See Ye Zi with a strange line of sight looking at himself, Gu qiushu face expressionless look back in the past.

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Why do you look at me like this.

Ye Zi also looked at Shi Qing's hand on Gu qiushu's shoulder and the little martial uncle in front of him, who never liked to be close to others.

"Well Uncle, if you don't realize it, forget it.

Gu qiushu slightly twisted his eyebrows, not quite understand what Ye Zi was saying.

But soon he stopped paying attention.

Because Shiqing saw Lin Xingzhi, he let go of his hand on his shoulder and ran to find Lin Xingzhi.


In the past of the Qing Dynasty, Lin Xingzhi was discussing with a disciple of a sect which had more miraculous drugs in the secret realm, and whether to go together next time.

Suddenly heard the voice of Shi Qing, subconsciously turned around and saw that it was actually he who came towards him, and quickly arched in salute.

As soon as he straightened up, he saw Gu qiushu coming, so he bent down again and saluted him again.

What are you talking about? I just heard that Xiaolin, is your collar a little bit torn? "

Lin Xingzhi looked down in doubt and looked at his collar. After making sure that there was nothing, he said in a daze," No.

after that, he subconsciously took a look at the collar.

Seeing that the collar of the iron bone sect leader was torn, it was flabby and open, showing a large area of skin, and immediately said, "Lord, your collar is a little disordered.

"Well, is it?

in Qingming knew why, he looked down and invited Lin Xingzhi." why don't you help me sort it out? "Lin Xingzhi was stunned.

But think about this, although there are some impoliteness, but since it is the other party's initiative to put forward the request, it is also OK.

He saluted again, reaching for help.

The fairy in white standing beside Shiqing suddenly turned around and stood in front of Shiqing, blocking Lin Xingzhi behind him. I'll come.

Lin Xingzhi was watching the sun rise from the West and looked at the scene in front of him.

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Their little martial uncle of tianyanzong, who had never been in contact with others, took the initiative to help Shi Zong arrange his clothes.

My God, is he poisoned or seeing hallucinations.

Ye Zi Dian ran over and stood beside Lin Xingzhi, watching this scene with him. Elder martial brother, you think it's incredible, don't you think he hurt him? He just held out his index finger and pointed his brain at Lin Xingzhi No! As a junior, how can you talk about the elder in private.

Shut up, can we talk about the matter of little martial uncle?

Shi Qing listened to the two little disciples, raised his mouth slightly, looked at Gu qiushu, and quietly straightened his collar.

It has to be said that Gu qiushu is an eyelash.

He looked cold, in fact, the facial features on his face are quite perfect, no matter where, are beautiful, not like ordinary people.

Especially the eyes.

The long eyelashes are so thick that people are jealous. Oh, No.

Shiqing is also an eyelash.

He's not jealous.

He used his eyes to appreciate the white fairy who helped him to tidy his collar, and then he asked quietly, "fairy, do you think it's unreasonable for you to act like this.

Gu qiushu's face didn't change. "It's just to prevent you.

Guard against me?

Shi Qingming knew that he meant to guard against tianyanzong's disciples, but he still had to pretend to be confused: "what can I do to prevent? I don't mean any harm to you. Isn't Gu Xianchang aware of this for a long time?

Gu qiushu slightly moved his eyelashes, Bai Lianxiu put down his big hand gently, raised his eyes to Shi Qing, and said in a cold voice," stay away from the disciples of tianyanzong

I am far away from the disciples of tianyanzong

This ferocious appearance is really very intimidating.

However, Shiqing can not be deterred.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Well, since the fairy maiden's wife is protecting the short, I don't want you tianyanzong's disciples to have anything to do with me, then I won't ask them to open."

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Gu qiushu slightly wrung eyebrows, always feel that when Qing so easily agreed, there must be fraud.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, Shiqing stopped a little disciple of another sect passing by.

Xiao Lang Jun, you have some fragrance. Can you show me the spices in your purse?

the little disciple was cured by Shi Qing before. Now he is full of worship for him. When he saw his idol talking to himself, he immediately nodded his head excitedly and untied the perfume, which was handed to Shi Qing.

As a result, before the purse arrived, Shiqing had already been cut off by Gu qiushu. He was stunned, and then on Gu qiushu that cold very frightening sight.Younger disciple

Gu qiushu "is not going down.

The little disciple shivered and quickly saluted and ran away.

Shi Qing took the purse from the white fairy's hand, and his expression was a little discontented. "I said, immortal, what do you mean? If you don't let me hook up with your Tianyan sect disciples, I have given you this face. Now I want to hook up with other sects, and you stop again. The disciple just now can't be your Tianyan sect's.

