CH.13: To Roast Chicken with Phoenix Clan’s Genuine Fire

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Lan Zhen refused to give up, and proposed some novel and fun ideas to attract Feng Qin’s attention. If it was before, the little phoenix, who had been staying in the Xumi Fairyland all year round, would’ve already made Lan Zhen lead the way, but now Lan Zhen only received an unreasonable rejection from the little dough bun. In the end, Feng Qin didn’t feel like entangling with him, and only wanted to directly leave—but just when he was turning his head he had a change of heart, turning back to Lan Zhen and said, “Your men saw with their own eye that Lin Zhizhi went up this mountain?”

Lan Zhen was unsure about this question and blankly nodded. 

Feng Qin hesitated and slowly mumbled, “Then did they see a…… en…… like an immortal god descending to earth, with a delicate face, eyes that seemed to speak, with long black hair like satin, very good looking, in short, did this fairy-like person go up?”

The little dough bun’s cheeks were red, and thought of the time he laid in the youth’s embrace. 

Lan Zhen, who thought Feng Qin was going to ask something serious, “……” That’s a person you’re talking about? It’s a line you memorized from a secular book, right? 

Noticing Lan Zhen’s strange gaze, Feng Qin coughed, the redness fading from his white face, returning to his usual high and mighty appearance, “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like him, I’m just a little curious.” 

Lan Zhen put down the fan in his hand, “………… I’ll ask.” 

Previously, seeing Feng Qin descending the mountain with a happy face, Lan Zhen had thought that he got a great opportunity on the mountain, but because of the difference in identity, he couldn’t just ask directly. Yet he never thought that it was about a beauty. 

He asked several of the previous men responsible for tracking Lin Zhizhi through the transmission of the secret shell,1 but the answer was that they didn’t see any other people, and only one person scratched their head and hesitated to ask him, “Lan Shao, if you cut through this pile of adjectives isn’t it exactly Lin Zhizhi?” 

The enraged Lan Zhen almost crushed the secret shell, “Scram! It can’t be him even if you used your head to think! People with black hair are all over the world!” 

Besides the time when he was a kid, he never admitted that Lin Zhizhi was beautiful! Denied! 

Placing the secret shell into his space ring, Lan Zhen took a deep breath and said to Feng Qin, “They haven’t seen him, perhaps it’s someone who originally lived on this mountain.” 

Feng Qin was a little disappointed and nodded his head, and before leaving, left one sentence with a small wave of his hand to dispel Lan Zhen’s intentions to stop him, “I’m leaving, I’ll help you teach Lin Zhizhi a lesson when I have time.”

As for when this “free time” was, god knows.

Before Lan Zhen could say anything, the impatient Feng Qin had already crushed the spell given to him by his father, and his figure gradually disappeared, returning to Xumi Fairyland. 

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When Feng Qin’s figure appeared in Xumi Fairyland, the first person he saw was his father.

In the magnificent palace, Feng Shuang, the God Transformation Stage Demon Cultivator, had one hand behind his back, and right hand holding a scroll of books. Sensing the fluctuation of the spiritual aura in front of him, he put down the book and looked over. 

Seeing his son return, the unangry and majestic man snorted coldly, “You still know how to come back?”

Feng Qin coughed and blinked, not even the slightest bit afraid in the face of his father’s anger. The child pulled his cloak from under his shoulders and came to his father’s side, evading the question, “Wasn’t father going to Tianyin? Why are you back so soon?”

Although Feng Shuang was unhappy, he still answered his son’s question, “Your mother felt that the spiritual aura contained in your spiritual treasure was imprisoned. She was far away, so she asked me to return as soon as possible. Where did you go? Didn’t I warn you not to take a single step out of Xumi Fairyland until you’re an adult?”

Feng Qin wasn’t in the least concerned, “I just went to the inner mountains for a stroll, it’s fine—” 

Looking at his son’s unconcerned face, Feng Shuang frowned and crossed his eyebrows, and a pressure belonging to a God Transformation Stage diffused out from his body, pressing Feng Qin unable to move, “That restriction that imprisoned you is far above your limits, if you continue to make trouble like this, something is bound to happen one day!”

With a wave of his long sleeve, the immobile Feng Qin was moved into a room, ears left behind with his father’s cold voice, “You will be punished by not leaving your room for a week.”

When Feng Qin took back control of his body, the first thing he did was pound on the door and shout, “Dad! Let me out! I need you to help me with something! Dad!”

Unfortunately, this time Feng Shuang was determined to discipline his unschooled little son, no matter how Feng Qin called out, he didn’t pay any heed. In the end, the little dough bun was so exhausted that he had to roll over and fall into bed, remembering the young man on the mountain.

The voice and face of the youth were still in his eyes and ears, and he wanted to see him right away. 

Feng Qin cupped his big face, unable to endure his itchy heart and rolled up around the bed. 


#First day of not seeing the youth, missing him#

#Second day of not seeing the youth, missing him very much#

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#Third day of not seeing the youth, missing him extremely absolutely one hundred percent much# 


By the time the confinement on Feng Qin’s room disappeared, he had already written a cut-sleeve2 novel in his head about his encounter, acquaintance, and love with the young youth, 300,000 words long, rich in content. 

The first thing the love-starved little shota did after coming out was to go make his father look for a trace of that youth, but Feng Shuang had already gone to a secret realm with a friend and had not returned. Disappointed, Feng Qin could only ignore his father’s ban and go out to try his luck to find the youth.

From the original ice mountain to the inner sect, from day running to night…… All the disciples saw traces of a dough bun wandering throughout the Sword Sect. 

Luo Xianjian was only so big after all, and he really was able to meet him once. 

