Chapter 44

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Among the sects, the heavenly bell, which only rings once or twice a year, struck seven times today for the first time in history.

What do these seven rings mean? It meant that if he didn’t fall during the process, then his aptitude was enough to become an immortal. If the palace of the immortal king is still here, then this person could directly ascend to the immortal realm! Even the people of the immortal realm will be in awe. Such a good disciple with such qualifications has been living in the outer sect? Are the elders in charge of recruiting disciples in their sect blind?! 

The last time the bell rang five times was nearly three hundred years ago.

This made many elders who had nothing to do or were interested in accepting disciples, choose to go to the third peak to see what happened.


By the time Lin Zhizhi came out, there were already no less than ten elders standing on the third peak, with different marks on their heads. Seeing him come out, they turned their faces towards the teleportation array and looked at each other from a distance.

The young master of the Lin family had anticipated this situation a long time ago. Climbing the seventh-level ladder will attract the attention of many major figures.  In the Lin family, even if he had a breakthrough in mastering a small level of a cultivation technique, he would be summoned by his elders and they would kindly pat his head and praise him. So, he indifferently walked out of the teleportation array as he faced the sight of the elders observing him. 

The young man had an exceptional appearance. There were no signs of panic an ordinary disciple would show when they encountered numerous elders in his eyes. His eyes held no excitement even though his trial results were outstanding. Instead, he was calm. It’s like he knew that he had this much potential a long time ago, and what’s more, there were some regrets on his face.


He regretted he wasn’t able to go any higher.

Yan Ka seized the opportunity. When he came to the third peak, he learned the young man’s name from the disciple guarding the teleportation array.

He was wearing a red-flame-gold crown on his head and held a dark-colored long ruler in his right hand. The immortal sighed as he said, “Reaching the seventh step of this ladder, child, you have such a fearsome talent. Lin Zhizhi, do you have a master.” Generally, when elders say this, it usually means that they have the intention of accepting you as a disciple.


The rest of the elders who were dissatisfied with Yan Ka’s initiative pricked up their ears as they thought about what to offer to impress him and choose them as his master.

Only elder He Wei, who was standing in the back of the crowd wanting to watch the show, was sweating bullets on his forehead as he worried about this group of elders who were unknowingly walking to their deaths.

Why aren’t they sending this kid to the sect leader? If his idol knew that so many people wanted to steal his cabbage, wouldn’t there be a mess? Just take himself as an example. If he knew someone wanted to steal his favorite apprentice away, there would be a lot of trouble, not to mention the radical lord Dao Zun.



Under the eager gazes of the numerous elders observing him, the black-haired boy nodded as he answered, ” I do.” 

Yan Ka was a little disappointed, and couldn’t help feeling envious of Lin Zhizhi’s master.

With an unparalleled aptitude and ambitious personality, his future is bound to be boundless. He thought about the disciples he had under his wing, some are still obsessed with the secular world, but there are also some who are mature and prudent. But no matter how regretful he was inside, he didn’t show it on the outside.

He stretched a hand to Lin Zhizhi and said, “Come with me. I will take you to meet our sect master.”

The red ruler in his hand quickly grew larger and hovered in the air. He pulled Lin Zhizhi onto the ruler before flying into the main peak in the inner mountains. 

The sect leader already knew about Lin Zhizhi, but he didn’t expect to meet him in this kind of situation.

Before Xuan Hua left, he especially came to him and instructed him. With Lord Dao Zun’s temperament, he probably wouldn’t even come to visit the sect leader once in a hundred years. But now he had made an exception of a mere Qi refining disciple, so he must have taken the boy seriously.

After he received the news from Yan Ka, Tian Lu realized that Lord Dao Zun’s vision is indeed extraordinary! Fortunately, such a good seedling wasn’t snatched away by any of the other three factions. If he grew up well, he could become the sect’s guardian for more than a thousand years!

