CH.7: Quickly Cook the Rice and Worship this Teacher

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The bells announcing the end of the great four sects’ disciple-acceptance conference rang in all directions, and several great cultivation clans understood immediately. Lin Quan sat amongst the elders of the Lin Clan in his lobby, waiting for Lin Zhizhi to return and announce the good news. 

Nobody understands one’s son better than his father. 

Lin Quan understood in his heart that Lin Zhizhi wasn’t as good as Su Yu, and it’d be unlikely for him to attain first place in the conference, in which Lin Zhizhi would definitely choose Luo Xianjian. If it was the sects’ choosing, then with Lin Quan’s relationship with Haoran Gate, Haoran Gate would certainly watch Lin Zhizhi in consideration.

80% likely to be accepted to Haoran Gate…… it wasn’t in vain to give his son such a profound name. 

Lin Quan stroked his wife’s small hands as he mused. 

He sat waiting for Lin Zhizhi, as well as his future master (?).

The purple-robed man originally wanted to take Lin Zhizhi directly to Lin Quan’s face—-the Lin Residence has a rather cumbersome protective boundary, but that can’t stop his steps. But then he glanced at his future little disciple and felt it was better to keep some etiquette for his disciple’s father, and went directly to the Lin Clan’s lobby door (……).

If it wasn’t for Lin Zhizhi jumping out and calling a “dad,” the moment Lin Quan saw two figures appear at the door, presence undetected, he almost pulled out his weapon and attacked.

Only when Lin Zhizhi recounted the general events of the disciple-conference, did Lin Quan began to slightly loosen his frown, looking at the purple-robed man. 

In the end, this man’s strength was certainly overwhelming, and even the Lin Clan wouldn’t want to easily add such an enemy. 

Lin Quan motioned for Lin Zhizhi to sit aside, while he exchanged greetings with the man. The man obviously doesn’t talk to people all year round. He simply nodded coldly to all kinds of probing niceties from Lin Quan. At last, he threw out a hard sentence, “I want to take your son as disciple, need your consent.”

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His statement blocked hundreds of words still stuck in Lin Quan’s throat, and Lin Quan could only choke out a sentence, “May I know this immortal’s name?” 

—-That’s what he said, but his heart already believed the man must be a reclusive rogue cultivator, cultivation profound, and someone all great four sects wanted to rope in. His mind had already been calculating what kind of posture is best to let his son refuse in–even if his individual strength was great, it still can’t compare with a sect’s millennium worth of settlement. 

Recently, his family’s son already has the tendency to be cold, but if then to respect an iceberg as master, wouldn’t it just be two icebergs lining up?

The purple-robed man was silent for a moment, but soon stated his name, “Xuan Hua.”

Immediately, Lin Quan wasn’t very impressed and tacked a “rogue cultivator” label to the other man. The deep forethinking head of the Lin Clan hung up a smile and spoke in a difficult tone: “ Xuan Hua, daoist friend, it’s his good fortune that you can see my son. But, my Lin Clan and Haoran Gate have always been intertwined, and have already decided to have Lin Zhizhi respect Immortal Lan Ye as teacher.” 

Xuan Hua was unmoved, “No.”

Hearing the other’s cold words, Lin Quan frowned tightly, not liking the man’s attitude in his heart. Even if the other party’s strength was higher, it’s still necessary to pay a price for offending the Lin Clan. 

“A top-grade spirit stone vein, five thousand soul stones, and ten bottles of Tribulation Thunder Liquid, as the teacher worship ceremony?” Xuan Hua’s black hair was like a waterfall, and as if doesn’t realize the black lines on Lin Quan’s face, he stretched out a hand to brush away dust that didn’t exist off his sleeve, casually giving away wealth that many aristocratic families couldn’t accumulate in their lifetime. 

Hearing this, Lin Quan almost fell off his chair! Even as the head of the Lin Clan, he was moved by this so-called teacher-worship ceremony. 

Top-grade spirit vein! This couldn’t even be measured by tens of thousands of spirit stones. A medium-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for 50 low-grade spirit stones, while a top-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for 100 middle-grade spirit stones. There’s simply no market price! These spiritual veins are becoming rarer and rarer in today’s cultivation world, and only a few are in the hands of the four great sects. 

A soul stone was the best way to temper your soul. This kind of soul-developing stone only exists in the body of a high-level spirit beast, which was powerful and rare, and was generally in the hands of nascent soul immortals. 

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As for the Tribulation Thunder Liquid–Tribulation Thunder! Heaven’s punishment! There are countless cultivators, but only a few evildoers can experience the baptism of Tribulation Thunder! It’s unimaginable to be able to resist the Thunder and even counterattack against the will of Heaven. 

There is no way a common rogue cultivator would simply hand over so much in such a style. 

—-Lin Quan squinted his eyes and carefully scrutinized the man in front of him. Finally, a matching identity appeared in his mind…

Xuan Hua.

Daoist Xuan Hua.

It was said that in the Chaos Era, the celestial world warred across the land, in which the original supreme body died and the remaining soul merged with the boundary wall. Tens of thousands of years later, a living creature was born in this world, named Xuan Hua. 

No father, no mother, just born out of the sky. Because his talent was too overwhelming, he had to cut his own foundation in order to understand the ordinary. No one had taught him right or evil, as long as you’re blocking his way, he’ll wield his sword and slice you down, all good and evil jumping away to avoid the sword’s tip. 

Others only experience Heavenly Tribulation after reaching the Nascent Soul Stage, yet for Xuan Hua, every single small stage he crosses, he’ll experience nine days of black lightning, as if the Heavens couldn’t bear to tolerate such an existence. 

