In the clean and bright kitchen, the handsome man with outstanding temperament stood in front of the pot, seriously stirring the long and thin noodles in the pot with chopsticks.

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Mr. Tan, chairman of the board, is willing to wash his hands and make soup for his beloved. Of course, it is very moving.

If this time point of making soup is not clear, he wants to do some unspeakable exercise time point.

The young man carried the stool and sat at the door of the kitchen. The dead fish looked down at Tan Mingjin.

Tan Mingjin a pair of long legs a little uneasy moved in situ, "when Qing, are you not happy?"

"Happy, I'm very happy."

The man hesitated to take a look, standing on his shoulder, facing the hour Qing, and looked down at the noodles in the pot.

Hesitating, "why don't I call the restaurant to deliver?"

"Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh

Tan Mingjin hesitated more and more.

See him this how can't point the appearance, when Qing helpless.

He leaned on the chair and brainwashed himself that "the man I found would eat on his knees.".

The young man raised his head and began to unbutton without expression.

In the beginning, Tan Mingjin was the first person to be a "teacher"

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Then it was "!"

It's getting late. When the street lights are on outside, some light comes into the kitchen.

A pot has been cold out of the face lonely quietly stay in the pot.

The system is already an experienced system, and it can count time skillfully according to human's patience.

It also set aside a part of the rich time.

Five hours later, he was careful to show his head.

A mosaic.


No, it's been five hours.

Moreover, it actually faintly heard the sobbing voice of Shiqing.


The host is crying!

Did Tan Mingjin bully him?!

It would like to go out and help, but according to the * * rules, the system will avoid some unspeakable crossing behavior.

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So the system can only worry and carefully crawl back slowly.

At three o'clock in the morning, Tan Mingjin was full of guilt and carefully helped to clean her body. The young man lying on the bed was already asleep, with tears on his face, and sometimes choked in his sleep.

The man immediately more and more guilty, quickly changed a new soft towel, carefully wiped his face.

"No more..."

Perhaps in the dream to feel his close, the youth closed his eyes, sobbing to refuse.

Tan Mingjin's heart is soft into a group, hastily lowered the voice, quietly coax "don't be afraid, I'll wipe your face."

The man's gentle tone is very good to appease when Qing, he sucked nose, curled his mouth very aggrieved, very aggrieved to continue to sleep.

Tan Mingjin was a thief again. She opened the window and let out the air. Then she put the dirty clothes into the bag and threw them out. When everything was ready, the man who had worked hard for several hours sat by the bed, looking at the sleeping youth. His eyes were full of sweetness.

He really didn't expect that Shi Qing liked him to such an extent.

The man satisfied to the quilt a drill, the whole young people are held in their arms to protect, only satisfied with the closed eyes to sleep.

Tan Mingjin is in a good mood.

The next morning, when I got up to meet the man's attentive care and millet porridge set meal, Qing's mood was not so wonderful.

He was actually made to cry by Tan Mingjin.

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He's been seduced by this guy for several times, but never succeeded.

Sure enough, it's been three years. Open your mouth and eat for three years.

Tan Mingjin this is more than three years, he is to his 30 years of accumulation of energy all go to the Qing Dynasty.

In this man's body turned over several times, Qing depressed to the quilt a drill, ignore him.

Tan Mingjin sure enough more guilty, carefully coax "is my bad, I will not be like this next time."

When Qing Deng nose face, cold hum.

Tan Mingjin and soft voice coax "how do you punish me all right, get up first cushion stomach good?"

"I don't want to wake up."

The man quickly flattered the hand out, repair long hand fell on the youth's back, carefully help massage.

Press by, originally still angry when Qing and the idea of horse.

"Press down," he said

"Hurry up!"

Tan Mingjin fruit shun from continue to press down.

Shi Qing said, "a little more."

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The man's slender big hand obediently continues.

Shi Qing said, "you're a snail. Go down again."

The system takes a careful look at the eye socket in the sofa, drinking Wahaha, wringing eyebrows, and placing his hand in front of his heart. When he thinks carefully, he suggests that the host's mood fluctuates greatly. I suggest you take a rest.Shi Qing reached out, and an apple appeared in his hand instead of Wahaha. He took a mouthful of it, which was still the heartless look before.


System Ding! Please be ready to jump into the world.

Before Shi Qing opened her eyes, she heard a woman's voice crying, "my brother Qing was hurt by that slut. How can I bear it? If I marry my sister Xi, I dare to wait so slowly and insult my brother Qing."

He continued to listen with his eyes closed for a while, probably guessing that it was his mother who was crying.

Their family power is still very big, and he is the only male in this family, so up and down everyone loves him like a pearl.

Because he was a woman, his sister-in-law was not so lucky. He married people of almost the same family. As a result, the other side didn't say nothing to his sister, but also bullied his brother-in-law. His mother was crying and planned to come to find an explanation.

When Qing listens, behind is his mother sobs, simply looks at the memory directly.

Republic of China?

The young master who was lying on the bed pretending to sleep had an image of a warlord with broad shoulders and thin waist, riding a horse, and his expression was awe inspiring.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

He likes it.

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