Song XiaBing proved with practical actions what is called a man in love is very difficult to understand.

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In the next period of time, as he promised Shi Qing before, he searched around for food and then donated it in the name of Shiqing.

But it doesn't seem to fit the bill.

To be exact, it is to let those who can't go out to fight zombies for various reasons to build the wall.

As a result, Shi Qing's reputation in the base suddenly surpassed that of other team leaders.

Other team leaders "..."

Irritable, trying to hit people.

However, they dare not do anything.

After all, although Shiqing is a level seven, they can still beat.

But there is a pine summer ice beside him.

This guy is just like he's on the hook. He who plays level 7 is like a hamster.

And it's still in the case that he doesn't want to kill people. If song XiaBing wants to kill people, it's estimated that those people will burp their farts in less than a second.

What else can I do? I can't fight.

Play and you can't win.

Even if you compete for fame, you can't play Shiqing.

At present, the voice of the fire in the whole base is the highest. A group of people headed by song XiaBing almost want to blow him into the unique father in the sky.

Some old-fashioned and Halal team leaders "..."

Sure enough, both before and after the end of the world.

If you have money, you can do whatever you want.

They can only pretend to be dead.

However, Songxia Bing seems to like this kind of expansion.

He gradually found that although Shi Qing liked his appearance of being weak, as a serious man, Shi Qing preferred that he be a strong and domineering man, and weak in front of him.

Songxiabing is more and more able to master how to let Shiqing feel good all day even if his tail is touched.

It's really sad to think about it.

In pursuit of the people you like, you have to use strategies.

Thanks to song XiaBing's thick skin, he doesn't care about these, otherwise

His mind immediately came up with a series of caged beauties, foxtail being touched by their own hair blowing scene.

Songxiabing really wants to do this.

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But he didn't dare.

When the Qing Dynasty that disposition, said to be good to listen to point is rather for jade broken, said difficult to listen to point is reckless, can not be wronged.

Song XiaBing had endured so much humiliation before that he forced him not to kill Zhou Xuanxuan. Instead, he held him in the palm of his hand as a hostage and didn't let Shi Qing seek suicide (he thought).

Even now, the relationship between the two people is almost known to the whole world, but he still can only suppress and not kill his rival.

I have to watch him wander around the base every day. How can I use a sad word to describe it? I think it's too light.

Zhou Xuanxuan is trying to move the food in the base. He is very tired and panting


The cold, murderous gaze.

He doesn't have to look back to know that it must be songxiabing.

As soon as this guy was there, when he was eating shriveled, his eyes were frightening, as if he wanted to be chopped to death.

Zhou Xuanxuan was so frustrated.

They're in love, and they don't care about him!!

He didn't know how many times he explained to song XiaBing, and Shiqing didn't like him at all. As a result, songxiabing was still focused on looking at him with all kinds of cold eyes.

If he hadn't recovered his powers now

Zhou Xuanxuan touched her hair.

Tell yourself, bear!!

When his ability is found back, he will immediately set fire to the base, go to other places, and fly far away. Who should take care of this pair of dog men.

Zhou Xuanxuan was relieved and was about to continue working when he heard someone snorting.

Zhou Xuanxuan

What? The voice is so misunderstood.

He turned his head and saw that it was a member of the Song family. Of course, this man was not a subordinate of song XiaBing, but the one who took the lead in suppressing and killing song XiaBing's subordinates after the end of the world.

Song XiaBing didn't kill him after he beat down his family. Instead, he took him back to the base and asked him to work hard to let him, who once did not know the hardships of the world, feel the love of songxiabing.

Of course, other people think that songxiabing will stay to be angry.

However, Zhou Xuanxuan knows clearly that songxiabing's vengeful nature can not be eradicated. According to his observation, it is the children of several of songxiabing's subordinates who suffered from mental illness.

At the beginning, those children were sold to other bases by this man. Song XiaBing sent people to look for them. It is estimated that they intend to wait until the children come, and let the children fight enemies together.People in the fire know that this person is their enemy of SongGe, and they don't contact with each other.

Zhou Xuanxuan took a few curious glances, and saw that the face was full of pain and hatred.


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Now I feel humiliated.

How could they not be humiliated when they tortured those children.

He turned his mouth away.

But there was a question in my heart.

What was that man doing with his hands covered all the time? And what was the thing he was holding? It looked like the blood had dried black.

Zhou Xuanxuan has been carrying grain to the warehouse, still thinking about what is going on, thinking about him suddenly flash of light.

The blood!

It's a bit like zombie blood.

Something's wrong!!

He suddenly opened his eyes and realized that the man was cutting his hand with something with zombie blood.

Sleeping trough!

Isn't that a zombie?!

