Tan Mingjin put the book in place, took out her mobile phone and looked at the record. She made sure that it was when she copied the book list that she didn't know what was going on. After adding such a book in the past, if nothing happened, she deleted the record and went back to her desk to continue working.

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He used to be called "the devil of overtime" behind his back. Naturally, this name did not come out of thin air. As a rich generation who has great self-control and wants to achieve any goal, once Tan Mingjin falls into the working state, he is absolutely devoted to it.

But today, I don't know why. My eyes are clearly looking at the computer, but the time is clear in my mind.

For a while, she was stubborn and unyielding, and then she turned into a poor little girl crying and crying.

After a while, it turned into a little fellow's angry eyes, staring at him all kinds of bah.

The man's hand on the keyboard slowed down unconsciously.

Slower and slower, slower and slower.

At the end of the day, he simply stopped and pinched his eyebrows to find out why the web page began to search for a child's face and his inner thoughts were different.

When I can see that there is a villain on his shoulder representing his real thoughts, he can't tell anyone else.

The hospital also went, the psychiatric department also checked, his eyes and mental aspects are really no problem, then this matter can only be sealed with fantasy.

Tan Mingjin pondered over the search on the Internet, looking at the answers that came out and fell into meditation.

[when a child does not dare to show his real ideas, it shows that he is very insecure. Maybe some children are very piercing on the surface, but when there is no one at night, they will hide and cry secretly. This is a typical lack of security. ]

men frown more and more.

On the surface, I cry secretly.

Isn't this Shiqing?

On the surface, he looked wild, as if he didn't care that others would hate him, but in fact, the little man sitting on his shoulder was already crying.

He frowned and continued to look.

Why are children insecure? There are also reasons for this. According to the survey, most children lose their sense of security because of family factors, such as parents' divorce, single parent family, or parents' going out to work, children living with the elderly, not accompanied by their parents since childhood, and ]

What's behind it? Tan Mingjin can't see it anymore.

After all, the time ahead is almost perfect.

No parents, no company.

When he was a child, there was only one babysitter who could give him whatever he wanted.

Even tan Mingjin, this uncle, does not often accompany him.

Tan Mingjin himself has never realized what's wrong with this. After all, in his impression, Shiqing didn't rely too much on his existence when he was a child.

Tan Mingjin's uncle's existence seems to be a mobile wallet and treasure chest for Shi Qing. Only when he wants something, he will take the initiative to find Tan Mingjin.

Originally, he always thought so.

But after experiencing the occasional almost opposite reaction between Shiqing and houqing, Tan Mingjin is not sure.

Since Shi Qing can be one side on the face of disgust, while the heart is full of expectations.

Is that what he was like when he was a kid?

On the surface, it seems that he just regards his uncle as a mobile wallet. In fact, in my heart, I want to take this opportunity to get close to him.

Not only did he not see through the child's mind, he even felt that he was only interested in playing.

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When the memory of the past was fixed with a "Shi Qing's real ideas are not as expressed on the surface," Tan Mingjin felt more and more that maybe Shi Qing had tried to express his closeness to him, but he ignored it.

Shi Qing once had a fight with others. After Tan Mingjin came to the school, he not only felt that it was wrong to fight with his classmates, but also said that he would not invite him to participate in the fight on his birthday.

At that time, he thought that the child was unreasonable, but in fact, if he pushed forward, it would be Shiqing's birthday two weeks ago.

He was abroad at that time, and had already wanted to come back to accompany him. However, he met with abnormal weather and failed to come back in time. When Tan Mingjin came back, he only ushered in the chaos of a villa.

Maybe the child is losing his temper on purpose because of his birthday.

He Shiqing once tried to drive his car out secretly. Fortunately, he was stopped by the security guard in time. At that time, Tan Mingjin was furious and felt that the child was neither responsible for his own life nor for the life of others.

However, he can vaguely remember that a little further back then, Shiqing tried to ask him to drive himself to school because of the famous new car Tan Mingjin had bought.

He was so busy at that time that he refused without thinking about it.

