As soon as Shi Qing said this, not only the young monks in the dungeon were stunned, but even the disciples of the iron bone sect were confused. When would they be able to cure?

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look at you, you are also the immortal sect of the right path. With so many hidden injuries in your body, can't even a pharmacist in your clan afford to keep? The disciples standing in the dungeon are alert and confused Look at Shi Qing.

After looking at each other for a few eyes, the last one came out dressed in white, saluted politely, and then asked, "dare to ask the Lord, what's the medicine

" yes, I've traveled around the world, why have I never heard of the name of a pharmacist?

is it a doctor?

"or is the name of the iron bone sect different from ours?

the disciples of the Xianmen sect have a lot of discussions, Confused.

The disciples of the iron bone sect don't know what it is.

But they did not dare to say anything, they had to bow their heads and pretend to be dead.

Looking at these, Shi Qing soon forgot that he was locked up in the dungeon. Instead, he began to discuss what was the medicine master's disciples of the immortal sect. He deeply felt that they were all the lineages of the major sect.

All of them had no lack of food and drink since childhood. They practiced fairy arts every day. Occasionally, they went down the mountain to fight for justice, and then entered the secret place.

All of them have been developed into silly white sweet.

"Is Gu qiushu like them?" he asked the tieguzong disciple, who was afraid to give out even the atmosphere. "Is that Gu qiushu like them?

the tieguzong disciple did not know what Shi Qing was asking, so he could only consider and reply," that one is not as talkative as they are. Since he was locked in, he has been sitting on the ground and has never opened his mouth.

I just don't like to talk. It doesn't matter. I just like to say it.

When the disciple who had just spoken heard what they said, his eyes brightened, and he quickly walked forward. "Shizong, are you also here? Since Shizong has no malice, can you let uncle and I wait together?

Shi Qing glanced at him up and down.

The people of Xianmen are very good looking, and this disciple is also a good-looking student, with a steady and naive face. But naivety is also normal. Look at the disciples behind him, which is not more naive than him.

Are you from tianyanzong? Since your name is martial uncle Gu qiushu, you are a disciple of three generations?

the young monk quickly saluted with his fists. "In the next tianyanzong's third generation disciple, Lin Zeng Lin Xingzhi.

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When he reported his family, he raised his head and said, "since the master of Shizong had no malice, could you let us out? Shiqing ignored him and asked the disciple of Tiegu sect," which dungeon is Gu qiushu in?

"tianzihao dungeon.

"Gu qiushu was in the period of distraction, so he was locked up in the tianzihao dungeon.

"Let this Lin Xingzhi come out and go to tianzihao with us. Don't he want to see his martial uncle? Then let him

Lin Xingzhi's face brightened, and he quickly gave a thank you and was taken out at the door.

Other tianyanzong disciples in the dungeon saw that he was taken out, and his face suddenly showed a panic color, "elder martial brother.

"Big brother."

Don't call, don't make it look like I'm going to do something to your elder martial brother.

Shi Qing sat on his special chair and asked them with a smile, "do you really know what pharmacists are? Are they all from famous schools?

the young friars looked at each other one by one, or could not find them in their memory, so they could only salute one after another with fists and salutes:" we don't know, but we hope the Lord Shi can solve his doubts. "

When Qing sighs, a face of helplessness.

"Well, since you don't know, my Lord will do a good job in popularizing science for you.

Pharmacists are masters of medicine. They can distinguish thousands of elixirs and poisons, and can drive animals and birds. To practice, pharmacists do not need mental strength. As long as they heal others, they can increase realm extravagance.

Yao Shuai's state is great. He can turn the clouds over the rain, cure friars of Sandan, and even help others resist the thunder. This makes him a pharmacist. After Shi Qing's short speech, the disciples opened their eyes one by one to resist the thunder.

Oh, my God, there are such capable practitioners in the world.

Master Shi, I don't know why the word "pharmacist" has never been mentioned to us. When I was in the sect, I searched all the books in the clan, but I never saw any ancient books mentioned it.

Shi Qing sighed a long sigh again. The delicate and beautiful face that had been carefully preserved by various miraculous medicines since childhood was full of melancholy.

You don't know. It's normal.

His appearance made all the students in it curious.

Looking at the look of the patriarch of the iron bone sect, does the pharmacist have any allusions?

