Chapter 59: Yaxuan.

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Next, Lin Zhizhi asked the chubby kid about the local geography around them—this time receiving a bewildered shake of the head. For children who had never left the village, the farthest place was the city that their parents occasionally visited.

The city was full of fun and delicious things, a place they dreamed of.

Mortals couldn't wield swords, and their knowledge of places was limited. Lin Zhizhi gave up on that approach, seeing the handsome fairy-like youth before him no longer speaking. The chubby kid, ignoring his companion's gestures to leave quickly, used his chubby fingers to motion toward the chair beside him. Perhaps due to their previous conversation, he was less afraid now, and with newfound courage, he asked straightforwardly, "Where are you from? Are you from the city? Why are you with him?"

The "him" referred to the young man who was still chopping wood. The chubby kid didn't even want to look at him, his plump cheeks squished into a lump, wearing an expression like he'd seen a ghost in broad daylight.

Lin Zhizhi's black pupils gleamed but he remained silent.

"Don't ask! Tiezhu, we're going to be late for Mr.!" The companion with the two highland red blotches on his face urgently waved at the chubby kid.

Tiezhu, the chubby kid, hesitated, glanced at the person in front of him, stretched his neck, and called back, "Coming!" He then whispered to Lin Zhizhi, "I'm leaving! Think it over carefully, it's not safe around the wild bastard!" After that, he shivered all over and ran to his companion's side, intending to say a few more insults to the young man who had remained indifferent throughout. But as he looked at Lin Zhizhi, he didn't utter those insults, and after nudging his companion, he hurriedly left.

He was still young, not understanding the complexities of the situation. Everything had been instilled into him by his parents. And his parents' biases were born of ignorant misconceptions, not realizing the harm they were causing a child.

Perhaps they knew, but simply didn't care.

In reality, Lin Zhizhi wasn't entirely sure how the young man felt. Their life trajectories were entirely different: one was privileged and born into a prestigious family, his path to cultivation smooth, while the other was born into a mundane family, subjected to the scorn of the entire village from a young age.

A world of difference.

Even the attempt to help him had been merely an impulse. Lin Zhizhi didn't fully understand the impact this might have on the young man—how it might have changed his life, pulling him out of the quagmire.

Not long after the group of kids had run off, the young man in plain clothes had finished chopping wood, neatly bundling it and setting it aside. Holding the chopping knife, he walked towards the small house.

As he passed by, when Lin Zhizhi opened the door, he clenched the knife tightly, veins standing out on the back of his hand, and in a low voice said, "If you're leaving, go quickly." Then he entered the wooden house.

Lin Zhizhi glanced at the sun outside, lowered his lashes, and followed him into the house. Once inside, he slowly approached the table, picked up the mantou, split it into two halves, and handed one half to the young man.

The young man was wiping the chopping knife with a piece of black cloth. He looked up at Lin Zhizhi, then continued with his task, his tone harsh, "I'm not hungry, finish eating and leave."

He seemed determined to push Lin Zhizhi out.

Normally, Lin Zhizhi wasn't the type to go where he's not wanted. In fact, it was usually others who were eager to please him. However, this time, he didn't feel displeased by the young man's attitude. Instead, he found himself caring somewhat.

He retracted the hand holding half a mantou, glanced around, and noticed that the only chair in the room had been moved outside. Moving it back would undoubtedly cause his abdominal wound to reopen. So, he leaned against the table, played with the half-eaten mantou for a while, and then lifted his head to ask, "Do you want to become stronger?"

These words caused the young man to halt his actions of wiping the knife. His body tensed all at once, sweat dropping off the tip of the knife as he stared sharply at Lin Zhizhi, as if judging the sincerity of the statement.

The black-haired youth was also looking at him, the distinct black and white of his pupils devoid of the disdain and scorn that others from the village would show, as well as any sympathy or pity.

He looked as if he were asking, "Is this thing tasty?" He was waiting for the answer.

