On the fifth day from the bottom of a month, the Qing Dynasty and Yu Chen year left the palace.

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Go straight to the brothel with a clear goal.

When Yu chennian followed, when Qing stood at the gate of the brothel, his face was not very good-looking. When he saw the young man's expression of "I'm familiar here", he was welcomed in by several enthusiastic girls, and his eyes were already heavy.

"Oh!! When you are young

When Qing went in, the procuress came up with a smile on her face. Her tone was very friendly: "you haven't come for several days. It's sunny and green. They've been looking forward to you for a long time."

"It's so cold that I can't bear to go out."

The young master is used to this kind of situation that the stars support the moon. He waved his hand and said casually: "today I brought someone here. You can choose some better girls for me. You should have good looks and good dances."

"Ah! Ah! Don't worry. There are many good girls here. "

The procuress finished, saw when Qing went up the stairs, and turned to catch Yu chennian's arm warmly: "my Lord, you are a stranger. I don't know which childe is it?"

Yu chennian raised his head and took a look at the young master who did not go back to the stairs. He calmly shook off the old lady's hand.

The procuress was stunned, "Ye you..."

She looked at the young man.

The bottom of her eyes was full of anger. It was just a calm face, but it made her whole person tremble and her face turned white.

"What are you doing, slow to death."

Standing at the top of the stairs when Qing finally found that Yu chennian did not follow up, impatiently turned to urge: "hurry up, I will freeze to death."

Yu chennian takes back the cold look to the procuress's line of sight, stuffy does not make a sound to go up the stairs, all the way follow when clear to his habitual room.

As soon as I entered the door, there was a smell of fragrance. The young master coughed several times. He was blowing the wind on the tip of his nose and muttering:

"the fragrance is too strong. Last time I wanted to say, what kind of fragrance do you use? It's boring. Change it quickly."

Yu chennian, who came in after him, asked in a light tone: "do you often come here?"

"Of course."

When the Qing Dynasty is familiar with the way to sit on the chair, full of reasonable face to push the teapot to Yu chennian direction: "quickly pour me a cup of tea to warm up, this weather is also too cold."

The young man sat down in silence, pouring tea and saying, "how old are you? You often come to this kind of place."

"There are a lot of husbands of my age who are engaged. Isn't it normal for me to have fun?"

Have fun.

Hearing these three words, Yu chennian held the handle of the teapot tightly and seemed to have a fire in his heart.


Xu is because Qing is always pestering him these days, he has forgotten.

The reputation of the prodigal son of the Qing Dynasty spread throughout the capital. He never covered it up, even showed off.

Before that, he also said that the hands of the top girls in brothels were hard to touch, and he wanted to ask his father for a beautiful maiden.

Ding! Yu chennian's rejection rate is 70]

[Ding! Yu chennian's rejection degree 71]

[Ding! Yu chennian's rejection rate 72]

the system is about to cry.

[host, he drank a cup of tea when he was madly increasing the rejection degree:

don't worry. ]

the door was opened from the outside, and the Orioles and swallows came in with a fragrant wind, "I haven't been here for a long time."

"I miss you so much. How can I be so cruel that I don't come to see me for a full month."

Shi Qing was surrounded by a group of girls, and she looked very comfortable. She was very skillful with them:

"where is a month? It's cold recently. I just didn't come for a few days. Didn't I come the other two days?"

All the girls laughed and argued:

"my master is sophistication. I said you didn't see me. Last time you came, you didn't look for me. I have been waiting for you for a month."

"Yes, sir. If it's cold outside, it's warm and tight in our building. According to your order, this room has a fire basin for 12 hours."

Shi Qing is like a beautiful woman who is infatuated with beauty at the moment. She doesn't seem to be arrogant to others before. She is good-looking. What you say is what you say

Sitting on one side and watching him sink into the beauty of Yu chennian's face more and more ugly, holding the teapot hand blue veins slowly with force burst out.

It never occurred to him that he would stay in the palace until dusk almost every day, and that he could still spare time to come to the brotherhood.


When the teapot handle broke, Yu chennian suddenly came back to himself and threw the handle on the table in silence.