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was it in ancient times? Or was it lost after the Xiuzhen world split up 30 thousand years ago?

or was it love and hate, love and resentment entanglement?

just when people were thinking about it, the lazy young man sitting in the luxurious chair then opened his mouth You don't know about it yet. Xianmen disciplesThe disciples of the iron bone sect: "after the formation was speechless, Lin Xingzhi could not help asking," master Shi "Since my father was able to create the iron bone sect and puppet Dao, as his son, I also created the pharmacist way. Isn't it a normal thing?" Lin Xingzhi gently reminded him, "but master Shi, you don't have spiritual roots

"Can't you practice without spiritual roots?"

when hearing this question, a disciple in the dungeon answered, "everyone knows that only those with spiritual roots can embark on the path of cultivation."

That's right.

When counting and nodding: "so the pharmacist path I created can be repaired without spiritual roots. Is there a problem?"


this is not a question of whether there is a problem.

It is a problem of no spiritual roots.

If there is no spiritual root, you can't store spiritual power in your body. If you can't store spiritual power, you can't set foot on the road of practice, and you can't practice Qi.

in this way, your accomplishments will not increase and your life will stagnate.

Now tell them that they can practice without spiritual roots. Anyway, they won't believe it.

Shi Qing looked at their expressions and squinted slightly. "You don't believe my lord?


the iron bone sect disciple who was just standing could not help kneeling when he heard this tone.

I believe in what the master said, and the disciples naturally believe it.

Shi Qing looks at Lin Xingzhi standing beside him and says, "Xiao Lin, what about you?

Lin Xingzhi is a little cocky and decides to insist on himself. I've never heard of the story of" Shizong, I'm afraid

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Come on, get it.

"Send people in, don't see Gu qiushu.

Lin Xingzhi "...

seeing that the disciples of the iron bone sect were really going to come up and catch themselves, he ran away and quickly changed his words:" I believe I believe it!

that's right, it's really good.

Shi Qing nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the disciples of the immortal sect in the dungeon, smiling and asking, "what about you? Believe it or not.

the young monks looked at each other.

They are not Shiqing's servants, and they don't want to see Gu qiushu. What should they be afraid of Shiqing.

We don't believe it!

Shi Qing turned his head to the people of the iron bone sect and said, "when we deliver food to them, we should not put salt, put more sugar, sweet

standing in the dungeon, we heard his words clearly to the young monks:...

disciples of the iron bone sect::...

at least, they are also a large number of patriarchs. Do you want to do this Shiqing did not care what they thought of himself, but there were three Mahayana puppets standing behind him.

He yawned and leaned lazily on the chair. "OK, the road is far away, and I'm too lazy to go. You just carry this patriarch over here.

The disciples of the iron bone sect quickly carried their chairs and walked steadily towards the heavenly horn. Lin Xingzhi followed quickly.

Br >

when the master of medicine wants to grasp the master of medicine, who wants you to grasp the master of medicine

Lin Xingzhi "...

he simply followed Shi Qing's words:" in this case, can I ask if the Lord Shi has reported to our clan that we are guests here? "Shi Qing said," it's your clan, not mine. You should report it yourself.

"Lin Xingzhi" is so, please allow me to send a message to zongmen.

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Lin Xingzhi hesitated to look at Shi Qing. Seeing that he was really lazy, he took out the letter passing Rune paper from his arms and tried to test his own spiritual power.

sure enough, as soon as he got out of the dungeon, his spiritual power recovered.

The dungeon was sure to suppress people's spiritual power.

he wrote down the information on the rune paper and then threw it away.

As soon as the rune paper flew to the wall, it was shattered.

A disciple of the iron bone sect said, "it is not allowed to use letter passing paper in the dungeon.

Lin Xingzhi: "when...

he took a glance and comforted him," it's OK, I'll compensate you.

I have always been aboveboard and generous, and never do such shameless things.

With his comfort, Lin Xingzhi felt a little relaxed

just as the Tianzi dungeon arrived, Qing got down from his chair, tidied up his clothes and asked people to open the door.

Inside the door, there is a man in the same white clothes sitting on the ground. Hearing the news, he slowly opened his eyes. His eyes seemed to contain ice, and his face was as cold as an iceberg.But even if it's an iceberg, it's a beautiful iceberg.

When Lin Xingzhi saw him, he was immediately relieved and could not wait to run up to him. "Martial uncle

Shiqing grabbed his shoulder, motioned for the puppet to buckle him, and raised eyebrows at Gu qiushu, who looked at him coldly.

Gu qiushu, your nephew is in my hand. If you don't want him to die, you'd better listen to me.

Lin Xingzhi: "he looked at Shiqing in disbelief and said," Lord Shi, you just said that you are open and aboveboard. "

"Not really."

Shi Qing patted him on the shoulder, and he was very upright.

I'm using you to threaten your martial uncle openly.

even threatening people is so undisguised. Is there anyone in the world who is more open and aboveboard than the patriarch

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