CH.5: Fairyland

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Lin Zhizhi had just stepped onto that small path, and the surrounding scenery immediately changed from spiritual trees into a dense thicket, brimming with eerie ghostly qi. Countless green eyes lit up like ghosts in the darkness, staring silently at Lin Zhizhi from both sides.

Once in a while, there was the sound of a demonic snarl, like a horrifying beast, getting louder and louder.

It sounded as if a group of powerful monsters was approaching. 

Lin Zhizhi was fearless and advanced forward. 

As he progressed, the beasts seemed to have reached the border, and the ground shook.

After a minute, the group of evil beasts showed their ferocious and terrifying features–they were the famous bloodthirsty wolves of the cultivation world. The leading wolf took a step towards Lin Zhizhi with a threatening growl in his throat. 

This close, Lin Zhizhi can even smell the scent of blood from the other side. 

However, even in the face of the threatening creatures, Lin Zhizhi had no intention to release spiritual energy to protect himself. Lin Clan’s little master calmly walked onward. 

The wolf behind him roared and pounced on the back of the black-haired youth—-but disappeared the moment it was on the verge of touching him.

It was only a level one illusion. 

The next second, the surrounding landscape transformed, and he appeared to be in a spirit stone mine. 

Spiritual energy flooded his whole body, and even his cultivation that had stagnated for three days seemed to advance. All around him, the highest quality spirit stones were within reach. 

As long as you stretch out your hand, you can grab these first-rate spirit stones, and from then on you can become the cultivation world’s local tyrant, carefree and unbound to anything. You want spirit tools, smash the spirit stones, you want to advance in cultivation, smash the spirit stones, you want beauties, you can smash the spirit stones……

But for the born rich Lin Zhizhi, the temptation was not great. Thus after taking a few steps, he found himself in a forest. 

To be more precise, in a destroyed Lin family. The people Lin Zhizhi was close to were dead everywhere. His father, Lin Quan, with only half a breath left, and a knife piercing his chest, stretched out a hand to Lin Zhizhi: “Zhi, Zhizhi, run……”

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And in Lin Quan’s arms, he held onto his dead wife.

Lin Zhizhi wanted to stop for the first time. 

No matter how much you remind yourself this was an illusion, with these realistic environments and characters, you cannot stop your feelings for your parents. 

The teenager paused and took in a deep breath. 

After all, he didn’t come here to hold his father’s hand. 

After a minute, Father Lin faded away. 

What followed was a scene that caught him completely off-guard—-Lin Zhizhi’s eyes could only see darkness, as if something had covered it. At his nose tip, he felt a cold fragrance, and there was another man’s light chuckle. 

Lin Zhizhi’s back went stiff, he didn’t understand what kind of situation this is—-your dad can let this kind of illusion slide, but why’s the other person a man and not a woman?! He’s still not a gay guy!! 

The youth’s nervousness couldn’t help but make his body tense up. His flexible waist was like a stretched bow, and one couldn’t help but want to grasp it……which that man did exactly, putting one hand across Lin Zhizhi’s waist, holding it as he licked the sweat beads that had spilled from his neck: “It’s sweet.” 

The voice was unclear, and Lin Zhizhi couldn’t figure out who it was. 

The man took a bite around his white neck, leaving a ring of teeth. After a moment of admiration, a hand suddenly trailed down, coming to Lin Zhizhi’s inner thigh. 

As a good young youth who still kept a pure yuanyang body, Lin Zhizhi quivered, and finally couldn’t help but release his body’s spiritual energy, jumping away from the other side. Simultaneously, his sword appeared in his hand and cut in the direction of the other man! 

The instant the sword appeared, Lin Zhizhi’s heart had wavered!

But it was already too late. What had blinded him immediately disappeared. He squinted and adapted to the light for a moment, and found himself not in Chun Shen Mountain, but on a leveled floor. The rest of the candidates who’ve also gone through the illusions were here.

Lin Zhizhi still had a young heart, and although his expression looked usual, he couldn’t help but feel annoyed: if only he endured a little more…

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However, thinking about what the man would’ve done next, he turned to comfort himself and said, it’s better this way, if he lost his Yuanyang in the illusion, it would’ve been a complete fall from grace. Moreover, though he failed the heart test, he could still be valued with his heavenly spirit root.

Soon, Lin Zhizhi finally saw Su Yu emerging from the crowd.

But unlike himself, Su Yu’s expression seemed a bit reluctant, as if recalling fondly of what the illusion showed him, causing him to not yet be completely out of it. But soon, Su Yu adjusted, restoring his normal elegant demeanor, making one sigh in admiration. 

After Su Yu, twelve more people appeared, and after confirming there was no one still in an illusion, a magnificent floating palace slowly emerged in front of everyone. After the palace descended, several elders walked out, and a tremendous pressure suddenly enveloped the area. 

Just how powerful is the pressure from people who’ve already formed their golden cores, it’s already so strenuous to bear for ones in their foundation building period, not to mention the people here who’re still in Qi condensation. A few couldn’t bear it and groaned, collapsing to the ground.

Only a few people didn’t, such as Lin Zhizhi, with their spiritual jade pendants hanging off their waists automatically releasing a protective barrier. 