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When Lin Zhizhi followed Yan Ka and the others to meet the sect leader, Tian Lu’s eyes lit up as he greeted the young man with a pleasant face, ” Come in with me first. I have something to ask you.” 

He took the boy’s hand and walked into the palace. After the gates were closed, he shut out the other elders who were eager to find out who Lin Zhizhi was apprenticed to.

Tian Lu wasn’t very old, just over 500 years old. His appearance was fixed between a young man and a middle-aged man with a gentle disposition. He restrained the pressure that belonged to a Nascent Soul cultivator, as he asked like an ordinary elder, “After walking through the ladder, you will be a core disciple of my sword sect. All the resources in the inner peak shall be available for you to use.”


For a genius like Lin Zhizhi, they don’t even need to rely on resources to break through, but the sect’s resources and pills are still open for him to use. Besides, tying him up with these benefits is equivalent to showing goodwill to Lord Dao Zun in disguise. Who wouldn’t do such a beneficial trade?

Lin Zhizhi responded. 

“You have now entered the foundation building stage, do you have anything you’re still confused about?” Tianlu nodded with satisfaction and asked kindly.

Lin Zhizhi pondered for a moment before voicing his suspicions. He explained his doubts after breaking through one by one and carefully listened to the sect master as he patiently explained each of his doubts.

Tian Lu’s remarks had helped him avoid many crooked paths.

After he finished, Tian Lu glanced at the boy and hesitantly said, “Would you like to go to the sea clan with the sect?” 

“The sea clan?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“In recent years, the demons have seriously invaded the sphere of influence in the Southern Sea. It seems that they wanted to attack the sea clan, which is slightly weaker than the human race. A few days ago, the sea emperor sent an envoy to propose an alliance. Our four factions haven’t answered, and after a discussion, we decided to send messengers to the sea clan first to check the situation before making a decision. The cultivation methods of the sea clan are a little different from both the human and the demon race. This is a good opportunity to learn, and for you, you could avoid being in the limelight for a while.”

Pa’r qbrrlyif atja atf cfkr bo tlw milwylcu ab atf rfnfcat rafq bo atf ijvvfg kbeiv rqgfjv bea. Qtfc la vlv, wjcs kbeiv mbwf ab Olc Itlhtl jcv ags ab obgw j gfijalbcrtlq klat tlw. Lf’r jogjlv atja atfs’ii ygfjx atf ujafr bo atf rfma bcmf atfs tfjg atf cfkr. Snfc klat atf rfma’r wluta jcv gfqeajalbc, la kbeivc’a yf ubbv obg atfw ab vglnf atfw bea bo atf rfma. Ktlr lr jirb j ugfja afra obg atlr sbecu wjc’r tfjga.

Lin Zhizhi didn’t bother much and nodded quite readily in agreement. 

It’s a rare opportunity to go to the sea clan. Apart from traveling with the same sect, for any other human being, crossing the sea is a very deadly and dangerous act.

Tian Lu raised his eyebrows and his eyes were full of kindness as he said, “You may go back and prepare now. I will send a messenger to further inform you.”

Lin Zhizhi politely responded.

“By the way, I have a magic whip here. It is a spiritual tool made by imitating an ancient artifact. I don’t need it anymore, so I thought I’d give it to you.” He took a whip and handed it to the young man as he meaningfully looked at the demonic spirit that turned into a ribbon tying his silky soft hair. 

The young master of the Lin family knew the sect leader’s intentions, so he took the whip and placed it inside his spatial ring.

The sect leader, who was in charge of everything in the sect, chatted about Lin Zhizhi’s daily affairs before assigning him the best cave residence in the sect to him and sending him away.

In addition to the main peak being guarded by the sect leader and the supreme elder, the best cave residence is located in the inner sect’s seventh peak, the Tuoling peak. Ten caves have been opened at this peak. In the past, only the top ten core disciples were allowed to settle inside this peak, but now that Lin Zhizhi has appeared, they had to squeeze out one of the ten residing core disciples despite their unwillingness.