He looked up and didn't notice Shiqing.

If you break something in the palace, the young master must laugh at him for not taking a teapot well.But now, Shi Qingzheng was busy reminiscing about the past with a group of girls, and did not look at this side.

Yu chennian's face became darker.

He was full of low air pressure, and when he didn't squeeze, the girls around him were scared by his aura, and they didn't dare to go forward. They looked so pitiful.

Fortunately, when Qing Dynasty reminisces old enough, Yang Sheng way: "today saw you, the young master is in a good mood, sings some happy song."


Shi Qing was always generous, and was more generous when he was in a good mood. Listening to him, the girls all got up happily, playing the piano, singing and dancing.

There was a stir in the room.

The young master sat on the chair with a happy face. He peeled the peanuts while watching. He looked around and looked around. He called out to the outside, "is there anyone out there?"

"Oh, here it is."

For a guest of high status like him, the brothel usually arranges a servant to wait at the door. When Shiqing called out, a young boy came in immediately.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

"You go."

When Qing threw a ingot of broken silver at him, and saw that he had caught it, he picked his chin. "Go downstairs and watch. If someone I know is coming, I'll report it quickly."

"Well, I'll go now."

The boy holding the silver, smiling teeth out of sight, without saying a word, he went out, closed the door and went downstairs.

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As soon as he left, Shiqing threw the peanuts on his hand into the plate, and said to him, "how hard is it to peel these peanuts?"

The young master is particularly righteous: "Yu chennian, you peel it for me."

The young man has not spoken since the girls came in just now. In a group of hot and noisy music and songs, he looks ugly and sits in silence, especially out of place.

Several girls had been careful to avoid him just now.

However, Shi Qing seemed not to notice that he was still enjoying the song and dance in a good mood. Seeing that Yu chennian did not act or speak, he was dissatisfied with his beautiful face.

He directly grabbed the young man's long hand, and then put it on the plate, urging: "You peel it for me, I will not peel it."

Yu chennian: "I will not."

It was the first time that he refused himself. The expression on the young master's face immediately pulled down, and he took up his hand unhappily. Maybe the relationship between the two was quite good. He didn't turn over his face and murmured in his mouth:

"I'm kind enough to bring you out to see the world. What's your attitude? You don't want to peel a peanut."

"Forget it, don't you, ah, you..." He called out to the dancing girls, "anybody, peel the peanuts for me."

A gorgeous girl stopped from kindness and came forward with a smile, "master, I'll strip you."

Watching her a pair of delicate jade hands to fall on the top of the peanut, the plate was suddenly the whole youth to carry up.

The girl looked at Yu chennian who put the plate in front of her and began to peel peanuts. She was stunned.

It's time for Qingle to say, "don't you?"

Yu chennian did not speak, only the silent peeling of peanuts.

The girl looked at him, and then at Shiqing: "master?"

Shiqing waved her hand to let her go down, and hem and haw raised her small chin, and looked at Yu chennian haughtily: "well peel, peel clean, I don't like the crispy inside, all of them come down."

Yu chennian is silent, only when Shiqing's sight falls on the girls again, he throws the crushed peanuts aside.

The young master didn't realize how bad the mood of others was. He was still happily watching songs and dances. He even leaned on Yu chennian's shoulder skillfully. He looked at the direction of the song and dance without blinking his eyes. His ruddy mouth opened for feeding.

Not being fed peanuts, he did not go to see Yu chennian. Instead, he leaned on the youth, and his little white hand was not happy to push: "Why are you so slow? Peel it quickly."

Is complaining that Yu chennian peels a peanut so slowly, outside suddenly comes a knock on the door.

When Qing didn't get up from the youth's shoulder, he leaned lazily on it: "come in."

The boy came in respectfully and said, "Master Wu is here."

Shi Qing suddenly sat upright.

"OK, OK, I see. You go down and tell Wu Er that I'm here. Keep watching."

As soon as the boy answered and went out, the young master said to the girls who were playing the piano, singing and dancing: "two people here."

