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326 There’s A Cave

Bian Dan packed up the bananas and placed them in the small basket she had brought. She turned around and asked Little Ah Yu, “Do you want to get into the basket? I’ll carry you down.”

Little Ah Yu shook her head. “It’s okay. I’ll walk by myself.”

She had grown up now and had to walk on her own.

The little lamb followed at the side and pushed its horn into Little Ah Yu’s hand, asking her to hold it and walk to prevent her from falling.

They went down the mountain very quickly. Bian Dan brought the bananas home first.

At this moment, Third Aunt Hu and the others had already cleaned up the courtyard and called Ah Yu in to sit. Ah Yu smiled and said that she still had to go elsewhere.

When she returned to Old man Wang’s house, she saw Tang Yuan washing clothes. She said to her, “Big Sister Tang Yuan, let’s go climb the mountain together. I found a cave!”

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Tang Yuan wrung out the last piece of clothing in her hand. “I still have to sweep the courtyard later. Wait for me to finish first.”

Little Ah Yu took the initiative to take the broom. “I’ll sweep it. I’ll sweep it. hang the clothes properly. After I’m done sweeping the courtyard, we can go out!”

“What’s there to sweep? Leave it there. Those boys only know how to play outside all day long. They don’t do anything at home and are spoiled!” Old Madam Wang walked out of the house and glanced at Tang Yuan. “I told you to follow Ah Yu. Don’t wander around the house all day. When you go out later, call those boys back. Those boys better not think that they can stop doing chores just because they’ve handed the task over to others.”

Tang Yuan nodded.

Recently, the Wang family had also been busy making cured meat. There were also some who were busy arranging the New Year goods to send back to their maternal family. Many of the family matters had been handed over to the children. The group of boys liked to slack off, so Tang Yuan took the initiative to do the chores.

With more things to do now, she did not have time to accompany Little Ah Yu.

Tang Yuan brought Little Ah Yu to fetch Bian Dan and ran to the river to call Wang Wulang and the others.

When Wang Wulang heard that they were going to look for a cave, he was still a little puzzled. “There’s a cave in the back mountain? Are you talking about the ones which we usually used to store things?”

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There were indeed caves in the back of the mountain, but they were all very small. Usually, everyone would store some tools used to make traps for hunting inside.

Also, during the busy farming season, everyone would occasionally put a kettle in the caves to make it convenient for people working on the mountain.

Little Ah Yu said, “No, it’s in a cave on the mountain.”

It was hard to explain, so Bian Dan simply brought them around and ran to the bottom of the cliff.

It was really a straight cliff. Unless one knew some lightness techniques, it was very difficult to climb up.

They did not have the strength at all.

On the other hand, vines fell from the top of the mountain, but they only reached halfway. There was no way to reach them.

“How could there be a cave up there? Little Sister Ah Yu, did you see wrongly?” Wang Sanlang looked up and could only see lush tree vines and the mountain wall that looked a little oppressive.

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On the other hand, Wang Wulang said to Wang Silang beside him, “Fourth Brother, you’re faster at running. Call Mr. Ding over. Mr. Ding can fly, so he should be able to climb up.”

These words reminded Little Ah Yu. She ran under a tree and looked up at Chi Tu who was sitting above. “Uncle Tu, can you help me see if there’s a cave?”

Chi Tu jumped down from the tree expressionlessly. Under the surprised gazes of the children, he flew up the mountain wall with just a tap of his foot. Then, he grabbed the tree vines on the mountain wall and flew a little higher. In a few steps, he flew to the densest part of the tree vines.

The children: “Wow, amazing!”

The boys were extremely excited, and their eyes were filled with shock.

After a while, Chi Tu flew back down.

“Uncle Tu, is there a cave there?”

Chi Tu nodded slowly as the children watched. “Yes.”

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And there was something else in the cave.

There were several large wooden boxes covered in thick dust. It was unknown how many years they had been placed there, but the wood was not rotten at all.

Ah Yu discovered a cave at the back of the mountain.

This news shocked the people of Hu Family Village who were busy.

Was there a cave on the mountain that had not been discovered?

The elders who had lived in the village for decades were all at a loss. They had never heard of this news.

Then, they became excited.

What good things had Ah Yu brought them again?

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