The strange demonic cultivator placed the black fog away. He took out a skull, muttering a few spells under his breath. A green liquid suddenly appeared from the empty eye sockets of the skull. With a body purely made out of white bones, it took a trembling step towards Lin Zhizhi.  

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Lin Zhizhi’s expression remained unaffected by the sight. His long sword pointed towards the sky. The rays of his sword cut through the air, shattering the skeleton in front of him. 




However, soon the scattered bones trembled and reassembled again. The attack became even faster and more powerful. Every time his opponent’s skeleton shattered, he would reassemble and improve by a point.  



There couldn’t be a creature that could revive themselves forever. There has to be a limit to this. 


While Lin Zhizhi dodges the skeleton’s relentless attack, he focuses his attention and searches for its weakness. Soon he was forced into a corner by this skeleton. 



“Are you stupid?! What are you doing fighting with an undead creature? Go and deal with that person first!” Shouted the demonic beast spirit.



The spirit is a special case. He is a soul that is between life and death. He can see everything that’s happening on the outside from the Spatial ring. Seeing the young man was still occupied fighting with the skeleton, he couldn’t help but throw a reminder out of anxiousness.  


After all, he used to be the next patriarch of a whole race. Not to mention that he has fought more than eating peaches. He has abundant experience and understands the principle of killing the leader first to eliminate his aides. 


Lin Zhizhi was born into a prominent family, and he was always guarded by Su Yu when he was still a child. So much so, that when it came to a battle of life and death, he was still filled with anxiety. He was urgently looking for the skeleton’s weakness, ignoring the demonic cultivator on the side.  


Lin Zhizhi’s face froze as he heard the spirit’s words. When the demonic cultivator used the skeleton to attack him again, he kicked it in the chest. Lin Zhizhi wanted to use the skeleton as a stepping stone to lunge himself onto the demonic cultivator, but the skeleton wouldn’t stand by and let him do as he wished. While the lower half of its body cracked, it forcefully jumped and flew out. Grabbing the young man’s ankles with his claws, it tried to pull Lin Zhizhi back. 


Lin Zhizhi’s thoughts turned sharply. When the skeleton had just lost half of its body and hadn’t thoroughly reassembled again, Lin Zhizhi kicked the skull’s hand using his other feet. At the same time, Lin Zhizhi twisted his body and pulled his left foot away from the clutches of the skeleton’s hand.  


When the left foot escaped the claws of the skeleton, there was a “pop.” sound made from dislocated bones, which weren’t really audible on the battlefield. Lin Zhizhi didn’t seem to feel the pain. He controlled the wind and rushed towards the demonic cultivator like an arrow released from its bow. 



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Lin Zhizhi’s reaction was remarkably fast. It has only been a few seconds since the spirit told him to escape from the skeleton. 


Between the lightning and the wind, the demonic cultivator rapidly retreated. He bit the tip of his tongue, spewing a bloody mist of blood forward. And at the same time, with his hands, he controlled the bloody haze to suspend in the air. It turned into the head of a wolf and opened its jaws, attempting to swallow Lin Zhizhi in one whole bite!


The young master of the Lin family opened up a path using his Wenxian sword. Thunder wrapped around the bloody mist, shattering through thousands of miles. The thunder instantly dispelled the bloody wolf head mist, the young man’s strength was unabated. He then rapidly approached the demonic cultivator. Lin Zhizhi tilted his head to the side, passing by the small snake that spewed out of his opponent’s mouth. He parried against his opponent’s dying struggle before finally piercing him in the chest with his Wenxian sword.  


After that, he grabbed the demonic cultivator’s robe, and threw it towards the little snake, covering it before he flung it back to the demonic cultivator. 


The little snake rolled inside the robe, spraying its venom everywhere with a continuous “hissing.” sound. The toxin deteriorated the robes producing one hole after another, making people fearful of it. If the venom droplets splashed onto the soil, wouldn’t it be severely damaged? And what about the ecosystem? 