—As long as there was a hint of sympathy in his gaze, he wouldn't respond to that question.

In that instant, a myriad of thoughts flashed through the young man's mind.

Do I want to become stronger?

—How could I not?

He dreamed of it! He yearned for a day when he could control the heavens, stand above all, towering higher, and then trample all those who had once looked down on him under his feet! Crush them into the mud! Make them beg for mercy, trembling beneath his feet, living in perpetual fear and regret!

The young man pressed his fingertip against the sharp edge of the knife, a droplet of blood forming. He brought it to his lips, licked it away, and in a deep voice, said, "Yes."

As he lifted his gaze to respond, a surge of ruthlessness flickered in his eyes.

Lin Zhizhi quietly observed him for a moment, then turned his head, tore off a piece of mantou, and stuffed it into his mouth. His eating manners were elegant—lips red and teeth white, a complete contrast to the mantou in his hand. He always gave the impression that such a person should be absorbing the wind and dew, not indulging in earthly delights.

"...You already know about... those things, right? Why would you want to teach me?" The young man didn't fully believe the man's words.

—He had heard everything those kids said before. Those words were like ripping open his wounds and exposing them to others.

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But he had no other choice, he was used to enduring.

Lacking power, he could only endure.

If he were to retort, it would only make things worse.

After years of suppressing his feelings, his desire for strength remained buried.

So, he didn't fully trust Lin Zhizhi. He couldn't believe that he would be lucky enough for someone to teach him after learning about his background, without discrimination.

"Those things? If you don't believe it, they were just some pure bluffing." Lin Zhizhi stopped eating the mantou, swallowed, leaned on the table with one hand, and stared directly into the young man's persistent eyes. "As long as you have strength, all challenges will be easily overcome."

Whether in the world of cultivation or the mundane world, strength reigns supreme!

Why had the Lin family stood strong for hundreds of years? Why was Luo Xian Sword Sect still a formidable force in the Central Region after thousands of years, deterring all who dared provoke it? It was all because of strength! The strength of the senior disciples was the foundation for the prosperity and growth of a sect!

"Yaxuan, that's my name." The young man's eyes were proud. When he met Lin Zhizhi's gaze, there was no trace of weakness.

"Lin Zhizhi."

Yaxuan memorized the name.

This was the first person who had shown him goodwill.

He put down the knife in his hand. Thinking about the man's identity as a cultivator, he hesitated a bit before asking, "Can I... become your disciple?"

Lin Zhizhi was taken aback by the question, quickly waving his hand, "I can only teach you some very basic things, far from a master-disciple relationship."

The process of taking on disciples in the world of cultivation was very cautious. Once accepted, it was almost a lifelong commitment, just like how his master treated him. Furthermore, he wasn't sure if this kid had spiritual roots. If he didn't, Lin Zhizhi could only teach him some basic sword techniques. And those unique techniques of the sects and the Lin family's inheritance couldn't be taught to outsiders.

Yaxuan nodded slowly, and within his heart, emotions surged, a mixture of disappointment and perhaps even relief.

"You go about your business first. I'll think about how to teach you." Lin Zhizhi finished the last piece of mantou with some difficulty and managed to speak to Yaxuan.

The young man was quite tall, standing head and shoulders above Lin Zhizhi in their modest living environment. After hearing Lin Zhizhi's words, he stood up, sheathed the chopping knife at his waist, and went outside to bring in bundles of firewood.

As Lin Zhizhi observed him working, he pondered within his heart. Even though he had lost his spiritual power, his understanding of swordsmanship and proficiency in it remained. Teaching a mortal who had no martial arts skills was well within his capabilities. As for cultivation techniques, while he didn't have any readily available, and his own practices couldn't be shared, he had studied a variety of common techniques from various texts over the years. Memorizing and sharing a basic technique wasn't difficult, but the challenge was determining the presence of spiritual roots—

Usually, a specialized spiritual tool was needed for testing, which he didn't have.

