Lin Zhizhi’s and Su Yu’s personalities are fairly

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For the same matter, Lin Zhizhi pays more attention to the probability of its success. As long he thinks it’s possible, then he’ll do it. Unlike him, Su Yu pays more attention to the possibility of failure. He likes to consider everything without omitting a single factor and operates at the lowest risk.

In other words, The wanton and unrestrained young master of the Lin family is intuitive, while Su Yu is more rational.



This is why Su Yu felt that he had perfectly set up the situation, but his actions made Lin Zhizhi realize that something was wrong.

After Lin Zhizhi obediently listened to his friend’s words many times and successfully avoided the pursuing demonic cultivator, he vaguely felt something was amiss. He always had a lingering feeling of being led by his nose. 

It’s an unwarranted intuition. It’s as if… He’s being kept in the dark by someone.


Driven by this feeling, he began to pay close attention to the disorders around him, including Su Yu’s behavior.

The injuries Su Yu suffered every time he protected him were real, the gentle look on his face was real, and his worry for him was also real. Even though he couldn’t pick up a single error, Lin Zhizhi was still troubled by this vague feeling.

The young master of the Lin family believed in his intuition very much, as it had saved him from danger every time. So, on another night of escaping from danger, when Su Yu passed by his side and intended to sleep outside, Lin Zhizhi reached out a hand to stop him. Lin Zhizhi pulled him back in place before asking the other party, “Are you… Hiding something from me?”


With one hand on the ground, half sitting up as he looked at Lin Zhizhi, he amusedly asked, “Why do you think so?”

The black-haired boy was now sure of his intuition because of the other’s words.

Su Yu’s not the only one who understands his friend. Lin Zhizhi also understands Su Yu very well.


Every time he wanted to avoid his question, this friend of his would use this kind of rhetorical question to dodge. Essentially, he is the one who could make the eldest son of the Su family do this. 

For example, that mortal beauty who had once made his little heart flutter for her. At that time, Lin Zhizhi asked Su Yu, “Will you tell my father about my first love?” At that time, Su Yu’s reply was, “Well, do you really love that woman?” He successfully distracted this young master and turned around to inform his father!

Haha, since then, Lin Zhizhi had already seen through this cut sleeve friend of his!

Lin Zhizhi stood up against the wall and looked down on Su Yu condescendingly. He asked, “What the hell are you hiding from me… Why don’t we join forces to defeat that demonic cultivator?”

The black-haired boy bent down as he asked that question, trying to see a hint of a clue in his friend’s eyes. 

The curvature of his waistline was soft, arousing people with the desire to grasp it. At the same time, when he got close to him, the face that he had been thinking about day and night was finally not far from his.

Su Yu lowered his eyes, wanting to get closer so that he could touch those soft lips.

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As long as he could shorten their distance just a little bit…

Lin Zhizhi watched his friend slowly approach him with a cold face. When they were about to come into contact, he unhesitatingly threw a punch to protect his charming physique. 

Su Yu, who got caught off guard, covered his face, “…”

It’s a pity that he almost succeeded T-T.


The first disciple of the Tianyin sect’s newest generation of disciples, Su Yu, rumored to be a candidate for the next sect leader, now has a bright fist mark on his face.

The arrogant young master of the Lin family, who got chased by the demonic cultivator with a sealed foundation building cultivation level for nearly half a month, had been holding his grievances in his chest. When Lin Zhizhi found out that his friend was hiding something from him. Lin Zhizhi began to question the trust they had between them, which made him feel even worse. 

Just now, Su Yu had tried to be frivolous with him again. He practically sent himself to his door to let him vent his frustrations.

After Lin Zhizhi punched him, he felt relieved in his chest. He didn’t do it again and directly asked Su Yu, “Is there anything you’re not telling me? If you keep your lips shut, I’ll hit you until you tell me.”

It’s not that Su Yu was unaware of Lin Zhizhi’s mood right now, but it’s just that he couldn’t keep his feelings in check earlier, and it got made into a good reason for his friend to let out his anger.

Su Yu placed the hand covering his face down before helplessly saying, “…How could you be so sure that I’m hiding something from you?” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Olc Itlhtl atbeuta ab tlwrfio, rlcmf sbe’gf ralii jmalcu, atfc sbe mjc mbcalcef ab jma! Ccskjsr, rlcmf Ve Te tjv jigfjvs xcbkc tlw obg j ibcu alwf, tf vlvc’a cffv ab qgfafcv ab yf mbiv ab jnblv atf batfg. Olc Itlhtl, jr j rkbgv meialnjabg, qijmfv vbkc tlr Qfczljc rkbgv jr tf vlgfmais gjlrfv tlr olra ab oluta Ve Te lc tjcv-ab-tjcv mbwyja.

These two people, excluding their first meeting, when they were younger, the direct son of the Lin family who lived [ happily ] and is exceptionally talented [ in fighting ], often pestered Su Yu to spar, but they never did it again after a few fights.