Even if they knew that this person is very talented, as a person who is cultivating towards immortality, this stain would follow him for the rest of his journey. Therefore, with the tacit approval of his master, the disciple who got squeezed out wanted to gain some face back. 

The Tuoling peak is full of spiritual energy and greenery.

In the peak stood a young man wearing the sect’s inner sect uniform. His white and green robes fluttered and his demeanor was full of hostility as he and his companions blocked Lin Zhizhi’s only path.


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Lin Zhiyi didn’t care at first, watching this group of people stand there in silence, he ignored them and walked around them. The angry disciple took two steps forward and reached out to stop him, “Junior brother, this lowly one’s name is He Zhou. I’ve no intention to stop you, I only wanted to learn a thing or two from you. The winner will have the cave, how does that sound?”

Lin Zhizhi raised his clear eyes to meet him as he coldly answered, “No.” 

He Zhuo choked. The hand he stopped in front of the other party trembled slightly as he continued. “It’s just a normal spar between us disciples, and our elders wouldn’t care about this small exchange of ours. They probably wouldn’t even arrive until we’ve finished.”

“Get out of the way.”

“Is junior brother trying to avoid sparring?” He Zhou didn’t give up, “If so, how could you be this generation’s leader of our sword sect?”

“He Zhuo, go back.” Someone hurried over from a distance and scolded He Zhuo. 

“Senior brother-” He Zhou responded at the young man with a hefty stature.

The man had handsome features and long hair like silk, and the blue robes he was wearing made him look more upright and expressive. He then turned his head and said to Lin Zhizhi, “I apologize, junior brother, He Zhou always acts like this. How about-”

Lin Zhizhi didn’t even look at him as he directly drew out his sword and pointed it towards He Zhou, causing thunder to strike toward the other.

He Zhou got caught off guard, but a red light protected his body. He promptly took out his sword and slashed toward the ray of thunder. A fiery red flame spewed out and drowned the blue ray of thunder, but there was no joy on his face. His spiritual energy surged, providing spiritual energy to the flames. In a blink of an eye, dozens of red sword lights broke through the divine thunder, and like drizzling rain, they shot towards the black-haired boy. 

The young man’s clothes fluttered with the wind as his body shot out like a thunderbolt. A thunder shield appeared over his body and blocked the swords. At the same time, he stopped beside He Zhou. His divine sword was extremely sharp, and with its glaring light, He Zhou was forced to take a step back. He was unable to provide spiritual energy for his flames as half of his body was stunned by lightning.

“Why is that trick so familiar? I feel like I’ve seen it before.”

“Why does it look more and more like a basic sword art? …Or is this just my imagination? Brother He was defeated with a basic sword art?”

“That third form of swordsmanship, I think I’ve practiced it before. But why does it seem to be different from mine?” 


The surrounding disciples whispered as they spectated the fight.

A look of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the young man who was called “Senior Brother”. He didn’t expect this new junior brother to act so decisively. He reached out and picked He Zhou up before throwing him to the following servants, “Send him to the infirmary.” He then turned his head towards Lin Zhizhi and put on an apologetic look, “He Zhuo deserves to be disciplined, and I was too late to prevent him from acting out.”

Lin Zhizhi didn’t like these people at all, but he wouldn’t hit a smiling man, so he waved his hand to say that it was okay before heading straight to his cave. 

Then another man stepped forward and stopped him.

“Tu Yan?” The senior brother seemed heartbroken by these disciple’s antics.


The man raised his head. His eyes were cold as he sternly said, “Your swordsmanship is very good. Spar with me.”

Lin Zhizhi was a little bored now. He glanced up and noticed that this person seemed familiar. He remembered he was in the secret realm and is one of the elite disciples. But that’s not the point. The point is… the young master of the Lin family, who had interacted with countless people, could see at a glance that this person is a sword idiot. 

Facing this kind of people, if you win against them, they’ll constantly seek you out in the future. Following the sword’s path requires one to continuously move forward.

