. He held it in his hand, all the way until Ye Qia finished attending to his wound, then lowered his head, dejectedly saying, “I just can’t seem to control myself, I think I should really go and visit the therapist.”

“Perhaps.” Ye Qia spoke slowly, “Or you can continue living together with me, taking our time to get used to each other.”

Xia Zhi spat out a breath, leaning on the chair, watching the sunlight shift inch by inch.

“If you put it crudely, I’m a male prostitute; a more dignified manner would be that I’m a sex worker, a more trendy term would be, I’m a Master. You are a registered debt collector, who is afraid of coming out of the closet. Our occupations aren’t considered as decent, and we’re gay; even if our appearance were flashy and bright, it’s not easy to hold our heads high. Although it has been said that equality and justice is deserved by all, there is no way that true justice will ever exist.” Ye Qia spoke slowly, “We both each have our own weaknesses, we aren’t some sort of holy saint or some sort of heinous villain either—the best thing that we have ever done in this lifetime of ours, is finding each other.”

The Xia Zhi whose heart was about to drop into the Marianas Trench, once he heard the last bit, suddenly opened his eyes wide. He paused for a few seconds, then earnestly said, “It was me who found you.”

“…… Alright, it was you who found me.” Ye Qia rolled the whites of his eyes at him, saying, “If you’re still hung up on the matter of ‘what I see in you’, then you’re wasting your time on meaningless things.”

Xia Zhi pondered for a while, saying, “Strange, you’ve taken such a big circle with your words, could it be that you actually don’t know why you’re staying with me ba?”


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Seeing how Ye Qia silently turned his head away, Xia Zhi immediately roared out, “I’ve guessed it!? You really couldn’t find one single good thing about me!?”

Ye Qia calmly stared ahead, fire raging, “We’re going home.”

“Say it clearly!” Xia Zhi moved over to grasp Ye Qia’s neck, “Exactly which part of me did you fancy?”

Ye Qia struggled as he fumed, “No where, let go!”

“No way! Say it, am I the one and only boyfriend for you?”

“If you still don’t let go then you’ll become the one and only boyfriend that had his dick exploded by me!”

Xia Zhi blanked, “What’s exploding dick?”

“Fucking let go of me!”

“Not letting go! If you can do it then by all means, come and explode my dick!”


Xia Zhi knew what it meant to “explode dick”, it was a thing from a long time ago, and he deeply regretted why he just had to be such a cheap mouth back then. However, there was a happy aspect to it, because he had become a certain “one and only” of Ye Qia’s.

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