If he ever wanted to fight Su Yu. Lin Zhizhi could only try his hardest under his father’s supervision to maintain the lofty image that the young master of the Lin family should have.

For the first time in many years, lin Zhizhi was about to fight against Su Yu. 

Well, to be more precise, it was Lin Zhizhi who took the initiative to attack as Su Yu passively defended against him.

After beating up this cut sleeve friend of his for a while, the black-haired young boy got up from the ground feeling a lot more at ease. The anger he suppressed from getting chased by the demonic cultivator had now disappeared.

Su Yu, who had got beaten the whole time, rubbed his abdomen with one hand as he slowly sat up.

Lin Zhizhi said that he was going to hit him, and he didn’t hold back when he was doing so, but Su Yu endured it with his body alone. Not to mention a few injuries, it would be inevitable for him to be in pain for a few days. 

But Su Yu didn’t think of counterattacking when he was getting beaten down. He felt that it was better to get beaten by Lin Zhizhi than to get ignored by him once he returned to his sect.

To put it frankly, when Lin Zhizhi beats him earlier, he only had him in his eyes.

Fortunately, his thoughts weren’t known to Lin Zhizhi. Otherwise, the other would’ve shivered in doubt inside his heart.

#Why is my best friend mentally retarded?# 

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#Intellectually retarded friends are always crazy about me. What should I do? Waiting for answers online#

“Zhizhi, are you still angry?”


It was okay when Su Yu didn’t speak, but when he spoke to him using this tolerant and caring tone, it made Lin Zhizhi feel powerless. It’s as if he was punching soft cotton with his fist. He said in a muffled voice, “…Just tell me what you’re hiding from me.”

Su Yu could hear something odd from the tone Lin Zhizhi’s using. Su Yu sighed before saying in a low voice, “I just didn’t want you to get hurt, and I hoped you could… rely on me a little more. I wanted to teach you to be more rational and too.” 

After all, he wouldn’t lie to Lin Zhizhi.

After hearing his answer, Lin Zhizhi’s heart couldn’t help but itch again. Su Yu is a friend with the heart of an old caring father. Even his own father never protected him like that.

“I don’t need it,” said Lin Zhizhi decisively.

Su Yu remained silent. 

Lin Zhizhi paused before saying, “Let’s separate from here.”

The black-haired young man dropped this sentence before leaving Su Yu. Lin Zhizhi walked out of the cave alone without looking back at the other party.

Su Yu wanted him to stay.

To make him stay within his reach. 

But he ended up not doing that.

When the demonic cultivator was looking for those two righteous disciples who were good at escaping him, one of them had arrived in front of him.

The boy in white was expressionless. His aura had become much more frightening than his beautiful iceberg companion. He had suddenly appeared in front of him and said, “You’ve done me a favor. It isn’t impossible for me to let you live…”

The demonic cultivator, “…” 

That seemed to be his line? Are all the disciples of the righteous path so arrogant nowadays? How could he be more arrogant than a demonic cultivator?

Ever since Su Yu separated from Lin Zhizhi, he hasn’t laughed even once. Su Yu continued to say, “But keeping you alive will make his thoughts even more incomprehensible. It’s better for me to kill you now.”

After saying that, he struck the demonic cultivator.

The demonic cultivator didn’t know what he saw, but he showed a look of horror from the scene that he saw. 

After Lin Zhizhi left Su Yu, he did everything with the mindset of letting everything happen according to fate and encountered numerous fortuitous encounters along the way.

He traveled slowly, probably waiting for the demonic cultivator with sealed cultivation to find him, but he never appeared.


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Maybe that’s just the way things are. Things just never happen the way you want them to be.

Philosopher Lin Zhizhi had realized such a truth. 

Although he didn’t meet the demonic cultivator, Lin Zhizhi had crossed paths with numerous other demonic cultivators along his way. All of them got struck down by him with his Wenxian sword, and the realm’s favorability toward him got higher and higher.

This is something Lin Zhizhi noticed without the help of the system.

That’s because he almost reached the level of a novel protagonist’s luck inside this hidden realm. The young master of the Lin family got tired of eating roasted chicken, so he ate the wild fruits around him instead. Those wild fruits that he ate happened to be the legendary Qi Guo fruit. It could increase the success rates of medicinal pills and is the most wanted fruit for pharmacists.

After he took down another demonic cultivator, he happened to find a Peiling Root. hidden inside the tree. This kind of root is very suitable for spiritual bodies to settle in. If worn on the body for a long time, the wearer can achieve the effect of pacifying spirits and exorcising demons. 

At that time, when he found the Peiling root, Lin Zhizhi thought for a bit before calling the demonic beast spirit who had turned into a bracelet and told him to enter it, as it could help him condense his spiritual form faster.

The demonic beast spirit’s eyes widened at his words and looked at the Peiling root, rumored to be able to have a chance of mutating only in a ten-thousand-year-old spiritual tree. The spirit asked Lin Zhizhi in a trembling voice, “This root was picked up by you on your journey?”


