A red line, three days of life.

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Gu qiushu fixed looking at the red line, in the end what is thinking in his mind, even his own are not clear. He raised his eyes, eyes complex look to clear.

"Then why did I just say that I would not let you cure him, but you would not cure him again?

if he had followed his words just now, would he not have been able to live for three days, would he not have died?

just think about it, Gu qiushu is full of fear.

After a second of fear, he was stunned.

No, he had nothing to do with Shiqing. He frowned slightly and told himself that it must be because he would die if he didn't let him. This is the cause and effect that hinders his practice, so he is afraid.

He was afraid of the incident just now, but he was not affected by it. His face was still smiling, as if his own death and immortality were just a small matter.

If Gu Xianchang doesn't let me treat you, can I force you to do it?

he lifts up his black hair and laughs more than a goblin. "The pharmacist treats the patient and saves the patient. If the patient is not allowed to be treated, I will be cured. "So, what did you arrest us for?

" I only said that I would not force you to let me cure you, and I did not say that I would not arrest you to be locked up. Anyway, as long as you are here, sooner or later, I will be cured by me.

Gu qiushu has nothing to say.

Shiqing's attitude was too straightforward. He suddenly had a flash of light. He looked down at the red line on Shiqing's arm and asked, "did you lie to me for what you said just now?

yo, you are smart, and you know that I'm deceiving him.

when Qing's face is still the same, it has not changed, and is not flustered." if the immortal thinks so, I will admit it.

In the world, how can you cheat people to increase their life span.

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However, the more he admitted, Gu qiushu looked at him with a smile on his face and didn't put it in his heart. On the contrary, the more he believed him.

Bi jingshiqing's mental image has left an impression on him.

What this man said can't be taken seriously.

after placing such a label in his heart, he looked at the red line and asked, "how do you know your life span?

" naturally, I know my own body, not to mention I am a pharmacist.

Shi Qing moved his hand and waved it. He picked up the tail of his eye and looked at Gu qiushu with a smile. "Immortal, you can't take a look at it for a while. Why do you still want to hold on to my hand?

Gu qiushu's body was stiff, and then he found that he had been holding on to Shi Qing's wrist.

When he was so close to people, he quickly let go and carried the long hand he had just touched with Shiqing's wrist to his back.

The appearance of this pair of hide one's ears and steal one's bell is really how to see how lovely in Shi Qing's eyes.


"I think I like you the most among the Xianmen children. I've cured them one by one in the past three days. After they've been cured, I'll let you out and give you three puppets. How can you treat them?

Gu qiushu twisted his eyebrows and looked at him with a cold voice Why give it to me.

"Naturally, I want to find a good master for them.

"You are their master

seeing Gu qiushu's serious appearance, he chuckled and showed him the red line on his arm

immortal, I'm going to die in three days. If I don't find a new owner for them before I die, they will die with me.

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Gu qiushu slightly pursed his lips, and his eyes contained complicated "puppets are dead things.".

For you, it's not the same for me.

Shi Qing still smiles, but his eyes show a bit of sadness: "after my father died, only these puppets will treat me sincerely, although they have no heart.

You are the leader of the iron bone sect, and the disciples will follow your example.

Listen to Gu qiushu's words, when Qing is really smiling.

Xianchang, are you tianyanzong's disciples so naive? I'm a useless man who depends on my father. If there were not such three puppets, you would think they would pay attention to me? I didn't know where I would have died.

Gu qiushu frowned. Although he didn't agree, he didn't speak because he didn't understand tieguzong.

Shi Qing continued to say, "as a mortal, I have enjoyed what I should enjoy in my life. So many practitioners have respected me in a high position, and I am quite content to die. However, these puppets have protected me. If I die with me, my heart is still not good. He patted Gu qiushu on the shoulder. This time, although the fairy in white still frowned, he did not dodge away. He only listened to Shiqing quietly. "Originally, I wanted you to see if I could save another wave, but now it seems that although pharmacists can go, the life span that can be added is still too small. I saved Xiaoye, but only half an hour's life. If I want to live like this, I have to constantly look for the sick people to treat them.In front of him, his face seemed to be young, and his beautiful white face was full of ridicule: "if I had to run around for life all my life, I might as well let me die.