When the two girls came, the young master asked them to sit down. He held them with open arms, and murmured to him:

"you should lean on me. Hurry up and get closer."

The girls are used to it. They lean on each other and smile and act coquettishly: "we are close enough to the master."

"Yes, sir. Don't worry. Mr. Wu certainly can't see anything."Yu chennian looks at this scene and reveals some doubts in his eyes.

Before that, Shiqing was surrounded by many girls, but at that time he only had flowers on his mouth and no movement on his hands.

Now it's a little closer. It just doesn't look like he wants to do something, but he wants to make the second childe of Wu think he is doing something.

Without hesitation, he directly asked Shi Qing, "what do you do?"

"Can't you see that?"

The young master hemmed and hawed, embracing two beauties who were taller than him, and raised his head with pride: "Wu Er knows I'm here, and he will come to say hello to me."

Yu chennian looks at and finishes this sentence in silence, then continues to concave modeling time Qing.

So what?

What's the relationship between Wu er's coming up and his pretending to be a beautiful woman?

When Qing Dynasty saw Yu chennian still staring at himself, tut said:

"Why are you so stupid? You play together. If you ask my friends to see me come to the brothel just to watch songs and dances, they will surely laugh at me."

Finish this sentence, he saw the youth in front of him slowly, slowly toward himself showed a smile.

[yuchennian rejection: 65100]

[yuchennian exclusion: 60100]

[yuchennian exclusion: 53100]

Shiqing: [suppress first, then promote, six not six. ]

the system screamed with excitement: [the host is so powerful!! It's almost the last three!! ]

in Yu chennian's eyes, the young master was full of doubts, and because he was inexplicably laughing, he gave him a kick:

"what are you laughing at?"


Naturally, Yu chennian would not tell him what he was laughing at. He just stretched out his hand and quickly peeled a peanut and handed it to the young man's lips.

Obviously, Shi Xiaoye took the peanut as his flattery, opened his mouth and ate the peanut. He chewed it, with a trace of pride in his beautiful eyebrows and eyes.

As expected, the second young master of Wu came to say hello. When he saw the Qing Dynasty, he was also used to it.

When he left, the young master immediately released the two girls, "what fragrance do you use? It's choking."

The girls are all waiters, and they don't want to face like a decent girl. After hearing this, they just smile back:

"slaves don't have much savings, so they can't afford good incense."

They are supposed to serve people. If they say this, they may even annoy the guests if they have a bad temper.

But the young master, who had always been bad tempered and arrogant, didn't look angry at all. Instead, he seemed to pity them.

Shiqing took out a silver note and put it directly on the table. He said generously, "you can take this money and share it. Next time I come back, I won't use such choking incense. It's really fuming."

"Thank you very much."

The girl who said this had an immediate look of joy.

The silver ticket is also at least fifty Liang denomination, which is a reward for the guests. The lady will only have to go half way. They will share the rest of the silver with each other, and there are a lot of them.

With the silver, several girls serve more vigorously.

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Even the dancing posture is much softer.

The girls were in a good mood, and Shi Qing was in a good mood. Even Yu chennian knew that the young master only wanted face, so he deliberately put on an old hand in love and felt much more comfortable.

The atmosphere in the room can't be better.

The young man peeled the peanuts and fed it to Shi Qing, who was leaning against him to watch the song and dance. Seeing his eyes fixed, he asked casually:

"you are very kind to these women."

Young master also did not hide: "yes, I was a cherish woman since I was a child, do not know all the capital city?"

Yu chennian was calm this time.

"But I see that you don't cherish women as much as they preach."

At least in addition to the stage of acting, Shi Qing did not take advantage of these women.

Shi Qing: "it doesn't matter. I don't lack the reputation of that idea."

The two people who stayed to serve tea and water listened to their conversation and interposed: "among many guests we have met, my master is the most kind-hearted. If you didn't come to our building a few days ago, the girl who was beaten and scolded by the guests would have suffered a great crime."

The young master waved his hand and was very proud: "it's nothing, but I can't get used to that old guy's arrogance. He's an old helper and wants to fight with me. I can kick him down with only my feet."

