1. Everyday the bigshot roomates are not very likeable

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The squally rain outside the window has not stopped, and at this moment in the Zhou’s villa, there is also a disturbing atmosphere.

Zhou Maoguo stared at the fragments for a long time, and finally snorted. He glared at Song Wen, gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t you know this is my favorite antique? There is no market for this thing. At the beginning, I spent a lot of money. The price was snatched from Lao Yantou.”

Song Wen shuddered with a thunder, she lowered her head, her hands tightly tugged at her apron, without daring to say a word.

Zhou Maoguo became more angry, and with a wave of his hand he threw the set of teapots beside him, his expression gradually distorted.

Zhou Maoguo’s face was full of meat, and it looked even more frightening at the moment. He is a typical dominant male, and he always has the final say in the Zhou family. If he gets angry, the whole family, including Zhou Maoguo’s parents, dare not interject.

“You know this thing is precious, you should take good care of it so that your children will not have a chance to touch it. But you do it well, and you just put the thing in the most conspicuous place. I think it’s your fault this thing is broken!”

Song Wen was Zhou Maoguo’s wife who remarried him. She was used to low brows in Zhou’s family and never dared to refute it.

After listening to Zhou Maoguo’s words, she had to lower her head and whimpered: “Yes, it’s all my fault.”

“You look at you and lose face every day. What’s the use of marrying you back?” Zhou Maoguo didn’t see her subdued. Relieved, and then counted down Song Wen.

At the beginning, he was able to talk a little bit wrong, and slowly, the words that came out became more and more awkward … Of course, when Zhou Maoguo scolded Song Wen, he squinted at Tang Mu from time to time. The words he scolded were actually for Tang Mu, the “culprit.”

Just half an hour ago, one of Zhou Maoguo’s favorite vase was broken by Zhou Jicheng, Zhou Maoguo’s son.

That vase is not an ordinary vase, it is said to be the work of a certain master during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. After Zhou Maoguo became a shareholder in coal mines, he began to like antiques.

In fact, he didn’t know much at all, but he needed to put a few items at home to show his unique taste.

After Zhou Jicheng broke the vase, he immediately cried. His grandmother Wang Hongjuan was also sad when he saw this situation.

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Zhou Maoguo had a bad temper, and if he was in a bad mood, he would reach out and hit others.

Wang Hongjuan always dotes on her grandson, how can she bear for the baby grandson to be beaten?

At this time, Wang Hongjuan suddenly thought of Tang Mu.

Tang Mu is the son son from previous marriage brought by Song Wen. Usually at home, Tang Mu is silent, and his personality is also honest and timid, and no one takes him seriously.

Because of this, even if Zhou Maoguo didn’t like Tang Mu that much, he hardly lost his temper with Tang Mu. Of course, it was mainly because he couldn’t find any reason to be angry with Tang Mu.

Even if Zhou Maoguo had a violent temper, he would feel a little bit intolerant to such a child who would have red eyes when he said two hard words.

And Wang Hongjuan, it was precisely because of Zhou Maoguo’s unbearable feeling that she proposed to let Tang Mu take the blame.

Wang Hongjuan didn’t discuss the matter with Tang Mu at all, so she went directly to her daughter-in-law Song Wen.

Song Wen had no status in Zhou’s family, and Zhou Maoguo’s children could yell at her. What Wang Hongjuan’s mother-in-law told her, she didn’t dare to refrain from it.

That’s it, Wang Hongjuan solved Zhou Jicheng’s “dilemma” with a casual sentence.

Seeing Song Wen agreed, Wang Hongjuan didn’t even look at Tang Mu, and said directly to Zhou Jicheng: “Good boy, don’t cry, this vase was not broken by you, but by Tang Mu.”

Zhou Jicheng heard this. He immediately stopped his tears. He turned his head, pinched his waist, and looked at Tang Mu arrogantly: “My dad will come back and ask about this in a while, you pretend to be a little bit like you, don’t wear it to help.”

Tang Mu stood with dull eyes on the same place, there was no reply.

Zhou Jicheng stepped forward and pushed him vigorously, and said anxiously: “Why do you look so dumb, have you heard?”

Upon seeing this , Song Wen hurriedly stepped forward to stop Zhou Jicheng, and said with a smile: “Dacheng, Tang Mu knows, you don’t worry, he won’t do anything wrong.”

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Zhou Jicheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He, who has always been stubborn, rarely gave Song Wen a good face: “Well, with you, I can rest assured.”

At this moment, Tang Mu looked at him. Zhou Jicheng’s emaciated and green appearance in front of him did not return for a long time.

Tang Mu has died once.

His step-brother-in-law, Tong Bin, drove under the influence and ran into him directly so as to die.

Tang Mu only knew after his death that he was just the cannon fodder in this book, a trivial episode in the life of the protagonist’s family.

After his death, step-brother-in-law Tong Bin went to jail. The Zhou family’s industry has also gone downhill, and Zhou Maoguo, the once glorious coal boss, has also completely fallen into an old man.