In short, it seems that you are the best, immortal, and I like you very much. My three puppets will be left for you. When the time comes, you can treat them well

Ding! Gu qiushu's rejection degree is 75100

when Shi Qing finished, Gu qiushu's lips moved slightly, as if to say something, but did not say it. Only on the good-looking but cold face, it was still the original cold and light look

but a pair of dark eyes, always staring at him.

He didn't wait to see Gu qiushu's reaction. He stretched his back and waved the red line on his arm to the fairy in white with a smile. "In a word, thank the fairy for letting me have three more days. OK, I'm going to treat those children. Don't worry, I'm going to die anyway. I won't do anything to them.

I teased you intentionally before Your reaction is very interesting. You have been wronged to live here for three days. After three days, the medicine I refined for you will be good. When you drink the medicine, you can get rid of the pain of breaking muscles and veins forever.

He smiles wantonly, just like a typical child who has been spoiled and grown up. Therefore, he only cares about his own happy children. He is justifiable to take care of the autumn tree and don't care about himself.

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"Fairy, do you have to look at me so coldly? Anyway, I'm going to die. I'll give you a face. Don't take revenge on me, immortal." Seeing that he still looked at himself like that, Qing shrugged. "Well, I'm going to die anyway. You can see me as you like. See you in three days.

The door closed.

Shi Qing went out.

Gu qiushu is still standing in place, a pair of eyes still fall at the door.

He turned his head and looked at his sword. As soon as he reached out his hand, the sword, which was in common with him, flew into his hand. The fairy in white clenched the sword in his hand. Because he had been stripped of his hair band before, he could only spread his hair like a man. It was not only rude but also ugly.

However, Gu qiushu's appearance is just like a fairy and a little messy beauty.

the messy beauty frowns slightly and looks down at the sword in her hand, not knowing what she is thinking. After Shi Qing went out, he really went to the dungeon where the disciples of the immortal sect were closed.

he moved a table, and the disciples of iron bone sect stood behind him, calling people one by one.

At the beginning, these disciples were very afraid. When they were caught, they were very reluctant. But Ye Zi, he was successful by iron bone family chef circle powder, not only not afraid, but also a strong comfort them. Don't be afraid, Lord Shi just wants to see us a doctor. Don't you think I'm treated well?

other disciples don't believe him very much.

When Shi Qing caught them, who knows what other plot he had.

the insect in Yezi's belly was really brought out in front of them, but who knows whether the insect was stuffed into their stomachs while they were eating before, and then said that they had caught it themselves.

How can the iron bone clan not be afraid when they act like this.

Lin Xingzhi stood up and said, "I will go.

Anyway, even if there is something, he can remind younger martial brothers and sisters.

When Lin Xingzhi was taken over, Shi Qing looked at him and was not very interested in whether the leg bone on your right side had been broken before? "

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originally, Lin Xingzhi, who was originally a hero on the battlefield and faced the great demon king, looked on his face and said," you How do you know?

"just take a look.

Shi Qing directly began to write prescriptions on the paper. While writing, he said, "although your leg bone has been received, it has touched the muscles and veins, so when you practice, you always feel trapped. But when you walk out and walk around, it will be better. In fact, it is because of the leg bone.

Take this medicine and go out for a hot spring.

With a quick finish, he knocked on the table and signaled the disciples of the iron bone sect to take the people away.

It took only three days for the disciples in the dungeon to change from a firm disbelief to a skeptical and finally grateful face.

Shi Qing said that it took three days to treat them, that is, three days.

Three days later, he went to the tianzihao dungeon with his three puppets.

Fairy, I'm here.

Gu qiushu sat on the couch and looked at the time when he pushed the door in. His face was a little tired, but his smile was still wanton.

He murmured, "those disciples are not seriously ill. They add up to just one day of life for me. It doesn't make any difference. Come on, I'll give you the puppets. Will you take them.

By the way, take this medicine first

Gu qiushu does not move, quietly listening to him finish.

It's not necessary.

"It doesn't matter if you don't get rid of it. In the future, you will come to relieve my pain and give yourself a life as you did three days ago.

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