Tan Mingjin's ear is the cry of the hour Qing, the key is that this little thing whining, while still not forgetting to pinch his small fist ferociously at him.

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Although he knew that the little guy couldn't spit out any saliva, he was so angry that he even made the whole small face blush. But Tan Mingjin couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

But soon, the man responded, he is guilty of what, just he said, he did things, are not quite normal?

Shiqing's normal reaction should be moved to be unable to do it.

It's also because Tan Mingjin's heart is strong, and he doesn't doubt himself because of the aggrieved appearance of houqing. He steadies his mind and looks at Shi Qing again. As expected, he sees some grievances and anger on the white face of the youth.

Tan Mingjin tried to make herself forget the background sound of Qingqing, but she looked at Shiqing seriously, and the magnetic voice sank slightly: "how do you look like this? Don't you feel happy when your uncle says you will be regarded as your own child? "

Hour clear cry a meal, then decadent low small head, to the shoulder above a sit.

He didn't cry out loud, but the little sobbing could not be stopped. He was already pitiful enough when he was crying. Now he deliberately lowered his voice. He was small and weak, and his poor appearance was just like that Tan Mingjin abused him.

Tan Mingjin:

He had to start to wonder if his attitude was a little too fierce, otherwise he would not have been so clear.

Don't say the hour clear, even when Qing has become as if powerless up, quite a bit dejected looked at Tan Mingjin, whispered: "I am not unhappy."

He also said that he had to write "I'm not happy, super unhappy" on his face. The reason why he didn't add "very, very unhappy" was because his face was too small to put it down.

Tan Mingjin was patient: "really not?"

Shi Qing didn't even want to see him this time. He just hung his head like this: "well."

The man took a look and sat on his shoulder, already with red eyes, angry enough to lie down on his shoulder and start rolling.

That pair of small appearance of splashing and playing tricks can really let Tan Mingjin find out a little bit of the shadow of Qing when she was a child from her memory.

I still remember that when she was a child, she was a bully. Tan Mingjin was busy with her work. When she went out in the morning, she didn't get up. When she came back, she had already fallen asleep early. Obviously, they lived under the same roof, but they didn't have much time to meet.

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But sometimes it happens. For example, Shiqing wants a new toy, or he wants to make a small request. At this time, the little guy will stay on the stairs and wait for his uncle to go home without sleeping.

When Tan Mingjin came back, and before he took off his fatigue, he ushered in a small artillery battle, pestering him to ask for new toys. If he didn't give it, he would skillfully go to the ground. He would roll around crying and cry that if he didn't buy it, he would not get up.

Because of this, Tan Mingjin once regretted that in order to let Shiqing receive good care, she specially found a nanny who needed long-term money from the countryside.

His idea at that time was that the nanny didn't need a lot of money every month, but she did need it every month. In order to do this job for a long time and make money every month, she should also take good care of the children.

As a result, the baby sitter did take good care of the children, and did not dare to slack off at all. However, because she was too spoiled, she directly developed the child into a lawless little devil.

Before, Tan Mingjin would not care about the child, but she couldn't like it in the end. But now, I can't help but watch a little man who is not big enough to roll around skillfully on his shoulder. On a white, tender and lovely face, his eyes are slightly red because he has just cried, and his nose is slightly red. He opens his mouth pitifully and babbles Ah ah of the splash.

Mingming is tan Mingjin used to hate the picture, to now, but let him from the bottom of his heart began to soften, no longer reluctant to say a heavy word.

Although there was only a little displeasure on his face, there was nothing else, but listening to the babbling and splashing voice of Qingyi, it was not like that.

Once see when Qing play Lai, Tan Mingjin just want to avoid, the heart is full of exclusion.

But now listen to the hour clear play, the man's heart just want to quickly meet his requirements.

But he didn't know what was the reason for his unhappiness.

It doesn't make sense.

Fortunately, Tan Mingjin is watching the child grow up, he knows how to coax the child happy.

Tan Mingjin: "didn't you say you fell in love with a new car last time? I'll buy it for you. It's in the garage at home. I'll pick it up myself

The babbling voice stopped immediately.

When I was young, a Gulu got up and looked forward to tan Mingjin. A small face was full of longing and worship for uncle.Tan Mingjin started from scratch, the most important thing is hard work. What he doesn't like most is listening to others flattering themselves or boasting. This will only make him feel that the other party can only engage in evil ways if he can't do a good job.

But now, looking at the little hour, her face is full of adoration, and her eyes are red and red, and she looks like a little pathetic, but she tries hard to open her small hands and make a babbling voice in her small mouth to embrace her. Tan Mingjin's heart is in a mess.

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This is Shi Qing's real thought in his heart. There is absolutely no way to fake it.

When he went to see Shiqing again, he found that the young man's face showed some excitement.

In the end, young people still like to show off. Before that, he had been pestering Tan Mingjin to buy a new car. Tan Mingjin felt that he had just got his driver's license to buy another new car, and the young man was so arrogant that he would have an accident, so he kept pressing against buying it for him.

But today, maybe it was too much stimulation (seeing houqing), maybe it was because she felt that the child was not as frivolous as he thought and was not close to others. When Tan Mingjin was in the hospital, she had a car bought and sent to the garage at home.

Originally intended to give Shi Qing a surprise, did not expect to become coax the child now.