The elders looked at them with a smile or appreciation or with no expression at all, and slowly they restrained the pressure. One of them, an old man in a qiankun robe,1 stroked his beard and looked at Su Yu with great satisfaction: “The first ranker of this conference, Su Yu, which sect do you want to join?”

As soon as his remark sounded, the whole audience suddenly blew up, whispers heard incessantly. 

A young man next to the elder’s side bellowed loudly: “Quiet!” Releasing a full-body pressure, forcing the people at the scene to gasp. 

Su Yu’s achievement wasn’t surprising at all. 

Having the same heavenly spirit root as Lin Zhizhi, but he’s always been free from youthful rashness, steady and mature, and one can’t count just how many peers he’s surpassed. These illusions, others would’ve halted, but only he would have strolled all the way, smiling at his family’s destruction, as if viewing the moon, all while elegant. 

But he paused only once. 

The last illusion, it made him pause for thirty seconds. 

—-Something he’s never seen before, Lin Zhizhi willingly with him, together soft. tangled. enticing. puzzlement.  

He quietly watched for a little, until the illusions Lin Zhizhi wanted to embrace him, and Su Yu’s lips suddenly twitched a smile. 

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Breaking through the illusion.

Back to the present, everyone, including Lin Zhizhi, looked at Su Yu and waited for his choice. Su Yu mused for a moment: “All the Four Great Sects are very good, but I personally prefer the Tianyin Sect.”

Among the four great sects, the most powerful one was the Luo Xianjian Sect, and the one Lin Zhizhi yearns for most was also Luo Xianjian. Su Yu knew this, but he chose Tianyin Sect, making Lin Zhizhi a little surprised. 

Su Yu had nodded in agreement: “It indeed suits you, someone can wipe your ass if you’re in trouble. 

Lin Zhizhi stared at him, but wasn’t angry, and instead curiously asked: “What about you?”

Su Yu moved closer and fixed Lin Zhizhi’s loose clothing,  shaking his head: “I don’t know yet, maybe with you.” 

Now that Lin Zhizhi thought of the past, he felt that he must’ve been the descendant of a deaf ancestor, not just deaf, but also blind. 

What kind of brother would constantly coax and look after someone? How did he just take Su Yu’s actions as brotherhood? 

Hearing Su Yu’s reply, Immortal Yuntian, Tianyin’s representative, raised a happy smile—-this generation’s first ranking candidate chose Tianyin Sect, finally meeting the Sect Master’s expectations, breaking Luo Xianjian’s multi-year monopoly! He motioned Su Yu to his side, and kindly explained a few words to him, then afterward continued to watch others start to accept disciples. 

Besides the first-ranking candidate that has the right to choose, for any others with a spiritual root, if they wanted a specific sect they could pay a price in exchange, thus unable to be fought over as a disciple. 

Next, He Wei pointed with a finger and raised his chin, and said to the mutant thunder spirit rogue cultivator: “You, are you willing to join my Luo Xianjian?” 

His expression didn’t seem very good, but he still listened to the cultivator say: “Willing, willing!”

Old Ghost Demon Lu took away a person with a soul disposition—he can freely communicate with his soul.  


As time went by, the number of people unselected still left on the court decreased bit by bit, but from beginning to end, no one came to ask for Lin Zhizhi.

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Lin Zhizhi cold.jpg still kept till the very end. 

He only simply stood there, yet he looked stunning, like a precious panacea growing on the peak of a snowy mountain, cold and isolated as if waiting for someone to pluck it. In the eyes of outsiders, although he stood here, it felt like all things under heaven and earth were not in his eyes, calm and unperturbed. 

But Lin Zhizhi’s heart was roaring wildly: soul light, what’s going on, why’s this heavenly spirit root just standing here like some stalk of grass, no one coming to ask?! No matter who comes isn’t just standing here super embarrassing?! I’ll go with whoever asks, okay?

——–But it’s not that no one was interested. Almost all of the sect elders watched him with those ‘what a seedling, but unfortunately cannot enter my sect’ regretful eyes…… it almost made Lin Zhizhi think that he already had some high-peak-standing master.

Su Yu originally wanted to say something, but after seeing the expression of Immortal Yuntian, he understood and did not open his mouth. 

But those left remaining started to whisper: “Look at Lin Zhizhi, what’s going on?”

“I don’t know… it looks like, no one wants him? Hahaha, usually if I wanted to say a word to him it’d be so difficult, now look at his arrogant appearance? I’ll go and nicely comfort  him later.”


When the sect elders had selected all of the candidates, and the little old man of Haoran Gate was preparing to make a summary speech, suddenly, an extremely frosty voice sounded: “There is one more.”

Simultaneously, He Wei and several others felt a cold gaze on their backs and stood on guard in the direction of the voice. 

Even with the spiritual sense of the four great sects elders, no one discovered how or when this person appeared. And with the strange visitor’s bright golden protective aura, they couldn’t see his appearance!

Qiankun Robe – traditional Chinese garment1. 

Chapter 5! yay. Onto important matters, starting today I’ll truly only be releasing 1-2 chapters a week–school’s starting T-T I’ll most likely be releasing on mondays. I think. Thank you for reading! The note and the translation ♡

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