Gu qiushu pursed his lips slightly.

He didn't know why he wanted to stop Shi Qing. After thinking about it for a while, he could only be a reason.

You are an elder. Why should you embarrass them.

What is embarrassment? I didn't say that I wanted to force them to be friendly with me. I just wanted to exchange feelings. It's really bad for you, immortal. It's better for practitioners not to meddle in irrelevant people's affairs. "

Gu qiushu clenched the sword in his hand.

He didn't like Shi Qing saying that.

But it is true that he is irrelevant to the time.

If Shi Qing hadn't caught them for treatment this time, I'm afraid he would never have seen them in his life.

when he saw them, Qing sniffed his purse, his eyes showed satisfaction, and his ruddy lips murmured opening and closing. "Sure enough, the fragrance is special, very wonderful. He said to Gu qiushu with a smile and a purse. "I like the fragrance. That disciple, I'll try it. Please don't stop me, otherwise it will be beyond the boundary."

Gu qiushu stood in his place without saying a word.

When he looked at it, Qing took the purse and found the little disciple again. They talked for a few words, and their faces were all smiling.

The little disciple's eyes were bright, and he didn't know what Shi Qing said. He kept nodding. When Shiqing left, Gu qiushu still looked at the little disciple.

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Shi Qing returned the purse to him.

Then he put the purse back on his waist.

did Shi Qing praise him for the fragrance of the purse?

Gu qiushu walked over, took out the spirit stone and directly sent it to the little disciple.

As soon as I raised my eyes, I saw such a cold person standing in front of me, and I was shocked. Before reaction, Gu qiushu said coldly, "this, buy your purse.

Little disciple "???

seeing that the elder of tianyanzong was still looking at him, he responded and quickly took off the purse and handed it to Gu qiushu.

"Here, here you are

Gu qiushu took the purse and gave him the spirit stone. He was scared to run away like a mouse when he saw a cat. The fairy in white looked down at the purse, got to the tip of his nose and sniffed it. It was really a fragrance.

He took off the jade pendant on his waist without expression and hung the purse on it.

Ding! Gu qiushu's rejection degree is 65

Shi Qing sits in the corner, picks up a grape and throws it into his mouth. He looks at the baiqiu tree standing in the same place as a wood. Man, tut tut.

The system suddenly brings up the host, and some unidentified people surround the ancestral gate. When

, the system calculates the time.

It should be the elders of those disciples who came to save people

don't worry about them if you have nothing to do.

Tieguzong put on a banquet, and everyone was eating noisily.

Outside, almost all the suzerain masters of the Xiuzhen world came. Are the younger brothers really caught in the iron bone clan?

absolutely true.

The faces of the lords were very ugly, but none of them retreated.

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"No matter how many puppets of tieguzong, we must win this war." no way, the most beloved children in the family are all in it.

There are their sons, their own disciples, one by one they were brought up by them. It is no exaggeration to say that it is their continuation and inheritance.

But the iron bone sect is really deceiving people.

Jing ran directly caught their little brothers here.

It's a pity to think about it.

I don't know what kind of sufferings those young people suffered in it.

One of the patriarchs was Laolaizi. He raised him carefully and taught him carefully. He finally got up and his foundation was stable. Then he let him go out and let him experience.

What he thought was that his son was too young, and his accomplishments were not enough. He was not sure where he would go to experience. But this time, his experience was different. This time, however, the direct descendants of various major sects were there.

With so many people around, his son must be OK.

As a result, who could have thought that something had happened just once.

In addition, the iron bone clan, which had three puppets during the robbery period, did a good job.

When he thought that his old son might be suffering from various kinds of torture, he didn't know what evil things the iron bone clan was going to do on his son.

"Don't worry. I've brought the elixir. As long as they still have a breath, I'm sure I can get them all back. This iron bone sect is really hatefulA group of people hid their bodies and quietly went to the iron bone sect.

Then, open the door.

As soon as the door is opened, the excitement inside is revealed.

in the room, the children of Xianmen sit at the banquet, and there are people dancing in front of them. Ha ha ha ha ha, that's exactly what happened.

This is delicious. Come on, brother.

"Shall we go out and have a look at the scenery in a moment? Eh, elder martial brother, do you want to go to the toilet? Take me a

who is it? It's so cold outside and the door is open Father? Master? Elder martial brother, don't drink it. Here comes the master.

"Grandfather, how did you come?"

filled with sadness, the patriarchs who decided to fight for the safety of these children did not know why, and suddenly wanted to beat these little children

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