The resourceful young master of the Lin family snapped his fingers, signaling Yaxuan to stop, and then gestured for him to close the door. Organizing his thoughts, he began, "I'm not sure if you have spiritual roots, so I'll teach you the first layer of the 'Ze Yuan Jue.' It's one of the most common cultivation techniques in the realm, easy to cultivate, and can serve as a foundation for other techniques in the future. If you can sense and cultivate the first layer of spiritual energy, it means you have spiritual roots. At that point, I'll teach you the subsequent layers. Remember, connect with the spirit of the world, from the outside in..."

The light in the wooden hut dimmed, and dust floated in the air, quite a contrast to a proper teaching environment. However, Yaxuan listened attentively, not blinking an eye. He recorded every word, every expression, in his heart. Following the young man's instructions, he closed his eyes and began to sense the spiritual energy of the world.

Seeing Yaxuan entering a meditative state, Lin Zhizhi stopped after teaching the first layer of the technique. He rarely spoke so much in one go. After leaving the Lin family and with the appearance of the Favorability System and his strange body, he became more conservative with his words. Now, without the support of his spiritual power and nursing his injuries, he felt somewhat drained.

For a cultivator, losing spiritual power felt like being struck by a major illness, resulting in a sense of weakness in everything they did. Seeing Yaxuan deeply engrossed in sensing spiritual energy, Lin Zhizhi walked to the only bed and lay down.

With disheveled long hair and a fair complexion, he appeared like a wilting flower, exuding a remarkable beauty despite his fragility.

The time passed quietly, marking the first peaceful afternoon Yaxuan had experienced.

There was no insults, no disdain, and no hunting expeditions.

Yaxuan focused on sensing spiritual energy, while Lin Zhizhi did the same, each silently accompanying the other.

—But ultimately, it ended in melancholy; both of them remained without the expected outcome.

When Lin Zhizhi opened his eyes again and faced the reality that he still couldn't gather spiritual power, night had fallen. His habitual hand on his abdomen had shifted upwards.

For a cultivator who had reached the Foundation Establishment stage, he had already opened his meridians. In the past, eating was merely a way to savor the taste of food, but now he wanted to eat... because he was hungry.

Having survived the entire day on just one mantou, was this what people did for sustenance?!

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Lin Zhizhi couldn't take it any longer. He sat up, interrupting Yaxuan who was still focused on trying to sense spiritual energy, and said, "Yaxuan, do you have more food here?"

Yaxuan opened his eyes, looking slightly annoyed. This annoyance wasn't directed at Lin Zhizhi, but rather at himself—for not sensing the so-called "spiritual energy."

Could it be that he was truly just an ordinary mortal? Could he never become as powerful as his father, traversing the heavens and earth? Was he destined to remain confined within this mundane world, mired in its filth?

He refused to accept such a fate.

"I have a few more mantou here." He stopped his meditation and got up, intending to fetch some mantou for Lin Zhizhi.

"...Don't you have something else to eat? Like... roasted chicken?"

As these words left his lips, Lin Zhizhi suddenly fell silent.

Feng Qin... If he was fortunate enough to survive, with Elder Xuan Ying's strength, he should be able to safely return the egg to the sect, right?

Lin Zhizhi sighed, his desire to regain his strength becoming even more fervent. He really wanted to return to the sect and see what the situation was now.

Yaxuan hesitated for a moment before replying, "Yes."

He walked over to a corner where he had tied the rabbits and pheasants he had caught on the mountain yesterday, originally intending to sell them at the market. The young man's movements were deft as he took down the chopping knife from his waist, unhesitatingly severed the head of the pheasant, and began plucking its feathers. He brought the roasted chicken to the stove, squatting down to ignite the fire and roast the chicken.

His movements were skillful. Ever since his parents had passed away, he had been alone in this cabin, taking care of himself for decades. While others were still being doted on by their parents, Yaxuan was already learning how to make fire and cook.