The main heroine in the book, Tang Mu’s step-sister Zhou Yan, also understood the true meaning of life after experiencing many hardships. She saw Tong Bin clearly and knew that he was not a beloved. After signing a divorce agreement with Tong Bin, she married Yan Hesong, a real estate owner who had always admired her, and led the Zhou family to a new life.

As for Tang Mu, his death seemed to be a relief to everyone in the Zhou family.

And now, if Tang Mu remembers correctly, he should have suddenly returned to four years ago because of some unknown reason.

The antique vase incidemt happened in 2011, the summer vacation after his college entrance examination.

He has been carrying this pot to death for Zhou Jicheng.

Tang Mu clearly remembered that in the years after that, Zhou Maoguo would mention the broken vase from time to time, and he would turn Tang Mu’s eyes at every turn.

Obviously Tang Mu did nothing, but became a sinner in this family. Even a bite of silkworm chrysalis on the dinner table will attract unkind eyes from all around.

Naturally, before the antique vase incident, Tang Mu dared not pick up vegetables at the dinner table.

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But even so, Zhou’s family also asked Tang Mu to be grateful to them. In their eyes, Tang Mu followed Song Wen to Zhou’s house when he was ten years old. Tang Mu’s ability to grow up to this age is all the kindness of Zhou’s family.

Zhou Jicheng also said that if there was no feeding from the Zhou family, Tang Mu was afraid that he would be inferior to a wild dog on the side of the road.

Zhou Jicheng’s words still echoed in Tang Mu’s ears, who had been relived once. In fact, his time in Zhou’s house was not as good as a wild dog.

Wild dogs at least do whatever they want, and at least they dare to bark wildly. As for him, he is like an ant living in a crack, even to breath, he must look at other people’s faces.

Tears slowly fell down the corners of the eyes.

Tang Mu looked back on his short and difficult previous life, and he really lived too frustrated.

Tang Mu was also a temperamental person in his bones, but he didn’t dare to vent. Because his mother Song Wen always taught him that if you can bear it, don’t give her trouble.

The most important thing is not to cause trouble to the mother. Tang Mu is fine, but if he does anything excessive, it will only make it more difficult for his mother. This is also the reason why Tang Mu has been patient.

His mother told him that when he gets through to college graduation, goes out to find a job, and leaves Zhou’s family completely, maybe the days will be clearer.

The mother also said that he was not Zhou Maoguo’s own son. Any good things in the Zhou family belonged to Zhou Jicheng and Tang Mu and couldn’t even touch it.

The mother also said, let Tang Mu try to avoid Zhou Jicheng and Zhou Yan as much as possible, so as not to upset his sister and brother.

Tang Mu’s biological father left Song Wen and Tang Mu and ran away with another woman when Tang Mu was four years old.

The house leak happened in the evening rain. When Song Wen got divorced, he caught up with the wave of layoffs in the late 1990s. Song Wen, who had no financial resources, had to take Tang Mu to his uncle’s house for a few years.

Speaking of, when Song Wengang married Zhou Maoguo with his daughtrt, Zhou Maoguo was not a coal boss, he was just a truck driver.

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Song Wen worked hard with him day and night for two years, saved some money, and invested in a small local coal mine.

It was this turning point that made the Zhou family prosper.

The coal was dug up in the small coal mine within a month, and Zhou Maoguo’s fortune was out of control.

In just a few years, Zhou Maoguo has become a well-known coal boss in the county.

Thinking of Song Wen’s hardship with him Zhou Maoguo after being successsfil did not leave Song Wen mother and son behind.

But after all, the post-wife is not as good as the original partner, no matter how hard Song Wen works, it can’t compare to the weight of the late original partner in Zhou Maoguo’s heart.

And Wang Hongjuan guarded Song Wen like a thief. Even if Song Wen had an inconspicuous ring on her finger, Wang Hongjuan had to snatch it hurriedly, saying that she would keep it for his grandson.

Even if the Zhou family is getting more and more prosperous and its assets are more than 100 million yuan, Wang Hongjuan will still care about some worthless things with Song Wen.

Wang Hongjuan is used to living in poverty. After her son became the coal boss, she still lived very carefully. She can’t bear to throw away the socks that have torn holes, so she patches them. Salted duck eggs that have been marinated in winter are not allowed to be taken out, but only when Zhou Maoguo and Zhou Jicheng are at home.

If Song Wen and Tang Mu were at home since childhood, there would never be more than three dishes on the dinner table.

Zhou’s relatives treated Song Wen too badly. Zhou Maoguo’s younger brother-in-law and sister never regarded Song Wen as their sister-in-law, and used Song Wen as if she were a servant.

Song Wen blamed all this on the fact that she and Zhou Maoguo had no children. Therefore, in order to stabilize her position in the Zhou family, she gave birth to another daughter to Zhou Maoguo, who was Tang Mu’s half-sister, Zhou Yu.

Zhou Jicheng and Zhou Yan actually didn’t like Zhou Yu, but because of their father’s majesty, they didn’t dare to mistreat Zhou Yu.

But Tang Mu is different. Zhou Yu is still surnamed Zhou anyway, but Tang Mu is the only outsider in this family.

No one cares about the feelings of an outsider.

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