CH.19: Receiving the Divine Sword

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The young Hao Tian who was imitated by the Ten Thousand Sword Cave’s sword spirit had no consciousness, only the instinct to fight. Seeing that the blow missed, a wind-chasing foot kicked the underground stone to pieces, lunging towards Lin Zhizhi by taking advantage of gravity, massive fist locked onto his position, and the Golden Jade Shattering Fist once again smashed towards him.

Lin Zhizhi’s black pupils flared, and he used Lin Clan’s wind style again, sidestepping quickly, simultaneously dispersing his divine sense to examine the Golden Jade Shattering Fist——after he repeated the process many times, he finally found the abnormality of the Golden Jade Shattering Fist:

Every time the Golden Jade Shattering Fist strikes the ground, the most up above place split open would produce a second vibration, overturning the earth under the ground up, one can well imagine that if it hit a person’s body, all internal organs would be shocked bleeding!

First crack, second crack, third crack.

After observing this, Lin Zhizhi put the sword in his hand into his space ring, teared a strip of cloth off his sleeve, poured spiritual energy and met Hao Tian from behind. When the opponent turned his head and threw a heavy punch, he used the cloth to meet the Golden Jade Shattering Fist—using softness to conquer strength, smothering the vibrations in the cradle. Simultaneously with a flash of light in his left hand, his sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and with the first form of the Basic Sword Formula he sent Hao flying away.

“Hao Tian defeated, second place, Su Ling, age 18, cultivation level: Qi Condensation Stage layer ten.”

The sword spirit spoke punctually the split second Hao Tian was defeated, and a white light enveloped Hao Tian, and then appeared a women with the countenance of a flower and the face of the moon, wearing a long skirt of auspicious clouds, a thin muslin like green water upon her shoulders, peach cheeks with a smile.

Su Ling—this women’s famous name was one Lin Zhizhi had always heard of.

Hehuan Sect’s beauty Su Ling of a hundred years ago, born with a beautiful physique, cultivating Hehuan Arts with twice the results and half the effort, reputation spread far and wide, and when Lin Zhizhi was born, she was already an incomparable enchantress and a great elder of the Hehuan Sect.

When Father Lin mentioned Su Ling’s magnificence to his son, he seemed to have some regrets.

Didn’t think that she also experienced this Ten Thousand Swords Cave.

The sword spirit’s imitation of Su Ling’s five features could vaguely be seen in the shadow, absolutely peerless, and she faintly smiled, slowly taking a step forward.

Her movements were elegant, like a prelude to a dance.

But it was this step that made Lin Zhizhi on the opposite side feel a jolt in his heart, just like stepping on his own life gate!

Lotus Seven Steps, Su Ling’s original technique.

After Su Ling ascended to God, it was said that the seventh step can kill immortals!

At this time the Qi Condensation Stage Su Ling took two, three steps one after another, forcing Lin Zhizhi to only feel pain in his heart, corners of his mouth seeping blood.

The youth wiped away the blood, knowing that Su Ling absolutely mustn’t be allowed to finish walking those seven steps. He changed the hand grasping the sword, controlled the wind, and cut with an extremely quick speed to slash at the proud daughter of heaven, but when he was just half a meter away from the other party his eyes went black, entering Su Ling’s sphere.

To Lin Zhizhi’s nose arrived a wisp of light fragrance, ears lingering of a woman’s delicate laughter. The fragrance was very strange, like Su Ling’s natural fragrance, mixed with her naturally charming physique’s temptation, unexpectedly stirring the youth somewhat restless.

Just when Lin Zhizhi was influenced by the charming physique, the petal-like enchanting physique in his dantian slightly trembled. The tiny flower bud inconspicuously unfurled its petals——the change was so insignificant, even Lin Zhizhi himself didn’t notice it, but he still followed Xuan Hua’s advice: hold fast to the Dao.

Su Ling’s fourth step.

Lin Zhizhi’s body’s meridians shook, nearly reversing the flow of his spiritual energy and causing a great disaster. The youth bit through the tip of his tongue, using the pain to wake himself up, and simply closed his eyes, searching the darkness for the possible location of Su Ling—

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This time, the Basic Sword Formulas second form piercingly thrusted cross the girl’s shoulder.

Su Ling’s slender figure disappeared, followed by the appearance of a shadowy and suspicious devil cultivator.