Although Qingqing's face was excited, it didn't show too obvious. As before, she lifted her chin and snorted coldly:

"I've asked you to buy it for me for a long time."

Tan Mingjin is not surprised at all. After all, this is also the signature action of the eldest young master. It is also one of the reasons why he looks at the growing child more and more impatient.

After all, he is not a very kind person. Raising such a child who has no blood relationship with him at all, but also for his not getting married, these are his own choices. He will not take the blame on Shiqing.

But at least, the child should be a little bit of a nurturer.

Don't ask him to take Tan Mingjin as his father, at least have a good attitude. Don't always make a pair of Tan Mingjin, the uncle owes him. It's reasonable to buy him something, no matter how expensive and rare it is. If you don't buy him anything, he will look at Tan Mingjin with the eyes of his enemies.

No one likes it.

But now it is not the same, when Qing that will not look at the face of the madness of the appearance did not change, in the eyes of men, but more see more love.

After all, although Shi Qing is still like before, the hour Qing, who has already sat up cross legged on his shoulders, has exposed his real inner thoughts.

In the youth a pair of "this should not be? In fact, I am not happy at all", the hour pure face excited hands to make a driving posture, the mouth dripping, running back and forth on the shoulder.

Obviously, he was enjoying his new car in his mind.

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He liked the gift he gave him, and Tan Mingjin couldn't help rejoicing with the lightness and lightness of her whole body.

He even reached out his hand in a good mood and touched Shiqing's head: "before, I thought you were a child, and I was afraid of something wrong with your driving. Now you are also starting to practice. People are looking at it more steadily, and driving is nothing."

"I'm eighteen and I'm still a kid."

The young man turned his head obstinately, as if he were very unconvinced.

He looks like a junior high school student.

Can be on the shoulder hour Qing, but is red small face, shyly toward the top crazy rub head, a pair of good comfortable good happy look.

Tan Mingjin heart quite a kind of "you think I don't know, in fact, I know" of the small happiness.

After getting to Shi Qing, what kind of arrogant and charming she is, Tan Mingjin has been able to understand what the child really thinks when she was a child. Naturally, he also more and more thinks that Shiqing is really cute.

He went to see Shi Qing's arm again: "are you really OK?"

Time Qing seems to be very impatient handsome hand: "it's OK, it's OK, I'm strong enough to have anything."

Tan Mingjin went to see Xiaoqing again, and saw that he was making a serious body-building posture on his face. It seemed that he was seriously in agreement with him. He also put down some snacks in his heart.

However, just learned from the phone that when Shiqing had an accident, her beating heart seemed to have not slowed down. Tan Mingjin thought about it and thought that it was better for him to take Shiqing with him in the near future.

"If you're OK, you'll come back to the company with me in a short time and let you go to the internship. You'll know how to run around. How can I trust the company to you in the future?"

Tan Mingjin said this to reassure Shi Qing. After all, in his opinion, his ability to say "hand over the company" means that he will not marry again and have children, and Shiqing doesn't have to worry about his status in the tan family.

To his surprise, Shi Qing, who was standing in front of him, was happy with his face, but when he sat down with his cross legs, Qing hung his head and could not see much joy.

This makes the man's heart even more add a bit of doubt.

After all, in his impression, Shi Qing always takes tan as his own bag. Now he says that he will leave the company to Shiqing. He should be happy.On the surface, he loved Cheng Yunling, but inside he hated him to death. He said that he regarded him as his own son. However, he cried bitterly and wronged him as if the sky had collapsed.

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Tan Mingjin couldn't help sighing. Looking at Shiqing walking in front of him, he left behind and was looking up the information. The former Shiqing felt that he was too slow and turned to urge him: "uncle, hurry up."

The man raised his eyes, just saw the hour Qingzheng inserted his waist, frowned, a face "how do you so slow" to look over, he did not care to check the information, after copying a string of book titles, quickly edited and sent a text message out.

Mr. Tan's conscientious assistant is leading a new assistant. He is saying, "your work is more inclined to life. It's probably that what Mr. Tan wants, you have to send it as fast as possible. If Mr. Tan wants to drink tea, you have to buy tea. If Mr. Tan wants to drink milk, you have to choose the best milk. Of course, the travel expenses and purchase expenses are reimbursed, and there are a lot of bonus, By the way, I want to tell you that Mr. Tan has an 18-year-old... "

Not finished, the mobile phone Ding Dong a ring, he quickly took out the mobile phone to see, see is tan Mingjin's text message, and pulled a new assistant: "come, look at how I reply."

Tan Dong: help me buy some books with the titles of "how to communicate with your children", "how to be a good parent", "don't guess the children's mind", "how to feed weaned piglets"]

Assistant: "how to buy some books for me

New assistant:

Assistant full of confusion, staring at the "weaning piglets feeding way" these nine characters, into a deep doubt.

It's understandable that the children in front of us should be parents, but this piglet

Is that when the big young??

He hesitated and sent a text message.

Are you sure? ]

we will reply soon. ]

Assistant: All right

he put the mobile phone into his pocket naturally, while following the new assistant, he said, "see? Don't mention that Mr. Tan asked you to buy a pig book. Even if he asked you to buy a pig back, we would also buy it without changing face. "

"This is professionalism!"

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