The girl directly ignored the fact that the client was scared to get down when he reported to his family. She blew rainbow fart with admiration:

"yes, where can he beat me?"

Yu chennian listened and frowned abruptly. "Is someone going to fight with you?"

"Just an old man."Then he snorted coldly: "I said that I didn't like my wives and concubines. I wanted to come to the brothel to have fun. As a result, I hated the girls in the building for their naked clothes and scolded them for a long time, but they didn't even want to beat people. I just gave them up."

The girl poured him a cup of tea: "most of the guests who came to the brothel only regarded us as playthings. Seeing that the girl was beaten, and there were others who were cheering around, we were grateful to you for your help."

When I was praised, I was more proud.

"It's nothing. I don't like men who don't care for women. Especially those who think that the women in the family are dignified and come to the brothel to have fun, and that the girls in the brothel are too frivolous to make trouble. If they are too frivolous, don't come to the brothel. But there's something wrong with it. My father is the prime minister and I'm not so arrogant."

"Yes, you are right."

The girl was blind in the face of the gold Lord. She was totally regarded as the first arrogant dandy in the capital city in the Qing Dynasty.

The young master was so happy that he leaned on Yu chennian's shoulder more and more fiercely.

"You don't have to keep it in your heart next time. You can tell me that this kind of man who takes his wife and concubine to talk with him outside is disgusting."

"Why hasn't Liu Sanlang come yet? I've been playing here for a long time."

When Qing got up, his clothes were a little crooked because he had rubbed on Yu chennian before.

Yu chennian also stood up and helped him to arrange his clothes naturally.

The young master also let him finish, and complained: "I made an appointment with him yesterday. He didn't oversleep."

Next to the waiting girl put down the teapot: "Mr. Liu came to our building last night. I'm afraid he really went to sleep."

When Qing immediately frowned good-looking eyebrows, "this Liu San, always so do not trust."

"Forget it, all of you don't jump. Take a rest. I'll go out and have a look."

With that, he took Yu chennian out of the door.

After standing for a while at the railing, they saw two Langjun walking towards this side, laughing and talking.

Their voices were not loud, but because of the close distance, Shi Qing and Yu chennian listened to their words clearly.

"Brother Chen, you stay in the brothel all night. Won't the princess have any problem? Look at the fifth son-in-law. I don't even dare to see a woman on the street. "

The man named brother Chen was very proud and waved his hand and said, "what's the matter? The second princess is cowardly. Don't say that I come to visit the brothel. Even if I welcome twenty concubines back, she doesn't dare to have any opinions."

On hearing these three words, Yu chennian's expression immediately froze.

The second princess was born by his foster mother.

When he was a few years old, he had no time to take care of Yu chennian. Most of the time, the second princess came to accompany his half brother.

Later, he followed the waste empress into the cold palace, the second princess just arrived at the age, was married to a third grade official's legitimate eldest son.

The family name is Chen.

They are still saying:

"really? That's the Queen's daughter, your Majesty's daughter. Even if she has a good temper, it's not much better. "

"I can't cheat you. My mother told her to stand by the rules at home every day. She didn't dare to fart. Last time I took a brothel woman back, she said she didn't want to serve with prostitutes. I slapped her and cried for several days, but she still wanted to serve me."

Chen's husband, who was full of wine, was quite disgusted with the tone:

"I tell you, it's a princess. The fifth princess's mother is a noble concubine. The one in my family is a waste empress. She doesn't even have the waist token to get in and out of the palace, so there's no foundation to quarrel with me."

When Qing turned his head and looked at Yu chennian standing beside him.

He lowered his head and could not see the expression on his face, but he could see that his whole body was tensed tightly. His hands on the railing were even more tightly clenched into fists, so hard that his arms were shaking.

He didn't want to bear it.

But it must be tolerated.

Even the son of a third grade official could not afford to offend him before he was in power.

"Let's go back to the house," he said in a low voice

"Wait a minute."

Shi Qing left the railing and followed the two men. When they were about to go downstairs, Shi Qing stood behind them and kicked him in the butt.

In a flash, the young master Chen, who was just talking, rolled down the stairs.