… … … … … …

Lin Zhizhi had long lost count of the number of challengers he had experienced, just as he was incapable of calculating how heavy the injuries on his body were. The wounds visible to the naked eye alone were two stab wounds and countless abrasions that almost pierced his abdomen. At this time, he was struggling to support his body with his sword, and simultaneously, he placed several top quality spirit stones in front of him, rapidly recovering his spiritual energy.

Obviously such a wretched sight, but the black-haired youth half propped up his body, and his eyes did not have the slightest sense of exhaustion, but were instead filled with streams of light—an abnormally bright light that made his whole person turn colorful and vivid.

Captivating to the extreme.

The sword spirit somehow appeared in mid-air, and its ash gray eyes staring at the youth below for a moment. The shapeless sword spirit gradually descended, finally standing in front of the youth’s body, staring at him face to face—a one sided kind, as while the sword spirit concealed its form, Lin Zhizhi couldn’t see it.

The sword spirit paused, hesitating, but ultimately obeyed its heart, moving slowly and gently kissing the young youth’s eyes.

The pair of black eyes that seemed to hold the entire starry sky.

Then it flew shyly back into the air.

——Lin Zhizhi didn’t know about this sword spirit’s existence, his heart was abnormally excited, and even in this moment his mood was extremely surging.

All those images just now, they were all renowned almighty prides of heaven.

To be able to fight hand to hand with these people at the same level, one can’t count how many people have dreamed of it.

The ancient sages were lonely.

In ordinary times, how many heavenly roots were there in a hundred years? How many talents could really be called “immortals”? When you surpass your generation’s peers by a whole realm, watching them was just like watching a younger generation.

Therefore, Lin Zhizhi cherished this opportunity, to be able to learn from these people, closely observing their Dao method, greatly benefiting his future Dao path.

The sword spirit above floated and sank, patiently waiting for Lin Zhizhi to finish sucking the spiritual energy from the spirit stones in front of him. This time it was so long that Lin Zhizhi was a bit puzzled: could it be that after the half-time break there will be a big boss? The interval this time was a bit long?

The sword spirit waited until the spirit stone turned to dust before speaking and continuing, “According to the rules left by the master, you have excellent qualifications, good looks, solid foundation, firm character, and have defeated twenty challengers to qualify for the final selection. The 21st challenger, Xuan Hua, age unknown, God Transformation Stage.”

Lin Zhizhi: “……………………”

Shizun really was playing a big game of chess……what else was this! He’s going to hang up! God Transformation Stage picking a fight with a Qi Condensation Stage, Shizun was simply ruthless and shameless and making trouble without reason!

The appeared Xuan Hua looked exactly the same as the Shizun outside, but compared to the people that appeared before, was more spiritual. This spirituality was shown specifically in the fact that he did not attack Lin Zhizhi as soon as he saw him, but extended a hand to him and said, “When I entered this Ten Thousand Swords Cave, at the request of Old Elder Wan Qian, I left behind a wisp of divine sense, leaving it to screen for a future successor of the divine sword.”

“There is no need to defeat me, only let me recognize your strength.”

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Lin Zhizhi took a deep breath, forcing himself to take the Xuan Hua in front of him as passer-by A, shook and stood up from his half-seated position, eyes focused, turning the sword in his hand a round, taking the initiative to thrust through the empty air at Xuan Hua.

Xuan Hua was expressionless, standing in his original place and allowing Lin Zhizhi to attack, and only when the young man was close to his right hands grasp, did he gently grip the little disciple’s wrist, soft and unable to resist pulling the riddled with injuries Lin Zhizhi into his arms.

A white light flashed, and Lin Zhizhi dumbfoundingly felt warm from head to toe, wounds improving in an instant.

——In actuality, the Lin Zhizhi in the contesting field was only his consciousness pulled in by the Sword Spirit, and once he returned to the Ten Thousand Swords Cave’s real □□,1 all injuries would no longer exist.

Xuan Hua knew this, but he couldn’t look on unfeelingly at his little disciple carrying the tiniest of bruises, walking around in front of him.

Lin Zhizhi, who was held in Xuan Hua’s arms, was puzzled: “Shizun?”

Xuan Hua lowered his head, and asked with his eyes, “ ? ”

“Didn’t I need to receive your approval?” Lin Zhizhi thought of the divine sword, and couldn’t help asking.

“En,” Xuan Hua replied naturally, “You are my disciple, I have recognized you for a long time.”


——Shizun you are blatantly practicing fraud ah! You’re simply hurting old man Wan Jian’s heart, if he knew he would definitely cry!

Xuan Hua ignored the little disciple’s accusing eyes, letting go of Lin Zhizhi, “You did a good job.”

