When Lan Zhen Couldn’t help but pour his bitter water out to him, Qi Ting didn’t take him seriously. But now that the feng shui had turned for the worst, and when he stumbled on this enormous mountain blocking his path from him, he finally knew the pain of meeting such a person.

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Usually, he would use his money to intimidate others, humiliate them, and make them retreat in spite of the difficulties. He’d never thought that one day, other people would threaten him instead, and make him pull out because of these difficulties. 

The more this happened, the more he wanted to show these people the essence of the Qi family! Let junior sister Xie who amongst them possesses an unshakable heart and great perseverance herself!

With this thought in mind, Qi Ting preserved and continued to stick to Xie Ling. The reason why he didn’t use those “fierce coercive” methods to woo Xie Ling was that, although this pair of brother and sister weren’t worth mentioning in his eyes, they had joined the ranks of Luo immortal sword sect’s inner disciples, and also got accepted as an elder’s disciples through their own effort and luck. So it’d be better if they willingly follow him instead of being forced to do so.



And just like this, they traveled to Linye City.

The speed of the spiritual boat is indeed very fast, far exceeding the speed of traveling by flying swords. Back then, Xie Lu and the two would have to travel long distances from their hometown to the sect, and they traveled for more than a month, but now they only needed three days to arrive home by this spiritual boat. 

Linye City is a small town on the west, with people coming and going to and from the city, and it is a bustling city. There are no sects here, so any mortals who wished to cultivate immortality would have to join the three prominent families in the city to obtain the cultivation manuals they need to start cultivating.


The Xie family had already heard from Xie Lu about their arrival, so the elders waited by the city gates for them early in the morning.

When the huge spiritual ship descended in front of him with its subtle pressure, elder Rao marveled at the generosity of the sword sect’s disciples, not to mention the young clan members behind him that are in awe of this scene.

The head of the Xie family came up to greet them. He nodded to the Xie siblings, who came down from the spiritual boat before fixing his eyes on the most outstanding young man among them and speaking in appreciation, “These young men must be the talented disciples of the Luo immortal sword sect.”


As expected of one of the four major sects, compared to this person, the people he brought with him simply couldn’t compare!

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The person he was looking at was Lin Zhizhi.

Qi Ting’s appearance was considered good-looking, and it was obvious that he was an elite disciple just by looking at his face, but his playboy disposition had unfortunately betrayed him. Compared to the cold black haired boy he was looking at, he became mere cannon fodder to the other’s superiority.


Qi Ting noticed his gaze, making his anger rise again. When he noticed the other party’s genuine expression, he became angrier and simply squeezed his way to stand in front of the Xie’s family patriarch. Blocking his gaze towards Lin Zhizhi, he said, “We’ve heard about your situation, so we came here to land a hand. ” 

The patriarch was stunned, but in the end, he also seemed like a good person. He saw the potential hostility between the two disciples in front of him that would ultimately benefit the Xie family. In order to overshadow the other party, this person in front of him will definitely go all out. Therefore, in response to Qi Ting’s absurd demeanor, the patriarch smoothly smiled and played along with him, “It is indeed befitting of a young man such as you to be a righteous hero. I must sincerely thank my nephew for this disciple’s valuable assistance.”

Qi Ting was appeased and waved his hand as he generously said, “It’s nothing much. We are merely doing our assignment here.”

“You must be tired after traveling so far. I’ve prepared a banquet to welcome everyone.” Said the patriarch as he waved his hand and led the way.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Hl Klcu kjr atf olgra ab obiibk atf wjc jr tf qgjlrfv atf batfg qjgas obg tbk qbkfgoei tf kjr jcv atja tf kbeiv yf jyif ab wjxf tlr fcfwlfr njclrt klat j kjnf bo tlr tjcv. Ktfs mtjaafv jcv ijeutfv lc atf ogbca jr Wlf Olcu ofii yftlcv atf ugbeq. Vtf jqqgbjmtfv Olc Itlhtl jcv jqbibufalmjiis rjlv, “P’w rbggs ygbatfg Olc, yfmjerf bo wf, sbe’gf yflcu ajgufafv ys Hl Klcu.” 

“It’s okay.”

Even when he saw Qi Ting’s favorability getting lower and lower, he didn’t care about it. Honestly, after going through his shizun and best friend’s situation, he actually felt a sense of relief seeing the decreasing favorability. This, at least proved that his constitution hasn’t gone out of control.

Hearing this, the girl lowered her head but didn’t return to her father’s side. Instead, she continued to walk beside Lin Zhizhi as they walked to the Xie family’s residence.

The Xie manor was very big, it occupied the southwest corner of Linye City. The two stone lions at the entrance of the manor contained the soul of a spirit lion inside them, which is a rare thing in the city. 

The patriarch took Lin Zhizhi and the others into the main hall where they held the feast. After they took their seats, he first said some courteous words and complemented Qi Ting and Lin Zhizhi one by one before the conversation changed. He started discussing the match, “This match is mainly about surviving, whoever falls off the ring first will be eliminated, and if you win three rounds, you’ll get a spot. There will be five people participating as a representative of our family, except for these two disciples, the candidates will be Xie Lu, Xie Ling, and Xie Lun.”

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Xie Lun is one of the strongest cultivators in the Xie family’s younger generation besides the two who were fortunate enough to enter the sect and were accepted as elder Zong’s disciples when he was roaming. The members with the strongest skills were also sitting at the dinner table, so when he heard the patriarch mention him, Xie Lun stood up and toasted the four disciples of the Luo Immortal sword sect.