Seeing him go down, the young master ran down the stairs.

"Who!! Who? I don't want to live anymore! "

Mr. Chen was dizzy. He just got up, and before he finished two cruel words, he was hit by Qing Qing on the ground like a little leopard.The people next to him still wanted to stop him. When he saw that Shi Qing was the one who hit him, he stood on the side hesitantly and advised him orally:

"shixiaoye, how can you start your hand well? Don't fight any more."

"I just want to fight!"

Shiqing also took time to return a sentence, and then ignored the scream of Mr. Chen, almost punched him in the face.

Yu chennian also came down from the upstairs and stopped the young master who was very aggressive in beating people:

"OK, don't fight."

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If things get so big that they get to the emperor, they know that Shi Qing beat people for the sake of the second princess. According to his father's temperament, at most, he just reprimands the Chen family.

When the time comes, Mr. Chen, who has lost face and was beaten again, will still find the second princess to vent his anger.

"Well, I'll let you go for the time being." When the Qing Dynasty along Yu chennian to get up, but also feel not enough to relieve gas, by the way severely kicked a foot on the ground of the bruised Mr. Chen.

Mr. Chen screamed bitterly. He was helped to stand up and said, "Shiqing!! You don't think that's enough! Today I must sue your majesty! "

Before that, the young master, who still said that he was not arrogant at all, was held in his arms by the youth behind him, but he still wanted to rush up and hit people:

"you go! You go

"When I was the son of the Prime Minister of Qing Dynasty, could I be afraid of you, the son of a third grade official?"

This sentence is really hateful.

Mr. Chen's body was shaking. He held out his finger and pointed to Shi Qing, who was full of arrogance!! Good!! You wait for me

Seeing him go, the procuress hurriedly came down to play round the field: "Oh, don't surround yourself."

"Sir, you should be calm. What's the matter? How could it be a good fight? "

"It's OK."

When the Qing Dynasty was Yu chennian holding waist, cold hum: "go, we go on to drink."

Yu chennian: "I'm afraid he will go to his father and complain."

"Go, go! I'm afraid he won't do it. "

The young master hummed: "if he goes, I have my own way to deal with him."

"All right, let me go. I'm still holding them when they're gone."

Yu chennian released his hand obediently.

"In fact, you don't have to do it. His father is from Yushitai. If you beat his legitimate eldest son and say something like that, even if there is a reason, it still doesn't make sense."

Shi Qing was not afraid at all. He was still haughty and held up his chin: "I know in my heart that the second princess is your sister, and you are my man. If he insults the second princess, he is insulting me."

"If you insult me, I will never let him feel better!"

Yu chennian looked at him with a dark and frightening sight.

Even though he knew that the young master was so unreasonable and protective, when the matter of "Shiqing was for him" was put in front of him, he was in a mess.

The young man said in a deep voice: "in the end, I am not striving for success. If I can be a supporter for elder sister Huang, the Chen family will not bully her like this."


Shi Qing gave him a push: "man, husband, what are you doing? You are the people around me. How can you be contaminated with my intelligence? In the future, the prince will surely be better than those who dare not even catch snakes."

Finished, the young master is very perfunctory to stand on tiptoe to pat Yu chennian's head: "I believe you, you can certainly be better than them, then bring you out, more face."

With that, he turned and went up the stairs again: "OK, let's go and watch the song and dance."

Under the stairs, Yu chennian looks at his back when he goes upstairs.

Young people are brisk and carefree.

He said, trust him.

Ding! Yu chennian's rejection rate: 50100]

[Ding! Yu chennian's rejection rate: 49100]

[Ding! Yu chennian's rejection rate: 48100]

the system has been exploded again, so excited that he can't even speak easily.

My God, the host!! God!! ]

Shi Qing smiles. ]

the system looked at the rejection rate record It's really exciting today.

So, its host is really a big guy!

After an hour, he was called to the palace by the people sent by the palace.

Without advice, he swaggered into the carriage.

Of course, there is Yu chennian.