That man was just clearly on purpose!

"Not good!"

Zhou Xuanxuan threw down the things in her hand and ran back.

Just ran out, saw that person's feet hobbled back grain toward is bragging with younger brother when Qing went.

"That's not. It's just a mutant animal. I'm just like cutting fruit. I'm finished!"

Seeing that the man had arrived in front of Shiqing, Zhou Xuanxuan yelled "Song XiaBing!! You stop him

The young man raised his eyes and looked at the direction of Shiqing.

At this glance, what I saw was that the man who had been raising his head suddenly raised his head.

He had black lines on his face, and his eyes were vicious and showed a sense of unconsciousness. At the moment when he was being transformed into a zombie, he quickly reached out his hand and grabbed it toward Shiqing's arm.

"Dare you

At that moment, songxiabing's heart almost stopped.

Almost subconsciously, he used a power to kill the man's hand.

But it's late.

When Qing honey beautiful arm, has left a scratch.

This scratch is shallow, but seems to be the whole row in the bottom of Songxia ice.

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Shi Qing Got zombie virus


Huoting boss also responded. First, he kicked the attacker away with disgust, and then he was stunned to see his infected face.

Song Xia Bing doesn't know how he got off the stage.

He just rely on instinct to rush to his lover, a will send Leng man in his arms.

"It's OK, it's OK, it's going to be OK."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Because he has been infected with zombie virus, he can no longer feel the pain. Regardless of his melted hand, he laughs at Song XiaBing's dejected appearance.

"Pine summer ice!! You go to hell

"I can't kill you, but I can still kill him, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Don't you like him? I'm going to kill him and let you feel what pain is

Time Qing "..."

Even if the man has not yet responded, the foot also first consciously kicked in this person.

"You son of a bitch!!! If you hate him, you hate him!! What are you doing to kill me?!! Brain damage, you

This person is ha ha ha's frantic smile, was kicked to fly by time Qing.

Then it was enveloped in flames.

As we all know, zombies are afraid of fire.

Clearly do not feel painful, but why, so painful!!

He couldn't laugh out. He cried out sadly, awake and dead in the fire.

Song XiaBing can't hear his voice.

He only clings to Shi Qing, as if holding his last treasure.

At this moment, he did not pretend to be Bailian in the past, also did not have the complacency and careful calculation.

Only full, but also like empty panic.

"Boss Boss... "

He called these two most often called words, his eyes seemed to lose all the luster.

Shiqing had wanted to go up and mend the human shaped object which had been burned into charcoal fire. Now he saw the look of Songxia ice, so it was not good to go up.

"All right."

He patted Song Xia Bing, clearly there was a trace of fear on his face, and he was still forced to smile. He squeezed out a smile and said, "I can still enjoy one before I die. It's not wrong."

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Song XiaBing only holds him, silent and silent.

A little brother carefully stepped forward to "brother song..."

"Get out of here!"

In a flash, the sky was covered with black fog.The people in the fire all know that this is the ability of Songxia ice. When they encounter anything, they will melt what they will. They will not care about anything immediately. They will turn their heads and run away.

For a moment, only two people and Zhou Xuanxuan were left in such a large place.

"Pine summer ice" in the Qing Dynasty

He heard the sobbing of the man holding him.

Shi Qing, am I a little too much

System yes, host, you're not good. Why did you deliberately let that guy catch me? It just scared me to death.

"Songxiabing, don't cry. I didn't cry for such a big man. You cried first, and you didn't feel embarrassed."

Young people do not speak, but still cling to people tightly.

Zhou Xuanxuan stepped forward carefully.

"Well, don't cry, I have a way."

"I told you before!! I was bitten by a zombie. In fact, I was going to die at that time. My master saved me. "

Songxia ice body a stiff, suddenly raised his head, a pair of blood red eyes staring at him "have a way? What can I do? "

Zhou Xuanxuan nodded. "There is a way, but there is a price to pay."

He felt his long hair a little uncomfortable and showed it to the two people. "Don't you always wonder why I'm so nervous about my hair? In fact, this is my master. "

Song XiaBing "the price is to become hair?"

Shi Qing frowned, "are you too perfunctory in this setting?"

Zhou Xuanxuan was embarrassed and said, "No

"My master, it's actually a mutant vine."

He said, reaching out and taking off his hair.

"You see."

The slightly twisted "hair" is moving, but Shiqing's eyes can't help falling on Zhou Xuanxuan On your head.

Mom, it's bald. It's like a duck's egg.

Song XiaBing watched her lover's eyes fall on Zhou Xuanxuan. She was angry and anxious, and almost didn't vomit a mouthful of blood.

It's time to see Zhou Xuanxuan!!

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