Lin Zhizhi was afraid of trouble and was destined to be unable to swing his sword as freely as He Zhuo did.

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At that moment, the senior brother was about to leave. He changed his gentle demeanor and warned Tu Yan in a stern voice he rarely used, “Go back. He just came down from the ladder and hasn’t even rested yet. Did the third elder teach you to take advantage of other people’s weakness?”

The last sentence seemed to have an effect. Tu Yan took his sword back and stood behind the youth. 

Lin Zhizhi suddenly had the urge to return to the outer sect. For some reason, he always felt that these people were very troublesome…

His hunch was confirmed soon after.

He safely arrived at his cave in Tuolin peak, and Tu Yan never came to him again. But when he went to the sea clan, he saw Tu Yan’s figure in the flying palace.

As he expected, when Tu Yan saw Lin Zhizhi, he immediately came to him and drew his sword. 

Lin Zhizhi looked away and pretended to turn a blind eye to him. He came to the sect master’s side with great wit and greeted the other like a well-behaved disciple.

Even the core disciple wouldn’t dare to make a fool of themselves in front of the sect master. So, Tu Yan had no choice but to follow his master and listen to the matters related to the sea clan for a long time.

This time, they are the envoys departing to the sea clan, and the people they brought were a bit more than usual. There were no less than ten elders in this envoy, and there were countless spiritual artifacts in the flying palace, which could be exchanged with the sea race. The flight speed is also very fast. flying across the four seas and through a teleportation array only took half a month before they finally reached the sea clan.

In the middle of this journey, Lin Zhizhi was constantly harassed by Tu Yan. Maybe because he got silently rejected too many times, Tu Yan became a little anxious, he almost blocked Lin Zhizhi’s door. Seeing Lin Zhizhi, his pair of bright eyes intensely stared at him. 

Some disciples who didn’t know what was happening would think that Tu Yan was pursuing him.

Eventually, Lin Zhizhi had enough of the harassment and finally confronted Tu Yan.

Tu Yan was young, and he was also in the foundation-building period. He’s also a diligent disciple who wholeheartedly practiced his martial arts. Lin Zhizhi was about the same age as him, so he benefited a lot from the exchange, but it ended with his victory.

But as he thought, from now on, every time Tu Yan achieved a breakthrough, he’d always find Lin Zhizhi to challenge him to a spar again. In the end, the irritated young master of the Lin family ruthlessly defeated him and made him lie on his bed for three days before the other sprang back to live again. 

When he arrived at the sea clan territory, Lin Zhizhi couldn’t help but feel a little lucky. In the sea clan, the elders wouldn’t allow Tu Yan to be so noisy.

The South China Sea is beautiful, and so are the sea people.


The view of the magnificent sea and sky was harmonious,  magnificent, and tranquil, with vast fleeting clouds and white waves, like a moving ink painting. The sea breeze with a faint fishy smell blew through the boy’s hair, reminding him that he had come to a different world.

After coming down from the flying palace, the human messenger followed the people of the sea clan through no less than three teleportation formations before arriving at the place where the sea emperor lived, the royal island of the sea clan. 

After coming down from the flying palace, the human messenger followed the people of the sea clan through no less than three teleportation formations before arriving at the place where the sea emperor lived, the royal island of the sea clan.

The sea people were famous for their beauty, and the royal island had brought that beauty to the extreme.

The blue sky, the shimmering water, the exquisite palace, and more than a thousand luminous pearls are inlaid on it with a unique technique, which has a unique beauty to it no matter if it’s day or night.

The Sea Emperor’s valet said with an apologetic expression that the Sea Emperor did not know that the envoys of the human race were here today and went to patrol the four seas. 

The eyes of the elder leading the Luo immortal sword sect’s envoy fluctuated, but he wasn’t flustered. He only forced the other party to give a deadline before taking the envoy to their living quarters.

Lin Zhizhi could smell some conspiracy.

The Human Race informed the Sea Race when they set off, but they didn’t respond at the time. Now that the Emperor of the Sea is not present, the situation has become a bit odd.