In less than half an hour, he handed Lin Zhizhi a fragrant roasted chicken.

Lin Zhizhi took it and tore off half, offering it back to Yaxuan, who shook his head and declined, "I'm not eating."

Upon hearing this, Yaxuan sat back down and resumed his attempts to sense spiritual energy.

—You're not eating? Have you become an immortal? Even genuine immortals (?) need to eat!

Lin Zhizhi was quite responsible. Since he had decided to teach the young man, he intended to do it properly. He left the remaining half of the chicken for Yaxuan, took a bite of his own, and with a stern expression, wanted to educate Yaxuan about the importance of eating regularly: "Stop meditating for now and get up."

But he couldn't maintain his stern expression because the chicken was unexpectedly delicious. Coupled with his hunger, he couldn't keep up the facade and ended up taking several more bites before stopping.

Yaxuan looked somewhat puzzled, watching him.

"...Eat this, and I'll teach you swordsmanship." Lin Zhizhi forcibly handed the half-eaten chicken to Yaxuan and finished the remaining portion himself. He walked over to the water bucket and cleaned his hands.

Standing behind him, Yaxuan held the half-eaten chicken, feeling a bit unsure.

—No one had ever cared about him like this before.

His gaze remained fixed on the half-eaten roasted chicken for a while before he slowly tore off a piece and put it in his mouth. His movements were deliberate, as though savoring something.

"Is there a more spacious and secluded place here where we won't be disturbed?" Lin Zhizhi cleaned his hands and asked Yaxuan.

"There's one behind the mountain. People from the village rarely go there."

"Good. Once you finish eating, we'll go there. You lead the way."

Yaxuan ate quickly, and from his expression, it seemed like he wasn't just eating roasted chicken—comparing it to being forced to eat poison wouldn't be far off. He mechanically finished the chicken, then picked up the knife from the table and said, "Let's go."

By the time they left, night had fallen.

From a distance, the houses in the village were illuminated by candlelight. Men with bared arms stood outside enjoying the breeze. Upon seeing Yaxuan, their expressions changed abruptly, and one of them exclaimed, "What's this bastard doing here?! And he dares to come out?!"

Yaxuan acted as though he hadn't heard anything, his demeanor cold and aloof. He walked swiftly with Lin Zhizhi, leaving the village behind and leaving behind the curses.

While Lin Zhizhi could initially keep pace, his injuries started to slow him down. Although Yaxuan continued walking ahead, he kept an eye on Lin Zhizhi. When he saw the young man's face twist in pain as he held his abdomen, Yaxuan subtly slowed his steps to let him catch up.

This open space behind the mountain was vast, covered in short grass that couldn't be cultivated. The scenery wasn't particularly appealing, and people from the village rarely came here.

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Yet, Yaxuan often came here because it was the only place where he could be alone without anyone calling him a bastard.

He would come here to practice his knife skills.

No one had taught him, and he didn't know any techniques. He practiced by lifting weights, using the knife skills he honed while hunting on the mountain.

"Right here should do." Lin Zhizhi signaled Yaxuan to stop in front of a large tree root and took a seat against the tree. The young master of the Lin family sat down and asked, "Do you understand swordsmanship?"

He didn't know swordsmanship, nor had he ever encountered it or had the means to acquire a sword.

Because his father was a knife expert, Yaxuan actually had a preference for knives over swords.

Yaxuan lightly touched the chopping knife at his waist with his fingertip, wanting to ask Lin Zhizhi if he knew knife techniques. However, he felt that it might be too direct, so he phrased it in a more subtle way, "Can I learn knife techniques?"

Lin Zhizhi: "..."

This was an insult! A blatant insult! Asking if he knew knife techniques in front of a sword cultivator! He finally understood how Elder Gu Xian felt when he claimed that sword cultivation was superior to his alchemy! The wheel of fortune turns indeed, and history repeated itself.