After finishing their wine, the patriarch warned them, “The aides invited by the Qian and Su family should not be underestimated. I heard that they arrived a few days ago, and they weren’t cultivating any common cultivation techniques. They seem to be long-lost practices. Some of the disciples of the Sun family disagreed with these two people of unknown origins participating in the tournament and challenged them to a duel only to end up getting slapped away from the stage as soon as they stepped into the ring.

After getting out of the secret realm, Lin Zhizhi became a little sensitive to anything that could be related to demonic cultivators. After hearing the content of that sentence, he worriedly asked the patriarch, “Did that person transform into a form with three heads and six arms?” 

The patriarch paused and carefully recalled the rumors, “I didn’t see it with my own eyes, and the rumors didn’t mention this either. In short, you five must be very careful when you come across these people.”

Qi Ting nonchalantly filled Xie Ling’s plate with food regardless of the girls’ refusal. The patriarch of the family saw something in the way Qi Ting acted toward Xie Ling and narrowed his eyes in thought as he said, “By the way, this must be your first time in Linye city. Although it is a small place, they have some special entertainments that the two of you might enjoy. Why don’t you let Ling-er show you around tonight?”

The night in Linye city was very calm.

Pedestrians walking along the streets were quiet as they bought their items in the market. 

Xie Ling accompanied Qi Ting as they slowly walked around the city.

Xie Ling wasn’t in a happy mood. That is because Lin Zhizhi pretended to be in a hurry earlier, saying that he wanted to go to an auction alone before quickly separating from the group. He was so fast she couldn’t even tell him that she wanted to accompany him.

Now, it was only her and Qi Ting left.

She didn’t like disciples from aristocratic families like Qi ting. He has all the traits that Xie Ling hates, which are his egotism, his domineering act, and his narrow-minded brain. What she likes is someone like Lin Zhizhi, who, at first glance, looks cold on the outside but is kind-hearted on the inside. 

She had already told Qi Ting that she didn’t have any feelings for him, but Qi Ting still pursued her, making Xie Ling feel miserable and helpless in this situation.

Qi Ting noticed that the girl walking beside him was sullen and wanted to find something to cheer her up.

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After looking left and right, he picked a hairpin engraved with a peacock pattern from a stall and said to Xie Ling, “Junior sister, do you like it? How about I buy this for you?” He turned his head to the stall owner and asked, “How much for this hairpin?”

The stall owner was about to reply when an odd voice interrupted them, “Ten spiritual stones, I want them.” 

Spiritual stones?!

The stall owner was just an ordinary commoner, and the price of this hairpin was already marked as well. He never thought that someone would buy his hairpin with spiritual stones.

Thinking of the spirit stone’s value, he couldn’t help but nervously gulp and agree.

Qi Ting’s eyes widened in anger before turning his head and shouting, “Don’t you know that it’s first come first serve?! I’m the one who came here first! What, you think I have no money? Stall owner, one hundred spirit stones for the hairpin!” 

“Two hundred spirit stones.” The cloaked man said in a moderate tone.

“Three hundred! Don’t try to bid again! The money stashed in my house could squash you to death!”


The man’s mouth opened into a slit before he suddenly stretched his palm out and slapped it into Qi Ting’s chest, “Then I’ll kill you first! no one will bid against me then.”

It happened so fast that Qi Ting couldn’t even react as a golden light flashed around his body. 

Xie Ling hurriedly went over to help him as she worriedly asked, “Are you okay?”

Qi Ting didn’t answer her and told her to stay aside. Acting like he had been insulted, he angrily said to the cloaked man, “You dare to attack me? You scum, Laozi will teach you a lesson today!”

Nobody has ever beaten him like this, not even his father!

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A long blade appeared in his hand. After pouring his spiritual energy inside the blade, the wind swayed around him as he slashed it at the man covered in black. 

The man didn’t dodge or evade the attack, letting Qi Ting’s blade chop him on the head. A crisp sound was made as the metal made contact with his head, it was as if he wasn’t attacking a person, but a block of hard metal.

Xie Ling suddenly remembered her father’s warning.

Body refinement.

Could it be that these people are the aides invited by the other two clans? 

“It’s up to me now.” The man in black said before taking a step forward and punching Qi Ting’s face with his bare hands.

Qi Ting was nimble as he attempted to dodge to the right, but he got thwarted by the man’s right foot. He staggered before getting punched in the abdomen.

Enduring the pain, a pile of fire talismans appeared in his hand as he threw them towards the man’s crotch, detonating them as soon as they made contact with him. At the same time, he drew his sword and attacked the cloaked man. A phantom of a tiger was formed from his sword, pouncing at the mysterious man.

“This kind of tiger, is it even worthy of being called a tiger?” Said the man in black as he glanced at the phantom of the tiger in contempt, not even taking a step back to dodge the attack. 

Xie ling shouted as colored ribbons entangled the black-clothed man’s feet, preventing him from trying to attack Qi Ting.

Even though his feet were intertwined, the man didn’t look in her direction. Instead, he released a bout of spiritual energy from his body, causing the girl to fly away from her spot.

This man… Is very strong

Qi Ting fell to the ground in ridicule again as an uneasy feeling began to grow in his gut. Although there were many spiritual weapons in his body and he wasn’t injured yet, he had lost a lot of face after losing to such a formidable opponent in front of Xie Ling. Reminding himself that he still had to fight, he was about to pick himself up from the ground when he got stopped by a hand in front of him. 

A blue sword entered his field of vision. It was accompanied by a cold and pleasant voice of a fearless young man, “Daring to attack my fellow sect disciples in front of my face, are you even taking me seriously?”

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