“??? How come I don’t have such good luck? Why is it that when I walked into this secret realm, I met an ancient cultivator who wanted to refine me? How the hell are you so lucky? Is it in your dad’s genes?” If the demonic beast spirit wasn’t in the form of a soul, his eyes would’ve been protruding with a red color. 

“Yeah, it’s from my father.”

As Lin Zhizhi said that, he stuffed the spirit, who was still in disbelief, into the Peiling Root before carrying it in his arms.

After that, Lin Zhizhi picked up a lot of spiritual things, and combined with the inheritance he received from the ancient immortal, Lin Zhizhi estimated that he would at least set a new record for his sect.

Soon, The month exploration period will end. According to what the elders say before he came in, on the expiration date, he could go out by crushing the talisman he was given before coming here. 

Lin Zhizhi held the boundary-breaking talisman in his hand, he carefully crushed a corner of the talisman, but there were no responses.

He crushed half of it, still no response.


The four major sects must have entered a pit.

The young master of the Lin family indifferently crushed the boundary-breaking talisman in the palm of his hand. 

Outside of the realm.

The elders of the four major sects gathered in the Red Maple Valley, waiting for the triumphant return of their sect disciples.

Among these elders, Elder He Wei and Elder Yinquan were very eager for their sect disciples to return. They’re practically stretching their necks to see any sign of their disciples coming out of the secret realm and presenting their fortuitous encounters.

Understandably, no disciples came out in the morning. After all, it is a rare opportunity to enter a secret realm, so they must wisely use every minute of their time inside it. 

At noon, no disciples have come out of the realm. The Elder from the Tianyin sect had already noticed something was amiss. He sensed the jade talisman in his hand using his spiritual senses and found that his master talisman had lost all connections to the boundary-breaking talisman.

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“Something went wrong!” The Elder said with a serious face. He immediately sent a message to notify the sect leader of the current situation. At the same time, he ordered the other three elders to forcibly open the door to the secret realm once again.

However, the four jade talismans stagnated in the air for a moment before automatically flying back to the hands of the elders.

He Wei was the most agitated by this situation. He asked, “What the hell is going on here?!” 

The other three elders shook their heads. An Elder from the Haoran sect twitched his beard and said after thinking for a moment, “It’s not the jade talisman that malfunctioned, this must’ve been someone else’s doing.”

He Wei instantly thought of two words that had been going back and forth in the sect leader’s palace. He seemed as if he got hit by a heavy hammer inside his heart as he muttered a guess in a hoarse voice, “…The demon race?”

“I hope not…” The elder shook his head with a dark complexion.

If it is the demon race, then the disciples inside the realm won’t be so fortunate. If the situation is severe, and the demonic race has the means to enter the dimension, then will they leave the hidden realm and hand it over to the four major sects once they’re done exploring it? They will definitely detonate the dimension in the end. 

This will cause the number of disciples in their sect to shrink!

Now, they could only hope for a response from their respective sect masters.

The sect master of the Luo immortal sword sect frowned as he received the message sent from elder He Wei. Unexpectedly, those insidious demonic cultivators didn’t raid the spiritual veins of the four major sects. Instead, they burned a lot of cash to ambush their Qi refining stage disciples in the secret realm.

Does this mean that they weren’t ready to go to war in these recent years? 

The sect master was thinking about how they should open the secret realm, deal with those demonic cultivators, and think about their intentions.

After thinking for a while, he swept his long sleeves, intending to contact elder Luo Qi, the most knowledgeable elder in the laws of space in the sect, to take the Shanhe ruler and go to the Red Maple Valley.


“I’ll go in his place.” A cold voice abruptly sounded and interrupted him.

After hearing this voice, the sect master’s hairs nearly stood up in shock. How could a person quietly sneak into the palace of one of the four major sects?! 

After seeing the purple-clothed man floating like an immortal, the sect master didn’t feel at ease. Instead, he became even more worried.

The last time the Lord DaoZun appeared was because of the sea clan catastrophe two hundred years ago! Now, the demons have reappeared. Could it be that the situation had become that severe? Could it be that the demons have already sneaked in and began to destroy the human race without him noticing? He has been neglectful!

The more he thought about it, the colder his sweats became. He cupped his hands to Xuan Hua as he said, “I dare to ask Lord DaoZun, Have those demonic beings planted seeds all over our territory, and are the people of my sect still buried in the dark about this matter? I am very ashamed for being useless. As the head of this sword sect, I haven’t had a clue about this, and made Lord DaoZun descend the mountains to give instructions for this junior.”


“Lord DaoZun, you can be frank with me. I can bear it. But is the Demon Lord already reborn using the spiritual energy of the hidden realm? Or are there spies among the elders? Or have the demonic race obtain a high lever resource?”

Xuan Hua remained silent for a while before saying, “My disciple is inside the hidden realm. I don’t care about the others, I merely wished for him to return unharmed.”

The sect master, who was worrying about the country and its people, “…”

Lord DaoZun, you have changed! 

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