Here is the translation of the provided text into English:

"From ancient times, swords and knives do not coexist! ╭(╯^╰)╮

"In what way are knives good? In all those stories, people travel with swords, when has anyone traveled with knives? Clumsy and rough, easily manipulated by others when exchanging blows." The black-haired youth disregarded the slightly painful wound on his body, straightened up, and began demonstrating his knife skills vigorously.

Yaxuan: "…"

He hadn't really argued with Lin Zhizhi about the merits of swords and knives. He simply let go of the chopping knife, set it aside as a concession, and responded to the subtlety in a more direct way.

Having vented his frustrations, Lin Zhizhi watched the other's deep, dark eyes, then reached behind a tree to pluck a twig of just the right length and began explaining, "The way of the sword emphasizes doing what feels right, using offense as defense..."

When talking about swords, he became more verbose.

After explaining the basic understanding, Lin Zhizhi stood up, using the twig as a sword, he made a swift backhanded slash in mid-air, demonstrating the first three moves of the 'Basic Sword Techniques' to Yaxuan.

The way of the sword was inherently domineering and focused on offense and destruction.

Dao Zun was one of the finest sword practitioners in this field, and Lin Zhizhi happened to be his only disciple.

His swordsmanship stance was different from his empty-handed demeanor.

At this moment, Lin Zhizhi's appearance, originally somewhat delicate and weak, and his colorless lips were truly heartrending. However, once he held the sword, the black-haired youth's eyes suddenly changed. They became sharp and unwavering, exuding an air of invincibility. In his hand, the twig turned into a spiritual tool, and its movements created a whistling sound. His figure was elegant, resembling a dragon in the clouds, and even his coarse linen clothes seemed to transform into layers of flowing robes.

Only three moves.

"Do you remember them?" Lin Zhizhi stopped his actions, stood still, and tossed the twig to Yaxuan, asking.

Yaxuan nodded, then imitated the movements just as Lin Zhizhi had shown.

His appearance was not ugly; he had a handsome face. Due to his years of hunting, his body was lean and tall, even slightly taller than Lin Zhizhi. However, there was a hint of hostility between his brows, as if he didn't want to communicate with anyone, keeping people at a distance.

Lin Zhizhi was deeply immersed in the way of the sword and could immediately tell that although Yaxuan was trying hard, he lacked the inherent talent for swordsmanship. He spoke up, "You're indeed not suited for sword cultivation."

Yaxuan paused, the bangs on his forehead slid down to cover most of his eyes, making his expression unclear. He clenched the chopping knife tightly, and in the process, he inadvertently snapped the twig in his hand.

"I'm just saying that you're not suited for swords, there's no need to be so tense. Perhaps you should learn knife techniques—though I don't know any knife techniques, and I don't like using such unwieldy weapons." Lin Zhizhi sat down under the tree again, calmly broke off another twig, and twirled it between his fingers. "Now, you have two choices. One is to train with me in swordsmanship, and the other is to immediately go back and continue trying to condense spiritual energy."

Yaxuan raised his head, decisive in his response, "I choose the first option."

—After all the difficulties, having such an opportunity to try and escape this fate, how could he give up now?

"I guessed as much…" Lin Zhizhi muttered to himself, tossing the twig with accuracy to the side of Yaxuan's head, his words laced with a touch of amusement. "Carry on then. If you say you've forgotten those three moves, I won't demonstrate them again."

Yaxuan wouldn't forget; his memory was exceptional.

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During the earlier imitations, Yaxuan often made various mistakes, and Lin Zhizhi corrected him step by step, starting over each time.

Yaxuan was very patient; if one attempt failed, he would make several more.

For instance, when he once stalked a wild boar on the mountain for a whole week. What he had in abundance was patience and endurance.