As soon as the demonic cultivator died, the skeletons that were rushing towards Lin Zhizhi soon fell apart. Its bones scattered all over the place, becoming normal bones once again. 


Lin Zhizhi glanced at the corpse of the demonic cultivator. His face turned slightly pale as he casually sat on the grass. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktlr lr tlr olgra wegvfg. 


Ktf ybs’r mtfra tfjnfv eq jcv vbkc. Lf aegcfv tlr tfjv jgbecv, jnblvlcu atf rluta bo atf vfjv mbgqrf yfobgf gfifjrlcu atf vfwbclm yfjra rqlgla ogbw atf rqjalji glcu. “Ktjcx sbe.” 


Ciatbeut atlr vfwbclm yfjra rqlgla mbeiv yf rbwfktja ecgfjrbcjyif, Olc Itlhtl tjr ab jvwla atja lo la kfgfc’a obg tlr gfwlcvfg pera cbk, tf wluta cba yf jyif ab vfofja atja ofgbmlber vfwbclm meialnjabg. 



The demon spirit proudly raised its head. His nostrils faced Lin Zhizhi as he proudly said, “Hmph! Don’t think of it as me worrying for you. If It weren’t for me worrying that I would also be swept away by that human after you died, I wouldn’t have reminded you. Now that you know how powerful I am, you should know to express your gratitude-”  


Lin Zhizhi didn’t let the spirit finish his sentence. He waved his sleeve, sweeping him away before lowering his head and taking his brocade white boots off, revealing his injured left foot. 


His feet are beautiful.  


The skin is smooth and delicate, his round toes are positioned in a lovely arc. It arouses people with the desire to touch his feet.  


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He is also very handsome, with a high nose bridge and a pair of rosy lips. He bent down slightly, gently pressing his dislocated ankle with his slender hands. 




The boy grunted. His pearly white teeth bit on his rosy lip. Leaving a row of shallow tooth marks on his lips. 


Lin Zhizhi didn’t feel any pain during the battle earlier, but now that he has calmed down from the adrenaline, the pain has now intensified. 


The ankle he was holding on his slender hands that were supposed to look flawless were red and swollen. There was a circle of handprints left by the skeleton’s tight grip earlier.  


This was the scene the spirit saw when he dragged his frail body back.  



Humans are so fragile.  


The once rough-skinned son of the former demon king thought to himself. 


‘Well, for the sake of this little guy’s injury. Let’s not say what I thought of when I crawled back earlier.’ thought the demonic beast spirit as he hovered in the air.  


Lin Zhizhi ignored the arrival of the spirit. After a few seconds, he narrowed his eyes and pulled his dislocated ankle back to its original position with his right hand.  


At that moment, Lin Zhizhi was overwhelmed by the pain that felt much more agonizing than his previous injury.  


Lin Zhizhi wasn’t without medicine on his person. Before he set out to the sect, top huichun pills.had been placed inside his spatial ring by his father in batches. But now, the young master of the Lin family doesn’t intend to use it. As a matter of fact, he even wanted the pain to last, making it unforgettable. 


This is to let him remember the lesson he learned today. 


If it weren’t for his physique evolving, saving the demonic beast spirit, and his reminder during the battle earlier, with these three things coincidentally coming together, then maybe it’s possible that he would die without any resistance. How could there be many coincidences in this world? 


The demon spirit was originally watching him clean up his wounds. But after he saw the young man’s eyes for a moment, he suddenly felt a twinge of suffocation in his heart. 

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Such a brilliant beauty had caused a storm to surge inside his heart.  


Lin Zhizhi’s appearance didn’t impress him, but his voice did. After he removed the influence of the charming physique, his appearance no longer impressed him, neither did his words, but his words earlier still left some traces inside his heart. 


The demonic beast spirit flew towards the young man in silence, Landing on top of Lin Zhizhi’s shoulders. He wanted to say some words of comfort, but sadly, he didn’t know where to start. So instead, he jumped on the young man’s shoulder and settled himself on him comfortably.  


His actions caught Lin Zhizhi’s attention. He cast a glance at the spirit and asked him, “Do you want to leave?”