Lin Zhizhi, who was praised by his teacher, bowed his head, and in regards to his previous confidence deficit self spoke wisely, “I also feel the same way.”

Xuan Hua: “……”

Lord Dao Zun choked for a rare moment, stretched out his ice-cold finger and flicked Lin Zhizhi’s cheek, then withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened, “Go collect your sword ba.”

Lin Zhizhi nodded.

After speaking two words of acknowledgement to the sword spirit, Xuan Hua’s figure gradually faded away, disappearing from the testing field. In his place was the sword spirit, ash gray shadow floating down from above, stopping in front of Lin Zhizhi, opening his mouth to reveal the previous mechanical voice, “You have passed all the trials, I will lead you to the sword.”

The sword spirit really wasn’t in a human form. Using a common analogy, it was like the staining darkness of a shadow under a person’s feet. The ash-gray shadow split an arm, and when it was about to approach him it split into two, clasping Lin Zhizhi’s wrist.

Lin Zhizhi strangely felt the touch of the sword spirit, surprisingly soft, and quite smooth.

The sword spirit’s mind moved, ready to take Lin Zhizhi into the small world opened up by old man Wan Jian.

But just as the sword spirit moved, Lin Zhizhi suddenly felt a wave of shaking, as if a heavenly force was trying to suck him away. In this violent shaking, the sword spirit was no longer able to grab him, and could only watch the youth’s spirit be sucked away!

Not knowing when, a spatial rift appeared in the small world. Lin Zhizhi was somehow caught by the spatial rifts strong wind, whereabouts unknown.

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The sword spirit, disregarding the danger to life——perhaps even the danger to its spiritual life——tried over and over again to enter the spatial rift. But this rift was like a full ferocious beast, and no matter how the sword spirit jumped it couldn’t enter, only able to lie outside and foolishly watch.

Lin Zhizhi was only in the Qi Condensation period, and if not for Elder Wan Jian using a special magnet structure for this testing field, then it’d be impossible to pull out someone’s consciousness. How violent was this wind, that even a great cultivator of the Nascent Soul period cannot be exposed to it, let alone a small person at the Qi Condensation stage.

But after being sucked into the spatial rift, Lin Zhizhi’s consciousness was still clear. He was sitting in a transparent cover that protected his soul, making the strong wind inaccessible.

The weak sound of the system rang in the youth’s ear, “Are you alright?”

Lin Zhizhi shook his head and sat up, “I’m fine…… what happened?”

“That sword spirit might have never brought someone to the sword pavilion before, forgetting to let you return to your body and then enter the small realm. There is a small spatial rift in the small realm, which can be said to be especially dangerous for the soul.”

Lin Zhizhi couldn’t help but be a little scared, stood up in the cover, pushing the protective shield with his hand and asking, “Are we still in the spatial rift right now?”

The system’s barbell-like voice sounded as sweet as heavenly music, “I was born to collect good feelings, with no ability to materialize. Fortunately when I first crossed the border, I had the space ability, thus I was able to protect you——in a moment I’ll send you back, but it will drain my power, and I will fall into a deep sleep.”

Lin Zhizhi couldn’t help but be concerned about the system, “Will you wake up?”

The system deliberately put on a grumbling tone, “You collect some more favorability points, and I’ll wake up. Remember, only the ones who are very handsome with a deep rich love, that kind, that kind of person’s good feelings reaching the extreme, the more energy I get.”

“…………it’s better if you don’t wake up then.” Lin Zhizhi indistinctly said.

The system refused to give up, “Your physique is blessed by heaven ah! You’re completely wasting natural resources——ai ya, there’s not enough energy, these days only one favorable degree has been collected, the energy is not enough, I’ll send you back quickly.”

As soon as the voice of the system fell, the transparent protective cover trembled, and Lin Zhizhi’s eyes blurred. Adapting to the dizziness, he opened his eyes again and found that he returned to his body in the Ten Thousand Swords Cave.

——For some reason, the sword spirit was buried to his chest, and once it saw him sit up the whole Spirit went stiff.

The youth wrinkled his brows and moved the ash grey sword spirit away from his chest, calling out a few words in his heart towards the system, only to hear the system disjointly leave a sentence, “There are two that are on the verge of reaching an extreme favorability value, cheering on host, relying on you to wake me up……”

This sentence completely diluted Lin Zhizhi’s concern and gratitude for it.

Lin Zhizhi: “……what do you mean two are almost at an extreme favorability value?! You’re not confused, are you?!”