But now, when I recall the past, with the pitiful appearance of being hugged by Xiaoqing, there is another interpretation.Shi Qing

In fact, what I wanted at that time was not to show off the new car, but to spend more time with his uncle, right?

One by one.

At the beginning, he was angry, disappointed, and even cold hearted. Today, it seems that it has become a different way of getting close to Shiqing.

Yeah, he always does.

No matter how he wanted it, he would show disdain on his face. In those days when he could not see Qingqing, did he miss many scenes of crying or hugging?

In the office of Nuo Da, the man was sitting in front of the computer. He was stunned.

In my heart, there is only one word left.

The past can't go back.

But in the future, he must make up for Shiqing.

I feel it. ]

at that time, the eldest young master of Qing Dynasty was holding up his long legs and playing games with his mobile phone in his hand.

While playing the game, the dual-purpose tracking system beeps: "do you smell the smell of white washing? ]

system; [host, the system has no olfactory system. ]

Shi Qing: [Tut, I won again. A group of small spicy chickens can't even win. What kind of game can I play. ]

System: [ ]

it glanced at Wusha on the youth's mobile phone and did not dare to speak.

In the eyes of the people in the rest room, the young master left his mobile phone on the sofa with a bored face and looked like "I want to sleep".

Although there are a lot of arrogant rich second generation in TV series, in reality, it is the first time for most people to see such an arrogant rich second generation as Shi Qing. As soon as he lies down, office workers in the rest room immediately look at the past.

It can be said that it is from the quiet to the big and square.

After all, when the young master covered his face with his coat, he could not see that they were looking at him.

Be careful when you drink water from a distance, for fear of disturbing the prince who is not easy to be provoked.

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If you sit far away, there is no such restriction. You can watch and whisper.

At the moment, a new employee asked the elder: "brother Zhang, I just heard that it was the prince who came. This is the son of Tan Dong?"

This elder brother Zhang is also a gossip. He also whispered in his voice and whispered: "not a son, but a nephew."


The new staff are in a muddle.

Nephew as prince? Isn't it all sons?

Looking at them, Tan Dong is young and strong, and he doesn't look like a man without a son.

"I'll tell you."

Brother Zhang whispered to him about popular science: "moreover, the prince and Tan Dong are not the same surname, whether they have blood relationship or not is unknown. Anyway, they were raised by Tan Dong since childhood. Before, some people said that this could be an illegitimate son of Tan Dong, but I don't think it is possible. If he is an illegitimate child, he is not married and has no management of the main room. Why not make his identity public."

"The prince's reputation is not very good. It is said that he has a bad temper. In any case, if you meet him, you can just hide."

New employee: "he's a prince. This company will be his. How can we hide?"

Moreover, with Shi Qing's natural dandy temperament, if he really takes over the company in the future, he can't believe that he can really lead the company well.

It would be nice not to collapse.

"Don't worry."

Brother Zhang smiles implicitly and pats his younger generation on the shoulder to reassure him.

He lowered his voice again and whispered, "although we all say this is the prince, in fact, we all think that he will be kicked out of the chairman's house sooner or later."

"You think, a nephew doesn't know whether he has blood relationship. He is not progressive or sensible. He is always tugging at everyone every day. You know the temper of our chairman. It's harder and colder than stone. How can such a person get used to this prince?"

He looked around and saw everyone talking quietly, and added in a low voice: "it is said that before this accident, he was caught by the chairman of the board. If he goes out, he will get out of the Tan's house if he makes trouble again. In any case, we all think that the prince will come down soon."

"That's what you say."

The new employee nodded with approval: "I have seen Mr. Tan several times before, and the whole person is cold. It is said that he attaches great importance to physical objects, and is most afraid of flattery. He has basically fallen down against him. A nephew without blood relationship is still in a bad temper. Tut Tut..."

They are gossiping, the elevator door jingle open, suits and leather shoes, slender man raised his feet into the rest area.

"Mr. tan."

"It's Tan Dongai."

For a moment, the staff who were just talking quietly shut up.

In the silence, they watched Tan Mingjin frown slightly and strode to the prince who was lying on the sofa.As we all know, Tan Mingjin is upright and fastidious in his work. What he hates most is that the people below are not upright.

