CH.17: Logical and justified with evidence, it really convinces people 

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The little dough bun was somewhat confused, small paws letting go of Lin Zhizhi’s jacket hem, opening his mouth and asking Lan Tian, “What bringing Lin Zhizhi to apologize?”

Lan Zhen shook the fan in his hand, although he was a dandy, he wasn’t mentally retarded, and from Feng Qin’s words and actions he saw a clue, and didn’t stop Lan Tian, letting his loud voice continue, “Isn’t that Lin Zhizhi right next to you?”  

Feng Qin already heard it clearly, but he didn’t dare believe it, raising his head to look at the youth besides him to seek confirmation, “Are you…?”

Lin Zhizhi rarely felt somewhat embarrassed, feeling a sense of shame at being striped of his vest in public and coughed, “I never had a chance to tell you.”

Feng Qin tried to compare Lin Zhizhi, the evil bully of the Lan family, with the beautiful young man in front of him——and also remembered the time when he was in front of the youth and said a lot of bad things about Lin Zhizhi, right now he felt it was practically a shameful play ah, can’t even deny it! Wu ah, he can’t accept it! To put it nicely, QAQ they’re all liars. 

The little phoenix hung his head low, and the long hair in front of his forehead obscured the flame mark on his forehead. 

Watching Feng Qin’s reaction, Lan Zhen opened his fan, his heart secretly proud——who knows what kinds of lies Lin Zhizhi used to cheat Feng Qin, but now that his face was unmasked, if Lin Zhizhi doesn’t get beaten and lose all his face today, he will not be the young master of the Lan Clan.

A proud Lan Zhen added fuel to the fire, “Lin Zhizhi, you actually wanted to bewitch Feng Qin? And you can’t see who he is? Now you’ve been exposed, ba? Before, you bullied and beat Lan Tian, but now the wind blew the wheel around!” 

He used his relationship with Feng Qin to turn right and wrong in front of Lin Zhizhi himself.

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Lin Zhizhi frowned and gave a straightforward response to Lan Zhen’s words, “You are annoying.”

“You!” Lan Zhen looked at the other party’s unimpressed face, anger rising, he understood the difference in strength between himself and the other party, and turned to Feng Qin and said, “Feng Qin, this man lied to you and bullied the Lan Clan before, why don’t you wake up and teach him a lesson so that he understands that the dignity of the Lan Clan and the Phoenix race are not to be offended?”

Perhaps understanding that the Lan Clan had little to do with Feng Qin, Lan Zhen also tactfully involved the Phoenix race. He expected with the domineering demon cultivation and Feng Qin’s usual bad temper, there would be no problem to make a move against Lin Zhizhi. 

At this time, Feng Qin was in love and hate (?) for Lin Zhizhi, this emotional interweaving, listening to this Lan Zhen’s droning vilification of Lin Zhizhi——emotions besides, from a rational point of view, the youth was so wonderful, and since he’s Lin Zhizhi, then it must be Lan Zhen saying lies! There’s no way Lin Zhizhi would do those types of things, and even if it was done, it must be Lan Zhen who was wrong! 

#His conclusion was logical and justified with evidence, it really convinces people#

What’s more, Lan Zhen kept interjecting when his mind was in a state of disarray——Feng Qin also said to Lan Zhen with equal impatience, “You are annoying!” 

Lan Zhen being scolded and was a little confused, “???” 

——Why aren’t you following the script?? How could Feng Qin be cheated and still help speak for the other side?? Shouldn’t it have been Feng Qin who came to his senses at Lan Tian’s prompting and gave Lin Zhizhi a fat beating for a while while they watched the burning fires from across the river to let Feng Qin release anger and not hit too hard? It’s really not scientific! 

Hearing Feng Qin’s words, Lan Tian couldn’t endure resisting his temper and stood out, “Feng Qin, little lord is helping you ah, how could you speak to him like that? The person who really lied to you was Lin Zhizhi ah!” 