When he got to the hall, he saw the emperor sitting at the top of the hall. At the bottom of the hall, Mr. Chen was black and blue, crying with tears. Beside him, there was an old man with an angry face in his official uniform. When he saw Shiqing come in, he still glared at him.

Shiqing glared back at him without looking at Mr. Chen, and knelt down in front of him.

"Shi Qing greets his majesty."

Yu chennian also knelt down: "children minister to father emperor please.""Well."

The Emperor didn't cry this time. Obviously, Mr. Chen and his father had already filed a complaint.

He asked, "Shiqing, do you know why I asked you to come?"

"The minister guessed it out."

The little boy was not afraid at all. He even looked back at Mr. Chen with a smile: "I have an appointment with Mr. Chen to play with the cloth storehouse. Seeing his appearance, he must have lost his tricks and came to his majesty to sue me."

"You're talking nonsense!"

Mr. Chen suddenly knelt down and straightened up: "I'm nearly ten years away from you. I can't play with you. How can I play with you?"

"It's clear that you are baffled by me and pushed me down the stairs without saying anything, but you still beat me hard..." He climbed forward two steps and kowtowed to the Emperor:

"Your Majesty, the courtiers heard that his father was the prime minister, and he was not afraid that I was the son of a third grade official. Your majesty, listen to me!! Shi Qing was so arrogant, relying on his father's official position to act like this. It's really bad conduct! "

One side of the Lord Chen also kowtow: "your majesty!! Although the old minister is only a third grade official, he is also devoted to his Majesty's sake. How can he tolerate this child's abusive words! "

The situation at the scene is still very unfavorable to the time.

The emperor was not worried, only continued to ask: "Shiqing, do you have anything to refute."

"Naturally, there are ministers."

The young boy's waist is very straight, and his face is also very upright: "what Mr. Chen said is not complete. I'll add it."

"What I said is that no matter the son of the prime minister or the son of a third grade official should be loyal to the country and cherish his majesty. In terms of respect for his majesty, I, the prime minister's son, think I am better than Mr. Chen."

"I respect your majesty, so I want to learn everything from your majesty. Your majesty likes to drink Jinyu soup, and I also like to drink Jinyu soup. Your majesty has been diligent and never slack off in the early days. I also get up early in the morning and go to the palace to study. Your Majesty is broad-minded. I will also be tolerant to people, and never talk too much. Your majesty is honest with others, so I always count on my words."

This seems to be how Shi Qing respected the emperor.

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Actually, it's crazy about rainbow farting.

But the emperor did.

He always felt that he was diligent and tolerant, but no one praised him. He thought that as an emperor, it was basic.

Now by time Qing such a boast, only feel whole body is comfortable, facial expression is a little soft.

Mr. Chen: "you are nonsense!! What you said is that you are not afraid of me

"Well, why should I be afraid of you?"

Mr. Chen: "you beat me for no reason. You're afraid I'll make decisions with your majesty."

Shiqing hem: "you said that, very unreasonable, we have a good appointment with buku, how can it be for no reason, you have forgotten why we asked for a job, I will help you remember."

"When I say I respect your majesty, I like what your majesty likes and what I like. I respect your Majesty's children from the bottom of my heart. But you have a dispute with me in respect of the prince's son and daughter."

Mr. Chen suddenly stopped.

He looked at Shi Qing in disbelief, and Shi Qing was still making up a lot of lies. He said, "I said, we are ministers. No matter my father is the prime minister, or your father is a third grade official, no matter how big the official is, we are only ministers. The ministers should respect the royal family. If a minister does not care about his Majesty's children, does it not mean that he does not even let his majesty go In my heart, if this man puts his Majesty's children in the same room with other lowly people, then he is not in the same room as his majesty and the lowly people. "

Mr. Chen began to sweat on his forehead.

Shi Qing added: "who will not care about your majesty? Isn't it a traitor with a rebellious intention! If there is such a person, let me deal with it. I will certainly have to chop off his hands and feet and send him to the execution ground. "

Mr. Chen's feet began to soften, and he was sweating all over.

The emperor's eyes were short-sighted at the top. He could not see the expression of Mr. Chen at the bottom. He agreed and nodded: "you are right."