A thousand years ago, a time when Xuan Hua mistakenly fell into an ambush, Luo Xianjian’s then Head, because of his cherishment of talent and eagerness for a successor at the time, struggled to heal Xuan Hua’s wounds and helped him. After the old ancestor passed away, Xuan Hua remained in the Luo Xianjian Sect. 

However, despite the many people Luo Xianjian sent to persuade him, Xuan Hua didn’t join the sect. As early as Core Formation, Xuan Hua could already defeat an enemy at the Nascent Soul stage, and once he reached the God stage, Luo Xianjian already gave up hugging the hope of making Xuan Hua join the sect. After reaching God stage, Xuan Hua started to live in seclusion, gradually withdrawing from peoples’ vision.

He wasn’t seen again until two hundred years ago, when the new Sea Emperor was ambitious and led to sea people to enslave the human race. At that time, the Sea Clan was so powerful that millions of humans’ homes were destroyed. Even the four great sects were overwhelmed. 

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However, during that time, Xuan Hua was leisurely going down his mountain, and using only two swords, defeated the Emperor of the Sea. The Sea people had to lower their heads and agree to sign a peace treaty—-even though he’s of the almighty God stage, looking at the time’s Xuan Hua, you can’t tell just how far he’s reached and why he hasn’t ascended yet.

Since then, Xuan Hua became akin to a supervisor, dissociated from the four great sects and overlooking the world from up high. Not many people in the world knew of his name, only calling him by “Dao Zun,” meaning that within the people of Dao, he was respected. 

Remembering how he just called such a person “Daoist Friend,” Lin Quan really wanted to pinch himself in cold sweat. Fortunately, he reacted to sell his son in a second, attitude completely opposite to before, speaking in a scholarly righteousness, “It is my son’s honor to respect Dao Zun as teacher.” 

His expression, it was as urgent as if meeting a big customer who’d buy out the whole department store—-although he doesn’t understand how such a person as Dao Zun would look at his family’s stupid son, but he must grab onto this mountain, and afterward even if you walked sideways in the Cultivation world it wouldn’t matter! 

Lin Zhizhi at the side, “? ? ?”

Lin Quan quickly patted Lin Zhizhi’s hand, secretly transmitting a voice to explain Xuan Hua’s identity, and hinted that he should quickly worship Xuan Hua with a cup of tea, and once that is done, even if Xuan Hua regrets in the future, he couldn’t just drive Lin Zhizhi away. 

After learning Xuan Hua’s true identity, Lin Zhizhi was surprised and listened to his father’s words. 

The black-haired youth’s fingers were long and white, holding up the teapot and watching the tea in the cup slowly overflow. Warm fog rose, misting Lin Zhizhi’s eyes, and he looked as if like a fairy within a painting. He held up the cup of tea, turned to Xuan Hua, and bowed obediently, “Master, please.”

Xuan Hua’s long eyelashes drooped, and he reached for the cup, taking a single sip. The fog was so thick that one couldn’t see his true expression. He then put the cup aside, watching the black-haired youth in front of him, and in his eyes that had never once put anything in this land within his sight, reflected this one person. He got up from his seat, purple robe swaying, and stroked Lin Zhizhi’s fluffy head, “From now on, inside and outside these three realms, he will be my sole disciple.” 

As soon as his voice dropped, the favorability index atop his head refreshed real-time: [Xuan Hua, favorability 85, attitude: master and disciple.]

Being patted on the head at his age, Lin Zhizhi was a little uncomfortable, but the current situation was special, thus he didn’t struggle. Xuan Hua patted until he left the Lin Residence, then he finally removed his hand from his little disciple’s soft black hair. 

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Xuan Hua originally wanted to take Lin Zhizhi directly to his residence. But his memory had always been exceptional, and he vaguely remembers senselessly listening to an old man in Luo Xianjian, who mentioned that when receiving a new disciple, you have to take your time, patiently guiding them—-and it’s better to grow closer by asking questions at the beginning. Thus Dao Zun thought deeply for a moment, then called out his sword, taking Lin Zhizhi to prepare to fly back to Luo Xianjian. 

On top of the sword, behind Xuan Huan’s hands, his purple robe fluttered with the wind, like an immortal sword leaving its sheath, bearing cold. Lin Zhizhi stood beside him, youthful temperament standing out, like an empty valley of spirit grass, far and distant. One big and one small, it could be said their temperaments are similar, but the truth was they’re like North and South. 

Similarly, they both used their swords to fly, but the sword of Dao Zun compared with Lin Zhi Zhi’s had an essential difference. Not only had it killed, strict and severe like its master, it also created a protective cover to provide wind resistance for Lin Zhizhi, who had not yet built his foundation. 

Xuan Hua was used to being aloof and arrogant, not speaking at first, wanting to wait for his little disciple to take the initiative and ask questions, so they can shorten the distance between them. But who would’ve thought Lin Zhizhi had no intention to open his mouth, simply sitting on the back of the sword, indifferently sweeping a gaze at the mountains and rivers below. 

Lin Quan’s early fears finally came true–when a big glacier runs into a small ice cube, there was nothing that could be done. 

After a long time, Xuan Hua closed his eyes and said, “If there are any questions, ask.”

Lin Zhizhi, “… … … …”

Although Master Daren1 didn’t say anything again after his single sentence, Lin Zhizhi, by the virtue of his own excellent (?) comprehension ability, as well as his listening skills, able to hear one’s voice and understand the true meaning, he raised his head and asked a question he had since the beginning, “Master, why did you take me as disciple?”

—-What exactly caused the high and aloof Dao Zun to specially go to the great four sects’ disciple-conference, and have his favorability already be a high degree of 75?! Although he has a heavenly spirit root, he’s never done anything special in the past, completely not worthy of Dao Zun’s appearance.

Daren – title of respect towards a superior1. 

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