Excuse me, he hated that he was unable to shake the system that just faked then fainted, making him interpret the meaning of its sentence——he tried with all his might for half a day but still couldn’t wake up the system, thus Lin Zhizhi could only give up, comforting himself: en, it’s not all necessarily like Su Yu, there’s the teacher’s love, the love of friendship, and family love.

The system’s words might just mean that his father missed him at home and had risen in good feelings, hehe, it’s definitely like this.

Lin Zhizhi secretly praised his imagination, raising his head, only to see a lump of greyish-white shadow staring dumbly at himself——this sword spirit was the culprit for why the system was fast asleep, and he nearly cursed the main offender to go die. The youth spoke in an unhappy mood, “Is this how you do things?”

Sword spirit: stare.

Previously, Lin Zhizhi obeyed the rules of the Ten Thousand Swords Cave, wanting to subdue the divine sword sword spirit, making it follow him willingly. But now this sword spirit was not doing its job properly, which made him somewhat angry, and he said in a cold voice, “You harmed my artifact spirit to fall into a deep sleep, then during this time…… you will be my artifact spirit!”

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The words were cold and hard, and even if the sword spirit refused to agree, it seemed that violence would be used to force it to take the place of the system.

The sword spirit opened its big mouth and made a surprised expression, quickly floating in front of the black haired youth, opening its mouth and speaking, “It’s a great honor, Master.”

The rapid change of speech and the dog leg2 content left Lin Zhizhi with nowhere to vent his fire, and even gave him the vague sense that he had lost money.

The sword spirit shook its big head and said to Lin Zhizhi, “Master, my body is on the upper floor of the sword pavillion, do you want to take it now?”

Lin Zhizhi wasn’t sure what attitude to treat the sword spirit——he originally thought making the sword spirit follow him would be a punishment, thinking that this kind of artifact spirit would be always proud. But who knew that after the sword spirit spoke its words it sat with a look of waiting for his reply, so he took back his hand and didn’t beat the smiling spirit, finally only mildly nodded his head.

The sword spirit got Lin Zhizhi’s gesture and lead to the front, creating a long finger to lead along Lin Zhizhi, bringing him into the sword pavillion.

The sword pavilion was divided into three layers: the middle and lower layers of spiritual swords did not require people to come, and when someone reached the qualifications, the sword spirit would pull it off and give it to that person. Only the upper layer of the divine sword required the trialist to come in person.

When Lin Zhizhi stepped into the upper layer of the sword pavilion, a layer of boundary shone through his body and disappeared without a trace after touching the sword spirit.

In the middle of the whole empty pavilion, there stood a tremendous four-sided cauldron3. The cauldron’s body was engraved with the scene of an interlacing sun and moon, and every day, after the sun, moon, and stars shone down from the high ceiling, the spiritual energy would be circled back into the sword inserted in the cauldron.

The sword was like autumn frost, whole body surrounded by light blue lightning, front of yin, back of yang, the veined pattern on the hilt akin to the moving constellations, the divine sword created from ascension thunder. Elder Wan Jian named it “Wen Xian.”

The sword spirit took initiative to go over, entering the sword. It’s whole body trembled, and it cut through the air with a faint blue light, stopping in front of Lin Zhizhi.

This was a divine sword born sword spirit, the God Transformation Stage cultivator Wan Jian’s life obsession of sword Dao, creating this divine sword by a coincidental chance——rather than saying Elder Wan Jian molded the sword, it was birthed by the plundering thunders.

Now that this sword was within reach of Lin Zhizhi, the sword spirit was extremely nervous that its master wouldn’t want it, and curried favor by swinging the sword hilt left and right, indicating to its new master to quickly grasp the sword hilt.

Lin Zhizhi reached out and took hold of the sword, and the sword spirit gave a cheering cry, lightning flickering, the whole sword like nature’s most beautiful masterpiece——but no more beautiful than its master.

In the dimly lit sword pavilion, the dark-haired youth’s skin was more graceful than snow, eyes as clear as the stars, nose bridge high. He held the immortal sword in front of him, looking it over carefully, the cold light on the back of the sword reflecting the side of his face, shaking one to the core.

The two blank boxes were like that in the raw1. 

Dog leg — Kissing up2. 

Cauldron (鼎 dǐng) — an example:3. 

If you guessed the sword spirit was a ml then wow you were right on the dot I didn’t see this coming

Felt like we were just fed dogfood by Shizun and Zhizhi…

Edit: Editing from phone. My laptop broke down recently, so there won’t be any chapters in the foreseeable future. ): Thank you for reading!

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