Part Ten: The “Bromances” of Life (8)

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Depressing as it was, Ye Qia still needed to make some preparations, especially judging by the looks of Xia Zhi’s pitifully terrified expression. Though he said nothing, how could he not be worried? Furthermore, since they had decided to live together long term, he needed to take this problem into consideration.

“I don’t plan on coming out to my parents anymore.” Ye Qia said offhandedly in the middle of dinner, “My parents are old and they live far away. I intend to adopt a child with you in the future. When the time comes, I’ll simply tell my parents I divorced and the child is mine. That should answer things.”

Xia Zhi nodded. “Mhm, I think that’s pretty good. Let’s do that. I like boys, what about you?”

“I’m fine with either.”

“That works.” Xia Zhi said spiritedly, “I have zero abilities in dressing a little girl up. My aunt’s daughter is 7 years younger than me. Every time I saw her when we were young, she’d always want to ride on my head. It was awful!”

Ye Qia silently watched as Xia Zhi lowered his head and shoveled food into his mouth, unsure if Xia Zhi was aware of the implications of their discussion. Either way, Xia Zhi had easily agreed to “adopting a child together,” which was a good thing.

“You should also think it over. If you want a fake marriage, I can help you find a lesbian.”

“Oh—.” Xia Zhi’s face instantly wrinkled like a prune. “I don’t like lesbians.”


“They’re like neither men nor women.”

Ye Qia was perplexed. “There are also effeminate men and drag queens among gays.”

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“And I also don’t like effeminate men.”

Ye Qia dropped a bomb without batting an eye. “I’ve dressed up as a dominatrix1 before.”

1A female dom

Xia Zhi’s eyes instantly went wide. “You’ve dressed up as a dominatrix?”

Ye Qia shrugged. “They’re the cream of the crop in BDSM. They even have a special form of address. How could I not have dressed up as one before. By the way, there are stocking garters made especially for men.”

Xia Zhi listened with great interest and said, “I thought the only forms of address you guys had were master and slave.”

“There are several forms of address to distinguish different situations, but only those in the circle would know them. Most guests just come for fun and only need to know master and slave.”

They got more and more off-topic through the night, and Xia Zhi didn’t realize an important issue had been glossed over. Ye Qia remembered it, but he figured it had just been brought up today. No matter what, Xia Zhi’s mother would still take a few days to arrive. There was no rush.

The doorbell rang the next morning. With his eyes closed, Ye Qia kicked his partner. Xia Zhi groaned in pain and got up, staggering into the living room like a zombie in loose-fitting underwear. He rubbed his eyes as he grasped the doorknob and pulled open the door in a daze. “Who is it?”


The warm voice instantly rendered Xia Zhi wide awake. He stared at the woman standing outside the door, dumbstruck. After staring for a few seconds, he let out a screech, revealing his inner feelings, “Mom, why are you here?!”

“I came to see you.” The middle-aged woman had preserved her appearance well, with white skin and a plump figure. She had a suitcase in one hand, the look on her face was gentle yet fully on guard. “How could I not come with you messing around here?”

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Xia Zhi nearly cried. Watching his mother walk in, he didn’t dare stop her. He could only walk beside her, rambling on about nonsense. Seeing her near the bedroom entrance, he ran over to block the way as if he’d been electrified. Naturally, his bizarre behavior was noticed.

“Is there someone in the bedroom?”

“T-t-there’s no one!” Xia Zhi stammered, emphasizing strongly, “Really, there’s no one!”

It would’ve been fine if he hadn’t said anything, but by saying it like this, Xia Zhi’s mother immediately became more imposing, her brows creasing. “Is the pervert I saw on TV in there?”

“No! Definitely not! Mom, listen to me explain…”

Xia Zhi’s mother slowly looked her son up and down for a moment. Quick like a cheetah, she fired off a sharp question, “Why are you dressed like this?”

“I-I-I was sleeping!” Xia Zhi squeezed out a smile. “These pants are really comfortable.”

“You were sleeping?” Xia Zhi’s mother circled him, then suddenly changed the topic. “You’re renting this place?”


“Why are you living in such a big place by yourself?”

Xia Zhi froze, not knowing how to answer. The place was indeed too luxurious for one person, and his salary wasn’t that high—totally not enough to live it up like this.

“T-this is collateral2, I-I don’t need to pay.” Xia Zhi rambled, ears perked as he listened for any sign of activity within the bedroom. Despite how noisy it was out here, Ye Qia hadn’t reacted in the least. Maybe he was ready. Xia Zhi relaxed a little and tried to sound nonchalant. “Mom, why are you here?”

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2Collateral is an asset that a lender accepts as security for extending a loan. If the borrower defaults, then the lender may seize the collateral

“I came to see you.”

“I’m doing well.” Xia Zhi faked a smile. “Mom, why didn’t you say anything before coming?”

“Didn’t I tell you last night?”

“How’d you get here so quickly?”

“I flew here. Last-minute tickets are really expensive.” Xia Zhi’s mother took out a piece of paper from her pocket and said, “Here’s the receipt, you can pay me back.”

Xia Zhi silently took the paper and looked at the sum that was half of a month’s salary, feeling his body go weak.

“Mom, don’t…mom! Don’t go in! Mom!”

Xia Zhi looked up to see the space in front of him was empty. He suddenly had a bad feeling. His mother had successfully drawn his attention away with a plane ticket and taken the opportunity to enter the bedroom. Xia Zhi ran in and looked around frantically, only to discover his mother standing alone by the bed.

Where was Ye Qia?

Obviously he couldn’t ask that. Instead, he asked, “Mom, what are you doing?”

Xia Zhi’s mother slowly walked up to the bed and picked up Ye Qia’s pants, asking suspiciously, “Is this yours?”

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Xia Zhi’s mother studied the pants with skepticism. “It seems to be the wrong size.”

“How could it be wrong, it’s a perfect fit!” Xia Zhi snatched the pants and pulled them on, only to find that the crotch and waist of the pants were a bit tight, but the legs were just right. Thinking of how amazing these pants looked on Ye Qia, he swallowed his suffering and said, “Look, doesn’t it fit?”

“It seems a bit big.”

“No! It’s just right!” Xia Zhi forced a laugh. “Mom, I’m hungry. Why don’t you go buy me some breakfast?”

“Oh…” Xia Zhi’s mother replied as she walked out, still observing along the way. “You learned piano?”

“It belongs to the owner. I’m only allowed to live here, I can’t move anything. It’s all collateral.” Xia Zhi hurriedly pushed his mother out the door. “Hurry, I’m hungry.”

Upon closing the door and locking it, Xia Zhi couldn’t help but let out a long sigh of relief. He rushed into the bedroom and called out quietly, then heard a muffled response from beneath the bed. Next, Ye Qia, who was only wearing a pair of underwear, crawled out with patches of black and white on his body, covered in dust.

Xia Zhi smiled cautiously, wracking his brains to come up with some word of “consolation.” “Are…are you cold?”

Ye Qia removed a clump of tissues from his head and said coldly, “You threw the tissues you used for jerking off under the bed?”

Xia Zhi’s smile froze on his face. After a long while, he squeezed out a response, “It’s from a long time ago, they should be dry by now, right?”

Ye Qia rolled his eyes and looked at him wordlessly.

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