In the days that followed, he seized every minute and second to train diligently. He practiced so intensely that even the once cultivation-obsessed Lin Zhizhi was amazed. He slept only two hours a night, practicing from dawn till dusk. However, whether due to his poor talent or other factors, the cultivation method still didn't work. He couldn't sense the spiritual energy of the world.

Only the 'Basic Sword Techniques' had become quite proficient through his continuous practice. According to Lin Zhizhi, it was still "formless and devoid of spirit," and he practiced it clumsily, "making swordsmanship as awkward as knife skills." However, this was a genuine sword technique of cultivation, and even without the presence of spiritual energy, it was superior to many mortal martial arts.

The most obvious progress was in Yaxuan's hunting skills. Previously, he mainly caught wild chickens and rabbits, and only very occasionally would he try to tackle more dangerous animals for survival. Now, he could easily defeat a wild boar.

Watching Yaxuan use the small chopping knife and demonstrate the 'Basic Sword Techniques,' engaging in a contest with a wild boar, Lin Zhizhi's resistance was understandable.

Because it was truly unsightly.

—Setting aside Lin Zhizhi's bias towards sword cultivation, looking at it objectively, Yaxuan was not as bad as he thought.

He was indeed not agile and graceful, failing to bring out the advantages of swordsmanship. He resembled a lone wolf, lurking in the shadows, waiting until the wild boar exposed its vulnerable points before employing the second move of the sword techniques, delivering a fatal blow and cleaving off the boar's head.

Shaking his head as if digesting his meal, Lin Zhizhi descended the mountain slowly. Yaxuan followed behind, carrying the wild boar (…), preparing to go to the market to sell it and buy himself a sword.

He didn't like swords, but he needed one.

The two of them walked back to the village, one after the other.

Although there were still villagers who insulted Yaxuan, it was much better than at the beginning. After Little Fatty's remarks, the villagers quickly learned that an attractive outsider had come to Lin Zhizhi's house and was living and eating together with him, rarely going outside.

Little Fatty emphasized one point: Lin Zhizhi was really good-looking; just looking at him, one could tell he wasn't someone who voluntarily associated with the "bastard."

These ignorant villagers were superficial and judgmental. They unconsciously attributed all the responsibility to Yaxuan.

—It must be him who deceived Lin Zhizhi into coming to the village, and now they were living together. Who knew when he would disappear? Such a pity.

Their gazes towards Lin Zhizhi were mainly filled with regret, rather than the disgust they reserved for Yaxuan.

Just as the two entered the house, Lin Zhizhi abruptly stopped and turned to open the door, looking into the distance, "Something's coming."

"What?" Yaxuan furrowed his brows, looking in the same direction but not noticing anything.

"A low-level spiritual beast is heading this way, it's moving fast. We should leave here."

Though Lin Zhizhi had lost his spiritual power and hadn't yet fully recovered, his sensitivity to spiritual energy remained. He gestured for Yaxuan to drop the wild boar and walked out of the house with him. However, before they could leave the village, the spiritual beast was already close.

As the beast drew nearer, the entire village could feel the ground trembling beneath their feet.

"What's going on?" The villagers rushed out in a flurry, abandoning their concerns about Yaxuan, and looked at the source of the shaking.

It was a creature resembling an elephant with black fur, a low-level spiritual beast. Its eyes were like those of a leopard, and it emitted an imposing aura.

Lin Zhizhi had never seen such a spiritual beast in Zhonglu—this made him even more suspicious if he had arrived in another continent altogether.


The spiritual beast let out a roar towards the sky, swatting the small fence at the village entrance with its paw, smashing it to pieces. It gradually approached the village.

The village was surrounded by mountains on three sides, with only one exit for people to leave. However, the spiritual beast had blocked the entrance, leaving them trapped.

"What kind of monster is this?!" The villagers, now disregarding Yaxuan, retreated in shock, crying out in fear and alarm.

Yaxuan turned to Lin Zhizhi and said, "You stay here."

Following his words, the young man advanced, stepping through the retreating villagers, taking a step forward.

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