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If he didn’t say it, it was okay, but now said, Feng Qin’s heart became even more furious——Lin Zhizhi really was too bad, watching him madly splaying himself in front of him and selling meng! He really was so bad!——But he was still reluctant to hit him, so he could only vent fire on Lan Zhen. 

Lan Zhen and the others only saw a blue-white flame emerge from Feng Qin’s fingertips, faintly transforming into the shape of a fire phoenix in mid-air, rushing towards them with a irresistible cry.

In this world, no one can compare with the Phoenix race in controlling fire. The flame came raging, sweeping through Lan Zhen and them, and if it burned without hindrance, they would’ve rolled over in pain on the spot——but when the hot breath was about to touch Lan Zhen, he crushed a piece of a protective spirit treasure, and a blue water shield protected them. 

Seeing he successfully resisted the fire, Lan Zhen sighed a breath of relief, and before he could feel his meat hurt from using a top-grade protection treasure, he switched to Feng Qin and asked, “What is the meaning of this?” 

If it weren’t for this spiritual treasure, a human body at the Qi Refining stage wouldn’t be able to fight the foreign fire——even if Feng Qin’s cultivation wasn’t enough to cause too much damage, the pain alone was enough for these pampered and spoiled children to eat a pot. 

Feng Qin deliberately did not look at Lin Zhizhi’s reaction, and said to Lan Zhen’s face unhappily, “There’s no meaning, you are too annoying.” 

Lan Zhen laughed angrily, “Then we can help you like this?”

The little dough bun wasn’t the slightest bit scared, “Come.” 

Lan Zhen tightened his grip on the fan, and backhandedly smashed a fist into the chest of Lan Tian, who was trying to strike, forcing him back. 

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Lan Tian didn’t understand and spoke into the young master’s ear and whispered, “Why not? We have a lot of people, and his cultivation isn’t yet high?”

Lan Zhen slanted his eyes and gave him a glance, using his left hand to harshly knock the fan on his mouth.  

——Feng Qin’s identity was special, don’t say that if you’ve really fought, you still can’t put down your hand, it’s more likely that you can’t beat someone at the same level from the Phoenix race…… Lan Tian and others facing the foreign fire, probably can’t even compare to a walking wooden sword. 

Compared to that messy ending, Lan Zhen would rather swallow his anger now. So he didn’t say anything, didn’t even leave any harsh words like “I’ll be back”, and went back to the Sect gate with his followers behind him.

A little martial brother cowered and asked Lan Tian, “Where is the chief refiner of the refining workshop?”

Lan Tian slapped it over, “Go fuck yourself!” 


After Lan Zhen and the others left, Lin Zhizhi stood in place for a while, only to see Feng Qin’s head, which had switched endlessly in favorability, had gradually merged together: [Feng Qin, favorability index 92, attitude is arrogant]. 

Lin Zhizhi didn’t get to ponder for a moment, only hearing Feng Qin fitting to his back, small hands pressed onto his plump stomach, “You lied to me, I… … I don’t like you for 12 shichen!” 

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“……To be precise, I just didn’t correct you, it’s not a lie……” 

“That’s a lie too! You’re a big liar! I hate you!” Little dough bun got even more angry. 

En, favorability value 92 type of “hate”. 

Lin Zhizhi this time did not refute, coaxing the child, “It was me who was wrong, my apologies.” 

Maybe because he felt that Lin Zhizhi’s attitude was sincere, the little dough bun’s body turned and twisted, “Then I hate you for 10 shichen……”

“Can it be a little less?” 

“9 shichen, at least.” Feng Qin counted on his left hand, finished talking, then he quickly covered his ears and fled, “You can’t shake me again, my heart is firm!” 

The determined child ran crazily all the way, afraid that Lin Zhizhi’s voice will stop him, and he’ll do something without dignity. 

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope y’all have a great time. I’ll be eating lots of hotpot.

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