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The elders will not ignore the things he thought about, and now he can only observe the situation. 

The palace where the human envoys live is a precious island next to the palace island, it was surrounded by the sea on all sides. It had picturesque scenery, specially designed for VIPs. Living here had a slightly exotic feel to it, considering that it’s completely different from the scenery on land.

Lin Zhizhi was sitting at the window on the second floor admiring the sea light. Suddenly he spotted Tu Yan’s figure approaching him. He could feel his forehead throb as thought for a bit before jumping down through the window. When Tu Yan knocked on the door, Lin Zhizhi was already out and about as he breathed the fresh air and saved himself from Tu Yan’s harassment to explore the mysteries of martial arts together.

The sea at night is more magnificent and mysterious, and the stars are sprinkled and shimmering in the sky, lighting up the darkness of the night. This is an island exclusively for foreigners to live on. Apart from the valet and servants, there are not many members of the sea clan here. Lin Zhizhi rode the wind to the edge of the island without anyone preventing him from doing so.

At the end of the island are some rocky beaches, which are a little scary at night. The sea breeze blew the scattered hairs on the boy’s forehead, revealing the smooth skin underneath. 

“Roar—” Just as he had had enough of the sea breeze and was about to go back, a whistling sound came, combined with unusual spiritual energy changes.

Lin Zhizhi frowned. He listened carefully and found that it was coming from another small island not far from this island. Unlike the island where he is now, that island is barren and gloomy.

Humans always have several emotions that are difficult for them to overcome, such as love, hate, and curiosity.

Should he take a look? 

Thinking of what the valet said before, as long as you don’t go to the palace island, you could enjoy and explore everything around you. After all, they have to unite against the demonic cultivators. The sea Clan was a little apologetic for the absence of the Emperor, so they relaxed the restrictions in these places.

The young master of the Lin family escaped the inspection of his valet before he flew away, taking advantage of the cover of the night to fly towards the small gloomy island.


The two islands weren’t too far apart, with Lin Zhizhi’s cultivation level, he only flew a little while before arriving. He followed the sound and arrived in front of a cave when the whistling sound suddenly disappeared.

At that moment, the young man stood between the dead trees. He carefully moved forward as he held his immortal sword and observed his surroundings. After he took a few steps, he suddenly felt that the ground he was walking on felt empty before he fell into a deep pool. 

Under the layer of water, there is an independent cave beneath the deep pool.

Lin Zhizhi stood up from the ground. He tied his dripping wet hair behind him and took a few steps forward before stopping.

A long fluffy blond hair was scattered across a sturdy back. Even with their eyes closed, this person had a face so beautiful it was simply unparalleled. Their perfect facial features don’t look feminine even though they had a fair complexion, coupled with the other’s lips, many would find them seductive.

At this moment, this person is quietly soaking in the pool. 

His whole person is like a beautiful scroll, even if the background behind him is an ugly cave, with his presence alone he could transform it into the most beautiful view, comparable to the beauty of the palace.

Hearing the movement, he opened a pair of light blue eyes that resembled the color of the sky. The moment he saw the young man who was standing still, his pupil had a strange glint as his face became expressionless.

He sneered inside his heart. Come, tell me, why are you here? What kind of subordinate did that traitor of ours find?

Lin Zhizhi only felt that the other party controlled his thoughts and actions in an instant, and he couldn’t resist moving forward according to the other party’s wishes. 

The moment he got controlled, a strange fragrance spread from the boy again. The charming physique in the boy’s body was acting similarly to the other’s hypnotic eyes. It also wanted to control the other.

The blond beauty didn’t expect this to happen. His body was enveloped in a captivatingly sweet fragrance as he became lustful. His bright eyes turned into a dark blue as if a storm had rampaged within him and changed his original will.

Lin Zhizhi was manipulated by the man’s pupils. He was unable to control himself as he suddenly fell into his arms.

He was cold to the touch. 

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