56, Episode Seven – Inheritance (4)

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When Xia Zhi woke up the next day, he felt as if his head was going to explode; he had a throbbing headache. He held his head, moaning and groaning as he crawled his way out of bed, inching his way to the bathroom slowly much like an earthworm. After he sat himself down on the toilet with great difficulty, his whole person slid off into the abyss of unconsciousness, holding the motionless position of The Thinker, up until a warm hand touched his forehead.

“You’ve caught a cold.” Ye Qia’s voice was a little uncertain, it seemed to come from a place far away, “Take the day off ba.”

“I can’t.” Xia Zhi held onto Ye Qia’s wrist, ambiguously giving a perfunctory reply, “I have to catch my target today, the informant said he was going home to celebrate his mother’s birthday, if I miss this chance today, we won’t know the next location where he would run off to anymore.”

Ye Qia let out a sigh, saying, “You’ve had a lot of fun yesterday ba?”

Xia Zhi lowered his head, feeling extremely depressed.

Yesterday, due to how excited he was, he walked for a good few minutes in the rain before reaching the mall and going shopping, and he had been drenched in a bucketful of water before he finally found a taxi stand. What’s more, he did not manage to hail a cab at first, and could only call and make a reservation for a cab. He stood in the heavy rain and braced the cold wind for half an hour, not getting a change of dry clothes until he arrived at the mall.

After he returned home yesterday night, Ye Qia had told him to drink some ginger soup, take some cold medicine, but he had just casually and carefreely let the words fly over his head. And now, he pressed his face into the abs of his beloved Ye Qia, moaning and groaning, “I’m going to die…… I’m going to die……”

Ye Qia helplessly dragged Xia Zhi onto the bed, saying, “I’ll go apply your leave for you.”

“No!” Xia Zhi took a leap from the bed and…… slipped, he fell on the floor, then stumbled his way over to Ye Qia and hugged his thigh as he wailed, “Don’t apply for leave, I’ve prepared for this appointment since half a year ago, if I were to take a day off from work, the bald director will certainly pass this job to another person! I don’t want to make wedding dresses for other people[1]!”

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Ye Qia bent down and supported Xia Zhi’s cheeks and gave them a shake, “No matter how you manage to find your way there, you won’t be able to catch him.”

“There’s no problem with that, someone will do the hard work for me.” Xia Zhi crawled on the ground for a few steps, moving towards the main door like a caterpillar with his butt raised, “I have to go…… I need to go…… Definitely must go……”

In the end, Ye Qia failed to persuade him, and Xia Zhi was like an old rusty machinery, wailing out in despair as he pulled on his clothes and left the house. He had taken some cold medicine, fever meds and analgesics before leaving, though he still felt half-dead.

Ye Qia was indeed a bit worried, but Xia Zhi was a man in the prime of his life, not to mention that he also had a strong ass temper too, so he wasn’t really in any position to say too many things. In times like this, he did feel that it’d be nice if he behaved more like a slave, then he could straightaway lock him up in the house and chain him up on the bed, or he could give him some sleeping pills and some water, the world would then be peaceful, and he wouldn’t need to worry about it all morning.

However, slaves wouldn’t share his worries like Xia Zhi would, they wouldn’t think about how to make some money in order to raise a family, they wouldn’t spend time planning out their future together. There was indeed a hybrid of Xia Zhi’s and the slaves in the world, for example, Wang Ke, but, it wasn’t everyone who could meet Wang Ke and get along with him easily.

There was only one pair of Taotie and Wang Ke, and there was only one pair of Ye Qia and Xia Zhi.

The weather today wasn’t very significant, not only was it gloomy, it was also very windy. Ye Qia’s worries became a reality in the afternoon, when his phone rang out with a piercing cry. He picked up the phone and put it to his ear; the number was indeed Xia Zhi’s, but the voice was not, “Is this Xia Zhi’s older brother?”

Big brother?

Ye Qia frowned, saying, “I am, where’s Xia Zhi?”

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“He collapsed due to his illness, can you come over to pick him up?”