Now the prince has been caught by him. It must be a reprimand.

People think like this, one by one eyes to this side, trying to see the excitement from the beginning to the end.

Tan Mingjin moved.

"Shi Qing."

He uses a soft voice that makes people want to drop his chin. The magnetic voice is slightly lowered, with a little gentleness, and he whispers:

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"get up, don't sleep on the sofa, it's bad for your waist and back."


Sleeping trough!

Are they dreaming or is the world broken?

Is the cold, severe and merciless Tan Dong swallowed?!!


What makes them even more surprised is still ahead.

When the eldest young master was angry, he lifted his coat and sat up. His expression was full of irritability.

"what are you doing? I didn't sleep for a few minutes before I called me!"

The attitude of the teacher's inquisition made all the people around him sweat for him.

The prince is really not conscious of relying on others. He dares to be so arrogant when he eats and uses him.

Mr. Tan is not soft tempered. He must be angry.

However, in the eyes of Tan Mingjin, hour Qingzheng rolls around on his shoulders with grievances on his face, his small hands waving and breathing, and his face is uncomfortable.

The man's eyes softened slowly, stretched out his long hand, touched the youth's head, and said along the hair:

"good boy, you want to go to the rest room of my office, don't sleep on the sofa."

People who have met Tan Mingjin who are not easy to get into trouble with:

"Uncle, you are so upset."

The young man stood up with a grumpy face and tied his coat on his body at will. His face was not happy.

This is the attitude of the nose and the face.

It's too much to smoke.

Zhang Ge, who had already felt that Sanguan had been renewed, still insisted on his last persistence. He quietly said to the new staff:

"look, Mr. Tan must be angry."


Tan Mingjin laughs and looks at him. He also sits up with him, yawns, and a pair of Xiaoqing, who is going to sleep soon:

"OK, let's go. It's upstairs. Soon."

Brother Zhang:

New employee:

Run down to monitor (cross out) the assistant who takes care of the prince

The rest room is very quiet. A group of people are almost shocked to see Tan Mingjin even coax and deceive him into the elevator and press the elevator for him.

Even soft voice coax: "you go up first, I'll come up."

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The assistant was quite calm. Although her steps were a little flighty and her expression was a little confused, she still arrived at Tan Mingjin in time. She had a professional quality and said, "Mr. Tan, I'm going to take care of the young and the big."

"No more."

Tan Mingjin thought in her mind that just a little guy was sleepy, her head was a little bit bit, and she tried to show her lovely appearance of embracing posture towards him, and her lips were still slightly cocked up.

"Shiqing is afraid of noise. If you go up there, you will quarrel with him again."

It was the first time that a man felt full of soft feelings towards his children after he had raised him for more than ten years. He couldn't help but say to his assistant:

"you see, Shiqing is really clever."

Just before I got into the elevator, I couldn't stand my sleepy station. I was still shaking and had to stand up and ask him to hug him.

This child is sticking to people.


People sitting nearby: --

Tan Mingjin: "hmm?"

The assistant quickly nodded: "yes, yes, I have never seen such a sensible child in my life."

Without conscience, he squeezed out a smiling face and tried to praise: "children now are mobile phones. They don't leave their hands. They don't play with them very much. We can see how strong his self-control is."

Yeah, he doesn't play with cell phones.

He's just not very particular about playing on the sofa and sleeping enough.

Tan Mingjin: "yes, Shiqing is like this, and has always been very good."


Mom, it's hard to go to work.

Tan Mingjin: "by the way, I have told the personnel about the bonus increase."

Assistant:!! "

"Yes! You're right! Big and little, but I've seen the best boy

People next to him:

They immediately agreed: "yes, yes, big and little is really, too sensible, too good."

"There must be a lot of success in the future."

"Yes, that's a good boy. If only my children were as sensible as the children."Ears full of praise of the Qing Dynasty, Tan Mingjin heart comfortable.

Yes, Shi Qing is such a good boy.

It's just a little awkward. The way of expressing intimacy is a little wrong.

But in fact, his good will not be covered by these things.

Look, can't other people see it?

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