——Unlike Feng Qin, Lin Zhizhi afterward didn’t take the matter to heart. For him, he saved a man by simply holding his hands up.3 Although there were some twists and turns in the middle, it wasn’t enough to constantly worry about, and the most important thing at present was still to practice his sword. 

After practicing his sword a hundred times a day, Lin Zhizhi, who felt more and more comfortable with it, originally wanted to seek critique from his master, but after thinking about it, he decided to go through an actual battle first to determine his level. So he went to the outer sect’s mission recruiting office and received a: “Clean up the Level 4 guinea pig beasts on Mount He Yan” disciples mission. The reward wasn’t high, only ten points and ten low-grade spirit stones. 

The senior brother who was responsible for issuing the mission saw that Lin Zhizhi looked good,  and somewhat hesitantly reminded him as he took the mission for him, “This mission takes a long time, if junior brother is new, there are some other relatively suitable missions for you here……”

Lin Zhizhi shook his head and took out the token that symbolized his disciple status, “No need, just this one.”

He was interested in the fact that there were a large number of guinea pig beasts, which was suitable for sword training.

Seeing that this junior brother was so insistent, the senior martial brother wasn’t in a position to say anything, and in his hands the token flashed, receiving the task. 

When Lin Zhizhi met Feng Qin again, it was when he just cleaned up the first wave of guinea pig beasts, depleted his food and fresh water and, returned for resupply. After he loaded the food into his space ring, a pair of small hands hugged his waist from behind, “I’ve finally found you!” 

He was startled, and looked back and discovered that the dough bun child from before was looking at him with a face full of excitement. 

The dough bun wore a bright yellow shirt today, which made his whole body shine brightly, especially when his eyes fluttered pu teng pu teng4 with joy after seeing Lin Zhizhi.

Lin Zhizhi glanced at the favorability above his head: [Feng Qin, Favorability 95, Attitude of wanting to meet]/[Feng Qin, Favorability -10, Attitude is hostile], and after a moment of silence, he responded, “We meet again.”

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Feng Qin had finally found him, his heart was very happy and didn’t mind the slightly cold attitude of the other party, hugging him and rubbing his waist, “I looked for you for a long time, where have you been? I saw you on the mountain too…… right, by the way, what’s your name?” 

Lin Zhizhi looked at that smiling face and really couldn’t say his real name, so he avoided the last question, “En, I’ve been outside the sect recently, it’s normal you couldn’t find me.” 

Feng Qin really did get distracted, “What were you doing outside the sect?”

Lin Zhizhi took the opportunity to pry away Feng Qin’s hands, “I received a disciples task, and I’m completing it right now, let’s not talk anymore, I’m in a hurry.” 

The small yellow dough bun immediately widened his eyes and grasped the corner of the youth’s coat with his small hand: “I want to go too! I’ll go with you!”

Lin Zhizhi, “……”

“I’ll do anything! Take me there!” He used his power technique hugging the big thigh.

“What will you do?” Lin Zhizhi hesitated. 

Feng Qin rubbed his face, “I…… I can fight! I’m very strong! I also can……”

Too eager, he unexpectedly couldn’t find a second merit besides “fighting” and stomped his feet. 

The thing Lin Zhizhi needs least might just be this “fighting” skill point. He patted Feng Qin’s face and silently refused. 

“I…… I’ll warm the bed!” The moment the shota wasn’t careful he immediately let the words in his vacant head escape out his mouth. 


Feng Qin’s heart was extremely anxious as he saw the other party’s face of rejection. The Phoenix Clan’s Origin can attract and stir up thousands of fires, and because of the little phoenix’s unstable mood, there were actually some flickering sparks in the air.

The shota wasn’t paying attention, and Lin Zhizhi suddenly remembered what the shota in front of him said before, eyes brightening, “You can light fires?” 

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Although he didn’t understand why the youth would ask this, Feng Qin nodded vigorously and went along and promoted what he was trying to sell, “En! The fire I make is huge and contains spiritual qi! When I’m a bit bigger I’ll be able to make origin fire that’s inextinguishable!”

Lin Zhizhi pondered for a while, touched his nose, and spoke in an embarrassed and apologetic way, “If you really want to come with me, that’s fine, it’s just…… the roast chicken for the evening meal will be in your hands.”

As soon as he said that, if there was anyone else here, they would have spurted blood: that was the Phoenix Clan’s True Fire! When it’s practiced to the extreme, it is the legendary inextinguishable fire that can burn all things, if you use this flame to refine pallet medicine, you can raise the odds of ascension by a whole level. Lin Zhizhi actually wanted to use it to roast chicken! A complete waste of resources. 

But Feng Qin didn’t feel sick, but instead nodded very happily, “I’ll definitely roast the chicken well, I’ll roast the most delicious chicken.” 

Lin Zhizhi expressed appreciation and praised him for his fighting spirit.

#The Feng race in the spring underworld died with remaining grievances#

#The cultivators who paid a huge price and even their life to borrow the Phoenix fire also wants to climb out of their coffins and shout this phrase in their rotten vocal cords: fuck your mom!!#

Secret shell – a spiral shell used for secret communication1. 

Cut-sleeve – euphemism for homosexuality. Originated from the tale of a Chinese emperor, who had to attend morning court, but didn’t wish to wake his lover, who was sleeping with his head resting on the emperor’s sleeve. The emperor used a knife to cut off the lower half of his sleeve.2. 

Holding/lifting your hand – idiom for not requiring much effort3. 

Pu teng – onomatopoeia for flutter; chinese ver. of doki doki4. 


Feng Qin ft. Lin Zhizhi by Yoo

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