“I’m coming right now.”

When Ye Qia arrived, Xia Zhi was laying flat on the table hmmph-ing, hmmph-ing while working hard to resist his colleague who was trying to drag him to the hospital, “I’m not going…… The target will definitely show up today, just let me wait until nightfall! He’ll definitely appear! I need to wait…… wait, I need to wait until night, none of you should hinder me!”

Ye Qia hooked a hand under Xia Zhi’s armpit, supporting him on his shoulder and lifted him up.

“Ye Qia? How come you’re here?” Xia Zhi’s face was flushed red, his lips were dry and cracked, and his eyes were watery, “By the way, did you bring some coffee? I wanna drink.”

Ye Qia felt like hitting someone.

Xia Zhi was practically taken home in a daze, his memories of the trip home were hazy. When he finally woke up, the skies were already pitch black outside, and he sat up with a huff, only to feel his entire body shattering into pieces. He let out a painful cry and rolled back on the soft mattress, hearing a thud come from behind him.

He turned his head, seeing the black-faced Ye Qia slam a glass of water on the bedside table, the water sloshing about. He stared blankly for a few seconds, slowly slipping into the quilt, moaning out, “My target……”

“You can also die from a cold, you know?” Ye Qia moved a chair to the bedside and sat down, languidly saying, “Maybe I should’ve left you at the office to fend for yourself.”

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Xia Zhi buried his face in the blanket, suffering a mental and physical blow.

Ye Qia was silent for a long while, gently asking, “Why were you so desperate?”

Xia Zhi slowly raised half of his face up, letting out a confused “Ah?”.

“You’ve already acquired 53 million net worth on your person.” Ye Qia said, “You really don’t need to work anymore.”

“No need to work?” Xia Zhi repeated a delayed sentence before he finally reacted, “Isn’t that simply too boring? I’ll go to work when I feel like it, be late when I feel like it, gossip if I want to, and I wouldn’t be afraid of being fired, I can also talk back to my boss whenever I feel like it, how fun would that be.”

Ye Qia helplessly said, “Then did you still need to go even after being so sick today?”

“Isn’t this just because the money hasn’t actually come to my hand ma!” Xia Zhi sighed, “Then again, I’ve really worked hard on this target, you don’t know just how hard it is to deal with these gangsters. It was with great difficulty that I managed to obtain the information of his whereabouts, and all that was left was to catch him tonight.” Talking to this point, he let out a long wail, “I’m not satisfied ah, it’s clearly my target!”

Ye Qia was silent for a long while, simply watching Xia Zhi roll around on the bed. He continued staring until Xia Zhi finally stopped moving, rolled up in both of the blankets, with his eyes shut about to drift off into sleep, when he suddenly said, “All the plans you said yesterday, why am I in all of them?”


Ye Qia moved over, caressing Xia Zhi’s cheeks, softly speaking into his ear, “You want to spend that 53 million of yours with me?”

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“Ah?” Xia Zhi opened his eyes with great effort and stared at Ye Qia, then shut them again, smacked his lips a few times before saying, “If it’s not with you, then who else would it be with? We would definitely be spending time together in the future ma.”

When Xia Zhi was about to fall asleep, he suddenly felt a weight on his body, he opened his falling eyelids, and felt something enter his mouth. His dry and hot tongue subconsciously licked the soft and flexible thing in his mouth, in exchange for a more intense invasion. When he realised it was Ye Qia and wanted to take another step to deepen it, this kiss had already ended.

Ye Qia’s fierce face was close at hand, smiling and yet not smiling as he asked, “You really think that way?”


“Spending 53 million with me.”

“What nonsense.” Xia Zhi said a little impatiently, “Then again, I got this money after getting to know you, I don’t really understand why Queen would want to give me this money, I mean, we aren’t even blood-related……” Talking and talking, he shut his mouth, suspiciously looking at Ye Qia, saying, “Why do I feel like something about this isn’t quite right……”

Ye Qia broke into a laugh.


[1] don’t want to make wedding dresses is an idiom referring to not wanting to do the work of others on their behalf

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