This time, the demonic beast spirit didn’t immediately answer him. He thought about this question earnestly.   


Actually, he had nowhere to go. 


When the ancient immortal caught him back then, he had already slaughtered his race. His home is inside the Hidden floating sky realm, but he has long since lost it. Earlier, he was constantly clamoring about leaving, but it was actually his reaction towards his deep-rooted disgust towards human beings.  


Seeing how the spirit stayed silent towards his question, Lin Zhizhi retracted his gaze away from him. He didn’t continue to disturb the demonic spirit. Instead, he moved his fingers, wanting to place him back inside the spatial ring, giving him a quiet place to consider his answer. 


The demonic beast spirit hurriedly said to Lin Zhizhi, “Hey! I don’t want to go inside that anymore. It always reminded me of the stove… 


“Is your spiritual power enough for you to keep hovering here?” Lin Zhizhi looked suspiciously at him. 



“…” The demonic beast spirit wanted to prove to him how powerful it was, but now his body wouldn’t allow it to do so. In the end, he stomped on the boy’s shoulder and begrudgingly said to Lin Zhizhi, “You could just carry me and go.” 


“Right now, I’m a patient with a foot injury. And you’re demanding me to carry you?”


The demon spirit naturally said to Lin Zhizhi, ” I’m as light as a feather. What’s wrong with carrying me? Once I recover, I can fly by myself, okay?” 


The young master of the Lin family swept the palm-sized demon off his shoulders with a wave of his hand. He said to the spirit, ” Don’t you think you’re being conspicuous enough? If others see you, they’ll want to catch you, you know? They’ll want to use you as an alchemy ingredient, and I’ll be powerless to stop them.”

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Lin Zhizhi swept the demonic beast spirit away without uttering a warning. The demonic beast spirit did several somersaults in the air before finally stabilizing his figure. 


Just when he was about to get angry at Lin Zhizhi, he heard what the other party said. He had to admit that Lin Zhizhi did have a point. “Fine, you’re right. Then I’ll get inside your sleeve.”


As soon as he finished his sentence, he immediately got inside Lin Zhizhi’s cuff like a wisp of smoke, encircling himself onto Lin Zhizhi’s wrist.   


“I don’t accept this! Master, I don’t want to stay inside the spatial ring! I also want to protect and accompany my master at all times-” Shouted the sword spirit, who was very angry when he saw the demonic beast spirit’s treatment. He immediately shouted and demanded Lin Zhizhi to treat him fairly. 


…two mental retards. 


The young master of the Lin family furrowed his eyebrows. He severed the telepathic communication of his spiritual sword before taking out a Huichun pill from his spatial ring and swallowing it.



The pain he had experienced just now was enough for him to remember today’s lesson. Now that the demonic cultivators were coming, he needed to quickly recover his spiritual energy to deal with these terrible circumstances. 


The Huichun pill turned into a warm water-like spiritual force, going all from his throat, all the way down to his ankles. After a while, the redness and swelling of his ankle diminished. His left foot has now returned to its tip-top shape.    


The boy put on his shoes, stood up, and set off once again.  


Seeing how the rain was getting heavier, Lin Zhizhi stopped his search for someone, feeling a little depressed from it. For now, he had to find a place to shelter from the rain first. His spatial ring had nearly everything inside of it, everything except for things such as umbrellas and cloaks he could really use now. 


There’s no other reason than how he was used to being taken care of by Su Yu ever since he was a child. When he went out, the old father like Su Yu would always take care of these trivial matters. After he parted ways with Su Yu, Lin Zhizhi didn’t go out much, so naturally, he didn’t think of these, let alone bringing an umbrella or a cape.  


After he looked left and right, the boy finally descended from mid-air and took shelter under a giant tree in the sky. 


The raindrops gradually became denser, layers of water mist splashed onto the green plants around him, obscuring the young man’s sight. In the silence, only the sound of raindrops lingered in Lin Zhizhi’s ears. 


But it was soon followed by the sound of footsteps coming from behind. 

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