Take Yu chennian for example. Even if he doesn't like this son himself, his other sons can bully Yu chennian. He can turn a blind eye.

If he was told to see the palace people bullying the prince, he would certainly be furious.

As soon as the emperor opened his mouth, Mr. Chen's cold sweat became faster.

Shi Qing had a good smile: "I had a dispute with Mr. Chen about how to deal with this kind of person, so I decided to use the cloth storehouse to divide the victory and defeat. The loser won."

The young boy turned his head and took a look at Mr. Chen, who suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the last sentence he said: "it's just that Mr. Chen is so cheap that he came to complain to his majesty when he lost. He also dragged Mr. Chen to come."

He sighed a long sigh, as if he was very sorry: "well, before we played the cloth storehouse, we also agreed that if anyone didn't accept the account, he would take the 20 boards."

Lord Chen was infuriated by his nonsense.

"Nonsense! My son was beaten by you for no reason. Your majesty, this matter must be investigated clearly, otherwise... ""Shi Qing is right

The sudden appearance of Mr. Chen interrupted the conversation.

Chen looked at his son incredulously: "what do you say?"

Mr. Chen felt bitter.

He didn't want to say that, but if he didn't say so, what would Shiqing do if he did not say that.

Broken hands, broken feet, on the execution ground, how did he eat so hard.

"I was right when I said it. It was It's me and him. The injuries on my face are all from playing with buku

Mr. Chen is confused.

Shi Qing turned his head: "it doesn't matter, I forgive you, but this board, if you don't want to fight, don't fight."

Mr. Chen is really going to cry. Before that, Shiqing said that his majesty treats people with integrity.

He is soft leg, ground head desperately: "hit!! I want to fight

"Do you really want to fight? The twenty boards are no small matter, and they are in the palace. They may be beaten to pieces. "

The emperor at the head of the court also saw that there was something between them. Of course, he was biased towards Shiqing, but he could not be too harsh on Lord Chen's son.

"It's just a joke. You don't have to be serious."

Shi Qing: "yes, yes, your majesty is right. It's just for fun. You see, I just beat your hands red. Didn't I say anything?"

Mr. Chen:

"By the way, when we go out of the palace, I'll go and see Mrs. Chen at your house. It's said that she is a gentle and amiable lady."

With that, the young master looked up at the emperor with a soft smile:

"I like to be close to the ladies who have good natures. Mr. Chen seems to be the son-in-law. His majesty once said that I should regard his highness as my brother-in-law, and the princesses are my sisters. I heard that Mrs. Chen treated the second princess better than her own daughter. Just in time, I went to visit the second Duke Lord

Mr. Chen is sweating again.

According to Shi Qing's temper, if he really came to his house, he would not find out those concubines.

Now he can talk nonsense without proof.

With the evidence, Shi Qing still had to have his head.

Shiqing didn't seem to see his sweat all over his head. He turned his head and crooked his head. But he asked lovingly, "Mr. Chen, don't you want to play the board? It was said that if you play the board, it is inconvenient to bother you today, so I will go back tomorrow. Since I don't play the board, I will go back with you in a moment. "


Mr. Chen took a deep breath and suddenly looked up at the Emperor: "your majesty! A man's promise is worth a thousand gold. Please give me twenty big boards for you! "

The emperor actually wanted to hit him.

Good he fell asleep nap, was called to break the lawsuit, the key break is not clear.

But in the end, he was a tolerant emperor, so he said, "no need, it's just a bet."

Time Qing also followed a face of tolerance: "yes, just a bet, we'd better not disturb your majesty, go to your house to chat."

This is the threat of nudity.

Mr. Chen tried to squeeze a smile on his face that was even worse than crying:

"yes, yes!"

"Hit me!! Please your Majesty's order to hit me! "

"Tut tut."

"I've never heard such a terrible request. I've always been soft hearted. I've been a little scared of him."

Mr. Chen:

He almost vomited blood, but he could only watch Shi Qing's face "I'm so afraid" and moved towards Yu chennian.

The little boy's tender voice:

"how terrible."

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